//#define USE_OPENGL2 #ifdef USE_OPENGL2 #include "OpenGLWindow/SimpleOpenGL2App.h" typedef SimpleOpenGL2App SimpleOpenGLApp ; #else #include "OpenGLWindow/SimpleOpenGL3App.h" typedef SimpleOpenGL3App SimpleOpenGLApp ; #endif //USE_OPENGL2 #include "Bullet3Common/b3Quaternion.h" #include "Bullet3Common/b3CommandLineArgs.h" #include "assert.h" #include static char* gVideoFileName = 0; static char* gPngFileName = 0; static b3WheelCallback sOldWheelCB = 0; static b3ResizeCallback sOldResizeCB = 0; static b3MouseMoveCallback sOldMouseMoveCB = 0; static b3MouseButtonCallback sOldMouseButtonCB = 0; static b3KeyboardCallback sOldKeyboardCB = 0; //static b3RenderCallback sOldRenderCB = 0; static float gWidth = 1024; static float gHeight = 768; void MyWheelCallback2(float deltax, float deltay) { if (sOldWheelCB) sOldWheelCB(deltax,deltay); } void MyResizeCallback2( float width, float height) { gWidth = width; gHeight = height; if (sOldResizeCB) sOldResizeCB(width,height); } void MyMouseMoveCallback2( float x, float y) { printf("Mouse Move: %f, %f\n", x,y); if (sOldMouseMoveCB) sOldMouseMoveCB(x,y); } void MyMouseButtonCallback2(int button, int state, float x, float y) { if (sOldMouseButtonCB) sOldMouseButtonCB(button,state,x,y); } static void MyKeyboardCallback2(int keycode, int state) { //keycodes are in examples/CommonInterfaces/CommonWindowInterface.h //for example B3G_ESCAPE for escape key //state == 1 for pressed, state == 0 for released. // use app->m_window->isModifiedPressed(...) to check for shift, escape and alt keys printf("MyKeyboardCallback received key:%c in state %d\n",keycode,state); if (sOldKeyboardCB) sOldKeyboardCB(keycode,state); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { { b3CommandLineArgs myArgs(argc, argv); SimpleOpenGLApp* app = new SimpleOpenGLApp("SimpleOpenGL3App", 1024, 768); app->m_renderer->getActiveCamera()->setCameraDistance(13); app->m_renderer->getActiveCamera()->setCameraPitch(0); app->m_renderer->getActiveCamera()->setCameraTargetPosition(0, 0, 0); sOldKeyboardCB = app->m_window->getKeyboardCallback(); app->m_window->setKeyboardCallback(MyKeyboardCallback2); sOldMouseMoveCB = app->m_window->getMouseMoveCallback(); app->m_window->setMouseMoveCallback(MyMouseMoveCallback2); sOldMouseButtonCB = app->m_window->getMouseButtonCallback(); app->m_window->setMouseButtonCallback(MyMouseButtonCallback2); sOldWheelCB = app->m_window->getWheelCallback(); app->m_window->setWheelCallback(MyWheelCallback2); sOldResizeCB = app->m_window->getResizeCallback(); app->m_window->setResizeCallback(MyResizeCallback2); myArgs.GetCmdLineArgument("mp4_file", gVideoFileName); if (gVideoFileName) app->dumpFramesToVideo(gVideoFileName); myArgs.GetCmdLineArgument("png_file", gPngFileName); char fileName[1024]; int textureWidth = 128; int textureHeight = 128; unsigned char* image = new unsigned char[textureWidth*textureHeight * 4]; int textureHandle = app->m_renderer->registerTexture(image, textureWidth, textureHeight); do { static int frameCount = 0; frameCount++; if (gPngFileName) { printf("gPngFileName=%s\n", gPngFileName); sprintf(fileName, "%s%d.png", gPngFileName, frameCount++); app->dumpNextFrameToPng(fileName); } //update the texels of the texture using a simple pattern, animated using frame index for (int y = 0; y < textureHeight; ++y) { const int t = (y + frameCount) >> 4; unsigned char* pi = image + y*textureWidth * 3; for (int x = 0; x < textureWidth; ++x) { const int s = x >> 4; const unsigned char b = 180; unsigned char c = b + ((s + (t & 1)) & 1)*(255 - b); pi[0] = pi[1] = pi[2] = pi[3] = c; pi += 3; } } app->m_renderer->activateTexture(textureHandle); app->m_renderer->updateTexture(textureHandle, image); float color[4] = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }; app->m_primRenderer->drawTexturedRect(100, 200, gWidth / 2 - 50, gHeight / 2 - 50, color, 0, 0, 1, 1, true); app->m_renderer->init(); int upAxis = 1; app->m_renderer->updateCamera(upAxis); app->m_renderer->renderScene(); app->drawGrid(); char bla[1024]; sprintf(bla, "2d text:%d", frameCount); float yellow[4] = {1,1,0,1}; app->drawText(bla, 10, 10, 1, yellow); float position[3] = {1,1,1}; float position2[3] = {0,0,5}; float orientation[4] = {0,0,0,1}; app->drawText3D(bla,0,0,1,1); sprintf(bla, "3d bitmap camera facing text:%d", frameCount); app->drawText3D(bla,position2,orientation,color,1,CommonGraphicsApp::eDrawText3D_OrtogonalFaceCamera); sprintf(bla, "3d bitmap text:%d", frameCount); app->drawText3D(bla,position,orientation,color,0.001,0); float green[4] = {0,1,0,1}; float blue[4] = {0,0,1,1}; sprintf(bla, "3d ttf camera facing text:%d", frameCount); app->drawText3D(bla,position2,orientation,green,1,CommonGraphicsApp::eDrawText3D_TrueType|CommonGraphicsApp::eDrawText3D_OrtogonalFaceCamera); app->drawText3D(bla,position2,orientation,green,1,CommonGraphicsApp::eDrawText3D_TrueType|CommonGraphicsApp::eDrawText3D_OrtogonalFaceCamera); sprintf(bla, "3d ttf text:%d", frameCount); b3Quaternion orn; orn.setEulerZYX(B3_HALF_PI/2.,0,B3_HALF_PI/2.); app->drawText3D(bla,position2,orn,blue,1,CommonGraphicsApp::eDrawText3D_TrueType); app->swapBuffer(); } while (!app->m_window->requestedExit()); delete app; delete[] image; } return 0; }