erwincoumans 83f910711a Prepare/allow for non-Bullet2-based physics command processor in pybullet/Bullet-C-API
!!! Make sure to add examples/SharedMemory/PhysicsServerExampleBullet2.cpp to your build system, if needed
Bump up pybullet to version 1.0.9
2017-05-30 19:54:55 -07:00

68 lines
2.2 KiB

#include "PhysicsServer.h"
#include "LinearMath/btQuaternion.h"
class PhysicsServerSharedMemory : public PhysicsServer
struct PhysicsServerSharedMemoryInternalData* m_data;
void releaseSharedMemory();
PhysicsServerSharedMemory(struct CommandProcessorCreationInterface* commandProcessorCreator, class SharedMemoryInterface* sharedMem, int bla);
virtual ~PhysicsServerSharedMemory();
virtual void setSharedMemoryKey(int key);
//todo: implement option to allocated shared memory from client
virtual bool connectSharedMemory( struct GUIHelperInterface* guiHelper);
virtual void disconnectSharedMemory (bool deInitializeSharedMemory);
virtual void processClientCommands();
virtual void stepSimulationRealTime(double dtInSec,const struct b3VRControllerEvent* vrEvents, int numVREvents, const struct b3KeyboardEvent* keyEvents, int numKeyEvents);
virtual void enableRealTimeSimulation(bool enableRealTimeSim);
virtual bool isRealTimeSimulationEnabled() const;
//bool supportsJointMotor(class btMultiBody* body, int linkIndex);
///The pickBody method will try to pick the first body along a ray, return true if succeeds, false otherwise
virtual bool pickBody(const btVector3& rayFromWorld, const btVector3& rayToWorld);
virtual bool movePickedBody(const btVector3& rayFromWorld, const btVector3& rayToWorld);
virtual void removePickingConstraint();
virtual const btVector3& getVRTeleportPosition() const;
virtual void setVRTeleportPosition(const btVector3& vrReleportPos);
virtual const btQuaternion& getVRTeleportOrientation() const;
virtual void setVRTeleportOrientation(const btQuaternion& vrReleportOrn);
//for physicsDebugDraw and renderScene are mainly for debugging purposes
//and for physics visualization. The idea is that physicsDebugDraw can also send wireframe
//to a physics client, over shared memory
void physicsDebugDraw(int debugDrawFlags);
void renderScene(int renderFlags);
void syncPhysicsToGraphics();
void enableCommandLogging(bool enable, const char* fileName);
void replayFromLogFile(const char* fileName);