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Misc property fixes.
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# Several hacks to make the build compatible with certain old/broken jam
# versions
# Copyright (C)2003 by Matze Braun <matzebraun@users.sourceforge.net>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
# License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# BoostJam is evil: It is compatible to Jam 2.4 but has a version number 3.1,
# we try to detect BoostJam with the ARGV extension.
if $(ARGV[0])
# BoostJam hacks.
rule FIncludes
return -I$(<) ;
rule FDefines
return -D$(<) ;
if $(JAMVERSION) < 2.4
EXIT "Error: This buildsystem requires jam version 2.4 or later." ;
# All scripts invoked by the build system expect a Bourne or compatible shell.
# Reject C-shell and its variants (such as tcsh). Unfortunately, this is a bit
# of an ugly hack. It would be nicer to perform this logic at the very end of
# this file as a last-minute assertion. Unfortunately, however, it seems that
# references to $(SHELL) in any of the included files get bound at the point
# of reference, thus we need to perform this filtering as early as possible.
# Furthermore, on Windows, if the MSYS installation path contains a space (such
# as "c:\Program Files\msys"), the space will cause `actions' to fail which
# employ $(SHELL) indirectly through some other variable. Therefore, handle
# this case as well.
if [ Match (csh) : $(SHELL) ] || $(SHELL[2])
SHELL = "/bin/sh" ;
# Jam 2.4's SubDir rule had some problems and misses the useful SUBDIRRULES
# extension. So we override it here with a better version (from jam 2.5rc3).
# Likewise, 2.4 is missing FReverse and FStrip, which are needed by SubDir and
# other custom rules we define.
if $(JAMVERSION) = 2.4
rule FReverse
# FReverse a1 a2 a3 ... ;
# return ... a3 a2 a1 ;
if $(1) { return [ FReverse $(1[2-]) ] $(1[1]) ; }
rule FStripCommon
# FStripCommon v1 : v2 ;
# Strip common initial elements of variables v1 and v2.
# Modifies the variable values themselves.
if $($(<)[1]) && $($(<)[1]) = $($(>)[1])
$(<) = $($(<)[2-]) ;
$(>) = $($(>)[2-]) ;
FStripCommon $(<) : $(>) ;
rule SubDir
# SubDir TOP d1 d2 ... ;
# Support for a project tree spanning multiple directories.
# SubDir declares a Jamfile's location in a project tree, setting
# Jambase variables (SEARCH_SOURCE, LOCATE_TARGET) so that source
# files can be found.
# TOP is a user-select variable name for root of the tree, and
# d1 d2 ... are the directory elements that lead from the root
# of the tree to the directory of the Jamfile.
# TOP can be set externally, but normally the first SubDir call
# computes TOP as the path up from the current directory; the
# path contains one ../ for each of d1 d2 ...
# SubDir reads once the project-specific rules file Jamrules
# in the TOP directory, if present. This can be overridden
# with the variable TOPRULES.
# SubDir supports multiple, overlaid project trees: SubDir
# invocations with different TOPs can appear in the same Jamfile.
# The location established by the first SubDir call is used set
# the TOPs for the subsequent SubDir calls.
# SubDir's public variables:
# $(TOP) = path from CWD to root.
# $(SUBDIR) = path from CWD to the directory SubDir names.
# $(SUBDIR_TOKENS) = path from $(TOP) to $(SUBDIR) as dir names
local _top = $(<[1]) ;
local _tokens = $(<[2-]) ;
# First time through sets up relative root and includes Jamrules.
if ! $(_top)
Exit SubDir syntax error ;
if ! $($(_top)-SET)
$(_top)-SET = true ;
# First time we've seen this TOP.
# We'll initialize a number of internal variables:
# $(TOP-UP) = directories from ROOT to a common point
# $(TOP-DOWN) = directories from common point to TOP
# $(TOP-ROOT) = root directory for UP/DOWN -- normally CWD
# $(SUBDIR_UP) = current value of $(TOP-UP)
# $(SUBDIR_DOWN) = current value of $(TOP-DOWN)
# $(SUBDIR_ROOT) = current value of $(TOP-ROOT)
if $($(_top))
# TOP externally set.
# We'll ignore the relative (UP/DOWN) path that
# got us here, and instead remember the hard ROOT.
$(_top)-UP = ;
$(_top)-DOWN = ;
$(_top)-ROOT = $($(_top)) ;
# TOP not preset.
# Establishing a new TOP. In the simplest case,
# merely a certain number of directories down from
# the current directory, and FSubDirPath will set
# TOP to a path consisting of ../ for each of the
# elements of _tokens, because that represents how
# far below TOP the current directory sits.
# In the more complicated case, the starting directory
# isn't the directory of jam's invocation but an
# location established by previous SubDir call. The
# starting directory is SUBDIR_UP directories up from
# SUBDIR_ROOT, and then SUBDIR_DOWN directories down
# from that. If SUBDIR_ROOT is not set, that means
# SUBDIR_DOWN and SUBDIR_UP represent the path from
# the directory of jam's invocation.
# In the most complicated case, the _tokens also
# represents directories down, because TOP is being
# estalished in a directory other than TOP's root.
# Hopefully, _tokens and SUBDIR_DOWN represent the
# same final directory, relative to the new TOP and
# the previous SubDIr's TOP. To find the new TOP,
# we have to chop off any common directories from
# then ends of _tokens and SUBDIR_DOWN. To do so,
# we reverse each of them, call FStripCommon to
# remove the initial common elements, and then
# reverse them again. After this process, if
# both _tokens and SUBDIR_DOWN have elements, it
# means the directory names estalished by the two
# SubDir calls don't match, and a warning is issued.
# All hell will likely break loose at this point,
# since the whole SubDir scheme relies on the SubDir
# calls accurately naming the current directory.
# Strip common trailing elements of _tokens and SUBDIR_DOWN.
_tokens = [ FReverse $(_tokens) ] ;
FStripCommon _tokens : SUBDIR_DOWN ;
_tokens = [ FReverse $(_tokens) ] ;
if $(SUBDIR_DOWN) && $(_tokens)
Echo Warning: SubDir $(<) misplaced! ;
# We'll remember the relative (UP/DOWN) path that
# got us here, plus any hard ROOT starting point
# for the UP/DOWN. If TOP is never set externally,
# ROOT will always be "" (directory of jam's invocation).
$(_top)-UP = $(SUBDIR_UP) $(_tokens) ;
$(_top)-DOWN = $(SUBDIR_DOWN) ;
$(_top)-ROOT = $(SUBDIR_ROOT:E="") ;
$(_top) = [ FSubDirPath $(_top) ] ;
# Set subdir vars for the inclusion of the Jamrules,
# just in case they have SubDir rules of their own.
# Note that SUBDIR_DOWN is empty: it's all the way
# up where the Jamrules live. These gets overrided
# just after the inclusion.
SUBDIR_UP = $($(_top)-UP) ;
SUBDIR_ROOT = $($(_top)-ROOT) ;
# Include $(TOPRULES) or $(TOP)/Jamrules.
# Include $(TOPRULES) if set.
# Otherwise include $(TOP)/Jamrules if present.
if $($(_top)RULES) {
include $($(_top)RULES) ;
} else {
NoCare $(JAMRULES:R=$($(_top)):G=$(_top)) ;
include $(JAMRULES:R=$($(_top)):G=$(_top)) ;
# Get path from $(TOP) to named directory.
# Save dir tokens for other potential uses.
SUBDIR_UP = $($(_top)-UP) ;
SUBDIR_DOWN = $($(_top)-DOWN) $(_tokens) ;
SUBDIR_ROOT = $($(_top)-ROOT) ;
SUBDIR = [ FSubDirPath $(<) ] ;
# These can be reset if needed. For example, if the source
# directory should not hold object files, LOCATE_TARGET can
# subsequently be redefined.
# Reset per-directory ccflags, hdrs, etc,
# listed in SUBDIRRESET.
# Note use of variable expanded assignment var
# Invoke user-specific SubDir extensions,
# rule names listed in SUBDIRRULES.
# Note use of variable expanded rule invocation
rule FSubDirPath
# FSubDirPath TOP d1 ... ;
# Returns path to named directory.
# If jam is invoked in a subdirectory of the TOP, then we
# need to prepend a ../ for every level we must climb up
# (TOP-UP), and then append the directory names we must
# climb down (TOP-DOWN), plus the named directories d1 ...
# If TOP was set externally, or computed from another TOP
# that was, we'll have to reroot the whole thing at TOP-ROOT.
local _r = [ FRelPath $($(<[1])-UP) : $($(<[1])-DOWN) $(<[2-]) ] ;
return $(_r:R=$($(<[1])-ROOT)) ;
rule SubInclude
# SubInclude TOP d1 ... ;
# Include a subdirectory's Jamfile.
# We use SubDir to get there, in case the included Jamfile
# either doesn't have its own SubDir (naughty) or is a subtree
# with its own TOP.
if ! $($(<[1]))
Exit SubInclude $(<[1]) without prior SubDir $(<[1]) ;
SubDir $(<) ;
include $(JAMFILE:D=$(SUBDIR)) ;
rule SubRules
# SubRules TOP d1 ... : Other-TOP ;
# Read another tree's Jamrules, by giving it's path according
# to this tree and it's own name.
if ! $($(<[1]))
Exit SubRules $(<[1]) without prior SubDir $(<[1]) ;
SubDir $(<) ;
SubDir $(>) ;
## Now we try to fix up the already messed settings
## XXX We can only hope that Jam 2.4 users don't try starting Jam from
## subdirectories
TOP-SET = true ;
TOP-UP = ;
#SubDir TOP ;
} # end if $(JAMVERSION) = 2.4