erwincoumans 218e9f9bf9 enable URDF loading throught the 'File/Open' menu
set a default camera targets for each demo. note that it is only reset when switching to a different demo, so you can restart at your chosen location.
no OpenCL pairbench drawing in OpenGL2 (there is no VBO available etc)
2015-05-01 11:42:14 -07:00

52 lines
1.2 KiB

struct CommonExampleOptions
struct GUIHelperInterface* m_guiHelper;
//Those are optional, some examples will use them others don't. Each example should work with them being 0.
int m_option;
const char* m_fileName;
CommonExampleOptions(struct GUIHelperInterface* helper, int option=0)
class CommonExampleInterface
typedef class CommonExampleInterface* (CreateFunc)(CommonExampleOptions& options);
virtual ~CommonExampleInterface()
virtual void initPhysics()=0;
virtual void exitPhysics()=0;
virtual void stepSimulation(float deltaTime)=0;
virtual void renderScene()=0;
virtual void physicsDebugDraw(int debugFlags)=0;//for now we reuse the flags in Bullet/src/LinearMath/btIDebugDraw.h
//reset camera is only called when switching demo. this way you can restart (initPhysics) and watch in a specific location easier
virtual void resetCamera(){};
virtual bool mouseMoveCallback(float x,float y)=0;
virtual bool mouseButtonCallback(int button, int state, float x, float y)=0;
virtual bool keyboardCallback(int key, int state)=0;