Erwin Coumans ba8964c4ac [InverseDynamics] Support for Jacobians & derivatives
This change adds support for calculating Jacobians and
dot(Jacobian)*u terms, along with the required support for
the 3xN matrices in the standalone math library.
It also adds functions to compute kinematics only (position, velocity, accel).
To facilitate tests, the Cl also adds a RandomTreeCreator to create
randomized multibody trees.
Thanks to Thomas Buschmann for this contribution!
2016-08-25 16:24:28 -07:00

36 lines
1.7 KiB

#include "BulletInverseDynamics/IDConfig.hpp"
class btMultiBody;
class btVector3;
namespace btInverseDynamics {
class MultiBodyTree;
/// this function compares the forward dynamics computations implemented in btMultiBody to
/// the inverse dynamics implementation in MultiBodyTree. This is done in three steps
/// 1. run inverse dynamics for (q, u, dot_u) to obtain joint forces f
/// 2. run forward dynamics (btMultiBody) for (q,u,f) to obtain dot_u_bullet
/// 3. compare dot_u with dot_u_bullet for cross check of forward and inverse dynamics computations
/// @param btmb the bullet forward dynamics model
/// @param id_tree the inverse dynamics model
/// @param q vector of generalized coordinates (matches id_tree)
/// @param u vector of generalized speeds (matches id_tree)
/// @param gravity gravitational acceleration in world frame
/// @param dot_u vector of generalized accelerations (matches id_tree)
/// @param gravity gravitational acceleration in world frame
/// @param base_fixed set base joint to fixed or
/// @param pos_error is set to the maximum of the euclidean norm of position+rotation errors of all
/// center of gravity positions and link frames
/// @param acc_error is set to the square root of the sum of squared differences of generalized
/// accelerations
/// computed in step 3 relative to dot_u
/// @return -1 on error, 0 on success
int compareInverseAndForwardDynamics(vecx &q, vecx &u, vecx &dot_u, btVector3 &gravity, bool verbose,
btMultiBody *btmb, MultiBodyTree *id_tree, double *pos_error,
double *acc_error);