// // Copyright 2012-2013, Syoyo Fujita. // // Licensed under 2-clause BSD liecense. // #ifndef _TINY_OBJ_LOADER_H #define _TINY_OBJ_LOADER_H #include #include #include namespace tinyobj { typedef struct { std::string name; float ambient[3]; float diffuse[3]; float specular[3]; float transmittance[3]; float emission[3]; float shininess; std::string ambient_texname; std::string diffuse_texname; std::string specular_texname; std::string normal_texname; std::map unknown_parameter; } material_t; typedef struct { std::vector positions; std::vector normals; std::vector texcoords; std::vector indices; } mesh_t; typedef struct { std::string name; material_t material; mesh_t mesh; } shape_t; /// Loads .obj from a file. /// 'shapes' will be filled with parsed shape data /// The function returns error string. /// Returns empty string when loading .obj success. /// 'mtl_basepath' is optional, and used for base path for .mtl file. std::string LoadObj( std::vector& shapes, // [output] const char* filename, const char* mtl_basepath = NULL); }; #endif // _TINY_OBJ_LOADER_H