mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 08:10:08 +00:00
4203 lines
219 KiB
4203 lines
219 KiB
Version 0.23
Copyright 2015-2017, Morgan McGuire, http://casual-effects.com
All rights reserved.
See http://casual-effects.com/markdeep for documentation on how to
use this script make your plain text documents render beautifully
in web browsers.
Markdeep was created by Morgan McGuire. It extends the work of:
- John Gruber's original Markdown
- Ben Hollis' Maruku Markdown dialect
- Michel Fortin's Markdown Extras dialect
- Ivan Sagalaev's highlight.js
- Contributors to the above open source projects
You may use, extend, and redistribute this code under the terms of
the BSD license at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause.
Contains highlight.js (https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js) by Ivan
Sagalaev, which is used for code highlighting. (BSD 3-clause license)
/**See http://casual-effects.com/markdeep for @license and documentation.
markdeep.min.js 0.23 (C) 2017 Morgan McGuire
highlight.min.js 9.5.0 (C) 2016 Ivan Sagalaev https://highlightjs.org/*/
(function() {
'use strict';
var MARKDEEP_FOOTER = '<div class="markdeepFooter"><i>formatted by <a href="http://casual-effects.com/markdeep" style="color:#999">Markdeep 0.23 </a></i><div style="display:inline-block;font-size:13px;font-family:\'Times New Roman\',serif;vertical-align:middle;transform:translate(-3px,-1px)rotate(135deg);">✒</div></div>';
// For minification. This is admittedly scary.
var _ = String.prototype;
_.rp = _.replace;
_.ss = _.substring;
// Regular expression version of String.indexOf
_.regexIndexOf = function(regex, startpos) {
var i = this.ss(startpos || 0).search(regex);
return (i >= 0) ? (i + (startpos || 0)) : i;
/** Enable for debugging to view character bounds in diagrams */
var DEBUG_SHOW_GRID = false;
/** Overlay the non-empty characters of the original source in diagrams */
/** Use to suppress passing through text in diagrams */
/** In pixels of lines in diagrams */
/** A box of these denotes a diagram */
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1877475/repeat-character-n-times
// ECMAScript 6 has a String.repeat method, but that's not available everywhere
var DIAGRAM_START = Array(5 + 1).join(DIAGRAM_MARKER);
/** attribs are optional */
function entag(tag, content, attribs) {
return '<' + tag + (attribs ? ' ' + attribs : '') + '>' + content + '</' + tag + '>';
function measureFontSize(fontStack) {
try {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.font = '10pt ' + fontStack;
return ctx.measureText("M").width;
} catch (e) {
// Needed for Firefox include...iframe canvas doesn't work for some reason
return 10;
/*! highlight.js v9.12.0 | BSD3 License | git.io/hljslicense */
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i=e.firstChild;i;i=i.nextSibling)3===i.nodeType?a+=i.nodeValue.length:1===i.nodeType&&(n.push({event:"start",offset:a,node:i}),a=r(i,a),t(i).match(/br|hr|img|input/)||n.push({event:"stop",offset:a,node:i}));return a}(e,0),n}function c(e,r,a){function i(){return e.length&&r.length?e[0].offset!==r[0].offset?e[0].offset<r[0].offset?e:r:"start"===r[0].event?e:r:e.length?e:r}function o(e){function r(e){return" "+e.nodeName+'="'+n(e.value).replace('"',""")+'"'}s+="<"+t(e)+E.map.call(e.attributes,r).join("")+">"}function u(e){s+="</"+t(e)+">"}function c(e){("start"===e.event?o:u)(e.node)}for(var l=0,s="",f=[];e.length||r.length;){var g=i();if(s+=n(a.substring(l,g[0].offset)),l=g[0].offset,g===e){f.reverse().forEach(u);do c(g.splice(0,1)[0]),g=i();while(g===e&&g.length&&g[0].offset===l);f.reverse().forEach(o)}else"start"===g[0].event?f.push(g[0].node):f.pop(),c(g.splice(0,1)[0])}return s+n(a.substr(l))}function l(e){return e.v&&!e.cached_variants&&(e.cached_variants=e.v.map(function(n){return o(e,{v:null},n)})),e.cached_variants||e.eW&&[o(e)]||[e]}function s(e){function n(e){return e&&e.source||e}function t(t,r){return new RegExp(n(t),"m"+(e.cI?"i":"")+(r?"g":""))}function r(a,i){if(!a.compiled){if(a.compiled=!0,a.k=a.k||a.bK,a.k){var o={},u=function(n,t){e.cI&&(t=t.toLowerCase()),t.split(" ").forEach(function(e){var t=e.split("|");o[t[0]]=[n,t[1]?Number(t[1]):1]})};"string"==typeof a.k?u("keyword",a.k):x(a.k).forEach(function(e){u(e,a.k[e])}),a.k=o}a.lR=t(a.l||/\w+/,!0),i&&(a.bK&&(a.b="\\b("+a.bK.split(" ").join("|")+")\\b"),a.b||(a.b=/\B|\b/),a.bR=t(a.b),a.e||a.eW||(a.e=/\B|\b/),a.e&&(a.eR=t(a.e)),a.tE=n(a.e)||"",a.eW&&i.tE&&(a.tE+=(a.e?"|":"")+i.tE)),a.i&&(a.iR=t(a.i)),null==a.r&&(a.r=1),a.c||(a.c=[]),a.c=Array.prototype.concat.apply([],a.c.map(function(e){return l("self"===e?a:e)})),a.c.forEach(function(e){r(e,a)}),a.starts&&r(a.starts,i);var c=a.c.map(function(e){return e.bK?"\\.?("+e.b+")\\.?":e.b}).concat([a.tE,a.i]).map(n).filter(Boolean);a.t=c.length?t(c.join("|"),!0):{exec:function(){return null}}}}r(e)}function f(e,t,a,i){function o(e,n){var t,a;for(t=0,a=n.c.length;a>t;t++)if(r(n.c[t].bR,e))return n.c[t]}function u(e,n){if(r(e.eR,n)){for(;e.endsParent&&e.parent;)e=e.parent;return e}return e.eW?u(e.parent,n):void 0}function c(e,n){return!a&&r(n.iR,e)}function l(e,n){var t=N.cI?n[0].toLowerCase():n[0];return e.k.hasOwnProperty(t)&&e.k[t]}function p(e,n,t,r){var a=r?"":I.classPrefix,i='<span class="'+a,o=t?"":C;return i+=e+'">',i+n+o}function h(){var e,t,r,a;if(!E.k)return n(k);for(a="",t=0,E.lR.lastIndex=0,r=E.lR.exec(k);r;)a+=n(k.substring(t,r.index)),e=l(E,r),e?(B+=e[1],a+=p(e[0],n(r[0]))):a+=n(r[0]),t=E.lR.lastIndex,r=E.lR.exec(k);return a+n(k.substr(t))}function d(){var e="string"==typeof E.sL;if(e&&!y[E.sL])return n(k);var t=e?f(E.sL,k,!0,x[E.sL]):g(k,E.sL.length?E.sL:void 0);return 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M,j,O=0;;){if(E.t.lastIndex=O,M=E.t.exec(t),!M)break;j=m(t.substring(O,M.index),M[0]),O=M.index+j}for(m(t.substr(O)),R=E;R.parent;R=R.parent)R.cN&&(L+=C);return{r:B,value:L,language:e,top:E}}catch(T){if(T.message&&-1!==T.message.indexOf("Illegal"))return{r:0,value:n(t)};throw T}}function g(e,t){t=t||I.languages||x(y);var r={r:0,value:n(e)},a=r;return t.filter(w).forEach(function(n){var t=f(n,e,!1);t.language=n,t.r>a.r&&(a=t),t.r>r.r&&(a=r,r=t)}),a.language&&(r.second_best=a),r}function p(e){return I.tabReplace||I.useBR?e.replace(M,function(e,n){return I.useBR&&"\n"===e?"<br>":I.tabReplace?n.replace(/\t/g,I.tabReplace):""}):e}function h(e,n,t){var r=n?L[n]:t,a=[e.trim()];return e.match(/\bhljs\b/)||a.push("hljs"),-1===e.indexOf(r)&&a.push(r),a.join(" ").trim()}function d(e){var n,t,r,o,l,s=i(e);a(s)||(I.useBR?(n=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml","div"),n.innerHTML=e.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g,"").replace(/<br[ \/]*>/g,"\n")):n=e,l=n.textContent,r=s?f(s,l,!0):g(l),t=u(n),t.length&&(o=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml","div"),o.innerHTML=r.value,r.value=c(t,u(o),l)),r.value=p(r.value),e.innerHTML=r.value,e.className=h(e.className,s,r.language),e.result={language:r.language,re:r.r},r.second_best&&(e.second_best={language:r.second_best.language,re:r.second_best.r}))}function b(e){I=o(I,e)}function v(){if(!v.called){v.called=!0;var e=document.querySelectorAll("pre code");E.forEach.call(e,d)}}function m(){addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",v,!1),addEventListener("load",v,!1)}function N(n,t){var r=y[n]=t(e);r.aliases&&r.aliases.forEach(function(e){L[e]=n})}function R(){return x(y)}function w(e){return e=(e||"").toLowerCase(),y[e]||y[L[e]]}var E=[],x=Object.keys,y={},L={},k=/^(no-?highlight|plain|text)$/i,B=/\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i,M=/((^(<[^>]+>|\t|)+|(?:\n)))/gm,C="</span>",I={classPrefix:"hljs-",tabReplace:null,useBR:!1,languages:void 0};return 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NO NULL",built_in:"BOOL dispatch_once_t dispatch_queue_t dispatch_sync dispatch_async dispatch_once"},i=/[a-zA-Z@][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/,n="@interface @class @protocol @implementation";return{aliases:["mm","objc","obj-c"],k:_,l:i,i:"</",c:[t,e.CLCM,e.CBCM,e.CNM,e.QSM,{cN:"string",v:[{b:'@"',e:'"',i:"\\n",c:[e.BE]},{b:"'",e:"[^\\\\]'",i:"[^\\\\][^']"}]},{cN:"meta",b:"#",e:"$",c:[{cN:"meta-string",v:[{b:'"',e:'"'},{b:"<",e:">"}]}]},{cN:"class",b:"("+n.split(" ").join("|")+")\\b",e:"({|$)",eE:!0,k:n,l:i,c:[e.UTM]},{b:"\\."+e.UIR,r:0}]}});hljs.registerLanguage("ini",function(e){var 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case",c:[e.CLCM,e.CBCM,e.RM,{cN:"function",b:"(\\(.*?\\)|"+r+")\\s*=>",rB:!0,e:"\\s*=>",c:[{cN:"params",v:[{b:r},{b:/\(\s*\)/},{b:/\(/,e:/\)/,eB:!0,eE:!0,k:t,c:s}]}]},{b:/</,e:/(\/\w+|\w+\/)>/,sL:"xml",c:[{b:/<\w+\s*\/>/,skip:!0},{b:/<\w+/,e:/(\/\w+|\w+\/)>/,skip:!0,c:[{b:/<\w+\s*\/>/,skip:!0},"self"]}]}],r:0},{cN:"function",bK:"function",e:/\{/,eE:!0,c:[e.inherit(e.TM,{b:r}),{cN:"params",b:/\(/,e:/\)/,eB:!0,eE:!0,c:s}],i:/\[|%/},{b:/\$[(.]/},e.METHOD_GUARD,{cN:"class",bK:"class",e:/[{;=]/,eE:!0,i:/[:"\[\]]/,c:[{bK:"extends"},e.UTM]},{bK:"constructor",e:/\{/,eE:!0}],i:/#(?!!)/}});hljs.registerLanguage("python",function(e){var r={keyword:"and elif is global as in if from raise for except finally print import pass return exec else break not with class assert yield try while continue del or def lambda async await nonlocal|10 None True False",built_in:"Ellipsis NotImplemented"},b={cN:"meta",b:/^(>>>|\.\.\.) 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max memoryBarrier memoryBarrierAtomicCounter memoryBarrierBuffer memoryBarrierImage memoryBarrierShared min mix mod modf noise1 noise2 noise3 noise4 normalize not notEqual outerProduct packDouble2x32 packHalf2x16 packSnorm2x16 packSnorm4x8 packUnorm2x16 packUnorm4x8 pow radians reflect refract round roundEven shadow1D shadow1DLod shadow1DProj shadow1DProjLod shadow2D shadow2DLod shadow2DProj shadow2DProjLod sign sin sinh smoothstep sqrt step tan tanh texelFetch texelFetchOffset texture texture1D texture1DLod texture1DProj texture1DProjLod texture2D texture2DLod texture2DProj texture2DProjLod texture3D texture3DLod texture3DProj texture3DProjLod textureCube textureCubeLod textureGather textureGatherOffset textureGatherOffsets textureGrad textureGradOffset textureLod textureLodOffset textureOffset textureProj textureProjGrad textureProjGradOffset textureProjLod textureProjLodOffset textureProjOffset textureQueryLevels textureQueryLod textureSize transpose trunc uaddCarry uintBitsToFloat umulExtended unpackDouble2x32 unpackHalf2x16 unpackSnorm2x16 unpackSnorm4x8 unpackUnorm2x16 unpackUnorm4x8 usubBorrow",literal:"true false"},i:'"',c:[e.CLCM,e.CBCM,e.CNM,{cN:"meta",b:"#",e:"$"}]}});hljs.registerLanguage("sql",function(e){var t=e.C("--","$");return{cI:!0,i:/[<>{}*#]/,c:[{bK:"begin end start commit rollback savepoint lock alter create drop rename call delete do handler insert load replace select truncate update set show pragma grant merge describe use explain help declare prepare execute deallocate release unlock purge reset change stop analyze cache flush optimize repair kill install uninstall checksum restore check backup revoke comment",e:/;/,eW:!0,l:/[\w\.]+/,k:{keyword:"abs",literal:"true false null",built_in:"array bigint binary bit blob boolean char character date dec decimal float int int8 integer interval number numeric real record serial serial8 smallint text varchar varying void"},c:[{cN:"string",b:"'",e:"'",c:[e.BE,{b:"''"}]},{cN:"string",b:'"',e:'"',c:[e.BE,{b:'""'}]},{cN:"string",b:"`",e:"`",c:[e.BE]},e.CNM,e.CBCM,t]},e.CBCM,t]}});hljs.registerLanguage("apache",function(e){var r={cN:"number",b:"[\\$%]\\d+"};return{aliases:["apacheconf"],cI:!0,c:[e.HCM,{cN:"section",b:"</?",e:">"},{cN:"attribute",b:/\w+/,r:0,k:{nomarkup:"order deny allow setenv rewriterule rewriteengine rewritecond documentroot sethandler errordocument loadmodule options header listen serverroot servername"},starts:{e:/$/,r:0,k:{literal:"on off all"},c:[{cN:"meta",b:"\\s\\[",e:"\\]$"},{cN:"variable",b:"[\\$%]\\{",e:"\\}",c:["self",r]},r,e.QSM]}}],i:/\S/}});
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char_length character_length characters characterset charindex charset charsetform charsetid check checksum checksum_agg child choose chr chunk class cleanup clear client clob clob_base clone close cluster_id cluster_probability cluster_set clustering coalesce coercibility col collate collation collect colu colum column column_value columns columns_updated comment commit compact compatibility compiled complete composite_limit compound compress compute concat concat_ws concurrent confirm conn connec connect connect_by_iscycle connect_by_isleaf connect_by_root connect_time connection consider consistent constant constraint constraints constructor container content contents context contributors controlfile conv convert convert_tz corr corr_k corr_s corresponding corruption cos cost count count_big counted covar_pop covar_samp cpu_per_call cpu_per_session crc32 create creation critical cross cube cume_dist curdate current current_date current_time current_timestamp current_user cursor curtime customdatum cycle d data database databases datafile datafiles datalength date_add date_cache date_format date_sub dateadd datediff datefromparts datename datepart datetime2fromparts day day_to_second dayname dayofmonth dayofweek dayofyear days db_role_change dbtimezone ddl deallocate declare decode decompose decrement decrypt deduplicate def defa defau defaul default defaults deferred defi defin define degrees delayed delegate delete delete_all delimited demand dense_rank depth dequeue des_decrypt des_encrypt des_key_file desc descr descri describ describe descriptor deterministic diagnostics difference dimension direct_load directory disable disable_all disallow disassociate discardfile disconnect diskgroup distinct distinctrow distribute distributed div do document domain dotnet double downgrade drop dumpfile duplicate duration e each edition editionable editions element ellipsis else elsif elt empty enable enable_all enclosed encode encoding encrypt end end-exec endian enforced engine engines enqueue enterprise entityescaping eomonth error errors escaped evalname evaluate event eventdata events except exception exceptions exchange exclude excluding execu execut execute exempt exists exit exp expire explain export export_set extended extent external external_1 external_2 externally extract f failed failed_login_attempts failover failure far fast feature_set feature_value fetch field fields file file_name_convert filesystem_like_logging final finish first first_value fixed flash_cache flashback floor flush following follows for forall force form forma format found found_rows freelist freelists freepools fresh from from_base64 from_days ftp full function g general generated get get_format get_lock getdate getutcdate global global_name globally go goto grant grants greatest group group_concat group_id grouping grouping_id groups gtid_subtract guarantee guard handler hash hashkeys having hea head headi headin heading heap help hex hierarchy high high_priority hosts hour http i id ident_current ident_incr ident_seed identified identity idle_time if ifnull ignore iif ilike ilm immediate import in include including increment index indexes indexing indextype indicator indices inet6_aton inet6_ntoa inet_aton inet_ntoa infile initial initialized initially initrans inmemory inner innodb input insert install instance instantiable instr interface interleaved intersect into invalidate invisible is is_free_lock is_ipv4 is_ipv4_compat is_not is_not_null is_used_lock isdate isnull isolation iterate java join json json_exists k keep keep_duplicates key keys kill l language large last last_day last_insert_id last_value lax lcase lead leading least leaves left len lenght length less level levels library like like2 like4 likec limit lines link list listagg little ln load load_file lob lobs local localtime localtimestamp locate locator lock locked log log10 log2 logfile logfiles logging logical logical_reads_per_call logoff logon logs long loop low low_priority lower lpad lrtrim ltrim m main make_set makedate maketime managed management manual map mapping mask master master_pos_wait match matched materialized max maxextents maximize maxinstances maxlen maxlogfiles maxloghistory maxlogmembers maxsize maxtrans md5 measures median medium member memcompress memory merge microsecond mid migration min minextents minimum mining minus minute minvalue missing mod mode model modification modify module monitoring month months mount move movement multiset mutex n name name_const names nan national native natural nav nchar nclob nested never new newline next nextval no no_write_to_binlog noarchivelog noaudit nobadfile nocheck nocompress nocopy nocycle nodelay nodiscardfile noentityescaping noguarantee nokeep nologfile nomapping nomaxvalue nominimize nominvalue nomonitoring none noneditionable nonschema noorder nopr nopro noprom nopromp noprompt norely noresetlogs noreverse normal norowdependencies noschemacheck noswitch not nothing notice notrim novalidate now nowait nth_value nullif nulls num numb numbe nvarchar nvarchar2 object ocicoll ocidate ocidatetime ociduration ociinterval ociloblocator ocinumber ociref ocirefcursor ocirowid ocistring ocitype oct octet_length of off offline offset oid oidindex old on online only opaque open operations operator optimal optimize option optionally or oracle oracle_date oradata ord ordaudio orddicom orddoc order ordimage ordinality ordvideo organization orlany orlvary out outer outfile outline output over overflow overriding p package pad parallel parallel_enable parameters parent parse partial partition partitions pascal passing password password_grace_time password_lock_time password_reuse_max password_reuse_time password_verify_function patch path patindex pctincrease pctthreshold pctused pctversion percent percent_rank percentile_cont percentile_disc performance period period_add period_diff permanent physical pi pipe pipelined pivot pluggable plugin policy position post_transaction pow power pragma prebuilt precedes preceding precision prediction prediction_cost prediction_details prediction_probability prediction_set prepare present preserve prior priority private private_sga privileges procedural procedure procedure_analyze processlist profiles project prompt protection public publishingservername purge quarter query quick quiesce quota quotename radians raise rand range rank raw read reads readsize rebuild record records recover recovery recursive recycle redo reduced ref reference referenced references referencing refresh regexp_like register regr_avgx regr_avgy regr_count regr_intercept regr_r2 regr_slope regr_sxx regr_sxy reject rekey relational relative relaylog release release_lock relies_on relocate rely rem remainder rename repair repeat replace replicate replication required reset resetlogs resize resource respect restore restricted result result_cache resumable resume retention return returning returns reuse reverse revoke right rlike role roles rollback rolling rollup round row row_count rowdependencies rowid rownum rows rtrim rules safe salt sample save savepoint sb1 sb2 sb4 scan schema schemacheck scn scope scroll sdo_georaster sdo_topo_geometry search sec_to_time second section securefile security seed segment select self sequence sequential serializable server servererror session session_user sessions_per_user set sets settings sha sha1 sha2 share shared shared_pool short show shrink shutdown si_averagecolor si_colorhistogram si_featurelist si_positionalcolor si_stillimage si_texture siblings sid sign sin size size_t sizes skip slave sleep smalldatetimefromparts smallfile snapshot some soname sort soundex source space sparse spfile split sql sql_big_result sql_buffer_result sql_cache sql_calc_found_rows sql_small_result sql_variant_property sqlcode sqldata sqlerror sqlname sqlstate sqrt square standalone standby start starting startup statement static statistics stats_binomial_test stats_crosstab stats_ks_test stats_mode stats_mw_test stats_one_way_anova stats_t_test_ stats_t_test_indep stats_t_test_one stats_t_test_paired stats_wsr_test status std stddev stddev_pop stddev_samp stdev stop storage store stored str str_to_date straight_join strcmp strict string struct stuff style subdate subpartition subpartitions substitutable substr substring subtime subtring_index subtype success sum suspend switch switchoffset switchover sync synchronous synonym sys sys_xmlagg sysasm sysaux sysdate sysdatetimeoffset sysdba sysoper system system_user sysutcdatetime t table tables tablespace tan tdo template temporary terminated tertiary_weights test than then thread through tier ties time time_format time_zone timediff timefromparts timeout timestamp timestampadd timestampdiff timezone_abbr timezone_minute timezone_region to to_base64 to_date to_days to_seconds todatetimeoffset trace tracking transaction transactional translate translation treat trigger trigger_nestlevel triggers trim truncate try_cast try_convert try_parse type ub1 ub2 ub4 ucase unarchived unbounded uncompress under undo unhex unicode uniform uninstall union unique unix_timestamp unknown unlimited unlock unpivot unrecoverable unsafe unsigned until untrusted unusable unused update updated upgrade upped upper upsert url urowid usable usage use use_stored_outlines user user_data user_resources users using utc_date utc_timestamp uuid uuid_short validate validate_password_strength validation valist value values var var_samp varcharc vari varia variab variabl variable variables variance varp varraw varrawc varray verify version versions view virtual visible void wait wallet warning warnings week weekday weekofyear wellformed when whene whenev wheneve whenever where while whitespace with within without work wrapped xdb xml xmlagg xmlattributes xmlcast xmlcolattval xmlelement xmlexists xmlforest xmlindex xmlnamespaces xmlpi xmlquery xmlroot xmlschema xmlserialize xmltable xmltype xor year year_to_month years yearweek
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// Language options:
var FRENCH = {
keyword: {
table: 'tableau',
figure: 'figure',
listing: 'liste',
diagram: 'diagramme',
contents: 'Table des matières',
sec: 'sec',
section: 'section',
subsection: 'paragraphe',
Monday: 'lundi',
Tuesday: 'mardi',
Wednesday: 'mercredi',
Thursday: 'jeudi',
Friday: 'vendredi',
Saturday: 'samedi',
Sunday: 'dimanche',
January: 'Janvier',
February: 'Février',
March: 'Mars',
April: 'Avril',
May: 'Mai',
June: 'Juin',
July: 'Julliet',
August: 'Août',
September: 'Septembre',
October: 'Octobre',
November: 'Novembre',
December: 'Décembre',
jan: 'janv',
feb: 'févr',
mar: 'mars',
apr: 'avril',
may: 'mai',
jun: 'juin',
jul: 'juil',
aug: 'août',
sep: 'sept',
oct: 'oct',
nov: 'nov',
dec: 'déc'
// Translated by Zdravko Velinov
keyword: {
table: 'таблица',
figure: 'фигура',
listing: 'списък',
diagram: 'диаграма',
contents: 'cъдържание',
sec: 'сек',
section: 'раздел',
subsection: 'подраздел',
Monday: 'понеделник',
Tuesday: 'вторник',
Wednesday: 'сряда',
Thursday: 'четвъртък',
Friday: 'петък',
Saturday: 'събота',
Sunday: 'неделя',
January: 'януари',
February: 'февруари',
March: 'март',
April: 'април',
May: 'май',
June: 'юни',
July: 'юли',
August: 'август',
September: 'септември',
October: 'октомври',
November: 'ноември',
December: 'декември',
jan: 'ян',
feb: 'февр',
mar: 'март',
apr: 'апр',
may: 'май',
jun: 'юни',
jul: 'юли',
aug: 'авг',
sep: 'септ',
oct: 'окт',
nov: 'ноем',
dec: 'дек'
var RUSSIAN = {
keyword: {
table: 'таблица',
figure: 'рисунок',
listing: 'листинг',
diagram: 'диаграмма',
contents: 'Содержание',
sec: 'сек',
section: 'раздел',
subsection: 'подраздел',
Monday: 'понедельник',
Tuesday: 'вторник',
Wednesday: 'среда',
Thursday: 'четверг',
Friday: 'пятница',
Saturday: 'суббота',
Sunday: 'воскресенье',
January: 'январьr',
February: 'февраль',
March: 'март',
April: 'апрель',
May: 'май',
June: 'июнь',
July: 'июль',
August: 'август',
September: 'сентябрь',
October: 'октябрь',
November: 'ноябрь',
December: 'декабрь',
jan: 'янв',
feb: 'февр',
mar: 'март',
apr: 'апр',
may: 'май',
jun: 'июнь',
jul: 'июль',
aug: 'авг',
sep: 'сент',
oct: 'окт',
nov: 'ноябрь',
dec: 'дек'
// Translated by Dariusz Kuśnierek
var POLISH = {
keyword: {
table: 'tabela',
figure: 'ilustracja',
listing: 'wykaz',
diagram: 'diagram',
contents: 'Spis treści',
sec: 'rozdz.',
section: 'rozdział',
subsection: 'podrozdział',
Monday: 'Poniedziałek',
Tuesday: 'Wtorek',
Wednesday: 'Środa',
Thursday: 'Czwartek',
Friday: 'Piątek',
Saturday: 'Sobota',
Sunday: 'Niedziela',
January: 'Styczeń',
February: 'Luty',
March: 'Marzec',
April: 'Kwiecień',
May: 'Maj',
June: 'Czerwiec',
July: 'Lipiec',
August: 'Sierpień',
September: 'Wrzesień',
October: 'Październik',
November: 'Listopad',
December: 'Grudzień',
jan: 'sty',
feb: 'lut',
mar: 'mar',
apr: 'kwi',
may: 'maj',
jun: 'cze',
jul: 'lip',
aug: 'sie',
sep: 'wrz',
oct: 'paź',
nov: 'lis',
dec: 'gru'
// Translated by Sandor Berczi
keyword: {
table: 'táblázat',
figure: 'ábra',
listing: 'lista',
diagram: 'diagramm',
contents: 'Tartalomjegyzék',
sec: 'fej', // Abbreviation for section
section: 'fejezet',
Monday: 'hétfő',
Tuesday: 'kedd',
Wednesday: 'szerda',
Thursday: 'csütörtök',
Friday: 'péntek',
Saturday: 'szombat',
Sunday: 'vasárnap',
January: 'január',
February: 'február',
March: 'március',
April: 'április',
May: 'május',
June: 'június',
July: 'július',
August: 'augusztus',
September: 'szeptember',
October: 'október',
November: 'november',
December: 'december',
jan: 'jan',
feb: 'febr',
mar: 'márc',
apr: 'ápr',
may: 'máj',
jun: 'jún',
jul: 'júl',
aug: 'aug',
sep: 'szept',
oct: 'okt',
nov: 'nov',
dec: 'dec'
// Translated by Takashi Masuyama
var JAPANESE = {
keyword: {
table: '表',
figure: '図',
listing: '一覧',
diagram: '図',
contents: '目次',
sec: '章',
section: '節',
subsection: '項',
Monday: '月',
Tuesday: '火',
Wednesday: '水',
Thursday: '木',
Friday: '金',
Saturday: '土',
Sunday: '日',
January: '1月',
February: '2月',
March: '3月',
April: '4月',
May: '5月',
June: '6月',
July: '7月',
August: '8月',
September: '9月',
October: '10月',
November: '11月',
December: '12月',
jan: '1月',
feb: '2月',
mar: '3月',
apr: '4月',
may: '5月',
jun: '6月',
jul: '7月',
aug: '8月',
sep: '9月',
oct: '10月',
nov: '11月',
dec: '12月'
// Translated by Sandor Berczi
var GERMAN = {
keyword: {
table: 'Tabelle',
figure: 'Abbildung',
listing: 'Auflistung',
diagram: 'Diagramm',
contents: 'Inhaltsverzeichnis',
sec: 'Kap',
section: 'Kapitel',
Monday: 'Montag',
Tuesday: 'Dienstag',
Wednesday: 'Mittwoch',
Thursday: 'Donnerstag',
Friday: 'Freitag',
Saturday: 'Samstag',
Sunday: 'Sonntag',
January: 'Januar',
February: 'Februar',
March: 'März',
April: 'April',
May: 'Mai',
June: 'Juni',
July: 'Juli',
August: 'August',
September: 'September',
October: 'Oktober',
November: 'November',
December: 'Dezember',
jan: 'Jan',
feb: 'Feb',
mar: 'Mär',
apr: 'Apr',
may: 'Mai',
jun: 'Jun',
jul: 'Jul',
aug: 'Aug',
sep: 'Sep',
oct: 'Okt',
nov: 'Nov',
dec: 'Dez'
// Translated by Nils Nilsson
var SWEDISH = {
keyword: {
table: 'tabell',
figure: 'figur',
listing: 'lista',
diagram: 'diagram',
contents: 'innehållsförteckning',
sec: 'sek',
Monday: 'måndag',
Tuesday: 'tisdag',
Wednesday: 'onsdag',
Thursday: 'torsdag',
Friday: 'fredag',
Saturday: 'lördag',
Sunday: 'söndag',
January: 'januari',
February: 'februari',
March: 'mars',
April: 'april',
May: 'maj',
June: 'juni',
July: 'juli',
August: 'augusti',
September: 'september',
October: 'oktober',
November: 'november',
December: 'december',
jan: 'jan',
feb: 'feb',
mar: 'mar',
apr: 'apr',
may: 'maj',
jun: 'jun',
jul: 'jul',
aug: 'aug',
sep: 'sep',
oct: 'okt',
nov: 'nov',
dec: 'dec'
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// Awaiting localization by a native speaker:
// es: SPANISH
// ...
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var sign = Math.sign || function (x) {
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the document, before the browser processed it as HTML. There is no
way in an HTML document to distinguish an entity that was entered
as an entity. */
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rp(/—/g, '---').
rp(/&/g, '&');
function removeHTMLTags(str) {
return str.rp(/<.*?>/g, '');
/** Turn the argument into a legal URL anchor */
function mangle(text) {
return encodeURI(text.rp(/\s/g, '').toLowerCase());
/** Creates a style sheet containing elements like:
hn::before {
content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." ... counter(hn) " ";
counter-increment: hn;
function sectionNumberingStylesheet() {
var s = '';
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) {
s += '.md h' + i + '::before {\ncontent:';
for (var j = 1; j <= i; ++j) {
s += 'counter(h' + j + ') "' + ((j < i) ? '.' : ' ') + '"';
s += ';\ncounter-increment: h' + i + ';margin-right:10px}';
return entag('style', s);
\param node A node from an HTML DOM
\return A String that is a very good reconstruction of what the
original source looked like before the browser tried to correct
it to legal HTML.
function nodeToMarkdeepSource(node, leaveEscapes) {
var source = node.innerHTML;
// Markdown uses <john@bar.com> e-mail syntax, which HTML parsing
// will try to close by inserting the matching close tags at the end of the
// document. Remove anything that looks like that and comes *after*
// the first fallback style.
source = source.rp(/(?:<style class="fallback">[\s\S]*?<\/style>[\s\S]*)<\/\S+@\S+\.\S+?>/gim, '');
// Remove artificially inserted close tags
source = source.rp(/<\/h?ttps?:.*>/gi, '');
// Now try to fix the URLs themselves, which will be
// transformed like this: <http: casual-effects.com="" markdeep="">
source = source.rp(/<(https?): (.*?)>/gi, function (match, protocol, list) {
// Remove any quotes--they wouldn't have been legal in the URL anyway
var s = '<' + protocol + '://' + list.rp(/=""\s/g, '/');
if (s.ss(s.length - 3) === '=""') {
s = s.ss(0, s.length - 3);
// Remove any lingering quotes (since they
// wouldn't have been legal in the URL)
s = s.rp(/"/g, '');
return s + '>';
// Remove the "fallback" style tags
source = source.rp(/<style class=["']fallback["']>.*?<\/style>/gmi, '');
source = unescapeHTMLEntities(source);
return source;
/** Extracts one diagram from a Markdown string.
Returns {beforeString, diagramString, alignmentHint, afterString}
diagramString will be empty if nothing was found. The
DIAGRAM_MARKER is stripped from the diagramString.
alignmentHint may be:
diagramString does not include the marker characters.
If there is a caption, it will appear in the afterString and not be parsed.
function extractDiagram(sourceString) {
// Returns the number of wide Unicode symbols (outside the BMP) in string s between indices
// start and end - 1
function unicodeSyms(s, start, end) {
var p = start;
for (var i = start; i < end; ++i, ++p) {
var c = s.charCodeAt(p);
p += (c >= 0xD800) && (c <= 0xDBFF);
return p - end;
function advance() {
nextLineBeginning = sourceString.indexOf('\n', lineBeginning) + 1;
wideCharacters = unicodeSyms(sourceString, lineBeginning + xMin, lineBeginning + xMax);
textOnLeft = textOnLeft || /\S/.test(sourceString.ss(lineBeginning, lineBeginning + xMin));
// Text on the right ... if the line is not all '*'
textOnRight = textOnRight || /[^ *\t\n\r]/.test(sourceString.ss(lineBeginning + xMax + wideCharacters + 1, nextLineBeginning));
var noDiagramResult = {beforeString: sourceString, diagramString: '', alignmentHint: '', afterString: ''};
// Search sourceString for the first rectangle of enclosed
// DIAGRAM_MARKER characters at least DIAGRAM_START.length wide
for (var i = sourceString.indexOf(DIAGRAM_START);
i >= 0;
i = sourceString.indexOf(DIAGRAM_START, i + DIAGRAM_START.length)) {
// We found what looks like a diagram start. See if it has either a full border of
// aligned '*' characters, or top-left-bottom borders and nothing but white space on
// the left.
// Look backwards to find the beginning of the line (or of the string)
// and measure the start character relative to it
var lineBeginning = max(0, sourceString.lastIndexOf('\n', i)) + 1;
var xMin = i - lineBeginning;
// Find the first non-diagram character on this line...or the end of the entire source string
var j;
for (j = i + DIAGRAM_START.length; sourceString[j] === DIAGRAM_MARKER; ++j) {}
var xMax = j - lineBeginning - 1;
// We have a potential hit. Start accumulating a result. If there was anything
// between the newline and the diagram, move it to the after string for proper alignment.
var result = {
beforeString: sourceString.ss(0, lineBeginning),
diagramString: '',
alignmentHint: 'center',
afterString: sourceString.ss(lineBeginning, i).rp(/[ \t]+$/, ' ')
var nextLineBeginning = 0, wideCharacters = 0;
var textOnLeft = false, textOnRight = false;
// Now, see if the pattern repeats on subsequent lines
for (var good = true, previousEnding = j; good; ) {
// Find the next line
lineBeginning = nextLineBeginning;
if (lineBeginning === 0) {
// Hit the end of the string before the end of the pattern
return noDiagramResult;
if (textOnLeft) {
// Even if there is text on *both* sides
result.alignmentHint = 'floatright';
} else if (textOnRight) {
result.alignmentHint = 'floatleft';
// See if there are markers at the correct locations on the next line
if ((sourceString[lineBeginning + xMin] === DIAGRAM_MARKER) &&
(! textOnLeft || (sourceString[lineBeginning + xMax + wideCharacters] === DIAGRAM_MARKER))) {
// See if there's a complete line of DIAGRAM_MARKER, which would end the diagram
var x;
for (x = xMin; (x < xMax) && (sourceString[lineBeginning + x] === DIAGRAM_MARKER); ++x) {}
var begin = lineBeginning + xMin;
var end = lineBeginning + xMax + wideCharacters;
if (! textOnLeft) {
// This may be an incomplete line
var newlineLocation = sourceString.indexOf('\n', begin);
if (newlineLocation !== -1) {
end = Math.min(end, newlineLocation);
// Trim any excess whitespace caused by our truncation because Markdown will
// interpret that as fixed-formatted lines
result.afterString += sourceString.ss(previousEnding, begin).rp(/^[ \t]*[ \t]/, ' ').rp(/[ \t][ \t]*$/, ' ');
if (x === xMax) {
// We found the last row. Put everything else into
// the afterString and return the result.
result.afterString += sourceString.ss(lineBeginning + xMax + 1);
return result;
} else {
// A line of a diagram. Extract everything before
// the diagram line started into the string of
// content to be placed after the diagram in the
// final HTML
result.diagramString += sourceString.ss(begin + 1, end) + '\n';
previousEnding = end + 1;
} else {
// Found an incorrectly delimited line. Abort
// processing of this potential diagram, which is now
// known to NOT be a diagram after all.
good = false;
} // Iterate over verticals in the potential box
} // Search for the start
return noDiagramResult;
Find the specified delimiterRegExp used as a quote (e.g., *foo*)
and replace it with the HTML tag and optional attributes.
function replaceMatched(string, delimiterRegExp, tag, attribs) {
var delimiter = delimiterRegExp.source;
var flanking = '[^ \\t\\n' + delimiter + ']';
var pattern = '([^A-Za-z0-9])(' + delimiter + ')' +
'(' + flanking + '.*?(\\n.+?)*?)' +
delimiter + '(?![A-Za-z0-9])';
return string.rp(new RegExp(pattern, 'g'),
'$1<' + tag + (attribs ? ' ' + attribs : '') +
'>$3</' + tag + '>');
/** Maruku ("github")-style table processing */
function replaceTables(s, protect) {
var TABLE_ROW = /(?:\n[ \t]*(?:(?:\|?[ \t\S]+?(?:\|[ \t\S]+?)+\|?)|\|[ \t\S]+\|)(?=\n))/.source;
var TABLE_SEPARATOR = /\n[ \t]*(?:(?:\|? *\:?-+\:?(?: *\| *\:?-+\:?)+ *\|?|)|\|[\:-]+\|)(?=\n)/.source;
var TABLE_CAPTION = /\n[ \t]*\[[^\n\|]+\][ \t]*(?=\n)/.source;
function trimTableRowEnds(row) {
return row.trim().rp(/^\||\|$/g, '');
s = s.rp(TABLE_REGEXP, function (match) {
// Found a table, actually parse it by rows
var rowArray = match.split('\n');
var result = '';
// Skip the bogus leading row
var startRow = (rowArray[0] === '') ? 1 : 0;
var caption = rowArray[rowArray.length - 1].trim();
if ((caption.length > 3) && (caption[0] === '[') && (caption[caption.length - 1] === ']')) {
// Remove the caption from the row array
caption = caption.ss(1, caption.length - 1);
} else {
caption = undefined;
// Parse the separator row for left/center/right-indicating colons
var columnStyle = [];
trimTableRowEnds(rowArray[startRow + 1]).rp(/:?-+:?/g, function (match) {
var left = (match[0] === ':');
var right = (match[match.length - 1] === ':');
columnStyle.push(protect(' style="text-align:' + ((left && right) ? 'center' : (right ? 'right' : 'left')) + '"'));
var row = rowArray[startRow + 1].trim();
var hasLeadingBar = row[0] === '|';
var hasTrailingBar = row[row.length - 1] === '|';
var tag = 'th';
for (var r = startRow; r < rowArray.length; ++r) {
// Remove leading and trailing whitespace and column delimiters
row = rowArray[r].trim();
if (! hasLeadingBar && (row[0] === '|')) {
// Empty first column
row = ' ' + row;
if (! hasTrailingBar && (row[row.length - 1] === '|')) {
// Empty last column
row += ' ';
row = trimTableRowEnds(row);
var i = 0;
result += entag('tr', '<' + tag + columnStyle[0] + '> ' +
row.rp(/ *\| */g, function () {
return ' </' + tag + '><' + tag + columnStyle[i] + '> ';
}) + ' </' + tag + '>') + '\n';
// Skip the header-separator row
if (r == startRow) {
tag = 'td';
result = entag('table', result, protect('class="table"'));
if (caption) {
caption = entag('div', caption, protect('class="tablecaption"'));
if (option('captionAbove', 'table')) {
result = caption + result;
} else {
result = '\n' + result + caption;
return entag('div', result, "class='table'");
return s;
function replaceLists(s, protect) {
// Identify list blocks:
// Blank line or line ending in colon, line that starts with #., *, +, or -,
// and then any number of lines until another blank line
var BLANK_LINES = /\n\s*\n/.source;
// Preceding line ending in a colon
var PREFIX = /[:,]\s*\n/.source;
new RegExp('(' + PREFIX + '|' + BLANK_LINES + '|<p>\s*\n|<br/>\s*\n?)' +
/((?:[ \t]*(?:\d+\.|-|\+|\*)(?:[ \t]+.+\n(?:[ \t]*\n)?)+)+)/.source, 'gm');
var keepGoing = true;
var ATTRIBS = {'+': protect('class="plus"'), '-': protect('class="minus"'), '*': protect('class="asterisk"')};
var NUMBER_ATTRIBS = protect('class="number"');
// Sometimes the list regexp grabs too much because subsequent lines are indented *less*
// than the first line. So, if that case is found, re-run the regexp.
while (keepGoing) {
keepGoing = false;
s = s.rp(LIST_BLOCK_REGEXP, function (match, prefix, block) {
var result = prefix;
// Contains {indentLevel, tag}
var stack = [];
var current = {indentLevel: -1};
/* function logStack(stack) {
var s = '[';
stack.forEach(function(v) { s += v.indentLevel + ', '; });
console.log(s.ss(0, s.length - 2) + ']');
} */
block.split('\n').forEach(function (line) {
var trimmed = line.rp(/^\s*/, '');
var indentLevel = line.length - trimmed.length;
// Add a CSS class based on the type of list bullet
var attribs = ATTRIBS[trimmed[0]];
var isUnordered = !! attribs; // JavaScript for: attribs !== undefined
attribs = attribs || NUMBER_ATTRIBS;
var isOrdered = /^\d+\.[ \t]/.test(trimmed);
var isBlank = trimmed === '';
var start = isOrdered ? ' ' + protect('start=' + trimmed.match(/^\d+/)[0]) : '';
if (isOrdered || isUnordered) {
// Add the indentation for the bullet itself
indentLevel += 2;
if (! current) {
// Went below top-level indent
result += '\n' + line;
} else if (! isOrdered && ! isUnordered && (isBlank || (indentLevel >= current.indentLevel))) {
// Line without a marker
result += '\n' + current.indentChars + line;
} else {
//console.log(indentLevel + ":" + line);
if (indentLevel !== current.indentLevel) {
// Enter or leave indentation level
if ((current.indentLevel !== -1) && (indentLevel < current.indentLevel)) {
while (current && (indentLevel < current.indentLevel)) {
// End the current list and decrease indentation
result += '\n</li></' + current.tag + '>';
current = stack[stack.length - 1];
} else {
// Start a new list that is more indented
current = {indentLevel: indentLevel,
tag: isOrdered ? 'ol' : 'ul',
// Subtract off the two indent characters we added above
indentChars: line.ss(0, indentLevel - 2)};
result += '\n<' + current.tag + start + '>';
} else if (current.indentLevel !== -1) {
// End previous list item, if there was one
result += '\n</li>';
} // Indent level changed
if (current) {
// Add the list item
result += '\n' + current.indentChars + '<li ' + attribs + '>' + trimmed.rp(/^(\d+\.|-|\+|\*) /, '');
} else {
// Just reached something that is *less* indented than the root--
// copy forward and then re-process that list
result += '\n' + line;
keepGoing = true;
}); // For each line
// Remove trailing whitespace
result = result.replace(/\s+$/,'');
// Finish the last item and anything else on the stack (if needed)
for (current = stack.pop(); current; current = stack.pop()) {
result += '</li></' + current.tag + '>';
return result + '\n\n';
} // while keep going
return s;
Identifies schedule lists, which look like:
date: title
Where date must contain a day, month, and four-number year and may
also contain a day of the week. Note that the date must not be
indented and the events must be indented.
Multiple events per date are permitted.
function replaceScheduleLists(str, protect) {
// Must open with something other than indentation or a list
// marker. There must be a four-digit number somewhere on the
// line. Exclude lines that begin with an HTML tag...this will
// avoid parsing headers that have dates in them.
var BEGINNING = /^(?:[^\|<>\s-\+\*\d].*[12]\d{3}(?!\d).*?|(?:[12]\d{3}(?!\.).*\d.*?)|(?:\d{1,3}(?!\.).*[12]\d{3}(?!\d).*?))/.source;
// There must be at least one more number in a date, a colon, and then some more text
var DATE_AND_TITLE = '(' + BEGINNING + '):' + /[ \t]+([^ \t\n].*)\n/.source;
// The body of the schedule item. It may begin with a blank line and contain
// multiple paragraphs separated by blank lines...as long as there is indenting
var EVENTS = /(?:[ \t]*\n)?((?:[ \t]+.+\n(?:[ \t]*\n){0,3})*)/.source;
var ENTRY_REGEXP = new RegExp(ENTRY, 'gm');
var rowAttribs = protect('valign="top"');
var dateTDAttribs = protect('style="width:100px;padding-right:15px" rowspan="2"');
var eventTDAttribs = protect('style="padding-bottom:25px"');
var DAY_NAME = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'].map(keyword);
var MONTH_NAME = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'].map(keyword);
var MONTH_FULL_NAME = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'].map(keyword);
// Used to mark the center of each day. Not close to midnight to avoid daylight
// savings problems.
var standardHour = 9;
try {
var scheduleNumber = 0;
str =
str.rp(new RegExp('(' + ENTRY + '){2,}', 'gm'),
function (schedule) {
// Each entry has the form {date:date, title:string, text:string}
var entryArray = [];
// Now parse the schedule into individual day entries
var anyWeekendEvents = false;
function (entry, date, title, events) {
// Remove the day from the date (we'll reconstruct it below). This is actually unnecessary, since we
// explicitly compute the value anyway and the parser is robust to extra characters, but it aides
// in debugging.
// date = date.rp(/(?:(?:sun|mon|tues|wednes|thurs|fri|satur)day|(?:sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)\.?|(?:su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)),?/gi, '');
// Parse the date. The Javascript Date class's parser is useless because it
// is locale dependent, so we do this with a regexp.
var year = '', month = '', day = '', parenthesized = false;
date = date.trim();
if ((date[0] === '(') && (date.slice(-1) === ')')) {
// This is a parenthesized entry
date = date.slice(1, -1);
parenthesized = true;
var match = date.match(RegExp('([0123]?\\d)\\D+([01]?\\d|' + MONTH_NAME_LIST + ')\\D+([12]\\d{3})', 'i'));
if (match) {
day = match[1]; month = match[2]; year = match[3];
} else {
match = date.match(RegExp('([12]\\d{3})\\D+([01]?\\d|' + MONTH_NAME_LIST + ')\\D+([0123]?\\d)', 'i'));
if (match) {
day = match[3]; month = match[2]; year = match[1];
} else {
// monthname day year
match = date.match(RegExp('(' + MONTH_NAME_LIST + ')\\D+([0123]?\\d)\\D+([12]\\d{3})', 'i'));
if (match) {
day = match[2]; month = match[1]; year = match[3];
} else {
throw "Could not parse date";
// Reconstruct standardized date format
date = day + ' ' + month + ' ' + year;
// Detect the month
var monthNumber = parseInt(month) - 1;
if (isNaN(monthNumber)) {
monthNumber = MONTH_NAME.indexOf(month.toLowerCase());
var dateVal = new Date(Date.UTC(parseInt(year), monthNumber, parseInt(day), standardHour));
// Reconstruct the day of the week
var dayOfWeek = dateVal.getUTCDay();
date = DAY_NAME[dayOfWeek] + '<br/>' + date;
anyWeekendEvents = anyWeekendEvents || (dayOfWeek === 0) || (dayOfWeek === 6);
entryArray.push({date: dateVal,
title: title,
sourceOrder: entryArray.length,
parenthesized: parenthesized,
// Don't show text if parenthesized with no body
text: parenthesized ? '' :
'<a ' + protect('class="target" name="schedule' + scheduleNumber + '_' + dateVal.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (dateVal.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + dateVal.getUTCDate() + '"') + '> </a>' +
date, dateTDAttribs) +
entag('td', entag('b', title)), rowAttribs) +
entag('tr', entag('td', '\n\n' + events, eventTDAttribs), rowAttribs)});
return '';
// Shallow copy the entries to bypass sorting if needed
var sourceEntryArray = option('sortScheduleLists') ? entryArray : entryArray.slice(0);
// Sort by date
entryArray.sort(function (a, b) {
// Javascript's sort is not specified to be
// stable, so we have to preserve
// sourceOrder in ties.
var ta = a.date.getTime();
var tb = b.date.getTime();
return (ta === tb) ? (a.sourceOrder - b.sourceOrder) : (ta - tb);
var MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
// May be slightly off due to daylight savings time
var approximateDaySpan = (entryArray[entryArray.length - 1].date.getTime() - entryArray[0].date.getTime()) / MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY;
var today = new Date();
// Move back to midnight
today = new Date(Date.UTC(today.getUTCFullYear(), today.getUTCMonth(), today.getUTCDate(), standardHour));
var calendar = '';
// Make a calendar view with links, if suitable
if ((approximateDaySpan > 14) && (approximateDaySpan / entryArray.length < 16)) {
var DAY_HEADER_ATTRIBS = protect('colspan="2" width="14%" style="padding-top:5px;text-align:center;font-style:italic"');
var DATE_ATTRIBS = protect('width="1%" height="30px" style="text-align:right;border:1px solid #EEE;border-right:none;"');
var FADED_ATTRIBS = protect('width="1%" height="30px" style="color:#BBB;text-align:right;"');
var ENTRY_ATTRIBS = protect('width="14%" style="border:1px solid #EEE;border-left:none;"');
var PARENTHESIZED_ATTRIBS = protect('class="parenthesized"');
// Find the first day of the first month
var date = entryArray[0].date;
var index = 0;
var hideWeekends = ! anyWeekendEvents && option('hideEmptyWeekends');
var showDate = hideWeekends ? function(date) { return (date.getUTCDay() > 0) && (date.getUTCDay() < 6);} : function() { return true; };
var sameDay = function (d1, d2) {
// Account for daylight savings time
return (abs(d1.getTime() - d2.getTime()) < MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY / 2);
// Go to the first of the month
date = new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), 1, standardHour);
while (date.getTime() < entryArray[entryArray.length - 1].date.getTime()) {
// Create the calendar header
calendar += '<table ' + protect('class="calendar"') + '>\n' +
entag('tr', entag('th', MONTH_FULL_NAME[date.getUTCMonth()] + ' ' + date.getUTCFullYear(), protect('colspan="14"'))) + '<tr>';
(hideWeekends ? DAY_NAME.slice(1, 6) : DAY_NAME).forEach(function (name) {
calendar += entag('td', name, DAY_HEADER_ATTRIBS);
calendar += '</tr>';
// Go back into the previous month to reach a Sunday. Check the time at noon
// to avoid problems with daylight saving time occuring early in the morning
while (date.getUTCDay() !== 0) {
date = new Date(date.getTime() - MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
// Insert the days from the previous month
if (date.getDate() !== 1) {
calendar += '<tr ' + rowAttribs + '>';
while (date.getDate() !== 1) {
if (showDate(date)) { calendar += '<td ' + FADED_ATTRIBS + '>' + date.getUTCDate() + '</td><td> </td>'; }
date = new Date(date.getTime() + MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
// Run until the end of the month
do {
if (date.getUTCDay() === 0) {
// Sunday, start a row
calendar += '<tr ' + rowAttribs + '>';
if (showDate(date)) {
var attribs = '';
if (sameDay(date, today)) {
attribs = protect('class="today"');
// Insert links as needed from entries
var contents = '';
for (var entry = entryArray[index]; entry && sameDay(entry.date, date); ++index, entry = entryArray[index]) {
if (contents) { contents += '<br/>'; }
if (entry.parenthesized) {
// Parenthesized with no body, no need for a link
contents += entag('span', entry.title, PARENTHESIZED_ATTRIBS);
} else {
contents += entag('a', entry.title, protect('href="#schedule' + scheduleNumber + '_' + date.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getUTCDate() + '"'));
if (contents) {
calendar += entag('td', entag('b', date.getUTCDate()), DATE_ATTRIBS + attribs) + entag('td', contents, ENTRY_ATTRIBS + attribs);
} else {
calendar += '<td ' + DATE_ATTRIBS + attribs + '></a>' + date.getUTCDate() + '</td><td ' + ENTRY_ATTRIBS + attribs + '> </td>';
if (date.getUTCDay() === 6) {
// Saturday, end a row
calendar += '</tr>';
// Go to (approximately) the next day
date = new Date(date.getTime() + MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
} while (date.getUTCDate() > 1);
// Finish out the week after the end of the month
if (date.getUTCDay() !== 0) {
while (date.getUTCDay() !== 0) {
if (showDate(date)) { calendar += '<td ' + FADED_ATTRIBS + '>' + date.getUTCDate() + '</td><td> </td>'; }
date = new Date(date.getTime() + MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY);
calendar += '</tr>';
calendar += '</table><br/>\n';
// Go to the first of the (new) month
date = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), 1, standardHour));
} // Until all days covered
} // if add calendar
// Construct the schedule
schedule = '';
sourceEntryArray.forEach(function (entry) {
schedule += entry.text;
return calendar + entag('table', schedule, protect('class="schedule"')) + '\n\n';
} catch (ignore) {
// Maybe this wasn't a schedule after all, since we couldn't parse a date
console.log(ignore + ' in a Markdeep schedule list');
return str;
: description, which might be multiple
lines and include blanks.
Next Term
<dd> description, which might be multiple
lines and include blanks.</dd>
<dt>Next Term</dt>
... unless it is very short, in which case it becomes a table.
function replaceDefinitionLists(s, protect) {
var TERM = /^.+\n:(?=[ \t])/.source;
// Definition can contain multiple paragraphs
var DEFINITION = '(\s*\n|[: \t].+\n)+';
s = s.rp(new RegExp('(' + TERM + DEFINITION + ')+', 'gm'),
function (block) {
var list = [];
// Parse the block
var currentEntry = null;
block.split('\n').forEach(function (line, i) {
// What kind of line is this?
if (line.trim().length === 0) {
if (currentEntry) {
// Empty line
currentEntry.definition += '\n';
} else if (! /\s/.test(line[0]) && (line[0] !== ':')) {
currentEntry = {term: line, definition: ''};
} else {
// Add the line to the current definition, stripping any single leading ':'
if (line[0] === ':') { line = ' ' + line.ss(1); }
currentEntry.definition += line + '\n';
var longestDefinition = 0;
list.forEach(function (entry) {
if (/\n\s*\n/.test(entry.definition.trim())) {
// This definition contains multiple paragraphs. Force it into long mode
longestDefinition = Infinity;
} else {
// Normal case
longestDefinition = max(longestDefinition, unescapeHTMLEntities(removeHTMLTags(entry.definition)).length);
var result = '';
if (longestDefinition < 160) {
var rowAttribs = protect('valign=top');
// This list has short definitions. Format it as a table
list.forEach(function (entry) {
result += entag('tr',
entag('td', entag('dt', entry.term)) +
entag('td', entag('dd', entag('p', entry.definition))),
result = entag('table', result);
} else {
list.forEach(function (entry) {
// Leave *two* blanks at the start of a
// definition so that subsequent processing
// can detect block formatting within it.
result += entag('dt', entry.term) + entag('dd', entag('p', entry.definition));
return entag('dl', result);
return s;
/** Inserts a table of contents in the document and then returns
[string, table], where the table maps strings to levels. */
function insertTableOfContents(s, protect) {
// Gather headers for table of contents (TOC). We
// accumulate a long and short TOC and then choose which
// to insert at the end.
var fullTOC = '';
var shortTOC = '';
// headerCounter[i] is the current counter for header level (i - 1)
var headerCounter = [0];
var currentLevel = 0;
var numAboveLevel1 = 0;
var table = {};
s = s.rp(/<h([1-6])>(.*?)<\/h\1>/gi, function (header, level, text) {
level = parseInt(level)
text = text.trim();
// If becoming more nested:
for (var i = currentLevel; i < level; ++i) { headerCounter[i] = 0; }
// If becoming less nested:
headerCounter.splice(level, currentLevel - level);
currentLevel = level;
++headerCounter[currentLevel - 1];
// Generate a unique name for this element
var number = headerCounter.join('.');
var name = 'toc' + number;
table[removeHTMLTags(text).trim().toLowerCase()] = number;
// Only insert for the first three levels
if (level <= 3) {
// Indent and append (the Array() call generates spaces)
fullTOC += Array(level).join(' ') + '<a href="#' + name + '" class="level' + level + '"><span class="tocNumber">' + number + ' </span>' + text + '</a><br/>\n';
if (level === 1) {
shortTOC += ' · <a href="#' + name + '">' + text + '</a>';
} else {
return entag('a', ' ', protect('class="target" name="' + name + '"')) + header;
if (shortTOC.length > 0) {
// Strip the leading " · "
shortTOC = shortTOC.ss(10);
var numLevel1 = headerCounter[0];
var numHeaders = numLevel1 + numAboveLevel1;
// The location of the first header is indicative of the length of
// the abstract...as well as where we insert. The first header may be accompanied by
// <a name> tags, which we want to appear before.
var firstHeaderLocation = s.regexIndexOf(/((<a\s+\S+> <\/a>)\s*)*?<h\d>/i);
if (firstHeaderLocation === -1) { firstHeaderLocation = 0; }
var AFTER_TITLES = '<div class="afterTitles"><\/div>';
var insertLocation = s.indexOf(AFTER_TITLES);
if (insertLocation === -1) {
insertLocation = 0;
} else {
insertLocation += AFTER_TITLES.length;
// Which TOC style should we use?
var tocStyle = option('tocStyle');
var TOC = '';
if ((tocStyle === 'auto') || (tocStyle === '')) {
if (((numHeaders < 4) && (numLevel1 <= 1)) || (s.length < 2048)) {
// No TOC; this document is really short
tocStyle = 'none';
} else if ((numLevel1 < 7) && (numHeaders / numLevel1 < 2.5)) {
// We can use the short TOC
tocStyle = 'short';
} else if ((firstHeaderLocation === -1) || (firstHeaderLocation / 55 > numHeaders)) {
// The abstract is long enough to float alongside, and there
// are not too many levels.
// Insert the medium-length TOC floating
tocStyle = 'medium';
} else {
// This is a long table of contents or a short abstract
// Insert a long toc...right before the first header
tocStyle = 'long';
switch (tocStyle) {
case 'none':
case '':
case 'short':
TOC = '<div class="shortTOC">' + shortTOC + '</div>';
case 'medium':
TOC = '<div class="mediumTOC"><center><b>' + keyword('Contents') + '</b></center><p>' + fullTOC + '</p></div>';
case 'long':
insertLocation = firstHeaderLocation;
TOC = '<div class="longTOC"><div class="tocHeader">' + keyword('Contents') + '</div><p>' + fullTOC + '</p></div>';
console.log('markdeepOptions.tocStyle = "' + tocStyle + '" specified in your document is not a legal value');
s = s.ss(0, insertLocation) + TOC + s.ss(insertLocation);
return [s, table];
function escapeRegExpCharacters(str) {
return str.rp(/([\.\[\]\(\)\*\+\?\^\$\\\{\}\|])/g, '\\$1');
/** Returns true if there are at least two newlines in each of the arguments */
function isolated(preSpaces, postSpaces) {
if (preSpaces && postSpaces) {
preSpaces = preSpaces.match(/\n/g);
postSpaces = postSpaces.match(/\n/g);
return preSpaces && (preSpaces.length > 1) && postSpaces && (postSpaces.length > 1);
} else {
return false;
Performs Markdeep processing on str, which must be a string or a
DOM element. Returns a string that is the HTML to display for the
body. The result does not include the header: Markdeep stylesheet
and script tags for including a math library, or the Markdeep
signature footer.
Optional argument elementMode defaults to true. This avoids turning a bold first word into a
title or introducing a table of contents. Section captions are unaffected by this argument.
Set elementMode = false if processing a whole document instead of an internal node.
function markdeepToHTML(str, elementMode) {
// Map names to the number used for end notes, in the order
// encountered in the text.
var endNoteTable = {}, endNoteCount = 0;
// Reference links
var referenceLinkTable = {};
// In the private use area
var PROTECT_CHARACTER = '\ue010';
// Use base 36 for encoding numbers
var protectedStringArray = [];
// Gives 1.5M possible sequences in base 56
// Put the protect character at BOTH ends to avoid having the protected number encoding
// look like an actual number to further markdown processing
/** Given an arbitrary string, returns an escaped identifier
string to temporarily replace it with to prevent Markdeep from
processing the contents. See expose() */
function protect(s) {
var i = (protectedStringArray.push(s) - 1).toString(PROTECT_RADIX);
// Avoid the pattern "#x#", which Markdeep would interpret as a dimension eligible for
// beautification.
i = i.rp(/x/gi, 'z');
// Ensure fixed length
while (i.length < PROTECT_DIGITS) {
i = '0' + i;
/** Given the escaped identifier string from protect(), returns
the orginal string. */
function expose(i) {
// Strip the escape character and parse, then look up in the
// dictionary.
var j = parseInt(i.ss(1, i.length - 1).rp(/z/g, 'x'), PROTECT_RADIX);
return protectedStringArray[j];
/** First-class function to pass to String.replace to protect a
sequence defined by a regular expression. */
function protector(match, protectee) {
return protect(protectee);
function protectorWithPrefix(match, prefix, protectee) {
return prefix + protect(protectee);
// This is common code for numbered headers. Nno-number ATX headers are processed
// separately
function makeHeaderFunc(level) {
return function (match, header) {
return '\n\n</p>\n<a ' + protect('class="target" name="' + mangle(removeHTMLTags(header)) + '"') +
'> </a>' + entag('h' + level, header) + '\n<p>\n\n';
if (elementMode === undefined) {
elementMode = true;
if (str.innerHTML !== undefined) {
str = str.innerHTML;
// Prefix a newline so that blocks beginning at the top of the
// document are processed correctly
str = '\n\n' + str;
// Replace pre-formatted script tags that are used to protect
// less-than signs, e.g., in std::vector<Value>
str = str.rp(/<script\s+type\s*=\s*['"]preformatted['"]\s*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, '$1');
function replaceDiagrams(str) {
var result = extractDiagram(str);
if (result.diagramString) {
var CAPTION_REGEXP = /^\n*[ \t]*\[[^\n]+\][ \t]*(?=\n)/;
result.afterString = result.afterString.rp(CAPTION_REGEXP, function (caption) {
// Strip whitespace and enclosing brackets from the caption
caption = caption.trim();
caption = caption.ss(1, caption.length - 1);
result.caption = entag('center', entag('div', caption, protect('class="imagecaption"')));
return '';
var diagramSVG = diagramToSVG(result.diagramString, result.alignmentHint);
var captionAbove = option('captionAbove', 'diagram')
return result.beforeString +
(result.caption && captionAbove ? result.caption : '') +
diagramSVG +
(result.caption && ! captionAbove ? result.caption : '') + '\n' +
} else {
return str;
// CODE FENCES, with styles. Do this before other
// processing so that their code is protected from further
// Markdown processing
var stylizeFence = function (cssClass, symbol) {
var pattern = new RegExp('\\n([ \\t]*)' + symbol + '{3,}([ \\t]*\\S*)([ \\t]+.+)?\n([\\s\\S]+?)\n\\1' + symbol + '{3,}\\s*\n([ \t]*\\[.+(?:\n.+){0,3}\\])?', 'g');
str = str.rp(pattern, function(match, indent, lang, cssSubClass, sourceCode, caption) {
if (caption) {
caption = caption.trim();
caption = '<div ' + protect('class="listingcaption ' + cssClass + '"') + '>' + caption.ss(1, caption.length - 1) + '</div>\n';
lang = lang ? lang.trim() : lang;
lang = lang ? [lang] : undefined;
// Remove the block's own indentation from each line of sourceCode
sourceCode = sourceCode.rp(new RegExp('(^|\n)' + indent, 'g'), '$1');
var captionAbove = option('captionAbove', 'listing')
var nextSourceCode, nextLang, nextCssSubClass;
var body = '';
do {
nextSourceCode = nextLang = nextCssSubClass = undefined;
sourceCode = sourceCode.rp(new RegExp('\\n([ \\t]*)' + symbol + '{3,}([ \\t]*\\S+)([ \\t]+.+)?\n([\\s\\S]*)'),
function (match, indent, lang, cssSubClass, everythingElse) {
nextLang = [lang];
nextCssSubClass = cssSubClass;
nextSourceCode = everythingElse;
return '';
// Highlight and append this block
var highlighted = hljs.highlightAuto(sourceCode, lang).value;
if (cssSubClass) {
highlighted = entag('div', highlighted, 'class="' + cssSubClass + '"');
body += highlighted;
// Advance the next nested block
sourceCode = nextSourceCode;
lang = nextLang;
cssSubClass = nextCssSubClass;
} while (sourceCode);
// Insert paragraph close/open tags, since browsers force them anyway around pre tags
// We need the indent in case this is a code block inside a list that is indented.
return '\n' + indent + '</p>' + (caption && captionAbove ? caption : '') +
protect(entag('pre', entag('code', body), 'class="listing ' + cssClass + '"')) +
(caption && ! captionAbove ? caption : '') + '<p>\n';
stylizeFence('tilde', '~');
stylizeFence('backtick', '`');
// Protect raw <CODE> content
str = str.rp(/(<code\b.*?<\/code>)/gi, protector);
str = str.rp(/<!--\s[\s\S]+?\s-->/g, '');
str = replaceDiagrams(str);
// Protect SVG blocks (including the ones we just inserted)
str = str.rp(/<svg( .*?)?>([\s\S]*?)<\/svg>/gi, function (match, attribs, body) {
return '<svg' + protect(attribs) + '>' + protect(body) + '</svg>';
// Protect STYLE blocks
str = str.rp(/<style>([\s\S]*?)<\/style>/gi, function (match, body) {
return entag('style', protect(body));
// Protect the very special case of img tags with newlines and
// breaks in them AND mismatched angle brackets. This happens for
// gravizo graphs.
str = str.rp(/<img\s+src=(["'])[\s\S]*?\1\s*>/gi, function (match, quote) {
// Strip the "<img " and ">", and then protect:
return "<img " + protect(match.ss(5, match.length - 1)) + ">";
// INLINE CODE: Surrounded in back ticks on a single line. Do this before any other
// processing to protect code blocks from further interference. Don't process back ticks
// inside of code fences. Allow a single newline, but not wrapping further because that
// might just pick up quotes used as other punctuation across lines. Explicitly exclude
// cases where the second quote immediately preceeds a number, e.g., "the old `97"
str = str.rp(/(`)(.+?(?:\n.+?)?)`(?!\d)/g, entag('code', '$2'));
// CODE: Escape angle brackets inside code blocks (including the ones we just introduced),
// and then protect the blocks themselves
str = str.rp(/(<code(?: .*?)?>)([\s\S]*?)<\/code>/gi, function (match, open, inlineCode) {
return protect(open + escapeHTMLEntities(inlineCode) + '</code>');
// PRE: Protect pre blocks
str = str.rp(/(<pre\b[\s\S]*?<\/pre>)/gi, protector);
// Protect raw HTML attributes from processing
str = str.rp(/(<\w[^ \n<>]*?[ \t]+)(.*?)(?=\/?>)/g, protectorWithPrefix);
// End of processing literal blocks
// Temporarily hide $$ MathJax LaTeX blocks from Markdown processing (this must
// come before single $ block detection below)
str = str.rp(/(\$\$[\s\S]+?\$\$)/g, protector);
// Convert LaTeX $ ... $ to MathJax, but verify that this
// actually looks like math and not just dollar
// signs. Don't rp double-dollar signs. Do this only
// outside of protected blocks.
// Also allow LaTeX of the form $...$ if the close tag is not US$ or Can$
// and there are spaces outside of the dollar signs.
// Test: " $3 or US$2 and 3$, $x$ $y + \n 2x$ or ($z$) $k$. or $2 or $2".match(pattern) =
// ["$x$", "$y + 2x$", "$z$", "$k$"];
str = str.rp(/((?:[^\w\d]))\$(\S(?:[^\$]*?\S(?!US|Can))??)\$(?![\w\d])/g, '$1\\($2\\)');
// Literally: find a non-dollar sign, non-number followed
// by a dollar sign and a space. Then, find any number of
// characters until the same pattern reversed, allowing
// one punctuation character before the final space. We're
// trying to exclude things like Canadian 1$ and US $1
// triggering math mode.
str = str.rp(/((?:[^\w\d]))\$([ \t][^\$]+?[ \t])\$(?![\w\d])/g, '$1\\($2\\)');
// Temporarily hide MathJax LaTeX blocks from Markdown processing
str = str.rp(/(\\\([\s\S]+?\\\))/g, protector);
str = str.rp(/(\\begin\{equation\}[\s\S]*?\\end\{equation\})/g, protector);
str = str.rp(/(\\begin\{eqnarray\}[\s\S]*?\\end\{eqnarray\})/g, protector);
str = str.rp(/(\\begin\{equation\*\}[\s\S]*?\\end\{equation\*\})/g, protector);
// For headers, we consume leading and trailing whitespace to avoid creating an
// extra paragraph tag around the header itself.
// Setext-style H1: Text with ======== right under it
str = str.rp(/(?:^|\s*\n)(.+?)\n[ \t]*={3,}[ \t]*\n/g, makeHeaderFunc(1));
// Setext-style H2: Text with -------- right under it
str = str.rp(/(?:^|\s*\n)(.+?)\n[ \t]*-{3,}[ \t]*\n/g, makeHeaderFunc(2));
// ATX-style headers:
for (var i = 6; i > 0; --i) {
str = str.rp(new RegExp(/^\s*/.source + '#{' + i + ',' + i +'}(?:[ \t])([^\n#]+)#*[ \t]*\n', 'gm'),
// No-number headers
str = str.rp(new RegExp(/^\s*/.source + '\\(#{' + i + ',' + i +'}\\)(?:[ \t])([^\n#]+)\\(?#*\\)?\\n[ \t]*\n', 'gm'),
'\n</p>\n' + entag('div', '$1', protect('class="nonumberh' + i + '"')) + '\n<p>\n\n');
// HORIZONTAL RULE: * * *, - - -, _ _ _
str = str.rp(/\n[ \t]*((\*|-|_)[ \t]*){3,}[ \t]*\n/g, '\n<hr/>\n');
str = str.rp(/\n[ \t]*\+{5,}[ \t]*\n/g, '\n<hr ' + protect('class="pagebreak"') + '/>\n');
// ADMONITION: !!! (class) (title)\n body
str = str.rp(/^!!![ \t]*([^\s"'><&\:]*)\:?(.*)\n([ \t]{3,}.*\s*\n)*/gm, function (match, cssClass, title) {
// Have to extract the body by splitting match because the regex doesn't capture the body correctly in the multi-line case
match = match.trim();
return '\n\n' + entag('div', ((title ? entag('div', title, protect('class="admonition-title"')) + '\n' : '') + match.ss(match.indexOf('\n'))).trim(), protect('class="admonition ' + cssClass.toLowerCase().trim() + '"')) + '\n\n';
// FANCY QUOTE in a blockquote:
// > " .... "
// > -- Foo
var FANCY_QUOTE = protect('class="fancyquote"');
str = str.rp(/\n>[ \t]*"(.*(?:\n>.*)*)"[ \t]*(?:\n>[ \t]*)?(\n>[ \t]{2,}\S.*)?\n/g,
function (match, quote, author) {
return entag('blockquote',
quote.rp(/\n>/g, '\n'),
(author ? entag('span',
author.rp(/\n>/g, '\n'),
protect('class="author"')) : ''),
// BLOCKQUOTE: > in front of a series of lines
// Process iteratively to support nested blockquotes
var foundBlockquote = false;
do {
foundBlockquote = false;
str = str.rp(/(?:\n>.*){2,}/g, function (match) {
// Strip the leading '>'
foundBlockquote = true;
return entag('blockquote', match.rp(/\n>/g, '\n'));
} while (foundBlockquote);
// FOOTNOTES/ENDNOTES: [^symbolic name]. Disallow spaces in footnote names to
// make parsing unambiguous
str = str.rp(/\s*\[\^(\S+)\](?!:)/g, function (match, symbolicName) {
symbolicName = symbolicName.toLowerCase().trim();
if (! (symbolicName in endNoteTable)) {
endNoteTable[symbolicName] = endNoteCount;
return '<sup><a ' + protect('href="#endnote-' + symbolicName + '"') +
'>' + endNoteTable[symbolicName] + '</a></sup>';
// CITATIONS: [#symbolicname]
// The reference: (don't use \S+ because it can grab trailing punctuation)
str = str.rp(/\[#([^\)\(\[\]\.#\s]+)\](?!:)/g, function (match, symbolicName) {
symbolicName = symbolicName.trim();
return '[<a ' + protect('href="#citation-' + symbolicName.toLowerCase() + '"') +
'>' + symbolicName + '</a>]';
// The bibliography entry:
str = str.rp(/\n\[#(\S+)\]:[ \t]+((?:[ \t]*\S[^\n]*\n?)*)/g, function (match, symbolicName, entry) {
symbolicName = symbolicName.trim();
return '<div ' + protect('class="bib"') + '>[<a ' + protect('class="target" name="citation-' + symbolicName.toLowerCase() + '"') +
'> </a><b>' + symbolicName + '</b>] ' + entry + '</div>';
// TABLES: line with | over line containing only | and -
// (process before reference links to avoid ambiguity on the captions)
str = replaceTables(str, protect);
// REFERENCE-LINKS: [foo][] or [bar][foo] + [foo]: http://foo.com
str = str.rp(/^\[([^\^#].*?)\]:(.*?)$/gm, function (match, symbolicName, url) {
referenceLinkTable[symbolicName.toLowerCase().trim()] = {link: url.trim(), used: false};
return '';
// E-MAIL ADDRESS: <foo@bar.baz> or foo@bar.baz
str = str.rp(/(?:<|(?!<)\b)(\S+@(\S+\.)+?\S{3,}?)(?:$|>|(?=<)|(?=\s)(?!>))/g, function (match, addr) {
return '<a ' + protect('href="mailto:' + addr + '"') + '>' + addr + '</a>';
// Common code for formatting images
var formatImage = function (ignore, url, attribs) {
attribs = attribs || '';
var img;
var hash;
// Detect videos
if (/(.mp4|.m4v|.avi|.mpg|.mov)$/i.test(url)) {
// This is video. Any attributes provided will override the defaults given here
img = '<video ' + protect('class="markdeep" src="' + url + '"' + attribs + ' width="480px" controls="true"') + '/>';
} else if (hash = url.match(/^https:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:youtube\.com\/\S*?v=|youtu\.be\/)([\w\d-]+)(&.*)?$/i)) {
// Youtube video
img = '<iframe ' + protect('class="markdeep" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/' + hash[1] + '"' + attribs + ' width="480px" height="300px" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen') + '></iframe>';
} else if (hash = url.match(/^https:\/\/(?:www\.)?vimeo.com\/\S*?\/([\w\d-]+)$/i)) {
// Vimeo video
img = '<iframe ' + protect('class="markdeep" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/' + hash[1] + '"' + attribs + ' width="480px" height="300px" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen') + '></iframe>';
} else {
// Image (trailing space is needed in case attribs must be quoted by the
// browser...without the space, the browser will put the closing slash in the
// quotes.)
img = '<img ' + protect('class="markdeep" src="' + url + '"' + attribs) + ' />';
// Check for width or height (or max-width and max-height). If they exist,
// link this to the full-size image as well. The current code ALWAYS makes
// this link.
//if (/\b(width|height)\b/i.test(attribs)) {
img = entag('a ', img, protect('href="' + url + '" target="_blank"'));
return img;
// Reformat figure links that have subfigure labels in parentheses, to avoid them being
// processed as links
str = str.rp(/\b(figure|fig\.|table|tbl\.|listing|lst\.)\s*\[([^\s\]]+)\](?=\()/gi, function (match) {
return match + '<span/>';
// Process links before images so that captions can contain links
// Detect gravizo URLs inside of markdown images and protect them,
// which will cause them to be parsed sort-of reasonably. This is
// a really special case needed to handle the newlines and potential
// nested parentheses. Use the pattern from http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/regex-recursion
// (could be extended to multiple nested parens if needed)
str = str.rp(/\(http:\/\/g.gravizo.com\/g\?((?:[^\(\)]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)/gi, function(match, url) {
return "(http://g.gravizo.com/g?" + encodeURIComponent(url) + ")";
// HYPERLINKS: [text](url attribs)
str = str.rp(/(^|[^!])\[([^\[\]]+?)\]\(("?)([^<>\s"]+?)\3(\s+[^\)]*?)?\)/g, function (match, pre, text, maybeQuote, url, attribs) {
attribs = attribs || '';
return pre + '<a ' + protect('href="' + url + '"' + attribs) + '>' + text + '</a>' + maybeShowLabel(url);
str = str.rp(/(^|[^!])\[[ \t]*?\]\(("?)([^<>\s"]+?)\2\)/g, function (match, pre, maybeQuote, url) {
return pre + '<a ' + protect('href="' + url + '"') + '>' + url + '</a>';
// IMAGE GRID: Rewrite rows and grids of images into a grid
var imageGridAttribs = protect('width="100%"');
var imageGridRowAttribs = protect('valign="top"');
str = str.rp(/(?:\n(?:[ \t]*!\[[^\n]*?\]\(("?)[^<>\s]+?(?:[^\n\)]*?)?\)){2,}[ \t]*)+\n/g, function (match) {
var table = '';
// Break into rows:
match = match.split('\n');
// Parse each row:
match.forEach(function(row) {
row = row.trim();
if (row) {
// Parse each image
table += entag('tr', row.rp(/[ \t]*!\[[^\n]*?\]\([^\)\s]+([^\)]*?)?\)/g, function(image, attribs) {
//if (! /width|height/i.test(attribs) {
// Add a bogus "width" attribute to force the images to be hyperlinked to their
// full-resolution versions
return entag('td', '\n\n'+ image + '\n\n');
}), imageGridRowAttribs);
return '\n' + entag('table', table, imageGridAttribs) + '\n';
// SIMPLE IMAGE: ![](url attribs)
str = str.rp(/(\s*)!\[\]\(("?)([^"<>\s]+?)\2(\s[^\)]*?)?\)(\s*)/g, function (match, preSpaces, maybeQuote, url, attribs, postSpaces) {
var img = formatImage(match, url, attribs);
if (isolated(preSpaces, postSpaces)) {
// In a block by itself: center
img = entag('center', img);
return preSpaces + img + postSpaces;
// Explicit loop so that the output will be re-processed, preserving spaces between blocks.
// Note that there is intentionally no global flag on the first regexp since we only want
// to process the first occurance.
var loop = true;
var imageCaptionAbove = option('captionAbove', 'image');
while (loop) {
loop = false;
// CAPTIONED IMAGE: ![caption](url attribs)
str = str.rp(/(\s*)!\[([\s\S]+?)?\]\(("?)([^"<>\s]+?)\3(\s[^\)]*?)?\)(\s*)/, function (match, preSpaces, caption, maybeQuote, url, attribs, postSpaces) {
loop = true;
var divStyle = '';
var iso = isolated(preSpaces, postSpaces);
// Only floating images get their size attributes moved to the whole box
if (attribs && ! iso) {
// Move any width *attribute* specification to the box itself
attribs = attribs.rp(/((?:max-)?width)\s*:\s*[^;'"]*/g, function (attribMatch, attrib) {
divStyle = attribMatch + ';';
return attrib + ':100%';
// Move any width *style* specification to the box itself
attribs = attribs.rp(/((?:max-)?width)\s*=\s*('\S+?'|"\S+?")/g, function (attribMatch, attrib, expr) {
// Strip the quotes
divStyle = attrib + ':' + expr.ss(1, expr.length - 1) + ';';
return 'style="' + attrib + ':100%" ';
var img = formatImage(match, url, attribs);
if (iso) {
// In its own block: center
preSpaces += '<center>';
postSpaces = '</center>' + postSpaces;
} else {
// Embedded: float
divStyle += 'float:right;margin:4px 0px 0px 25px;'
caption = entag('div', caption + maybeShowLabel(url), protect('class="imagecaption"'));
return preSpaces +
entag('div', (imageCaptionAbove ? caption : '') + img + (! imageCaptionAbove ? caption : ''), protect('class="image" style="' + divStyle + '"')) +
} // while replacements made
// Process these after links, so that URLs with underscores and tildes are protected.
// STRONG: Must run before italic, since they use the
// same symbols. **b** __b__
str = replaceMatched(str, /\*\*/, 'strong', protect('class="asterisk"'));
str = replaceMatched(str, /__/, 'strong', protect('class="underscore"'));
// EM (ITALICS): *i* _i_
str = replaceMatched(str, /\*/, 'em', protect('class="asterisk"'));
str = replaceMatched(str, /_/, 'em', protect('class="underscore"'));
// STRIKETHROUGH: ~~text~~
str = str.rp(/\~\~([^~].*?)\~\~/g, entag('del', '$1'));
// SMART DOUBLE QUOTES: "a -> “ z" -> ”
// Allow situations such as "foo"==>"bar" and foo:"bar", but not 3' 9"
str = str.rp(/(^|[ \t->])(")(?=\w)/gm, '$1“');
str = str.rp(/([A-Za-z\.,:;\?!=<])(")(?=$|\W)/gm, '$1”');
str = str.rp(/(\s|^)<==(\s)/g, '$1\u21D0$2');
str = str.rp(/(\s|^)->(\s)/g, '$1→$2');
// (this requires having removed HTML comments first)
str = str.rp(/(\s|^)-->(\s)/g, '$1⟶$2');
str = str.rp(/(\s|^)==>(\s)/g, '$1\u21D2$2');
str = str.rp(/(\s|^)<-(\s)/g, '$1←$2');
str = str.rp(/(\s|^)<--(\s)/g, '$1⟵$2');
str = str.rp(/(\s|^)<==>(\s)/g, '$1\u21D4$2');
str = str.rp(/(\s|^)<->(\s)/g, '$1\u2194$2');
// EM DASH: ---
// (exclude things that look like table delimiters!)
str = str.rp(/([^-!\:\|])---([^->\:\|])/g, '$1—$2');
// other EM DASH: -- (we don't support en dash...it is too short and looks like a minus)
// (exclude things that look like table delimiters!)
str = str.rp(/([^-!\:\|])--([^->\:\|])/g, '$1—$2');
str = str.rp(/(\d+\s?)x(\s?\d+)/g, '$1×$2');
// MINUS: -4 or 2 - 1
str = str.rp(/([\s\(\[<\|])-(\d)/g, '$1−$2');
str = str.rp(/(\d) - (\d)/g, '$1 − $2');
// EXPONENTS: ^1 ^-1 (no decimal places allowed)
str = str.rp(/\^([-+]?\d+)\b/g, '<sup>$1</sup>');
str = str.rp(/\b\\(pagebreak|newpage)\b/gi, protect('<div style="page-break-after:always"> </div>\n'))
// SCHEDULE LISTS: date : title followed by indented content
str = replaceScheduleLists(str, protect);
// DEFINITION LISTS: Word followed by a colon list
// Use <dl><dt>term</dt><dd>definition</dd></dl>
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/dl
// Process these before lists so that lists within definition lists
// work correctly
str = replaceDefinitionLists(str, protect);
// LISTS: lines with -, +, *, or number.
str = replaceLists(str, protect);
// DEGREE: ##-degree
str = str.rp(/(\d+?)[ \t-]degree(?:s?)/g, '$1°');
// PARAGRAPH: Newline, any amount of space, newline...as long as there isn't already
// a paragraph break there.
str = str.rp(/(?:<p>)?\n\s*\n+(?!<\/p>)/gi,
function(match) { return (/^<p>/i.test(match)) ? match : '\n\n</p><p>\n\n';});
// Remove empty paragraphs (mostly avoided by the above, but some can still occur)
str = str.rp(/<p>[\s\n]*<\/p>/gi, '');
// Reference links
str = str.rp(/\[(.+?)\]\[(.*?)\]/g, function (match, text, symbolicName) {
// Empty symbolic name is replaced by the text
if (! symbolicName.trim()) {
symbolicName = text;
symbolicName = symbolicName.toLowerCase().trim();
var t = referenceLinkTable[symbolicName];
if (! t) {
console.log("Reference link '" + symbolicName + "' never defined");
return '?';
} else {
t.used = true;
return '<a ' + protect('href="' + t.link + '"') + '>' + text + '</a>';
str = str.rp(/\n\[\^(\S+)\]: ((?:.+?\n?)*)/g, function (match, symbolicName, note) {
symbolicName = symbolicName.toLowerCase().trim();
if (symbolicName in endNoteTable) {
return '\n<div ' + protect('class="endnote"') + '><a ' +
protect('class="target" name="endnote-' + symbolicName + '"') +
'> </a><sup>' + endNoteTable[symbolicName] + '</sup> ' + note + '</div>';
} else {
return "\n";
// SECTION LINKS: XXX section, XXX subsection.
// Do this by rediscovering the headers and then recursively
// searching for links to them. Process after other
// forms of links to avoid ambiguity.
var allHeaders = str.match(/<h([1-6])>(.*?)<\/h\1>/gi);
if (allHeaders) {
allHeaders.forEach(function (header) {
header = removeHTMLTags(header.ss(4, header.length - 5)).trim();
var link = '<a ' + protect('href="#' + mangle(header) + '"') + '>';
// Search for links to this section
str = str.rp(RegExp("(\\b" + escapeRegExpCharacters(header) + ")(?=\\s" + keyword('subsection') + "|\\s" +
keyword('section') + ")", 'gi'),
link + "$1</a>");
// TABLE, LISTING, and FIGURE LABEL NUMBERING: Figure [symbol]: Table [symbol]: Listing [symbol]: Diagram [symbols]:
// This data structure maps caption types [by localized name] to a count of how many of
// that type of object exist.
var refCounter = {};
// refTable['type_symbolicName'] = {number: number to link to, used: bool}
var refTable = {};
str = str.rp(RegExp(/($|>)\s*/.source + '(' + keyword('figure') + '|' + keyword('table') + '|' + keyword('listing') + '|' + keyword('diagram') + ')' + /\s+\[(.+?)\]:/.source, 'gim'), function (match, prefix, _type, _ref) {
var type = _type.toLowerCase();
// Increment the counter
var count = refCounter[type] = (refCounter[type] | 0) + 1;
var ref = type + '_' + mangle(_ref.toLowerCase().trim());
// Store the reference number
refTable[ref] = {number: count, used: false, source: type + ' [' + _ref + ']'};
return prefix +
entag('a', ' ', protect('class="target" name="' + ref + '"')) + entag('b', type[0].toUpperCase() + type.ss(1) + ' ' + count + ':', protect('style="font-style:normal;"')) +
// FIGURE, TABLE, and LISTING references:
// (must come after figure/table/listing processing, obviously)
str = str.rp(/\b(figure|fig\.|table|tbl\.|listing|lst\.)\s+\[([^\s\]]+)\]/gi, function (match, _type, _ref) {
// Fix abbreviations
var type = _type.toLowerCase();
switch (type) {
case 'fig.': type = 'figure'; break;
case 'tbl.': type = 'table'; break;
case 'lst.': type = 'listing'; break;
// Clean up the reference
var ref = type + '_' + mangle(_ref.toLowerCase().trim());
var t = refTable[ref];
if (t) {
t.used = true;
return '<a ' + protect('href="#' + ref + '"') + '>' + _type + ' ' + t.number + maybeShowLabel(_ref) + '</a>';
} else {
console.log("Reference to undefined '" + type + " [" + _ref + "]'");
return _type + ' ?';
// URL: <http://baz> or http://baz
// Must be detected after [link]() processing
str = str.rp(/(?:<|(?!<)\b)(\w{3,6}:\/\/.+?)(?:$|>|(?=<)|(?=\s|\u00A0)(?!<))/g, function (match, url) {
var extra = '';
if (url[url.length - 1] == '.') {
// Accidentally sucked in a period at the end of a sentence
url = url.ss(0, url.length - 1);
extra = '.';
// svn and perforce URLs are not hyperlinked. All others (http/https/ftp/mailto/tel, etc. are)
return '<a ' + ((url[0] !== 's' && url[0] !== 'p') ? protect('href="' + url + '" class="url"') : '') + '>' + url + '</a>' + extra;
if (! elementMode) {
var TITLE_PATTERN = /^\s*(?:<\/p><p>)?\s*<strong.*?>([^ \t\*].*?[^ \t\*])<\/strong>(?:<\/p>)?[ \t]*\n/.source;
var ALL_SUBTITLES_PATTERN = /([ {4,}\t][ \t]*\S.*\n)*/.source;
// Detect a bold first line and make it into a title; detect indented lines
// below it and make them subtitles
str = str.rp(
function (match, title) {
title = title.trim();
// rp + RegExp won't give us the full list of
// subtitles, only the last one. So, we have to
// re-process match.
var subtitles = match.ss(match.indexOf('\n', match.indexOf('</strong>')));
subtitles = subtitles ? subtitles.rp(/[ \t]*(\S.*?)\n/g, '<div class="subtitle"> $1 </div>\n') : '';
// Remove all tags from the title when inside the <TITLE> tag
return entag('title', removeHTMLTags(title)) + maybeShowLabel(window.location.href, 'center') +
'<div class="title"> ' + title +
' </div>\n' + subtitles + '<div class="afterTitles"></div>\n';
} // if ! noTitles
// Remove any bogus leading close-paragraph tag inserted by our extra newlines
str = str.rp(/^\s*<\/p>/, '');
// If not in element mode and not an INSERT child, maybe add a TOC
if (! elementMode) {// && ! myURLParse[2]) {
var temp = insertTableOfContents(str, protect);
str = temp[0];
var toc = temp[1];
// SECTION LINKS: Replace sec. [X], section [X], subsection [X]
str = str.rp(RegExp('\\b(' + keyword('sec') + '\\.|' + keyword('section') + '|' + keyword('subsection') + ')\\s\\[(.+?)\\]', 'gi'),
function (match, prefix, ref) {
var link = toc[ref.toLowerCase().trim()];
if (link) {
return prefix + ' <a ' + protect('href="#toc' + link + '"') + '>' + link + '</a>';
} else {
return prefix + ' ?';
// Expose all protected values. We may need to do this
// recursively, because pre and code blocks can be nested.
while (str.indexOf(PROTECT_CHARACTER) + 1) {
str = str.rp(PROTECT_REGEXP, expose);
// Warn about unused references
Object.keys(referenceLinkTable).forEach(function (key) {
if (! referenceLinkTable[key].used) {
console.log("Reference link '[" + key + "]' is defined but never used");
Object.keys(refTable).forEach(function (key) {
if (! refTable[key].used) {
console.log("'" + refTable[key].source + "' is never referenced");
return '<span class="md">' + entag('p', str) + '</span>';
Adds whitespace at the end of each line of str, so that all lines have equal length in
unicode characters (which is not the same as JavaScript characters when high-index/escape
characters are present).
function equalizeLineLengths(str) {
var lineArray = str.split('\n');
var longest = 0;
lineArray.forEach(function(line) {
longest = max(longest, Array.from(line).length);
// Worst case spaces needed for equalizing lengths
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1877475/repeat-character-n-times
var spaces = Array(longest + 1).join(' ');
var result = '';
lineArray.forEach(function(line) {
// Append the needed number of spaces onto each line, and
// reconstruct the output with newlines
result += line + spaces.ss(Array.from(line).length) + '\n';
return result;
/** Finds the longest common whitespace prefix of all non-empty lines
and then removes it */
function removeLeadingSpace(str) {
var lineArray = str.split('\n');
var minimum = Infinity;
lineArray.forEach(function (line) {
if (line.trim() !== '') {
// This is a non-empty line
var spaceArray = line.match(/^([ \t]*)/);
if (spaceArray) {
minimum = min(minimum, spaceArray[0].length);
if (minimum === 0) {
// No leading space
return str;
var result = '';
lineArray.forEach(function(line) {
// Strip the common spaces
result += line.ss(minimum) + '\n';
return result;
/** Returns true if this character is a "letter" under the ASCII definition */
function isASCIILetter(c) {
var code = c.charCodeAt(0);
return ((code >= 65) && (code <= 90)) || ((code >= 97) && (code <= 122));
/** Converts diagramString, which is a Markdeep diagram without the surrounding asterisks, to
SVG (HTML). Lines may have ragged lengths.
alignmentHint is the float alignment desired for the SVG tag,
which can be 'floatleft', 'floatright', or ''
function diagramToSVG(diagramString, alignmentHint) {
// Clean up diagramString if line endings are ragged
diagramString = equalizeLineLengths(diagramString);
// Temporarily replace 'o' that is surrounded by other text
// with another character to avoid processing it as a point
// decoration. This will be replaced in the final svg and is
// faster than checking each neighborhood each time.
var HIDE_O = '\ue004';
diagramString = diagramString.rp(/([a-zA-Z]{2})o/g, '$1' + HIDE_O);
diagramString = diagramString.rp(/o([a-zA-Z]{2})/g, HIDE_O + '$1');
diagramString = diagramString.rp(/([a-zA-Z\ue004])o([a-zA-Z\ue004])/g, '$1' + HIDE_O + '$2');
/** Pixels per character */
var SCALE = 8;
/** Multiply Y coordinates by this when generating the final SVG
result to account for the aspect ratio of text files. This
MUST be 2 */
var ASPECT = 2;
var DIAGONAL_ANGLE = Math.atan(1.0 / ASPECT) * 180 / Math.PI;
var EPSILON = 1e-6;
// The order of the following is based on rotation angles
// and is used for ArrowSet.toSVG
// GRAY[i] is the Unicode block character for (i+1)/4 level gray
var GRAY_CHARACTERS = '\u2591\u2592\u2593\u2594\u2589';
// TRI[i] is a right-triangle rotated by 90*i
var TRI_CHARACTERS = '\u25E2\u25E3\u25E4\u25E5';
function isUndirectedVertex(c) { return UNDIRECTED_VERTEX_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) + 1; }
function isVertex(c) { return VERTEX_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) !== -1; }
function isTopVertex(c) { return isUndirectedVertex(c) || (c === '.'); }
function isBottomVertex(c) { return isUndirectedVertex(c) || (c === "'"); }
function isVertexOrLeftDecoration(c){ return isVertex(c) || (c === '<') || isPoint(c); }
function isVertexOrRightDecoration(c){return isVertex(c) || (c === '>') || isPoint(c); }
function isArrowHead(c) { return ARROW_HEAD_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) + 1; }
function isGray(c) { return GRAY_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) + 1; }
function isTri(c) { return TRI_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) + 1; }
// "D" = Diagonal slash (/), "B" = diagonal Backslash (\)
// Characters that may appear anywhere on a solid line
function isSolidHLine(c) { return (c === '-') || isUndirectedVertex(c) || isJump(c); }
function isSolidVLineOrJumpOrPoint(c) { return isSolidVLine(c) || isJump(c) || isPoint(c); }
function isSolidVLine(c) { return (c === '|') || isUndirectedVertex(c); }
function isSolidDLine(c) { return (c === '/') || isUndirectedVertex(c) }
function isSolidBLine(c) { return (c === '\\') || isUndirectedVertex(c); }
function isJump(c) { return JUMP_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) + 1; }
function isPoint(c) { return POINT_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) + 1; }
function isDecoration(c) { return DECORATION_CHARACTERS.indexOf(c) + 1; }
function isEmpty(c) { return c === ' '; }
// Math library
/** Invoke as new Vec2(v) to clone or new Vec2(x, y) to create from coordinates.
Can also invoke without new for brevity. */
function Vec2(x, y) {
// Detect when being run without new
if (! (this instanceof Vec2)) { return new Vec2(x, y); }
if (y === undefined) {
if (x === undefined) { x = y = 0; }
else if (x instanceof Vec2) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
else { console.error("Vec2 requires one Vec2 or (x, y) as an argument"); }
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
/** Returns an SVG representation */
Vec2.prototype.toString = Vec2.prototype.toSVG =
function () { return '' + (this.x * SCALE) + ',' + (this.y * SCALE * ASPECT) + ' '; };
/** Converts a "rectangular" string defined by newlines into 2D
array of characters. Grids are immutable. */
function makeGrid(str) {
/** Returns ' ' for out of bounds values */
var grid = function(x, y) {
if (y === undefined) {
if (x instanceof Vec2) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
else { console.error('grid requires either a Vec2 or (x, y)'); }
return ((x >= 0) && (x < grid.width) && (y >= 0) && (y < grid.height)) ?
str[y * (grid.width + 1) + x] : ' ';
// Elements are true when consumed
grid._used = [];
grid.height = str.split('\n').length;
if (str[str.length - 1] === '\n') { --grid.height; }
// Convert the string to an array to better handle greater-than 16-bit unicode
// characters, which JavaScript does not process correctly with indices. Do this after
// the above string processing.
str = Array.from(str);
grid.width = str.indexOf('\n');
/** Mark this location. Takes a Vec2 or (x, y) */
grid.setUsed = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) {
if (x instanceof Vec2) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
else { console.error('grid requires either a Vec2 or (x, y)'); }
if ((x >= 0) && (x < grid.width) && (y >= 0) && (y < grid.height)) {
// Match the source string indexing
grid._used[y * (grid.width + 1) + x] = true;
grid.isUsed = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) {
if (x instanceof Vec2) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
else { console.error('grid requires either a Vec2 or (x, y)'); }
return (this._used[y * (this.width + 1) + x] === true);
/** Returns true if there is a solid vertical line passing through (x, y) */
grid.isSolidVLineAt = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.x; x = x.x; }
var up = grid(x, y - 1);
var c = grid(x, y);
var dn = grid(x, y + 1);
var uprt = grid(x + 1, y - 1);
var uplt = grid(x - 1, y - 1);
if (isSolidVLine(c)) {
// Looks like a vertical line...does it continue?
return (isTopVertex(up) || (up === '^') || isSolidVLine(up) || isJump(up) ||
isBottomVertex(dn) || (dn === 'v') || isSolidVLine(dn) || isJump(dn) ||
isPoint(up) || isPoint(dn) || (grid(x, y - 1) === '_') || (uplt === '_') ||
(uprt === '_') ||
// Special case of 1-high vertical on two curved corners
((isTopVertex(uplt) || isTopVertex(uprt)) &&
(isBottomVertex(grid(x - 1, y + 1)) || isBottomVertex(grid(x + 1, y + 1)))));
} else if (isTopVertex(c) || (c === '^')) {
// May be the top of a vertical line
return isSolidVLine(dn) || (isJump(dn) && (c !== '.'));
} else if (isBottomVertex(c) || (c === 'v')) {
return isSolidVLine(up) || (isJump(up) && (c !== "'"));
} else if (isPoint(c)) {
return isSolidVLine(up) || isSolidVLine(dn);
return false;
/** Returns true if there is a solid middle (---) horizontal line
passing through (x, y). Ignores underscores. */
grid.isSolidHLineAt = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.x; x = x.x; }
var ltlt = grid(x - 2, y);
var lt = grid(x - 1, y);
var c = grid(x + 0, y);
var rt = grid(x + 1, y);
var rtrt = grid(x + 2, y);
if (isSolidHLine(c) || (isSolidHLine(lt) && isJump(c))) {
// Looks like a horizontal line...does it continue? We need three in a row.
if (isSolidHLine(lt)) {
return isSolidHLine(rt) || isVertexOrRightDecoration(rt) ||
isSolidHLine(ltlt) || isVertexOrLeftDecoration(ltlt);
} else if (isVertexOrLeftDecoration(lt)) {
return isSolidHLine(rt);
} else {
return isSolidHLine(rt) && (isSolidHLine(rtrt) || isVertexOrRightDecoration(rtrt));
} else if (c === '<') {
return isSolidHLine(rt) && isSolidHLine(rtrt)
} else if (c === '>') {
return isSolidHLine(lt) && isSolidHLine(ltlt);
} else if (isVertex(c)) {
return ((isSolidHLine(lt) && isSolidHLine(ltlt)) ||
(isSolidHLine(rt) && isSolidHLine(rtrt)));
return false;
/** Returns true if there is a solid backslash line passing through (x, y) */
grid.isSolidBLineAt = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.x; x = x.x; }
var c = grid(x, y);
var lt = grid(x - 1, y - 1);
var rt = grid(x + 1, y + 1);
if (c === '\\') {
// Looks like a diagonal line...does it continue? We need two in a row.
return (isSolidBLine(rt) || isBottomVertex(rt) || isPoint(rt) || (rt === 'v') ||
isSolidBLine(lt) || isTopVertex(lt) || isPoint(lt) || (lt === '^') ||
(grid(x, y - 1) === '/') || (grid(x, y + 1) === '/') || (rt === '_') || (lt === '_'));
} else if (c === '.') {
return (rt === '\\');
} else if (c === "'") {
return (lt === '\\');
} else if (c === '^') {
return rt === '\\';
} else if (c === 'v') {
return lt === '\\';
} else if (isVertex(c) || isPoint(c) || (c === '|')) {
return isSolidBLine(lt) || isSolidBLine(rt);
/** Returns true if there is a solid diagonal line passing through (x, y) */
grid.isSolidDLineAt = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.x; x = x.x; }
var c = grid(x, y);
var lt = grid(x - 1, y + 1);
var rt = grid(x + 1, y - 1);
if (c === '/' && ((grid(x, y - 1) === '\\') || (grid(x, y + 1) === '\\'))) {
// Special case of tiny hexagon corner
return true;
} else if (isSolidDLine(c)) {
// Looks like a diagonal line...does it continue? We need two in a row.
return (isSolidDLine(rt) || isTopVertex(rt) || isPoint(rt) || (rt === '^') || (rt === '_') ||
isSolidDLine(lt) || isBottomVertex(lt) || isPoint(lt) || (lt === 'v') || (lt === '_'));
} else if (c === '.') {
return (lt === '/');
} else if (c === "'") {
return (rt === '/');
} else if (c === '^') {
return lt === '/';
} else if (c === 'v') {
return rt === '/';
} else if (isVertex(c) || isPoint(c) || (c === '|')) {
return isSolidDLine(lt) || isSolidDLine(rt);
return false;
grid.toString = function () { return str; };
return Object.freeze(grid);
/** A 1D curve. If C is specified, the result is a bezier with
that as the tangent control point */
function Path(A, B, C, D, dashed) {
if (! ((A instanceof Vec2) && (B instanceof Vec2))) {
console.error('Path constructor requires at least two Vec2s');
this.A = A;
this.B = B;
if (C) {
this.C = C;
if (D) {
this.D = D;
} else {
this.D = C;
this.dashed = dashed || false;
var _ = Path.prototype;
_.isVertical = function () {
return this.B.x === this.A.x;
_.isHorizontal = function () {
return this.B.y === this.A.y;
/** Diagonal lines look like: / See also backDiagonal */
_.isDiagonal = function () {
var dx = this.B.x - this.A.x;
var dy = this.B.y - this.A.y;
return (abs(dy + dx) < EPSILON);
_.isBackDiagonal = function () {
var dx = this.B.x - this.A.x;
var dy = this.B.y - this.A.y;
return (abs(dy - dx) < EPSILON);
_.isCurved = function () {
return this.C !== undefined;
/** Does this path have any end at (x, y) */
_.endsAt = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
return ((this.A.x === x) && (this.A.y === y)) ||
((this.B.x === x) && (this.B.y === y));
/** Does this path have an up end at (x, y) */
_.upEndsAt = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
return this.isVertical() && (this.A.x === x) && (min(this.A.y, this.B.y) === y);
/** Does this path have an up end at (x, y) */
_.diagonalUpEndsAt = function (x, y) {
if (! this.isDiagonal()) { return false; }
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
if (this.A.y < this.B.y) {
return (this.A.x === x) && (this.A.y === y);
} else {
return (this.B.x === x) && (this.B.y === y);
/** Does this path have a down end at (x, y) */
_.diagonalDownEndsAt = function (x, y) {
if (! this.isDiagonal()) { return false; }
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
if (this.B.y < this.A.y) {
return (this.A.x === x) && (this.A.y === y);
} else {
return (this.B.x === x) && (this.B.y === y);
/** Does this path have an up end at (x, y) */
_.backDiagonalUpEndsAt = function (x, y) {
if (! this.isBackDiagonal()) { return false; }
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
if (this.A.y < this.B.y) {
return (this.A.x === x) && (this.A.y === y);
} else {
return (this.B.x === x) && (this.B.y === y);
/** Does this path have a down end at (x, y) */
_.backDiagonalDownEndsAt = function (x, y) {
if (! this.isBackDiagonal()) { return false; }
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
if (this.B.y < this.A.y) {
return (this.A.x === x) && (this.A.y === y);
} else {
return (this.B.x === x) && (this.B.y === y);
/** Does this path have a down end at (x, y) */
_.downEndsAt = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
return this.isVertical() && (this.A.x === x) && (max(this.A.y, this.B.y) === y);
/** Does this path have a left end at (x, y) */
_.leftEndsAt = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
return this.isHorizontal() && (this.A.y === y) && (min(this.A.x, this.B.x) === x);
/** Does this path have a right end at (x, y) */
_.rightEndsAt = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
return this.isHorizontal() && (this.A.y === y) && (max(this.A.x, this.B.x) === x);
_.verticalPassesThrough = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
return this.isVertical() &&
(this.A.x === x) &&
(min(this.A.y, this.B.y) <= y) &&
(max(this.A.y, this.B.y) >= y);
_.horizontalPassesThrough = function (x, y) {
if (y === undefined) { y = x.y; x = x.x; }
return this.isHorizontal() &&
(this.A.y === y) &&
(min(this.A.x, this.B.x) <= x) &&
(max(this.A.x, this.B.x) >= x);
/** Returns a string suitable for inclusion in an SVG tag */
_.toSVG = function () {
var svg = '<path d="M ' + this.A;
if (this.isCurved()) {
svg += 'C ' + this.C + this.D + this.B;
} else {
svg += 'L ' + this.B;
svg += '" style="fill:none;"';
if (this.dashed) {
svg += ' stroke-dasharray="3,6"';
svg += '/>';
return svg;
/** A group of 1D curves. This was designed so that all of the
methods can later be implemented in O(1) time, but it
currently uses O(n) implementations for source code
simplicity. */
function PathSet() {
this._pathArray = [];
var PS = PathSet.prototype;
PS.insert = function (path) {
/** Returns a new method that returns true if method(x, y)
returns true on any element of _pathAray */
function makeFilterAny(method) {
return function(x, y) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._pathArray.length; ++i) {
if (method.call(this._pathArray[i], x, y)) { return true; }
// Fall through: return undefined == false
// True if an up line ends at these coordinates. Recall that the
// variable _ is bound to the Path prototype still.
PS.upEndsAt = makeFilterAny(_.upEndsAt);
PS.diagonalUpEndsAt = makeFilterAny(_.diagonalUpEndsAt);
PS.backDiagonalUpEndsAt = makeFilterAny(_.backDiagonalUpEndsAt);
PS.diagonalDownEndsAt = makeFilterAny(_.diagonalDownEndsAt);
PS.backDiagonalDownEndsAt = makeFilterAny(_.backDiagonalDownEndsAt);
PS.downEndsAt = makeFilterAny(_.downEndsAt);
PS.leftEndsAt = makeFilterAny(_.leftEndsAt);
PS.rightEndsAt = makeFilterAny(_.rightEndsAt);
PS.endsAt = makeFilterAny(_.endsAt);
PS.verticalPassesThrough = makeFilterAny(_.verticalPassesThrough);
PS.horizontalPassesThrough = makeFilterAny(_.horizontalPassesThrough);
/** Returns an SVG string */
PS.toSVG = function () {
var svg = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this._pathArray.length; ++i) {
svg += this._pathArray[i].toSVG() + '\n';
return svg;
function DecorationSet() {
this._decorationArray = [];
var DS = DecorationSet.prototype;
/** insert(x, y, type, <angle>)
insert(vec, type, <angle>)
angle is the angle in degrees to rotate the result */
DS.insert = function(x, y, type, angle) {
if (type === undefined) { type = y; y = x.y; x = x.x; }
if (! isDecoration(type)) {
console.error('Illegal decoration character: ' + type);
var d = {C: Vec2(x, y), type: type, angle:angle || 0};
// Put arrows at the front and points at the back so that
// arrows always draw under points
if (isPoint(type)) {
} else {
DS.toSVG = function () {
var svg = '';
for (var i = 0; i < this._decorationArray.length; ++i) {
var decoration = this._decorationArray[i];
var C = decoration.C;
if (isJump(decoration.type)) {
// Slide jumps
var dx = (decoration.type === ')') ? +0.75 : -0.75;
var up = Vec2(C.x, C.y - 0.5);
var dn = Vec2(C.x, C.y + 0.5);
var cup = Vec2(C.x + dx, C.y - 0.5);
var cdn = Vec2(C.x + dx, C.y + 0.5);
svg += '<path d="M ' + dn + ' C ' + cdn + cup + up + '" style="fill:none;"/>';
} else if (isPoint(decoration.type)) {
svg += '<circle cx="' + (C.x * SCALE) + '" cy="' + (C.y * SCALE * ASPECT) +
'" r="' + (SCALE - STROKE_WIDTH) + '" class="' + ((decoration.type === '*') ? 'closed' : 'open') + 'dot"/>';
} else if (isGray(decoration.type)) {
var shade = Math.round((3 - GRAY_CHARACTERS.indexOf(decoration.type)) * 63.75);
svg += '<rect x="' + ((C.x - 0.5) * SCALE) + '" y="' + ((C.y - 0.5) * SCALE * ASPECT) + '" width="' + SCALE + '" height="' + (SCALE * ASPECT) + '" stroke=none fill="rgb(' + shade + ',' + shade + ',' + shade +')"/>';
} else if (isTri(decoration.type)) {
// 30-60-90 triangle
var index = TRI_CHARACTERS.indexOf(decoration.type);
var xs = 0.5 - (index & 1);
var ys = 0.5 - (index >> 1);
xs *= sign(ys);
var tip = Vec2(C.x + xs, C.y - ys);
var up = Vec2(C.x + xs, C.y + ys);
var dn = Vec2(C.x - xs, C.y + ys);
svg += '<polygon points="' + tip + up + dn + '" style="stroke:none"/>\n';
} else { // Arrow head
var tip = Vec2(C.x + 1, C.y);
var up = Vec2(C.x - 0.5, C.y - 0.35);
var dn = Vec2(C.x - 0.5, C.y + 0.35);
svg += '<polygon points="' + tip + up + dn +
'" style="stroke:none" transform="rotate(' + decoration.angle + ',' + C + ')"/>\n';
return svg;
function findPaths(grid, pathSet) {
// Does the line from A to B contain at least one c?
function lineContains(A, B, c) {
var dx = sign(B.x - A.x);
var dy = sign(B.y - A.y);
var x, y;
for (x = A.x, y = A.y; (x !== B.x) || (y !== B.y); x += dx, y += dy) {
if (grid(x, y) === c) { return true; }
// Last point
return (grid(x, y) === c);
// Find all solid vertical lines. Iterate horizontally
// so that we never hit the same line twice
for (var x = 0; x < grid.width; ++x) {
for (var y = 0; y < grid.height; ++y) {
if (grid.isSolidVLineAt(x, y)) {
// This character begins a vertical line...now, find the end
var A = Vec2(x, y);
do { grid.setUsed(x, y); ++y; } while (grid.isSolidVLineAt(x, y));
var B = Vec2(x, y - 1);
var up = grid(A);
var upup = grid(A.x, A.y - 1);
if (! isVertex(up) && ((upup === '-') || (upup === '_') || (grid(A.x - 1, A.y - 1) === '_') ||
(grid(A.x + 1, A.y - 1) === '_') ||
isBottomVertex(upup)) || isJump(upup)) {
// Stretch up to almost reach the line above (if there is a decoration,
// it will finish the gap)
A.y -= 0.5;
var dn = grid(B);
var dndn = grid(B.x, B.y + 1);
if (! isVertex(dn) && ((dndn === '-') || isTopVertex(dndn)) || isJump(dndn) ||
(grid(B.x - 1, B.y) === '_') || (grid(B.x + 1, B.y) === '_')) {
// Stretch down to almost reach the line below
B.y += 0.5;
// Don't insert degenerate lines
if ((A.x !== B.x) || (A.y !== B.y)) {
pathSet.insert(new Path(A, B));
// Continue the search from the end value y+1
// Some very special patterns for the short lines needed on
// circuit diagrams. Only invoke these if not also on a curve
// _ _
// -' '-
else if ((grid(x, y) === "'") &&
(((grid(x - 1, y) === '-') && (grid(x + 1, y - 1) === '_') &&
! isSolidVLineOrJumpOrPoint(grid(x - 1, y - 1))) ||
((grid(x - 1, y - 1) === '_') && (grid(x + 1, y) === '-') &&
! isSolidVLineOrJumpOrPoint(grid(x + 1, y - 1))))) {
pathSet.insert(new Path(Vec2(x, y - 0.5), Vec2(x, y)));
// _.- -._
else if ((grid(x, y) === '.') &&
(((grid(x - 1, y) === '_') && (grid(x + 1, y) === '-') &&
! isSolidVLineOrJumpOrPoint(grid(x + 1, y + 1))) ||
((grid(x - 1, y) === '-') && (grid(x + 1, y) === '_') &&
! isSolidVLineOrJumpOrPoint(grid(x - 1, y + 1))))) {
pathSet.insert(new Path(Vec2(x, y), Vec2(x, y + 0.5)));
} // y
} // x
// Find all solid horizontal lines
for (var y = 0; y < grid.height; ++y) {
for (var x = 0; x < grid.width; ++x) {
if (grid.isSolidHLineAt(x, y)) {
// Begins a line...find the end
var A = Vec2(x, y);
do { grid.setUsed(x, y); ++x; } while (grid.isSolidHLineAt(x, y));
var B = Vec2(x - 1, y);
// Detect curves and shorten the edge
if ( ! isVertex(grid(A.x - 1, A.y)) &&
((isTopVertex(grid(A)) && isSolidVLineOrJumpOrPoint(grid(A.x - 1, A.y + 1))) ||
(isBottomVertex(grid(A)) && isSolidVLineOrJumpOrPoint(grid(A.x - 1, A.y - 1))))) {
if ( ! isVertex(grid(B.x + 1, B.y)) &&
((isTopVertex(grid(B)) && isSolidVLineOrJumpOrPoint(grid(B.x + 1, B.y + 1))) ||
(isBottomVertex(grid(B)) && isSolidVLineOrJumpOrPoint(grid(B.x + 1, B.y - 1))))) {
// Don't insert degenerate lines
if ((A.x !== B.x) || (A.y !== B.y)) {
pathSet.insert(new Path(A, B));
// Continue the search from the end x+1
} // y
// Find all solid left-to-right downward diagonal lines (BACK DIAGONAL)
for (var i = -grid.height; i < grid.width; ++i) {
for (var x = i, y = 0; y < grid.height; ++y, ++x) {
if (grid.isSolidBLineAt(x, y)) {
// Begins a line...find the end
var A = Vec2(x, y);
do { ++x; ++y; } while (grid.isSolidBLineAt(x, y));
var B = Vec2(x - 1, y - 1);
// Ensure that the entire line wasn't just vertices
if (lineContains(A, B, '\\')) {
for (var j = A.x; j <= B.x; ++j) {
grid.setUsed(j, A.y + (j - A.x));
var top = grid(A);
var up = grid(A.x, A.y - 1);
var uplt = grid(A.x - 1, A.y - 1);
if ((up === '/') || (uplt === '_') || (up === '_') ||
(! isVertex(top) &&
(isSolidHLine(uplt) || isSolidVLine(uplt)))) {
// Continue half a cell more to connect for:
// ___ ___
// \ \ / ---- |
// \ \ \ ^ |^
A.x -= 0.5; A.y -= 0.5;
} else if (isPoint(uplt)) {
// Continue 1/4 cell more to connect for:
// o
// ^
// \
A.x -= 0.25; A.y -= 0.25;
var bottom = grid(B);
var dnrt = grid(B.x + 1, B.y + 1);
if ((grid(B.x, B.y + 1) === '/') || (grid(B.x + 1, B.y) === '_') ||
(grid(B.x - 1, B.y) === '_') ||
(! isVertex(grid(B)) &&
(isSolidHLine(dnrt) || isSolidVLine(dnrt)))) {
// Continue half a cell more to connect for:
// \ \ |
// \ \ \ v v|
// \__ __\ / ---- |
B.x += 0.5; B.y += 0.5;
} else if (isPoint(dnrt)) {
// Continue 1/4 cell more to connect for:
// \
// v
// o
B.x += 0.25; B.y += 0.25;
pathSet.insert(new Path(A, B));
// Continue the search from the end x+1,y+1
} // lineContains
} // i
// Find all solid left-to-right upward diagonal lines (DIAGONAL)
for (var i = -grid.height; i < grid.width; ++i) {
for (var x = i, y = grid.height - 1; y >= 0; --y, ++x) {
if (grid.isSolidDLineAt(x, y)) {
// Begins a line...find the end
var A = Vec2(x, y);
do { ++x; --y; } while (grid.isSolidDLineAt(x, y));
var B = Vec2(x - 1, y + 1);
if (lineContains(A, B, '/')) {
// This is definitely a line. Commit the characters on it
for (var j = A.x; j <= B.x; ++j) {
grid.setUsed(j, A.y - (j - A.x));
var up = grid(B.x, B.y - 1);
var uprt = grid(B.x + 1, B.y - 1);
var bottom = grid(B);
if ((up === '\\') || (up === '_') || (uprt === '_') ||
(! isVertex(grid(B)) &&
(isSolidHLine(uprt) || isSolidVLine(uprt)))) {
// Continue half a cell more to connect at:
// __ __ --- |
// / / ^ ^|
// / / / / |
B.x += 0.5; B.y -= 0.5;
} else if (isPoint(uprt)) {
// Continue 1/4 cell more to connect at:
// o
// ^
// /
B.x += 0.25; B.y -= 0.25;
var dnlt = grid(A.x - 1, A.y + 1);
var top = grid(A);
if ((grid(A.x, A.y + 1) === '\\') || (grid(A.x - 1, A.y) === '_') || (grid(A.x + 1, A.y) === '_') ||
(! isVertex(grid(A)) &&
(isSolidHLine(dnlt) || isSolidVLine(dnlt)))) {
// Continue half a cell more to connect at:
// / \ |
// / / v v|
// __/ /__ ---- |
A.x -= 0.5; A.y += 0.5;
} else if (isPoint(dnlt)) {
// Continue 1/4 cell more to connect at:
// /
// v
// o
A.x -= 0.25; A.y += 0.25;
pathSet.insert(new Path(A, B));
// Continue the search from the end x+1,y-1
} // lineContains
} // y
// Now look for curved corners. The syntax constraints require
// that these can always be identified by looking at three
// horizontally-adjacent characters.
for (var y = 0; y < grid.height; ++y) {
for (var x = 0; x < grid.width; ++x) {
var c = grid(x, y);
// Note that because of undirected vertices, the
// following cases are not exclusive
if (isTopVertex(c)) {
// -.
// |
if (isSolidHLine(grid(x - 1, y)) && isSolidVLine(grid(x + 1, y + 1))) {
grid.setUsed(x - 1, y); grid.setUsed(x, y); grid.setUsed(x + 1, y + 1);
pathSet.insert(new Path(Vec2(x - 1, y), Vec2(x + 1, y + 1),
Vec2(x + 1.1, y), Vec2(x + 1, y + 1)));
// .-
// |
if (isSolidHLine(grid(x + 1, y)) && isSolidVLine(grid(x - 1, y + 1))) {
grid.setUsed(x - 1, y + 1); grid.setUsed(x, y); grid.setUsed(x + 1, y);
pathSet.insert(new Path(Vec2(x + 1, y), Vec2(x - 1, y + 1),
Vec2(x - 1.1, y), Vec2(x - 1, y + 1)));
// Special case patterns:
// . . . .
// ( o ) o
// ' . ' '
if (((c === ')') || isPoint(c)) && (grid(x - 1, y - 1) === '.') && (grid(x - 1, y + 1) === "\'")) {
grid.setUsed(x, y); grid.setUsed(x - 1, y - 1); grid.setUsed(x - 1, y + 1);
pathSet.insert(new Path(Vec2(x - 2, y - 1), Vec2(x - 2, y + 1),
Vec2(x + 0.6, y - 1), Vec2(x + 0.6, y + 1)));
if (((c === '(') || isPoint(c)) && (grid(x + 1, y - 1) === '.') && (grid(x + 1, y + 1) === "\'")) {
grid.setUsed(x, y); grid.setUsed(x + 1, y - 1); grid.setUsed(x + 1, y + 1);
pathSet.insert(new Path(Vec2(x + 2, y - 1), Vec2(x + 2, y + 1),
Vec2(x - 0.6, y - 1), Vec2(x - 0.6, y + 1)));
if (isBottomVertex(c)) {
// |
// -'
if (isSolidHLine(grid(x - 1, y)) && isSolidVLine(grid(x + 1, y - 1))) {
grid.setUsed(x - 1, y); grid.setUsed(x, y); grid.setUsed(x + 1, y - 1);
pathSet.insert(new Path(Vec2(x - 1, y), Vec2(x + 1, y - 1),
Vec2(x + 1.1, y), Vec2(x + 1, y - 1)));
// |
// '-
if (isSolidHLine(grid(x + 1, y)) && isSolidVLine(grid(x - 1, y - 1))) {
grid.setUsed(x - 1, y - 1); grid.setUsed(x, y); grid.setUsed(x + 1, y);
pathSet.insert(new Path(Vec2(x + 1, y), Vec2(x - 1, y - 1),
Vec2(x - 1.1, y), Vec2(x - 1, y - 1)));
} // for x
} // for y
// Find low horizontal lines marked with underscores. These
// are so simple compared to the other cases that we process
// them directly here without a helper function. Process these
// from top to bottom and left to right so that we can read
// them in a single sweep.
// Exclude the special case of double underscores going right
// into an ASCII character, which could be a source code
// identifier such as __FILE__ embedded in the diagram.
for (var y = 0; y < grid.height; ++y) {
for (var x = 0; x < grid.width - 2; ++x) {
var lt = grid(x - 1, y);
if ((grid(x, y) === '_') && (grid(x + 1, y) === '_') &&
(! isASCIILetter(grid(x + 2, y)) || (lt === '_')) &&
(! isASCIILetter(lt) || (grid(x + 2, y) === '_'))) {
var ltlt = grid(x - 2, y);
var A = Vec2(x - 0.5, y + 0.5);
if ((lt === '|') || (grid(x - 1, y + 1) === '|') ||
(lt === '.') || (grid(x - 1, y + 1) === "'")) {
// Extend to meet adjacent vertical
A.x -= 0.5;
// Very special case of overrunning into the side of a curve,
// needed for logic gate diagrams
if ((lt === '.') &&
((ltlt === '-') ||
(ltlt === '.')) &&
(grid(x - 2, y + 1) === '(')) {
A.x -= 0.5;
} else if (lt === '/') {
A.x -= 1.0;
// Detect overrun of a tight double curve
if ((lt === '(') && (ltlt === '(') &&
(grid(x, y + 1) === "'") && (grid(x, y - 1) === '.')) {
A.x += 0.5;
lt = ltlt = undefined;
do { grid.setUsed(x, y); ++x; } while (grid(x, y) === '_');
var B = Vec2(x - 0.5, y + 0.5);
var c = grid(x, y);
var rt = grid(x + 1, y);
var dn = grid(x, y + 1);
if ((c === '|') || (dn === '|') || (c === '.') || (dn === "'")) {
// Extend to meet adjacent vertical
B.x += 0.5;
// Very special case of overrunning into the side of a curve,
// needed for logic gate diagrams
if ((c === '.') &&
((rt === '-') || (rt === '.')) &&
(grid(x + 1, y + 1) === ')')) {
B.x += 0.5;
} else if ((c === '\\')) {
B.x += 1.0;
// Detect overrun of a tight double curve
if ((c === ')') && (rt === ')') && (grid(x - 1, y + 1) === "'") && (grid(x - 1, y - 1) === '.')) {
B.x += -0.5;
pathSet.insert(new Path(A, B));
} // for x
} // for y
} // findPaths
function findDecorations(grid, pathSet, decorationSet) {
function isEmptyOrVertex(c) { return (c === ' ') || /[^a-zA-Z0-9]|[ov]/.test(c); }
function isLetter(c) { var x = c.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0); return (x > 64) && (x < 91); }
/** Is the point in the center of these values on a line? Allow points that are vertically
adjacent but not horizontally--they wouldn't fit anyway, and might be text. */
function onLine(up, dn, lt, rt) {
return ((isEmptyOrVertex(dn) || isPoint(dn)) &&
(isEmptyOrVertex(up) || isPoint(up)) &&
isEmptyOrVertex(rt) &&
for (var x = 0; x < grid.width; ++x) {
for (var j = 0; j < grid.height; ++j) {
var c = grid(x, j);
var y = j;
if (isJump(c)) {
// Ensure that this is really a jump and not a stray character
if (pathSet.downEndsAt(x, y - 0.5) &&
pathSet.upEndsAt(x, y + 0.5)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, c);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (isPoint(c)) {
var up = grid(x, y - 1);
var dn = grid(x, y + 1);
var lt = grid(x - 1, y);
var rt = grid(x + 1, y);
var llt = grid(x - 2, y);
var rrt = grid(x + 2, y);
if (pathSet.rightEndsAt(x - 1, y) || // Must be at the end of a line...
pathSet.leftEndsAt(x + 1, y) || // or completely isolated NSEW
pathSet.downEndsAt(x, y - 1) ||
pathSet.upEndsAt(x, y + 1) ||
pathSet.upEndsAt(x, y) || // For points on vertical lines
pathSet.downEndsAt(x, y) || // that are surrounded by other characters
onLine(up, dn, lt, rt)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, c);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (isGray(c)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, c);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (isTri(c)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, c);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else { // Arrow heads
// If we find one, ensure that it is really an
// arrow head and not a stray character by looking
// for a connecting line.
var dx = 0;
if ((c === '>') && (pathSet.rightEndsAt(x, y) ||
pathSet.horizontalPassesThrough(x, y))) {
if (isPoint(grid(x + 1, y))) {
// Back up if connecting to a point so as to not
// overlap it
dx = -0.5;
decorationSet.insert(x + dx, y, '>', 0);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if ((c === '<') && (pathSet.leftEndsAt(x, y) ||
pathSet.horizontalPassesThrough(x, y))) {
if (isPoint(grid(x - 1, y))) {
// Back up if connecting to a point so as to not
// overlap it
dx = 0.5;
decorationSet.insert(x + dx, y, '>', 180);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (c === '^') {
// Because of the aspect ratio, we need to look
// in two slots for the end of the previous line
if (pathSet.upEndsAt(x, y - 0.5)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y - 0.5, '>', 270);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.upEndsAt(x, y)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, '>', 270);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.diagonalUpEndsAt(x + 0.5, y - 0.5)) {
decorationSet.insert(x + 0.5, y - 0.5, '>', 270 + DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.diagonalUpEndsAt(x + 0.25, y - 0.25)) {
decorationSet.insert(x + 0.25, y - 0.25, '>', 270 + DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.diagonalUpEndsAt(x, y)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, '>', 270 + DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.backDiagonalUpEndsAt(x, y)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, c, 270 - DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.backDiagonalUpEndsAt(x - 0.5, y - 0.5)) {
decorationSet.insert(x - 0.5, y - 0.5, c, 270 - DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.backDiagonalUpEndsAt(x - 0.25, y - 0.25)) {
decorationSet.insert(x - 0.25, y - 0.25, c, 270 - DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.verticalPassesThrough(x, y)) {
// Only try this if all others failed
decorationSet.insert(x, y - 0.5, '>', 270);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (c === 'v') {
if (pathSet.downEndsAt(x, y + 0.5)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y + 0.5, '>', 90);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.downEndsAt(x, y)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, '>', 90);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.diagonalDownEndsAt(x, y)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, '>', 90 + DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.diagonalDownEndsAt(x - 0.5, y + 0.5)) {
decorationSet.insert(x - 0.5, y + 0.5, '>', 90 + DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.diagonalDownEndsAt(x - 0.25, y + 0.25)) {
decorationSet.insert(x - 0.25, y + 0.25, '>', 90 + DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.backDiagonalDownEndsAt(x, y)) {
decorationSet.insert(x, y, '>', 90 - DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.backDiagonalDownEndsAt(x + 0.5, y + 0.5)) {
decorationSet.insert(x + 0.5, y + 0.5, '>', 90 - DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.backDiagonalDownEndsAt(x + 0.25, y + 0.25)) {
decorationSet.insert(x + 0.25, y + 0.25, '>', 90 - DIAGONAL_ANGLE);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} else if (pathSet.verticalPassesThrough(x, y)) {
// Only try this if all others failed
decorationSet.insert(x, y + 0.5, '>', 90);
grid.setUsed(x, y);
} // arrow heads
} // decoration type
} // y
} // x
} // findArrowHeads
var grid = makeGrid(diagramString);
var pathSet = new PathSet();
var decorationSet = new DecorationSet();
findPaths(grid, pathSet);
findDecorations(grid, pathSet, decorationSet);
var svg = '<svg class="diagram" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" height="' +
((grid.height + 1) * SCALE * ASPECT) + '" width="' + ((grid.width + 1) * SCALE) + '"';
if (alignmentHint === 'floatleft') {
svg += ' style="float:left;margin:15px 30px 15px 0;"';
} else if (alignmentHint === 'floatright') {
svg += ' style="float:right;margin:15px 0 15px 30px;"';
} else if (alignmentHint === 'center') {
svg += ' style="margin:0 auto 0 auto;"';
svg += '><g transform="translate(' + Vec2(1, 1) + ')">\n';
svg += '<g style="opacity:0.1">\n';
for (var x = 0; x < grid.width; ++x) {
for (var y = 0; y < grid.height; ++y) {
svg += '<rect x="' + ((x - 0.5) * SCALE + 1) + '" + y="' + ((y - 0.5) * SCALE * ASPECT + 2) + '" width="' + (SCALE - 2) + '" height="' + (SCALE * ASPECT - 2) + '" style="fill:';
if (grid.isUsed(x, y)) {
svg += 'red;';
} else if (grid(x, y) === ' ') {
svg += 'gray;opacity:0.05';
} else {
svg += 'blue;';
svg += '"/>\n';
svg += '</g>\n';
svg += pathSet.toSVG();
svg += decorationSet.toSVG();
// Convert any remaining characters
svg += '<g transform="translate(0,0)">';
for (var y = 0; y < grid.height; ++y) {
for (var x = 0; x < grid.width; ++x) {
var c = grid(x, y);
if (/[\u2B22\u2B21]/.test(c)) {
// Enlarge hexagons so that they fill a grid
svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="' + (x * SCALE) + '" y="' + (4 + y * SCALE * ASPECT) + '" style="font-size:20.5px">' + escapeHTMLEntities(c) + '</text>';
} else if ((c !== ' ') && ! grid.isUsed(x, y)) {
svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="' + (x * SCALE) + '" y="' + (4 + y * SCALE * ASPECT) + '">' + escapeHTMLEntities(c) + '</text>';
} // if
} // y
} // x
svg += '</g>';
// Offset the characters a little for easier viewing
svg += '<g transform="translate(2,2)">\n';
for (var x = 0; x < grid.width; ++x) {
for (var y = 0; y < grid.height; ++y) {
var c = grid(x, y);
if (c !== ' ') {
svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="' + (x * SCALE) + '" y="' + (4 + y * SCALE * ASPECT) + '" style="fill:#F00;font-family:Menlo,monospace;font-size:12px;text-align:center">' + escapeHTMLEntities(c) + '</text>';
} // if
} // y
} // x
svg += '</g>';
} // if
svg += '</g></svg>';
svg = svg.rp(new RegExp(HIDE_O, 'g'), 'o');
return svg;
/* xcode.min.js modified */
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".hljs-sub .hljs-identifier,.hljs-pi,.hljs-tag,.hljs-tag .hljs-keyword,.hljs-decorator,.ini .hljs-title,.hljs-shebang,.hljs-prompt,.hljs-hexcolor,.hljs-rule .hljs-value,.hljs-symbol,.hljs-symbol .hljs-string,.hljs-number,.css .hljs-function,.hljs-function .hljs-title,.coffeescript .hljs-attribute{color:#A0C}" +
".hljs-function .hljs-title{font-weight:bold;color:#000}" +
".hljs-class .hljs-title,.smalltalk .hljs-class,.hljs-type,.hljs-typename,.hljs-tag .hljs-attribute,.hljs-doctype,.hljs-class .hljs-id,.hljs-built_in,.setting,.hljs-params,.clojure .hljs-attribute{color:#5c2699}" +
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".css .hljs-class,.css .hljs-id{color:#9b703f}" +
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".diff .hljs-change{background-color:#bccff9}" +
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".method .hljs-id{color:#000}</style>";
function isMarkdeepScriptName(str) { return str.search(/markdeep\S*?\.js$/i) !== -1; }
function toArray(list) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(list); }
// Intentionally uninitialized global variable used to detect
// recursive invocations
if (! window.alreadyProcessedMarkdeep) {
window.alreadyProcessedMarkdeep = true;
// Detect the noformat argument to the URL
var noformat = (window.location.href.search(/\?.*noformat.*/i) !== -1);
// Export relevant methods
window.markdeep = Object.freeze({
format: markdeepToHTML,
formatDiagram: diagramToSVG,
stylesheet: function() {
return STYLESHEET + sectionNumberingStylesheet() + HIGHLIGHT_STYLESHEET;
var MATHJAX_CONFIG ='<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { equationNumbers: {autoNumber: "AMS"} } });</script>' +
'<span style="display:none">' +
// Custom definitions (NC == \newcommand)
'$$NC{\\n}{\\hat{n}}NC{\\w}{\\hat{\\omega}}NC{\\wi}{\\w_\\mathrm{i}}NC{\\wo}{\\w_\\mathrm{o}}NC{\\wh}{\\w_\\mathrm{h}}NC{\\Li}{L_\\mathrm{i}}NC{\\Lo}{L_\\mathrm{o}}NC{\\Le}{L_\\mathrm{e}}NC{\\Lr}{L_\\mathrm{r}}NC{\\Lt}{L_\\mathrm{t}}NC{\\O}{\\mathrm{O}}NC{\\degrees}{{^{\\large\\circ}}}NC{\\T}{\\mathsf{T}}NC{\\mathset}[1]{\\mathbb{#1}}NC{\\Real}{\\mathset{R}}NC{\\Integer}{\\mathset{Z}}NC{\\Boolean}{\\mathset{B}}NC{\\Complex}{\\mathset{C}}NC{\\un}[1]{\\,\\mathrm{#1}}$$\n'.rp(/NC/g, '\\newcommand') +
var MATHJAX_URL = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.1/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML'
function loadMathJax() {
// Dynamically load mathjax
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = MATHJAX_URL;
function needsMathJax(html) {
// Need MathJax if $$ ... $$, \( ... \), or \begin{
return option('detectMath') &&
((html.search(/(?:\$\$[\s\S]+\$\$)|(?:\\begin{)/m) !== -1) ||
(html.search(/\\\(.*\\\)/) !== -1));
var mode = option('mode');
switch (mode) {
case 'script':
// Nothing to do
case 'html':
case 'doxygen':
function (element) {
var src = unescapeHTMLEntities(element.innerHTML);
// Remove the first and last string (which probably
// had the pre or diagram tag as part of them) if they are
// empty except for whitespace.
src = src.rp(/(:?^[ \t]*\n)|(:?\n[ \t]*)$/g, '');
if (mode === 'doxygen') {
// Undo Doxygen's &ndash and &mdash, which are impossible to
// detect once the browser has parsed the document
src = src.rp(new RegExp('\u2013', 'g'), '--');
src = src.rp(new RegExp('\u2014', 'g'), '---');
// Undo Doxygen's links within the diagram because they throw off spacing
src = src.rp(/<a class="el" .*>(.*)<\/a>/g, '$1');
element.outerHTML = '<center class="md">' + diagramToSVG(removeLeadingSpace(src), '') + '</center>';
var anyNeedsMathJax = false;
function (src) {
var dst = document.createElement('div');
var html = markdeepToHTML(removeLeadingSpace(unescapeHTMLEntities(src.innerHTML)), true);
anyNeedsMathJax = anyNeedsMathJax || needsMathJax(html);
dst.innerHTML = html;
src.parentNode.replaceChild(dst, src);
// Include our stylesheet even if there are no MARKDEEP tags, but do not include the BODY_STYLESHEET.
document.head.innerHTML = window.markdeep.stylesheet() + document.head.innerHTML + (anyNeedsMathJax ? MATHJAX_CONFIG : '');
// The following is Morgan's massive hack for allowing browsers to
// directly parse Markdown from what appears to be a text file, but is
// actually an intentionally malformed HTML file.
// In order to be able to show what source files look like, the
// noformat argument may be supplied.
if (! noformat) {
// Remove any recursive references to this script so that we don't trigger the cost of
// recursive *loading*. (The alreadyProcessedMarkdeep variable will prevent recursive
// *execution*.) We allow other scripts to pass through.
toArray(document.getElementsByTagName('script')).forEach(function(node) {
if (isMarkdeepScriptName(node.src)) {
// Hide the body while formatting
document.body.style.visibility = 'hidden';
var source = nodeToMarkdeepSource(document.body);
if (noformat) {
// Abort processing.
source = source.rp(/<!-- Markdeep:.+$/gm, '') + MARKDEEP_LINE;
// Escape the <> (not ampersand) that we just added
source = source.rp(/</g, '<').rp(/>/g, '>');
// Replace the Markdeep line itself so that ?noformat examples have a valid line to copy
document.body.innerHTML = entag('pre', source);
var fallbackNodes = document.getElementsByClassName('fallback');
for (var i = 0; i < fallbackNodes.length; ++i) {
var markdeepProcessor = function() {
// Recompute the source text from the current version of the document
var source = nodeToMarkdeepSource(document.body);
source = unescapeHTMLEntities(source);
var markdeepHTML = markdeepToHTML(source, false);
// console.log(markdeepHTML); // Final processed source
var needMathJax = needsMathJax(markdeepHTML);
if (needMathJax) {
markdeepHTML = MATHJAX_CONFIG + markdeepHTML;
// Replace the document. If using MathJax, include the custom Markdeep definitions
var longDocument = source.length > 1000;
var head = BODY_STYLESHEET + STYLESHEET + sectionNumberingStylesheet() + HIGHLIGHT_STYLESHEET;
if (longDocument) {
// Add more spacing before the title in a long document
head += entag('style', 'div.title { padding-top: 40px; } div.afterTitles { height: 15px; }');
if (window.location.href.search(/\?.*export.*/i) !== -1) {
// Export mode
var text = '<meta charset="UTF-8"><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">' + head + document.head.innerHTML + markdeepHTML;
if (needMathJax) {
// Dynamically load mathjax
text += '<script src="' + MATHJAX_URL +'"></script>';
document.body.innerHTML = entag('code', escapeHTMLEntities(text));
} else {
document.head.innerHTML = '<meta charset="UTF-8"><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">' + head + document.head.innerHTML;
document.body.innerHTML = markdeepHTML;
if (needMathJax) { loadMathJax(); }
document.body.style.visibility = 'visible';
///////////// INSERT command processing
// Helper function for use by children
function sendContentsToMyParent() {
// console.log(location.pathname + " sent message to parent");
// Send the document contents after the childFrame replaced itself
// (not the source variable captured when this function was defined!)
parent.postMessage(myID + '=' + document.body.innerHTML, '*');
// Strip the filename from the url, if there is one (and it is a string)
function removeFilename(url) {
return url && url.ss(0, url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var myURLParse = /([^?]+)(?:\?id=(inc\d+)&p=([^&]+))?/.exec(location.href);
var myBase = removeFilename(myURLParse[1]);
var myID = myURLParse[2];
var parentBase = removeFilename(myURLParse[3] && decodeURIComponent(myURLParse[3]));
var childFrameStyle = 'display:none';
var includeCounter = 0;
var IAmAChild = myID; // !== undefined
var IAmAParent = false;
var numIncludeChildrenLeft = 0;
var messageCallback = function (event) {
// Parse the message. Ensure that it is for the Markdeep/include.js system.
var childID = false;
var childBody = event.data.substring && event.data.replace(/^(inc\d+)=/, function (match, a) {
childID = a;
return '';
if (childID) {
// This message event was for the Markdeep/include.js system
//console.log(location.href + ' received a message from child ' + childID);
// Replace the corresponding node's contents
var childFrame = document.getElementById(childID);
childFrame.outerHTML = '\n' + childBody + '\n';
// console.log(window.location.pathname, 'numIncludeChildrenLeft = ' + numIncludeChildrenLeft);
if (numIncludeChildrenLeft <= 0) {
if (IAmAChild) {
//console.log("Intermediate node " + location.pathname + " sending to parent");
} else {
// The entire document is complete, so run the markdeep processor
// as soon as the document has recovered from our replacements
setTimeout(markdeepProcessor, 0);
source = source.rp(/(?:^|\s)\(insert[ \t]+(\S+\.\S*)[ \t]+here\)\s/g, function(match, src) {
if (numIncludeChildrenLeft === 0) {
// This is the first child observed. Prepare to receive messages from the
// embedded children.
IAmAParent = true;
addEventListener("message", messageCallback);
// console.log(window.location.pathname, 'numIncludeChildrenLeft = ' + numIncludeChildrenLeft);
// Replace this tag with a frame that loads the document. Once loaded, it will
// send a message with its contents for use as a replacement.
var childID = 'inc' + (++includeCounter);
return '<iframe src="' + src + '?id=' + childID + '&p=' + encodeURIComponent(myBase) +
'"id="' + childID + '"style="' + childFrameStyle + '" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"></iframe>';
// console.log("after insert: "+ source);
if (IAmAParent) {
// I'm waiting on children, so don't run the full processor yet,
// but do substitute the iframe code so that it can launch.
document.body.innerHTML = source;
} else if (IAmAChild) {
// I'm a child and not a parent, so trigger the send now
// console.log("Leaf node " + location.pathname + " sending to parent");
} else {
// No includes. Run markdeep processing after the rest of this file parses
// console.log("non-parent, non-child Parent scheduling markdeepProcessor");
setTimeout(markdeepProcessor, 0);