erwincoumans f517b03534 Expose pushProfileTimer / pop ProfileTimer in PhysicsClient API to benchmark Python parts of PyBullet.
reduce 'm_cooldownTime' from 1000 microseconds to 100 microseconds (overhead in raycast is too large)
If needed, we can expose this cooldown time.
Replace malloc by btAlignedObjectArray (going through Bullet's memory allocator)
2018-06-16 06:19:49 -07:00

27 lines
1016 B

IF NOT EXIST bin mkdir bin
IF NOT EXIST bin\openvr_api.dll copy examples\ThirdPartyLibs\openvr\bin\win32\openvr_api.dll bin
IF NOT EXIST bin\openvr64pi.dll copy examples\ThirdPartyLibs\openvr\bin\win64\openvr_api.dll bin\openvr64pi.dll
#aargh, see https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr/issues/412
#find a python version (hopefully just 1) and use this
dir c:\python* /b /ad > tmp1234.txt
set /p myvar1= < tmp1234.txt
set myvar=c:/%myvar1%
del tmp1234.txt
#you can also override and hardcode the Python path like this (just remove the # hashmark in next line)
#SET myvar=c:\python-3.5.2
cd build3
premake4 --double --enable_multithreading --midi --enable_static_vr_plugin --enable_openvr --enable_pybullet --python_include_dir="%myvar%/include" --python_lib_dir="%myvar%/libs" --targetdir="../bin" vs2010
#premake4 --serial --audio --double --midi --enable_openvr --enable_pybullet --python_include_dir="%myvar%/include" --python_lib_dir="%myvar%/libs" --targetdir="../bin" vs2010
start vs2010