# This is basically the overall name of the project in Visual Studio this is the name of the Solution File # For every executable you have with a main method you should have an add_executable line below. # For every add executable line you should list every .cpp and .h file you have associated with that executable. # This is the variable for Windows. I use this to define the root of my directory structure. SET(GLUT_ROOT ${BULLET_PHYSICS_SOURCE_DIR}/Glut) # You shouldn't have to modify anything below this line ######################################################## INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( ${BULLET_PHYSICS_SOURCE_DIR}/src ${BULLET_PHYSICS_SOURCE_DIR}/Demos/OpenGL ) IF (USE_GLUT) LINK_LIBRARIES( OpenGLSupport BulletDynamics BulletCollision LinearMath ${GLUT_glut_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY} ) ADD_EXECUTABLE(AppBox2dDemo main.cpp Box2dDemo.cpp Box2dDemo.h ) ELSE (USE_GLUT) LINK_LIBRARIES( OpenGLSupport BulletDynamics BulletCollision LinearMath ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY} ) ADD_EXECUTABLE(AppBox2dDemo WIN32 ../OpenGL/Win32AppMain.cpp Win32Box2dDemo.cpp Box2dDemo.cpp Box2dDemo.h ) ENDIF (USE_GLUT)