function convertFile(filenameIn, filenameOut, stringname) print("\nfilenameOut = " .. filenameOut) local f = assert(, "rb")) local fw =,"w") fw:write(string.format("char %s[]={", stringname)) local block = 10 while true do local bytes = f:read(block) if not bytes then break end for b in string.gfind(bytes, ".") do fw:write(string.format("char(%u),", string.byte(b))) end --io.write(string.rep(" ", block - string.len(bytes) + 1)) --io.write(string.gsub(bytes, "%c", "."), "\n") fw:write(string.format("\n")) end fw:write(string.format("\n};")) end newoption { trigger = "binfile", value = "binpath", description = "full path to the binary input file" } newoption { trigger = "cppfile", value = "path", description = "full path to the cpp output file" } newoption { trigger = "stringname", value = "var", description = "name of the variable name in the cppfile that contains the binary data" } newaction { trigger = "bin2cpp", description = "convert binary file into cpp source", execute = function () convertFile( _OPTIONS["binfile"] , _OPTIONS["cppfile"], _OPTIONS["stringname"]) end }