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synced 2024-12-15 06:00:12 +00:00
Apply clang-format-all.sh using the _clang-format file through all the cpp/.h files. make sure not to apply it to certain serialization structures, since some parser expects the * as part of the name, instead of type. This commit contains no other changes aside from adding and applying clang-format-all.sh
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4.3 KiB
122 lines
4.3 KiB
#include "../PhysicsClient.h"
///PhysicsDirect executes the commands directly, without transporting them or having a separate server executing commands
class MuJoCoPhysicsClient : public PhysicsClient
struct MuJoCoPhysicsDirectInternalData* m_data;
bool processDebugLines(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& orgCommand);
bool processCamera(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& orgCommand);
bool processContactPointData(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& orgCommand);
bool processOverlappingObjects(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& orgCommand);
bool processVisualShapeData(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& orgCommand);
void processBodyJointInfo(int bodyUniqueId, const struct SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd);
void processAddUserData(const struct SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd);
void postProcessStatus(const struct SharedMemoryStatus& serverCmd);
void resetData();
void removeCachedBody(int bodyUniqueId);
MuJoCoPhysicsClient(class PhysicsCommandProcessorInterface* physSdk, bool passSdkOwnership);
virtual ~MuJoCoPhysicsClient();
// return true if connection succesfull, can also check 'isConnected'
//it is OK to pass a null pointer for the gui helper
virtual bool connect();
////todo: rename to 'disconnect'
virtual void disconnectSharedMemory();
virtual bool isConnected() const;
// return non-null if there is a status, nullptr otherwise
virtual const SharedMemoryStatus* processServerStatus();
virtual SharedMemoryCommand* getAvailableSharedMemoryCommand();
virtual bool canSubmitCommand() const;
virtual bool submitClientCommand(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& command);
virtual int getNumBodies() const;
virtual int getBodyUniqueId(int serialIndex) const;
virtual bool getBodyInfo(int bodyUniqueId, struct b3BodyInfo& info) const;
virtual int getNumJoints(int bodyIndex) const;
virtual bool getJointInfo(int bodyIndex, int jointIndex, struct b3JointInfo& info) const;
virtual int getNumUserConstraints() const;
virtual int getUserConstraintInfo(int constraintUniqueId, struct b3UserConstraint& info) const;
virtual int getUserConstraintId(int serialIndex) const;
///todo: move this out of the
virtual void setSharedMemoryKey(int key);
void uploadBulletFileToSharedMemory(const char* data, int len);
virtual void uploadRaysToSharedMemory(struct SharedMemoryCommand& command, const double* rayFromWorldArray, const double* rayToWorldArray, int numRays);
virtual int getNumDebugLines() const;
virtual const float* getDebugLinesFrom() const;
virtual const float* getDebugLinesTo() const;
virtual const float* getDebugLinesColor() const;
virtual void getCachedCameraImage(b3CameraImageData* cameraData);
virtual void getCachedContactPointInformation(struct b3ContactInformation* contactPointData);
virtual void getCachedOverlappingObjects(struct b3AABBOverlapData* overlappingObjects);
virtual void getCachedVisualShapeInformation(struct b3VisualShapeInformation* visualShapesInfo);
virtual void getCachedCollisionShapeInformation(struct b3CollisionShapeInformation* collisionShapesInfo);
virtual void getCachedVREvents(struct b3VREventsData* vrEventsData);
virtual void getCachedKeyboardEvents(struct b3KeyboardEventsData* keyboardEventsData);
virtual void getCachedMouseEvents(struct b3MouseEventsData* mouseEventsData);
virtual void getCachedRaycastHits(struct b3RaycastInformation* raycastHits);
virtual void getCachedMassMatrix(int dofCountCheck, double* massMatrix);
//the following APIs are for internal use for visualization:
virtual bool connect(struct GUIHelperInterface* guiHelper);
virtual void renderScene();
virtual void debugDraw(int debugDrawMode);
virtual void setTimeOut(double timeOutInSeconds);
virtual double getTimeOut() const;
virtual bool getCachedUserData(int bodyUniqueId, int linkIndex, int userDataId, struct b3UserDataValue& valueOut) const;
virtual int getCachedUserDataId(int bodyUniqueId, int linkIndex, const char* key) const;
virtual int getNumUserData(int bodyUniqueId, int linkIndex) const;
virtual void getUserDataInfo(int bodyUniqueId, int linkIndex, int userDataIndex, const char** keyOut, int* userDataIdOut) const;
virtual void pushProfileTiming(const char* timingName);
virtual void popProfileTiming();