#ifndef GRAPHICS_SHARED_MEMORY_COMMANDS_H #define GRAPHICS_SHARED_MEMORY_COMMANDS_H //this is a very experimental draft of commands. We will iterate on this API (commands, arguments etc) #include "GraphicsSharedMemoryPublic.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ #include typedef int32_t smInt32a_t; typedef int64_t smInt64a_t; typedef uint32_t smUint32a_t; typedef uint64_t smUint64a_t; #elif defined(_MSC_VER) typedef __int32 smInt32a_t; typedef __int64 smInt64a_t; typedef unsigned __int32 smUint32a_t; typedef unsigned __int64 smUint64a_t; #else typedef int smInt32a_t; typedef long long int smInt64a_t; typedef unsigned int smUint32a_t; typedef unsigned long long int smUint64a_t; #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #define GRAPHICS_SHARED_MEMORY_MAX_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE (512 * 1024) #else #define GRAPHICS_SHARED_MEMORY_MAX_STREAM_CHUNK_SIZE (4 * 1024 * 1024) #endif struct GraphicsCommand0 { int bla; }; struct GraphicsUpAxisCommand { int m_enableUpAxisY; }; struct GraphicsStatus0 { int bla; }; struct GraphicsVisualizerFlagCommand { int m_visualizerFlag; int m_enable; }; struct GraphicsUploadDataCommand { int m_numBytes; int m_dataOffset; int m_dataSlot; }; struct GraphicRegisterTextureCommand { int m_width; int m_height; }; struct GraphicsRegisterTextureStatus { int m_textureId; }; struct GraphicsRegisterGraphicsShapeCommand { int m_numVertices; int m_numIndices; int m_primitiveType; int m_textureId; }; struct GraphicsRegisterGraphicsShapeStatus { int m_shapeId; }; struct GraphicsRegisterGraphicsInstanceCommand { int m_shapeIndex; float m_position[4]; float m_quaternion[4]; float m_color[4]; float m_scaling[4]; }; struct GraphicsRegisterGraphicsInstanceStatus { int m_graphicsInstanceId; }; struct GraphicsSyncTransformsCommand { int m_numPositions; }; struct GraphicsRemoveInstanceCommand { int m_graphicsUid; }; struct GraphicsSharedMemoryCommand { int m_type; smUint64a_t m_timeStamp; int m_sequenceNumber; //m_updateFlags is a bit fields to tell which parameters need updating //for example m_updateFlags = SIM_PARAM_UPDATE_DELTA_TIME | SIM_PARAM_UPDATE_NUM_SOLVER_ITERATIONS; int m_updateFlags; union { struct GraphicsCommand0 m_graphicsCommand0; struct GraphicsUpAxisCommand m_upAxisYCommand; struct GraphicsVisualizerFlagCommand m_visualizerFlagCommand; struct GraphicsUploadDataCommand m_uploadDataCommand; struct GraphicRegisterTextureCommand m_registerTextureCommand; struct GraphicsRegisterGraphicsShapeCommand m_registerGraphicsShapeCommand; struct GraphicsRegisterGraphicsInstanceCommand m_registerGraphicsInstanceCommand; struct GraphicsSyncTransformsCommand m_syncTransformsCommand; struct GraphicsRemoveInstanceCommand m_removeGraphicsInstanceCommand; }; }; struct GraphicsSharedMemoryStatus { int m_type; smUint64a_t m_timeStamp; int m_sequenceNumber; //m_streamBytes is only for internal purposes int m_numDataStreamBytes; char* m_dataStream; //m_updateFlags is a bit fields to tell which parameters were updated, //m_updateFlags is ignored for most status messages int m_updateFlags; union { struct GraphicsStatus0 m_graphicsStatus0; struct GraphicsRegisterTextureStatus m_registerTextureStatus; struct GraphicsRegisterGraphicsShapeStatus m_registerGraphicsShapeStatus; struct GraphicsRegisterGraphicsInstanceStatus m_registerGraphicsInstanceStatus; }; }; typedef struct GraphicsSharedMemoryStatus GraphicsSharedMemoryStatus_t; #endif //GRAPHICS_SHARED_MEMORY_COMMANDS_H