#include "PhysicsServerExample.h" #include "PhysicsServerSharedMemory.h" #include "SharedMemoryCommon.h" class PhysicsServerExample : public SharedMemoryCommon { PhysicsServerSharedMemory m_physicsServer; bool m_wantsShutdown; bool m_isConnected; btClock m_clock; bool m_replay; public: PhysicsServerExample(GUIHelperInterface* helper, SharedMemoryInterface* sharedMem=0); virtual ~PhysicsServerExample(); virtual void initPhysics(); virtual void stepSimulation(float deltaTime); void enableCommandLogging() { m_physicsServer.enableCommandLogging(true,"BulletPhysicsCommandLog.bin"); } void replayFromLogFile() { m_replay = true; m_physicsServer.replayFromLogFile("BulletPhysicsCommandLog.bin"); } virtual void resetCamera() { float dist = 5; float pitch = 50; float yaw = 35; float targetPos[3]={0,0,0};//-3,2.8,-2.5}; m_guiHelper->resetCamera(dist,pitch,yaw,targetPos[0],targetPos[1],targetPos[2]); } virtual bool wantsTermination(); virtual bool isConnected(); virtual void renderScene(); virtual void exitPhysics(){} virtual void physicsDebugDraw(int debugFlags); btVector3 getRayTo(int x,int y); virtual bool mouseMoveCallback(float x,float y) { if (m_replay) return false; CommonRenderInterface* renderer = m_guiHelper->getRenderInterface(); if (!renderer) { btAssert(0); return false; } btVector3 rayTo = getRayTo(int(x), int(y)); btVector3 rayFrom; renderer->getActiveCamera()->getCameraPosition(rayFrom); m_physicsServer.movePickedBody(rayFrom,rayTo); return false; }; virtual bool mouseButtonCallback(int button, int state, float x, float y) { if (m_replay) return false; CommonRenderInterface* renderer = m_guiHelper->getRenderInterface(); if (!renderer) { btAssert(0); return false; } CommonWindowInterface* window = m_guiHelper->getAppInterface()->m_window; if (state==1) { if(button==0 && (!window->isModifierKeyPressed(B3G_ALT) && !window->isModifierKeyPressed(B3G_CONTROL) )) { btVector3 camPos; renderer->getActiveCamera()->getCameraPosition(camPos); btVector3 rayFrom = camPos; btVector3 rayTo = getRayTo(int(x),int(y)); m_physicsServer.pickBody(rayFrom, rayTo); } } else { if (button==0) { m_physicsServer.removePickingConstraint(); //remove p2p } } //printf("button=%d, state=%d\n",button,state); return false; } virtual bool keyboardCallback(int key, int state){return false;} virtual void setSharedMemoryKey(int key) { m_physicsServer.setSharedMemoryKey(key); } }; PhysicsServerExample::PhysicsServerExample(GUIHelperInterface* helper, SharedMemoryInterface* sharedMem) :SharedMemoryCommon(helper), m_physicsServer(sharedMem), m_wantsShutdown(false), m_isConnected(false), m_replay(false) { b3Printf("Started PhysicsServer\n"); } PhysicsServerExample::~PhysicsServerExample() { bool deInitializeSharedMemory = true; m_physicsServer.disconnectSharedMemory(deInitializeSharedMemory); m_isConnected = false; } bool PhysicsServerExample::isConnected() { return m_isConnected; } void PhysicsServerExample::initPhysics() { ///for this testing we use Z-axis up int upAxis = 2; m_guiHelper->setUpAxis(upAxis); #if 0 createEmptyDynamicsWorld(); //todo: create a special debug drawer that will cache the lines, so we can send the debug info over the wire btVector3 grav(0,0,0); grav[upAxis] = 0;//-9.8; this->m_dynamicsWorld->setGravity(grav); #endif m_isConnected = m_physicsServer.connectSharedMemory( m_guiHelper); } bool PhysicsServerExample::wantsTermination() { return m_wantsShutdown; } void PhysicsServerExample::stepSimulation(float deltaTime) { if (m_replay) { for (int i=0;i<100;i++) m_physicsServer.processClientCommands(); } else { btClock rtc; btScalar endTime = rtc.getTimeMilliseconds() + deltaTime*btScalar(800); while (rtc.getTimeMilliseconds()getRenderInterface(); if (!renderer) { btAssert(0); return btVector3(0,0,0); } float top = 1.f; float bottom = -1.f; float nearPlane = 1.f; float tanFov = (top-bottom)*0.5f / nearPlane; float fov = btScalar(2.0) * btAtan(tanFov); btVector3 camPos,camTarget; renderer->getActiveCamera()->getCameraPosition(camPos); renderer->getActiveCamera()->getCameraTargetPosition(camTarget); btVector3 rayFrom = camPos; btVector3 rayForward = (camTarget-camPos); rayForward.normalize(); float farPlane = 10000.f; rayForward*= farPlane; btVector3 rightOffset; btVector3 cameraUp=btVector3(0,0,0); cameraUp[m_guiHelper->getAppInterface()->getUpAxis()]=1; btVector3 vertical = cameraUp; btVector3 hor; hor = rayForward.cross(vertical); hor.normalize(); vertical = hor.cross(rayForward); vertical.normalize(); float tanfov = tanf(0.5f*fov); hor *= 2.f * farPlane * tanfov; vertical *= 2.f * farPlane * tanfov; btScalar aspect; float width = float(renderer->getScreenWidth()); float height = float (renderer->getScreenHeight()); aspect = width / height; hor*=aspect; btVector3 rayToCenter = rayFrom + rayForward; btVector3 dHor = hor * 1.f/width; btVector3 dVert = vertical * 1.f/height; btVector3 rayTo = rayToCenter - 0.5f * hor + 0.5f * vertical; rayTo += btScalar(x) * dHor; rayTo -= btScalar(y) * dVert; return rayTo; } extern int gSharedMemoryKey; class CommonExampleInterface* PhysicsServerCreateFunc(struct CommonExampleOptions& options) { PhysicsServerExample* example = new PhysicsServerExample(options.m_guiHelper, options.m_sharedMem); if (gSharedMemoryKey>=0) { example->setSharedMemoryKey(gSharedMemoryKey); } if (options.m_option & PHYSICS_SERVER_ENABLE_COMMAND_LOGGING) { example->enableCommandLogging(); } if (options.m_option & PHYSICS_SERVER_REPLAY_FROM_COMMAND_LOG) { example->replayFromLogFile(); } return example; }