#include "DillCreator.hpp" #include namespace btInverseDynamics { DillCreator::DillCreator(int level) : m_level(level), m_num_bodies(BT_ID_POW(2, level)) { m_parent.resize(m_num_bodies); m_parent_r_parent_body_ref.resize(m_num_bodies); m_body_T_parent_ref.resize(m_num_bodies); m_body_axis_of_motion.resize(m_num_bodies); m_mass.resize(m_num_bodies); m_body_r_body_com.resize(m_num_bodies); m_body_I_body.resize(m_num_bodies); // generate names (for debugging) for (int i = 0; i < m_num_bodies; i++) { m_parent[i] = i - 1; // all z-axis (DH convention) m_body_axis_of_motion[i](0) = 0.0; m_body_axis_of_motion[i](1) = 0.0; m_body_axis_of_motion[i](2) = 1.0; } // recursively build data structures m_current_body = 0; const int parent = -1; const idScalar d_DH = 0.0; const idScalar a_DH = 0.0; const idScalar alpha_DH = 0.0; if (-1 == recurseDill(m_level, parent, d_DH, a_DH, alpha_DH)) { bt_id_error_message("recurseDill failed\n"); abort(); } } DillCreator::~DillCreator() {} int DillCreator::getNumBodies(int* num_bodies) const { *num_bodies = m_num_bodies; return 0; } int DillCreator::getBody(const int body_index, int* parent_index, JointType* joint_type, vec3* parent_r_parent_body_ref, mat33* body_T_parent_ref, vec3* body_axis_of_motion, idScalar* mass, vec3* body_r_body_com, mat33* body_I_body, int* user_int, void** user_ptr) const { if (body_index < 0 || body_index >= m_num_bodies) { bt_id_error_message("invalid body index %d\n", body_index); return -1; } *parent_index = m_parent[body_index]; *joint_type = REVOLUTE; *parent_r_parent_body_ref = m_parent_r_parent_body_ref[body_index]; *body_T_parent_ref = m_body_T_parent_ref[body_index]; *body_axis_of_motion = m_body_axis_of_motion[body_index]; *mass = m_mass[body_index]; *body_r_body_com = m_body_r_body_com[body_index]; *body_I_body = m_body_I_body[body_index]; *user_int = 0; *user_ptr = 0; return 0; } int DillCreator::recurseDill(const int level, const int parent, const idScalar d_DH_in, const idScalar a_DH_in, const idScalar alpha_DH_in) { if (level < 0) { bt_id_error_message("invalid level parameter (%d)\n", level); return -1; } if (m_current_body >= m_num_bodies || m_current_body < 0) { bt_id_error_message("invalid body parameter (%d, num_bodies: %d)\n", m_current_body, m_num_bodies); return -1; } idScalar size = BT_ID_MAX(level, 1); const int body = m_current_body; // length = 0.1 * size; // with = 2 * 0.01 * size; /// these parameters are from the paper ... /// TODO: add proper citation m_parent[body] = parent; m_mass[body] = 0.1 * BT_ID_POW(size, 3); m_body_r_body_com[body](0) = 0.05 * size; m_body_r_body_com[body](1) = 0; m_body_r_body_com[body](2) = 0; // initialization for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_parent_r_parent_body_ref[body](i) = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { m_body_I_body[body](i, j) = 0.0; m_body_T_parent_ref[body](i, j) = 0.0; } } const idScalar size_5 = pow(size, 5); m_body_I_body[body](0, 0) = size_5 / 0.2e6; m_body_I_body[body](1, 1) = size_5 * 403 / 1.2e6; m_body_I_body[body](2, 2) = m_body_I_body[body](1, 1); getVecMatFromDH(0, 0, a_DH_in, alpha_DH_in, &m_parent_r_parent_body_ref[body], &m_body_T_parent_ref[body]); // attach "level" Dill systems of levels 1...level for (int i = 1; i <= level; i++) { idScalar d_DH = 0.01 * size; if (i == level) { d_DH = 0.0; } const idScalar a_DH = i * 0.1; const idScalar alpha_DH = i * BT_ID_PI / 3.0; m_current_body++; recurseDill(i - 1, body, d_DH, a_DH, alpha_DH); } return 0; // ok! } } // namespace btInverseDynamics