#include #include #include #include "our_gl.h" #include "Bullet3Common/b3MinMax.h" IShader::~IShader() {} Matrix viewport(int x, int y, int w, int h) { Matrix Viewport; Viewport = Matrix::identity(); Viewport[0][3] = x+w/2.f; Viewport[1][3] = y+h/2.f; Viewport[2][3] = 1.f; Viewport[0][0] = w/2.f; Viewport[1][1] = h/2.f; Viewport[2][2] = 0; return Viewport; } Matrix projection(float coeff) { Matrix Projection; Projection = Matrix::identity(); Projection[3][2] = coeff; return Projection; } Matrix lookat(Vec3f eye, Vec3f center, Vec3f up) { Vec3f z = (eye-center).normalize(); Vec3f x = cross(up,z).normalize(); Vec3f y = cross(z,x).normalize(); Matrix Minv = Matrix::identity(); Matrix Tr = Matrix::identity(); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { Minv[0][i] = x[i]; Minv[1][i] = y[i]; Minv[2][i] = z[i]; Tr[i][3] = -center[i]; } Matrix ModelView; ModelView = Minv*Tr; return ModelView; } Vec3f barycentric(Vec2f A, Vec2f B, Vec2f C, Vec2f P) { Vec3f s[2]; for (int i=2; i--; ) { s[i][0] = C[i]-A[i]; s[i][1] = B[i]-A[i]; s[i][2] = A[i]-P[i]; } Vec3f u = cross(s[0], s[1]); if (std::abs(u[2])>1e-2) // dont forget that u[2] is integer. If it is zero then triangle ABC is degenerate return Vec3f(1.f-(u.x+u.y)/u.z, u.y/u.z, u.x/u.z); return Vec3f(-1,1,1); // in this case generate negative coordinates, it will be thrown away by the rasterizator } void triangle(mat<4,3,float> &clipc, IShader &shader, TGAImage &image, float *zbuffer, const Matrix& viewPortMatrix) { mat<3,4,float> pts = (viewPortMatrix*clipc).transpose(); // transposed to ease access to each of the points mat<3,2,float> pts2; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) pts2[i] = proj<2>(pts[i]/pts[i][3]); Vec2f bboxmin( std::numeric_limits::max(), std::numeric_limits::max()); Vec2f bboxmax(-std::numeric_limits::max(), -std::numeric_limits::max()); Vec2f clamp(image.get_width()-1, image.get_height()-1); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { for (int j=0; j<2; j++) { bboxmin[j] = b3Max(0.f, b3Min(bboxmin[j], pts2[i][j])); bboxmax[j] = b3Min(clamp[j], b3Max(bboxmax[j], pts2[i][j])); } } Vec2i P; TGAColor color; for (P.x=bboxmin.x; P.x<=bboxmax.x; P.x++) { for (P.y=bboxmin.y; P.y<=bboxmax.y; P.y++) { Vec3f bc_screen = barycentric(pts2[0], pts2[1], pts2[2], P); Vec3f bc_clip = Vec3f(bc_screen.x/pts[0][3], bc_screen.y/pts[1][3], bc_screen.z/pts[2][3]); bc_clip = bc_clip/(bc_clip.x+bc_clip.y+bc_clip.z); float frag_depth = clipc[2]*bc_clip; if (bc_screen.x<0 || bc_screen.y<0 || bc_screen.z<0 || zbuffer[P.x+P.y*image.get_width()]>frag_depth) continue; bool discard = shader.fragment(bc_clip, color); if (!discard) { zbuffer[P.x+P.y*image.get_width()] = frag_depth; image.set(P.x, P.y, color); } } } }