import unittest import pybullet import time from utils import allclose, dot class TestPybulletMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test_import(self): import pybullet as p self.assertGreater(p.getAPIVersion(), 201700000) def test_connect_direct(self): import pybullet as p cid = p.connect(p.DIRECT) self.assertEqual(cid,0) p.disconnect() def test_loadurdf(self): import pybullet as p p.connect(p.DIRECT) ob = p.loadURDF("r2d2.urdf") self.assertEqual(ob,0) p.disconnect() def test_rolling_friction(self): import pybullet as p p.connect(p.DIRECT) p.loadURDF("plane.urdf") sphere = p.loadURDF("sphere2.urdf",[0,0,1]) p.resetBaseVelocity(sphere,linearVelocity=[1,0,0]) p.changeDynamics(sphere,-1,linearDamping=0,angularDamping=0) #p.changeDynamics(sphere,-1,rollingFriction=0) p.setGravity(0,0,-10) for i in range (1000): p.stepSimulation() vel = p.getBaseVelocity(sphere) self.assertLess(vel[0][0],1e-10) self.assertLess(vel[0][1],1e-10) self.assertLess(vel[0][2],1e-10) self.assertLess(vel[1][0],1e-10) self.assertLess(vel[1][1],1e-10) self.assertLess(vel[1][2],1e-10) p.disconnect() class TestPybulletJacobian(unittest.TestCase): def getMotorJointStates(self, robot): import pybullet as p joint_states = p.getJointStates(robot, range(p.getNumJoints(robot))) joint_infos = [p.getJointInfo(robot, i) for i in range(p.getNumJoints(robot))] joint_states = [j for j, i in zip(joint_states, joint_infos) if i[3] > -1] joint_positions = [state[0] for state in joint_states] joint_velocities = [state[1] for state in joint_states] joint_torques = [state[3] for state in joint_states] return joint_positions, joint_velocities, joint_torques def setJointPosition(self, robot, position, kp=1.0, kv=0.3): import pybullet as p num_joints = p.getNumJoints(robot) zero_vec = [0.0] * num_joints if len(position) == num_joints: p.setJointMotorControlArray(robot, range(num_joints), p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPositions=position, targetVelocities=zero_vec, positionGains=[kp] * num_joints, velocityGains=[kv] * num_joints) def testJacobian(self): import pybullet as p clid = p.connect(p.SHARED_MEMORY) if (clid<0): p.connect(p.DIRECT) time_step = 0.001 gravity_constant = -9.81 urdfs = ["TwoJointRobot_w_fixedJoints.urdf", "TwoJointRobot_w_fixedJoints.urdf", "kuka_iiwa/model.urdf", "kuka_lwr/kuka.urdf"] for urdf in urdfs: p.resetSimulation() p.setTimeStep(time_step) p.setGravity(0.0, 0.0, gravity_constant) robotId = p.loadURDF(urdf, useFixedBase=True) p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(robotId,[0,0,0],[0,0,0,1]) numJoints = p.getNumJoints(robotId) endEffectorIndex = numJoints - 1 # Set a joint target for the position control and step the sim. self.setJointPosition(robotId, [0.1 * (i % 3) for i in range(numJoints)]) p.stepSimulation() # Get the joint and link state directly from Bullet. mpos, mvel, mtorq = self.getMotorJointStates(robotId) result = p.getLinkState(robotId, endEffectorIndex, computeLinkVelocity=1, computeForwardKinematics=1) link_trn, link_rot, com_trn, com_rot, frame_pos, frame_rot, link_vt, link_vr = result # Get the Jacobians for the CoM of the end-effector link. # Note that in this example com_rot = identity, and we would need to use com_rot.T * com_trn. # The localPosition is always defined in terms of the link frame coordinates. zero_vec = [0.0] * len(mpos) jac_t, jac_r = p.calculateJacobian(robotId, endEffectorIndex, com_trn, mpos, zero_vec, zero_vec) assert(allclose(dot(jac_t, mvel), link_vt)) assert(allclose(dot(jac_r, mvel), link_vr)) p.disconnect() if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()