solution "0_Bullet3Solution" local osversion = os.getversion() print(string.format(" %d.%d.%d (%s)", osversion.majorversion, osversion.minorversion, osversion.revision, osversion.description)) if _ACTION == "vs2010" or _ACTION=="vs2008" then buildoptions { -- Multithreaded compiling "/MP", -- Disable a few useless warnings "/wd4244", "/wd4267" } end act = "" if _ACTION then act = _ACTION end newoption { trigger = "ios", description = "Enable iOS target (requires xcode4)" } newoption { trigger = "enable_system_opengl", description = "Try to link and use the system OpenGL headers version instead of dynamically loading OpenGL (dlopen is default)" } newoption { trigger = "enable_openvr", description = "Enable experimental Virtual Reality examples, using OpenVR for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift" } newoption { trigger = "enable_system_x11", description = "Try to link and use system X11 headers instead of dynamically loading X11 (dlopen is default)" } newoption { trigger = "noopengl3", description = "Don't compile any OpenGL3+ code" } newoption { trigger = "midi", description = "Use Midi controller to control parameters" } -- --_OPTIONS["midi"] = "1"; newoption { trigger = "no-demos", description = "Don't build demos" } newoption { trigger = "no-extras", description = "Don't build Extras" } newoption { trigger = "no-enet", description = "Disable enet and enet tests" } newoption { trigger = "lua", description = "Enable Lua scipting support in Example Browser" } newoption { trigger = "enable_pybullet", description = "Enable high-level Python scripting of Bullet with URDF/SDF import and synthetic camera." } if"Linux") then default_python_include_dir = "/usr/include/python2.7" default_python_lib_dir = "/usr/local/lib/" end if"Windows") then default_python_include_dir = "C:/Python-3.5.2/include" default_python_lib_dir = "C:/Python-3.5.2/libs" end newoption { trigger = "python_include_dir", value = default_python_include_dir, description = "Python (2.x or 3.x) include directory" } newoption { trigger = "python_lib_dir", value = default_python_lib_dir, description = "Python (2.x or 3.x) library directory " } newoption { trigger = "targetdir", value = "path such as ../bin", description = "Set the output location for the generated project files" } newoption { trigger = "no-test", description = "Disable all tests" } newoption { trigger = "no-gtest", description = "Disable unit tests using gtest" } newoption { trigger = "no-bullet3", description = "Do not build bullet3 libs" } newoption { trigger = "double", description = "Double precision version of Bullet" } if _OPTIONS["double"] then defines {"BT_USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION"} end configurations {"Release", "Debug"} configuration "Release" flags { "Optimize", "EnableSSE2","StaticRuntime", "NoMinimalRebuild", "FloatFast"} configuration "Debug" defines {"_DEBUG=1"} flags { "Symbols", "StaticRuntime" , "NoMinimalRebuild", "NoEditAndContinue" ,"FloatFast"} if"Linux") or"macosx") then if os.is64bit() then platforms {"x64"} else platforms {"x32"} end else platforms {"x32","x64"} end configuration {"x32"} targetsuffix ("_" .. act) configuration "x64" targetsuffix ("_" .. act .. "_64" ) configuration {"x64", "debug"} targetsuffix ("_" .. act .. "_x64_debug") configuration {"x64", "release"} targetsuffix ("_" .. act .. "_x64_release" ) configuration {"x32", "debug"} targetsuffix ("_" .. act .. "_debug" ) configuration{} postfix="" if _ACTION == "xcode4" then if _OPTIONS["ios"] then _OPTIONS["no-bullet3"] = "1" _OPTIONS["no-gtest"] = "1" postfix = "ios"; xcodebuildsettings { 'INFOPLIST_FILE = "../../test/Bullet2/Info.plist"', 'CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "iPhone Developer"', "SDKROOT = iphoneos", 'ARCHS = "armv7"', 'TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"', 'VALID_ARCHS = "armv7"', } else xcodebuildsettings { 'ARCHS = "$(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) $(ARCHS_STANDARD_64_BIT)"', 'VALID_ARCHS = "x86_64 i386"', -- 'SDKROOT = "macosx10.9"', } end end -- comment-out for now, URDF reader needs exceptions -- flags { "NoRTTI", "NoExceptions"} -- defines { "_HAS_EXCEPTIONS=0" } --printf ( _OPTIONS["targetdir"] ) targetdir( _OPTIONS["targetdir"] or "../bin" ) location("./" .. act .. postfix) if not _OPTIONS["python_include_dir"] then _OPTIONS["python_include_dir"] = default_python_include_dir end if not _OPTIONS["python_lib_dir"] then _OPTIONS["python_lib_dir"] = default_python_lib_dir end projectRootDir = os.getcwd() .. "/../" print("Project root directory: " .. projectRootDir); dofile ("findOpenCL.lua") dofile ("findDirectX11.lua") dofile ("findOpenGLGlewGlut.lua") if (not findOpenGL3()) then defines {"NO_OPENGL3"} end language "C++" if not _OPTIONS["no-demos"] then include "../examples/ExampleBrowser" include "../examples/OpenGLWindow" include "../examples/ThirdPartyLibs/Gwen" include "../examples/SimpleOpenGL3" include "../examples/TinyRenderer" include "../examples/HelloWorld" include "../examples/BasicDemo" include "../examples/InverseDynamics" include "../examples/ExtendedTutorials" include "../examples/SharedMemory" include "../examples/ThirdPartyLibs/BussIK" include "../examples/MultiThreading" if _OPTIONS["lua"] then include "../examples/ThirdPartyLibs/lua-5.2.3" end if _OPTIONS["enable_pybullet"] then include "../examples/pybullet" end if not _OPTIONS["no-test"] then include "../test/SharedMemory" end end if not _OPTIONS["no-enet"] then include "../examples/ThirdPartyLibs/enet" include "../test/enet/nat_punchthrough/client" include "../test/enet/nat_punchthrough/server" include "../test/enet/chat/client" include "../test/enet/chat/server" defines {"BT_ENABLE_ENET"} end if _OPTIONS["no-bullet3"] then print "--no-bullet3 implies --no-demos" _OPTIONS["no-demos"] = "1" else include "../src/Bullet3Common" include "../src/Bullet3Geometry" include "../src/Bullet3Collision" include "../src/Bullet3Dynamics" include "../src/Bullet3OpenCL" include "../src/Bullet3Serialize/Bullet2FileLoader" end if _OPTIONS["no-extras"] then print "--no-extras implies --no-demos" _OPTIONS["no-demos"] = "1" else include "../Extras" end if not _OPTIONS["no-test"] then include "../test/Bullet2" if not _OPTIONS["no-gtest"] then include "../test/gtest-1.7.0" -- include "../test/hello_gtest" include "../test/collision" include "../test/BulletDynamics/pendulum" if not _OPTIONS["no-bullet3"] then if not _OPTIONS["no-extras"] then include "../test/InverseDynamics" end include "../test/TestBullet3OpenCL" end if not _OPTIONS["no-demos"] then -- Gwen is only used for demos include "../test/GwenOpenGLTest" end end end include "../src/BulletInverseDynamics" include "../src/BulletSoftBody" include "../src/BulletDynamics" include "../src/BulletCollision" include "../src/LinearMath"