#include "invdyn_bullet_comparison.hpp" #include #include "BulletInverseDynamics/IDConfig.hpp" #include "BulletInverseDynamics/MultiBodyTree.hpp" #include "btBulletDynamicsCommon.h" #include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyConstraintSolver.h" #include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.h" #include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyLinkCollider.h" #include "BulletDynamics/Featherstone/btMultiBodyPoint2Point.h" namespace btInverseDynamics { int compareInverseAndForwardDynamics(vecx &q, vecx &u, vecx &dot_u, btVector3 &gravity, bool verbose, btMultiBody *btmb, MultiBodyTree *id_tree, double *pos_error, double *acc_error) { // call function and return -1 if it does, printing an error_message #define RETURN_ON_FAILURE(x) \ do { \ if (-1 == x) { \ error_message("calling " #x "\n"); \ return -1; \ } \ } while (0) if (verbose) { printf("\n ===================================== \n"); } vecx joint_forces(q.size()); // set positions and velocities for btMultiBody // base link mat33 world_T_base; vec3 world_pos_base; btTransform base_transform; vec3 base_velocity; vec3 base_angular_velocity; RETURN_ON_FAILURE(id_tree->setGravityInWorldFrame(gravity)); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(id_tree->getBodyOrigin(0, &world_pos_base)); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(id_tree->getBodyTransform(0, &world_T_base)); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(id_tree->getBodyAngularVelocity(0, &base_angular_velocity)); RETURN_ON_FAILURE(id_tree->getBodyLinearVelocityCoM(0, &base_velocity)); base_transform.setBasis(world_T_base); base_transform.setOrigin(world_pos_base); btmb->setBaseWorldTransform(base_transform); btmb->setBaseOmega(base_angular_velocity); btmb->setBaseVel(base_velocity); btmb->setLinearDamping(0); btmb->setAngularDamping(0); // remaining links int q_index; if (btmb->hasFixedBase()) { q_index = 0; } else { q_index = 6; } if (verbose) { printf("bt:num_links= %d, num_dofs= %d\n", btmb->getNumLinks(), btmb->getNumDofs()); } for (int l = 0; l < btmb->getNumLinks(); l++) { const btMultibodyLink &link = btmb->getLink(l); if (verbose) { printf("link %d, pos_var_count= %d, dof_count= %d\n", l, link.m_posVarCount, link.m_dofCount); } if (link.m_posVarCount == 1) { btmb->setJointPosMultiDof(l, &q(q_index)); btmb->setJointVelMultiDof(l, &u(q_index)); if (verbose) { printf("set q[%d]= %f, u[%d]= %f\n", q_index, q(q_index), q_index, u(q_index)); } q_index++; } } // sanity check if (q_index != q.size()) { error_message("error in number of dofs for btMultibody and MultiBodyTree\n"); return -1; } // run inverse dynamics to determine joint_forces for given q, u, dot_u if (-1 == id_tree->calculateInverseDynamics(q, u, dot_u, &joint_forces)) { error_message("calculating inverse dynamics\n"); return -1; } // set up bullet forward dynamics model btScalar dt = 0; btAlignedObjectArray scratch_r; btAlignedObjectArray scratch_v; btAlignedObjectArray scratch_m; // this triggers switch between using either appliedConstraintForce or appliedForce bool isConstraintPass = false; // apply gravity forces for btMultiBody model. Must be done manually. btmb->addBaseForce(btmb->getBaseMass() * gravity); for (int link = 0; link < btmb->getNumLinks(); link++) { btmb->addLinkForce(link, gravity * btmb->getLinkMass(link)); if (verbose) { printf("link %d, applying gravity %f %f %f\n", link, gravity[0] * btmb->getLinkMass(link), gravity[1] * btmb->getLinkMass(link), gravity[2] * btmb->getLinkMass(link)); } } // apply generalized forces if (btmb->hasFixedBase()) { q_index = 0; } else { vec3 base_force; base_force(0) = joint_forces(3); base_force(1) = joint_forces(4); base_force(2) = joint_forces(5); vec3 base_moment; base_moment(0) = joint_forces(0); base_moment(1) = joint_forces(1); base_moment(2) = joint_forces(2); btmb->addBaseForce(world_T_base * base_force); btmb->addBaseTorque(world_T_base * base_moment); if (verbose) { printf("base force from id: %f %f %f\n", joint_forces(3), joint_forces(4), joint_forces(5)); printf("base moment from id: %f %f %f\n", joint_forces(0), joint_forces(1), joint_forces(2)); } q_index = 6; } for (int l = 0; l < btmb->getNumLinks(); l++) { const btMultibodyLink &link = btmb->getLink(l); if (link.m_posVarCount == 1) { if (verbose) { printf("id:joint_force[%d]= %f, applied to link %d\n", q_index, joint_forces(q_index), l); } btmb->addJointTorque(l, joint_forces(q_index)); q_index++; } } // sanity check if (q_index != q.size()) { error_message("error in number of dofs for btMultibody and MultiBodyTree\n"); return -1; } // run forward kinematics & forward dynamics btAlignedObjectArray world_to_local; btAlignedObjectArray local_origin; btmb->forwardKinematics(world_to_local, local_origin); btmb->computeAccelerationsArticulatedBodyAlgorithmMultiDof(dt, scratch_r, scratch_v, scratch_m, isConstraintPass); // read generalized accelerations back from btMultiBody // the mapping from scratch variables to accelerations is taken from the implementation // of stepVelocitiesMultiDof btScalar *base_accel = &scratch_r[btmb->getNumDofs()]; btScalar *joint_accel = base_accel + 6; *acc_error = 0; int dot_u_offset = 0; if (btmb->hasFixedBase()) { dot_u_offset = 0; } else { dot_u_offset = 6; } if (true == btmb->hasFixedBase()) { for (int i = 0; i < btmb->getNumDofs(); i++) { if (verbose) { printf("bt:ddot_q[%d]= %f, id:ddot_q= %e, diff= %e\n", i, joint_accel[i], dot_u(i + dot_u_offset), joint_accel[i] - dot_u(i)); } *acc_error += BT_ID_POW(joint_accel[i] - dot_u(i + dot_u_offset), 2); } } else { vec3 base_dot_omega; vec3 world_dot_omega; world_dot_omega(0) = base_accel[0]; world_dot_omega(1) = base_accel[1]; world_dot_omega(2) = base_accel[2]; base_dot_omega = world_T_base.transpose() * world_dot_omega; // com happens to coincide with link origin here. If that changes, we need to calculate // ddot_com vec3 base_ddot_com; vec3 world_ddot_com; world_ddot_com(0) = base_accel[3]; world_ddot_com(1) = base_accel[4]; world_ddot_com(2) = base_accel[5]; base_ddot_com = world_T_base.transpose()*world_ddot_com; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (verbose) { printf("bt::base_dot_omega(%d)= %e dot_u[%d]= %e, diff= %e\n", i, base_dot_omega(i), i, dot_u[i], base_dot_omega(i) - dot_u[i]); } *acc_error += BT_ID_POW(base_dot_omega(i) - dot_u(i), 2); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (verbose) { printf("bt::base_ddot_com(%d)= %e dot_u[%d]= %e, diff= %e\n", i, base_ddot_com(i), i, dot_u[i + 3], base_ddot_com(i) - dot_u[i + 3]); } *acc_error += BT_ID_POW(base_ddot_com(i) - dot_u(i + 3), 2); } for (int i = 0; i < btmb->getNumDofs(); i++) { if (verbose) { printf("bt:ddot_q[%d]= %f, id:ddot_q= %e, diff= %e\n", i, joint_accel[i], dot_u(i + 6), joint_accel[i] - dot_u(i + 6)); } *acc_error += BT_ID_POW(joint_accel[i] - dot_u(i + 6), 2); } } *acc_error = std::sqrt(*acc_error); if (verbose) { printf("======dynamics-err: %e\n", *acc_error); } *pos_error = 0.0; { mat33 world_T_body; if (-1 == id_tree->getBodyTransform(0, &world_T_body)) { error_message("getting transform for body %d\n", 0); return -1; } vec3 world_com; if (-1 == id_tree->getBodyCoM(0, &world_com)) { error_message("getting com for body %d\n", 0); return -1; } if (verbose) { printf("id:com: %f %f %f\n", world_com(0), world_com(1), world_com(2)); printf("id:transform: %f %f %f\n" " %f %f %f\n" " %f %f %f\n", world_T_body(0, 0), world_T_body(0, 1), world_T_body(0, 2), world_T_body(1, 0), world_T_body(1, 1), world_T_body(1, 2), world_T_body(2, 0), world_T_body(2, 1), world_T_body(2, 2)); } } for (int l = 0; l < btmb->getNumLinks(); l++) { const btMultibodyLink &bt_link = btmb->getLink(l); vec3 bt_origin = bt_link.m_cachedWorldTransform.getOrigin(); mat33 bt_basis = bt_link.m_cachedWorldTransform.getBasis(); if (verbose) { printf("------------- link %d\n", l + 1); printf("bt:com: %f %f %f\n", bt_origin(0), bt_origin(1), bt_origin(2)); printf("bt:transform: %f %f %f\n" " %f %f %f\n" " %f %f %f\n", bt_basis(0, 0), bt_basis(0, 1), bt_basis(0, 2), bt_basis(1, 0), bt_basis(1, 1), bt_basis(1, 2), bt_basis(2, 0), bt_basis(2, 1), bt_basis(2, 2)); } mat33 id_world_T_body; vec3 id_world_com; if (-1 == id_tree->getBodyTransform(l + 1, &id_world_T_body)) { error_message("getting transform for body %d\n", l); return -1; } if (-1 == id_tree->getBodyCoM(l + 1, &id_world_com)) { error_message("getting com for body %d\n", l); return -1; } if (verbose) { printf("id:com: %f %f %f\n", id_world_com(0), id_world_com(1), id_world_com(2)); printf("id:transform: %f %f %f\n" " %f %f %f\n" " %f %f %f\n", id_world_T_body(0, 0), id_world_T_body(0, 1), id_world_T_body(0, 2), id_world_T_body(1, 0), id_world_T_body(1, 1), id_world_T_body(1, 2), id_world_T_body(2, 0), id_world_T_body(2, 1), id_world_T_body(2, 2)); } vec3 diff_com = bt_origin - id_world_com; mat33 diff_basis = bt_basis - id_world_T_body; if (verbose) { printf("diff-com: %e %e %e\n", diff_com(0), diff_com(1), diff_com(2)); printf("diff-transform: %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e\n", diff_basis(0, 0), diff_basis(0, 1), diff_basis(0, 2), diff_basis(1, 0), diff_basis(1, 1), diff_basis(1, 2), diff_basis(2, 0), diff_basis(2, 1), diff_basis(2, 2)); } double total_pos_err = BT_ID_SQRT(BT_ID_POW(diff_com(0), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_com(1), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_com(2), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_basis(0, 0), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_basis(0, 1), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_basis(0, 2), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_basis(1, 0), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_basis(1, 1), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_basis(1, 2), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_basis(2, 0), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_basis(2, 1), 2) + BT_ID_POW(diff_basis(2, 2), 2)); if (verbose) { printf("======kin-pos-err: %e\n", total_pos_err); } if (total_pos_err > *pos_error) { *pos_error = total_pos_err; } } return 0; } }