erwin coumans 27227e5e4a add SoftDemo examples
add example description for all examples (with word-wrap)
add the VoronoiFractureDemo, note that the collision are disabled after breaking constraints.
add optional GwenOpenGLTest, to make it easier to see Gwen user interface features.
2015-04-27 18:35:07 -07:00

63 lines
1.3 KiB

#include "UnitTest.h"
#include "Gwen/Controls/Properties.h"
#include "Gwen/Controls/PropertyTree.h"
using namespace Gwen;
class Properties2 : public GUnit
GWEN_CONTROL_INLINE( Properties2, GUnit )
Gwen::Controls::Properties* props = new Gwen::Controls::Properties( this );
props->SetBounds( 10, 10, 150, 300 );
Gwen::Controls::PropertyRow* pRow = props->Add( L"First Name" );
pRow->onChange.Add( this, &Properties2::OnFirstNameChanged );
props->Add( L"Middle Name" );
props->Add( L"Last Name" );
Gwen::Controls::PropertyTree* ptree = new Gwen::Controls::PropertyTree( this );
ptree->SetBounds( 200, 10, 200, 200 );
Gwen::Controls::Properties* props = ptree->Add( L"Item One" );
props->Add( L"Middle Name" );
props->Add( L"Last Name" );
props->Add( L"Four" );
Gwen::Controls::Properties* props = ptree->Add( L"Item Two" );
props->Add( L"More Items" );
props->Add( L"To Fill" );
props->Add( L"Out Here" );
void OnFirstNameChanged( Controls::Base* pControl )
Gwen::Controls::PropertyRow* pRow = (Gwen::Controls::PropertyRow*) pControl;
UnitPrint( Utility::Format( L"First Name Changed: %s", pRow->GetProperty()->GetPropertyValue().c_str() ) );
DEFINE_UNIT_TEST( Properties2, L"Properties" );