erwincoumans 29e70b2802 Add option to use clew to manually open the OpenCL dynamic library
fix Linux build of App_Bullet3_OpenCL_Demos. Unfortunately the simulation doesn't work properly, need to fix it
(and add unit tests)
2013-05-20 17:58:19 -07:00

42 lines
842 B

// clewTest.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "clew.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int result = -1;
#ifdef _WIN32
const char* cl = "OpenCL.dll";
#elif defined __APPLE__
const char* cl = "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/Current/OpenCL";
#else//presumable Linux?
//linux (tested on Ubuntu 12.10 with Catalyst 13.4 beta drivers, not that there is no symbolic link from libOpenCL.so
const char* cl = "libOpenCL.so.1";
result = clewInit(cl);
if (result != CLEW_SUCCESS)
cl = "libOpenCL.so";
} else
result = clewInit(cl);
if (result!=CLEW_SUCCESS)
printf("clewInit failed with error code %d\n",result);
printf("clewInit succesfull using %s\n",cl);
//some test and then
return 0;