Erwin Coumans 4db6fa9e29 update minitaur.py to use minitaur.urdf (instead of quadruped.urdf), also sort the legs in the same order as real hardware
added test urdf files for minitaur with all fixed joints, or fixed knees.
added some stiffness/damping to minitaur legs (testing)
tiny_obj_loader, don't crash on invalid texture coordinates
btMultiBodyConstraintSolver: sweep back and forward to reduce asymmetry
2017-03-15 15:38:50 -07:00

28 lines
719 B

import sys
#some python interpreters need '.' added
import pybullet as p
from minitaur import Minitaur
from minitaur_evaluate import *
import time
import math
import numpy as np
def main(unused_args):
timeStep = 0.01
c = p.connect(p.SHARED_MEMORY)
if (c<0):
c = p.connect(p.GUI)
params = [0.1903581461951056, 0.0006732219568880068, 0.05018085615283363, 3.219916795483583, 6.2406418167980595, 4.189869754607539]
evaluate_func = 'evaluate_desired_motorAngle_2Amplitude4Phase'
energy_weight = 0.01
finalReturn = evaluate_params(evaluateFunc = evaluate_func, params=params, objectiveParams=[energy_weight], timeStep=timeStep, sleepTime=timeStep)