= 003a42478b another step closer to useable shared memory C API
(force/torque sensor needs new API)
in a nutshell, users of shared memory physics API should not
directly poke into shared memory, not fill 'SharedMemorCommand'
nor read SharedMemoryStatus directly. The C-API declares 'handles' for those,
to avoid it from happening.
2015-09-16 23:09:10 -07:00

50 lines
1.3 KiB

//#include "SharedMemoryCommands.h"
#include "LinearMath/btVector3.h"
class PhysicsClientSharedMemory
struct PhysicsClientSharedMemoryInternalData* m_data;
virtual ~PhysicsClientSharedMemory();
//return true if connection succesfull, can also check 'isConnected'
virtual bool connect();
virtual void disconnectSharedMemory ();
virtual bool isConnected() const;
// return true if there is a status, and fill in 'serverStatus'
virtual const struct SharedMemoryStatus* processServerStatus();
virtual struct SharedMemoryCommand* getAvailableSharedMemoryCommand();
virtual bool canSubmitCommand() const;
virtual bool submitClientCommand(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& command);
virtual int getNumJoints() const;
virtual void getJointInfo(int index, struct b3JointInfo& info) const;
virtual void setSharedMemoryKey(int key);
virtual void uploadBulletFileToSharedMemory(const char* data, int len);
virtual int getNumDebugLines() const;
virtual const float* getDebugLinesFrom() const;
virtual const float* getDebugLinesTo() const;
virtual const float* getDebugLinesColor() const;