Erwin Coumans 8de35cf01c remove prefix/postfix from pybullet, so it becomes pybullet.so and pybullet_d.so in debug mode (and on Windows, pybullet.pyd and pybullet_d.pyd)
fix build_cmake_pybullet_win32.bat, so it links against correct version of pythonx.lib pythonx_d.lib. Still, I would prefer using premake on Windows, it has more native Visual Studio features.
2016-11-29 09:09:35 -08:00

5 lines
234 B

mkdir cm
cd cm
cmake -DBUILD_PYBULLET=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=c:\python-3.5.2\include -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=c:\python-3.5.2\libs\python35.lib -DPYTHON_DEBUG_LIBRARY=c:\python-3.5.2\libs\python35_d.lib ..
start .