2017-09-14 12:53:12 +02:00

189 lines
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from robot_bases import MJCFBasedRobot
import numpy as np
class WalkerBase(MJCFBasedRobot):
def __init__(self, fn, robot_name, action_dim, obs_dim, power):
MJCFBasedRobot.__init__(self, fn, robot_name, action_dim, obs_dim)
self.power = power
self.camera_x = 0
self.walk_target_x = 1e3 # kilometer away
self.walk_target_y = 0
def robot_specific_reset(self):
for j in self.ordered_joints:
j.reset_current_position(self.np_random.uniform(low=-0.1, high=0.1), 0)
self.feet = [self.parts[f] for f in self.foot_list]
self.feet_contact = np.array([0.0 for f in self.foot_list], dtype=np.float32)
self.initial_z = None
def apply_action(self, a):
assert (np.isfinite(a).all())
for n, j in enumerate(self.ordered_joints):
j.set_motor_torque(self.power * j.power_coef * float(np.clip(a[n], -1, +1)))
def calc_state(self):
j = np.array([j.current_relative_position() for j in self.ordered_joints], dtype=np.float32).flatten()
# even elements [0::2] position, scaled to -1..+1 between limits
# odd elements [1::2] angular speed, scaled to show -1..+1
self.joint_speeds = j[1::2]
self.joints_at_limit = np.count_nonzero(np.abs(j[0::2]) > 0.99)
body_pose = self.robot_body.pose()
parts_xyz = np.array([p.pose().xyz() for p in self.parts.values()]).flatten()
self.body_xyz = (
parts_xyz[0::3].mean(), parts_xyz[1::3].mean(), body_pose.xyz()[2]) # torso z is more informative than mean z
self.body_rpy = body_pose.rpy()
z = self.body_xyz[2]
if self.initial_z == None:
self.initial_z = z
r, p, yaw = self.body_rpy
self.walk_target_theta = np.arctan2(self.walk_target_y - self.body_xyz[1],
self.walk_target_x - self.body_xyz[0])
self.walk_target_dist = np.linalg.norm(
[self.walk_target_y - self.body_xyz[1], self.walk_target_x - self.body_xyz[0]])
angle_to_target = self.walk_target_theta - yaw
rot_speed = np.array(
[[np.cos(-yaw), -np.sin(-yaw), 0],
[np.sin(-yaw), np.cos(-yaw), 0],
[ 0, 0, 1]]
vx, vy, vz = np.dot(rot_speed, self.robot_body.speed()) # rotate speed back to body point of view
more = np.array([ z-self.initial_z,
np.sin(angle_to_target), np.cos(angle_to_target),
0.3* vx , 0.3* vy , 0.3* vz , # 0.3 is just scaling typical speed into -1..+1, no physical sense here
r, p], dtype=np.float32)
return np.clip( np.concatenate([more] + [j] + [self.feet_contact]), -5, +5)
def calc_potential(self):
# progress in potential field is speed*dt, typical speed is about 2-3 meter per second, this potential will change 2-3 per frame (not per second),
# all rewards have rew/frame units and close to 1.0
if (debugmode):
print("calc_potential: self.walk_target_dist")
return - self.walk_target_dist / self.scene.dt
class Hopper(WalkerBase):
foot_list = ["foot"]
def __init__(self):
WalkerBase.__init__(self, "hopper.xml", "torso", action_dim=3, obs_dim=15, power=0.75)
def alive_bonus(self, z, pitch):
return +1 if z > 0.8 and abs(pitch) < 1.0 else -1
class Walker2D(WalkerBase):
foot_list = ["foot", "foot_left"]
def __init__(self):
WalkerBase.__init__(self, "walker2d.xml", "torso", action_dim=6, obs_dim=22, power=0.40)
def alive_bonus(self, z, pitch):
return +1 if z > 0.8 and abs(pitch) < 1.0 else -1
def robot_specific_reset(self):
for n in ["foot_joint", "foot_left_joint"]:
self.jdict[n].power_coef = 30.0
class HalfCheetah(WalkerBase):
foot_list = ["ffoot", "fshin", "fthigh", "bfoot", "bshin", "bthigh"] # track these contacts with ground
def __init__(self):
WalkerBase.__init__(self, "half_cheetah.xml", "torso", action_dim=6, obs_dim=26, power=0.90)
def alive_bonus(self, z, pitch):
# Use contact other than feet to terminate episode: due to a lot of strange walks using knees
return +1 if np.abs(pitch) < 1.0 and not self.feet_contact[1] and not self.feet_contact[2] and not self.feet_contact[4] and not self.feet_contact[5] else -1
def robot_specific_reset(self):
self.jdict["bthigh"].power_coef = 120.0
self.jdict["bshin"].power_coef = 90.0
self.jdict["bfoot"].power_coef = 60.0
self.jdict["fthigh"].power_coef = 140.0
self.jdict["fshin"].power_coef = 60.0
self.jdict["ffoot"].power_coef = 30.0
class Ant(WalkerBase):
foot_list = ['front_left_foot', 'front_right_foot', 'left_back_foot', 'right_back_foot']
def __init__(self):
WalkerBase.__init__(self, "ant.xml", "torso", action_dim=8, obs_dim=28, power=2.5)
def alive_bonus(self, z, pitch):
return +1 if z > 0.26 else -1 # 0.25 is central sphere rad, die if it scrapes the ground
class Humanoid(WalkerBase):
self_collision = True
foot_list = ["right_foot", "left_foot"] # "left_hand", "right_hand"
def __init__(self):
WalkerBase.__init__(self, 'humanoid_symmetric.xml', 'torso', action_dim=17, obs_dim=44, power=0.41)
# 17 joints, 4 of them important for walking (hip, knee), others may as well be turned off, 17/4 = 4.25
def robot_specific_reset(self):
self.motor_names = ["abdomen_z", "abdomen_y", "abdomen_x"]
self.motor_power = [100, 100, 100]
self.motor_names += ["right_hip_x", "right_hip_z", "right_hip_y", "right_knee"]
self.motor_power += [100, 100, 300, 200]
self.motor_names += ["left_hip_x", "left_hip_z", "left_hip_y", "left_knee"]
self.motor_power += [100, 100, 300, 200]
self.motor_names += ["right_shoulder1", "right_shoulder2", "right_elbow"]
self.motor_power += [75, 75, 75]
self.motor_names += ["left_shoulder1", "left_shoulder2", "left_elbow"]
self.motor_power += [75, 75, 75]
self.motors = [self.jdict[n] for n in self.motor_names]
if self.random_yaw:
position = [0,0,0]
orientation = [0,0,0]
yaw = self.np_random.uniform(low=-3.14, high=3.14)
if self.random_lean and self.np_random.randint(2)==0:
cpose.set_xyz(0, 0, 1.4)
if self.np_random.randint(2)==0:
pitch = np.pi/2
position = [0, 0, 0.45]
pitch = np.pi*3/2
position = [0, 0, 0.25]
roll = 0
orientation = [roll, pitch, yaw]
position = [0, 0, 1.4]
orientation = [0, 0, yaw] # just face random direction, but stay straight otherwise
self.initial_z = 0.8
random_yaw = False
random_lean = False
def apply_action(self, a):
assert( np.isfinite(a).all() )
force_gain = 1
for i, m, power in zip(range(17), self.motors, self.motor_power):
m.set_motor_torque( float(force_gain * power*self.power*a[i]) )
#m.set_motor_torque(float(force_gain * power * self.power * np.clip(a[i], -1, +1)))
def alive_bonus(self, z, pitch):
return +2 if z > 0.78 else -1 # 2 here because 17 joints produce a lot of electricity cost just from policy noise, living must be better than dying