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synced 2024-12-16 06:30:05 +00:00
Add inverse dynamics / mass matrix code from DeepMimic, thanks to Xue Bin (Jason) Peng Add example how to use stable PD control for humanoid with spherical joints (see humanoidMotionCapture.py) Fix related to TinyRenderer object transforms not updating when using collision filtering
307 lines
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307 lines
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#include "btMultiBodyTreeCreator.hpp"
namespace btInverseDynamics
btMultiBodyTreeCreator::btMultiBodyTreeCreator() : m_initialized(false) {}
int btMultiBodyTreeCreator::createFromBtMultiBody(const btMultiBody *btmb, const bool verbose)
if (0x0 == btmb)
bt_id_error_message("cannot create MultiBodyTree from null pointer\n");
return -1;
// in case this is a second call, discard old data
m_initialized = false;
// btMultiBody treats base link separately
m_data.resize(1 + btmb->getNumLinks());
// add base link data
LinkData &link = m_data[0];
link.parent_index = -1;
if (btmb->hasFixedBase())
link.joint_type = FIXED;
link.joint_type = FLOATING;
btTransform transform = (btmb->getBaseWorldTransform());
//compute inverse dynamics in body-fixed frame
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(0) = transform.getOrigin()[0];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(1) = transform.getOrigin()[1];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(2) = transform.getOrigin()[2];
link.body_T_parent_ref(0, 0) = transform.getBasis()[0][0];
link.body_T_parent_ref(0, 1) = transform.getBasis()[0][1];
link.body_T_parent_ref(0, 2) = transform.getBasis()[0][2];
link.body_T_parent_ref(1, 0) = transform.getBasis()[1][0];
link.body_T_parent_ref(1, 1) = transform.getBasis()[1][1];
link.body_T_parent_ref(1, 2) = transform.getBasis()[1][2];
link.body_T_parent_ref(2, 0) = transform.getBasis()[2][0];
link.body_T_parent_ref(2, 1) = transform.getBasis()[2][1];
link.body_T_parent_ref(2, 2) = transform.getBasis()[2][2];
// random unit vector. value not used for fixed or floating joints.
link.body_axis_of_motion(0) = 0;
link.body_axis_of_motion(1) = 0;
link.body_axis_of_motion(2) = 1;
link.mass = btmb->getBaseMass();
// link frame in the center of mass
link.body_r_body_com(0) = 0;
link.body_r_body_com(1) = 0;
link.body_r_body_com(2) = 0;
// BulletDynamics uses body-fixed frame in the cog, aligned with principal axes
link.body_I_body(0, 0) = btmb->getBaseInertia()[0];
link.body_I_body(0, 1) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(0, 2) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(1, 0) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(1, 1) = btmb->getBaseInertia()[1];
link.body_I_body(1, 2) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(2, 0) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(2, 1) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(2, 2) = btmb->getBaseInertia()[2];
// shift reference point to link origin (in joint axis)
mat33 tilde_r_com = tildeOperator(link.body_r_body_com);
link.body_I_body = link.body_I_body - link.mass * tilde_r_com * tilde_r_com;
if (verbose)
"base: mass= %f, bt_inertia= [%f %f %f]\n"
"Io= [%f %f %f;\n"
" %f %f %f;\n"
" %f %f %f]\n",
link.mass, btmb->getBaseInertia()[0], btmb->getBaseInertia()[1],
btmb->getBaseInertia()[2], link.body_I_body(0, 0), link.body_I_body(0, 1),
link.body_I_body(0, 2), link.body_I_body(1, 0), link.body_I_body(1, 1),
link.body_I_body(1, 2), link.body_I_body(2, 0), link.body_I_body(2, 1),
link.body_I_body(2, 2));
for (int bt_index = 0; bt_index < btmb->getNumLinks(); bt_index++)
if (verbose)
id_printf("bt->id: converting link %d\n", bt_index);
const btMultibodyLink &bt_link = btmb->getLink(bt_index);
LinkData &link = m_data[bt_index + 1];
link.parent_index = bt_link.m_parent + 1;
link.mass = bt_link.m_mass;
if (verbose)
id_printf("mass= %f\n", link.mass);
// from this body's pivot to this body's com in this body's frame
link.body_r_body_com[0] = bt_link.m_dVector[0];
link.body_r_body_com[1] = bt_link.m_dVector[1];
link.body_r_body_com[2] = bt_link.m_dVector[2];
if (verbose)
id_printf("com= %f %f %f\n", link.body_r_body_com[0], link.body_r_body_com[1],
// BulletDynamics uses a body-fixed frame in the CoM, aligned with principal axes
link.body_I_body(0, 0) = bt_link.m_inertiaLocal[0];
link.body_I_body(0, 1) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(0, 2) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(1, 0) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(1, 1) = bt_link.m_inertiaLocal[1];
link.body_I_body(1, 2) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(2, 0) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(2, 1) = 0.0;
link.body_I_body(2, 2) = bt_link.m_inertiaLocal[2];
// shift reference point to link origin (in joint axis)
mat33 tilde_r_com = tildeOperator(link.body_r_body_com);
link.body_I_body = link.body_I_body - link.mass * tilde_r_com * tilde_r_com;
if (verbose)
"link %d: mass= %f, bt_inertia= [%f %f %f]\n"
"Io= [%f %f %f;\n"
" %f %f %f;\n"
" %f %f %f]\n",
bt_index, link.mass, bt_link.m_inertiaLocal[0], bt_link.m_inertiaLocal[1],
bt_link.m_inertiaLocal[2], link.body_I_body(0, 0), link.body_I_body(0, 1),
link.body_I_body(0, 2), link.body_I_body(1, 0), link.body_I_body(1, 1),
link.body_I_body(1, 2), link.body_I_body(2, 0), link.body_I_body(2, 1),
link.body_I_body(2, 2));
// transform for vectors written in parent frame to this link's body-fixed frame
btMatrix3x3 basis = btTransform(bt_link.m_zeroRotParentToThis).getBasis();
link.body_T_parent_ref(0, 0) = basis[0][0];
link.body_T_parent_ref(0, 1) = basis[0][1];
link.body_T_parent_ref(0, 2) = basis[0][2];
link.body_T_parent_ref(1, 0) = basis[1][0];
link.body_T_parent_ref(1, 1) = basis[1][1];
link.body_T_parent_ref(1, 2) = basis[1][2];
link.body_T_parent_ref(2, 0) = basis[2][0];
link.body_T_parent_ref(2, 1) = basis[2][1];
link.body_T_parent_ref(2, 2) = basis[2][2];
if (verbose)
"body_T_parent_ref= %f %f %f\n"
" %f %f %f\n"
" %f %f %f\n",
basis[0][0], basis[0][1], basis[0][2], basis[1][0], basis[1][1], basis[1][2],
basis[2][0], basis[2][1], basis[2][2]);
switch (bt_link.m_jointType)
case btMultibodyLink::eRevolute:
link.joint_type = REVOLUTE;
if (verbose)
id_printf("type= revolute\n");
link.body_axis_of_motion(0) = bt_link.m_axes[0].m_topVec[0];
link.body_axis_of_motion(1) = bt_link.m_axes[0].m_topVec[1];
link.body_axis_of_motion(2) = bt_link.m_axes[0].m_topVec[2];
// for revolute joints, m_eVector = parentComToThisPivotOffset
// m_dVector = thisPivotToThisComOffset
// from parent com to pivot, in parent frame
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(0) = bt_link.m_eVector[0];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(1) = bt_link.m_eVector[1];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(2) = bt_link.m_eVector[2];
case btMultibodyLink::ePrismatic:
link.joint_type = PRISMATIC;
if (verbose)
id_printf("type= prismatic\n");
link.body_axis_of_motion(0) = bt_link.m_axes[0].m_bottomVec[0];
link.body_axis_of_motion(1) = bt_link.m_axes[0].m_bottomVec[1];
link.body_axis_of_motion(2) = bt_link.m_axes[0].m_bottomVec[2];
// for prismatic joints, eVector
// according to documentation :
// parentComToThisComOffset
// but seems to be: from parent's com to parent's
// pivot ??
// m_dVector = thisPivotToThisComOffset
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(0) = bt_link.m_eVector[0];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(1) = bt_link.m_eVector[1];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(2) = bt_link.m_eVector[2];
case btMultibodyLink::eSpherical:
link.joint_type = SPHERICAL;
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(0) = bt_link.m_eVector[0];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(1) = bt_link.m_eVector[1];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(2) = bt_link.m_eVector[2];
// random unit vector
link.body_axis_of_motion(0) = 0;
link.body_axis_of_motion(1) = 1;
link.body_axis_of_motion(2) = 0;
case btMultibodyLink::ePlanar:
bt_id_error_message("planar joints not implemented\n");
return -1;
case btMultibodyLink::eFixed:
link.joint_type = FIXED;
// random unit vector
link.body_axis_of_motion(0) = 0;
link.body_axis_of_motion(1) = 0;
link.body_axis_of_motion(2) = 1;
// for fixed joints, m_dVector = thisPivotToThisComOffset;
// m_eVector = parentComToThisPivotOffset;
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(0) = bt_link.m_eVector[0];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(1) = bt_link.m_eVector[1];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(2) = bt_link.m_eVector[2];
bt_id_error_message("unknown btMultiBody::eFeatherstoneJointType %d\n",
return -1;
if (link.parent_index > 0)
{ // parent body isn't the root
const btMultibodyLink &bt_parent_link = btmb->getLink(link.parent_index - 1);
// from parent pivot to parent com, in parent frame
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(0) += bt_parent_link.m_dVector[0];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(1) += bt_parent_link.m_dVector[1];
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref(2) += bt_parent_link.m_dVector[2];
// parent is root body. btMultiBody only knows 6-DoF or 0-DoF root bodies,
// whose link frame is in the CoM (ie, no notion of a pivot point)
if (verbose)
id_printf("parent_r_parent_body_ref= %f %f %f\n", link.parent_r_parent_body_ref[0],
link.parent_r_parent_body_ref[1], link.parent_r_parent_body_ref[2]);
m_initialized = true;
return 0;
int btMultiBodyTreeCreator::getNumBodies(int *num_bodies) const
if (false == m_initialized)
bt_id_error_message("btMultiBody not converted yet\n");
return -1;
*num_bodies = static_cast<int>(m_data.size());
return 0;
int btMultiBodyTreeCreator::getBody(const int body_index, int *parent_index, JointType *joint_type,
vec3 *parent_r_parent_body_ref, mat33 *body_T_parent_ref,
vec3 *body_axis_of_motion, idScalar *mass,
vec3 *body_r_body_com, mat33 *body_I_body, int *user_int,
void **user_ptr) const
if (false == m_initialized)
bt_id_error_message("MultiBodyTree not created yet\n");
return -1;
if (body_index < 0 || body_index >= static_cast<int>(m_data.size()))
bt_id_error_message("index out of range (got %d but only %zu bodies)\n", body_index,
return -1;
*parent_index = m_data[body_index].parent_index;
*joint_type = m_data[body_index].joint_type;
*parent_r_parent_body_ref = m_data[body_index].parent_r_parent_body_ref;
*body_T_parent_ref = m_data[body_index].body_T_parent_ref;
*body_axis_of_motion = m_data[body_index].body_axis_of_motion;
*mass = m_data[body_index].mass;
*body_r_body_com = m_data[body_index].body_r_body_com;
*body_I_body = m_data[body_index].body_I_body;
*user_int = -1;
*user_ptr = 0x0;
return 0;
} // namespace btInverseDynamics