import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pybullet pybullet.connect(pybullet.GUI) pybullet.loadURDF("r2d2.urdf") camTargetPos = [0,0,0] cameraUp = [0,0,1] cameraPos = [1,1,1] yaw = 40 pitch = 10.0 roll=0 upAxisIndex = 2 camDistance = 4 pixelWidth = 320 pixelHeight = 240 nearPlane = 0.01 farPlane = 1000 fov = 60 #img_arr = pybullet.renderImage(pixelWidth, pixelHeight) #renderImage(w, h, view[16], projection[16]) #img_arr = pybullet.renderImage(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, cameraPos, camTargetPos, cameraUp, nearPlane, farPlane) for pitch in range (0,360,10) : img_arr = pybullet.renderImage(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, camTargetPos, camDistance, yaw, pitch, roll, upAxisIndex, nearPlane, farPlane, fov) w=img_arr[0] #width of the image, in pixels h=img_arr[1] #height of the image, in pixels rgb=img_arr[2] #color data RGB dep=img_arr[3] #depth data #print 'width = %d height = %d' % (w,h) # reshape creates np array np_img_arr = np.reshape(rgb, (h, w, 4)) np_img_arr = np_img_arr*(1./255.) #show plt.imshow(np_img_arr,interpolation='none') plt.pause(0.01) pybullet.resetSimulation()