Erwin Coumans 826c5854a8 See also pybullet quickstart guide here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10sXEhzFRSnvFcl3XxNGhnD4N2SedqwdAvK3dsihxVUA/edit#
vrevent.py: add a Tiltbrush-style drawing example using pybullet
Expose getVREvents to pybullet / shared memory API, access to any VR controller state & state changes.
Improve performance of user debug lines (pybullet/shared memory API) by batching lines with same color/width
expose rayTest to pybullet/shared memory API (single ray for now)
add pybullet getMatrixFromQuaterion
2016-12-26 19:40:09 -08:00

93 lines
2.8 KiB

#include "LinearMath/btVector3.h"
#include "PhysicsCommandProcessorInterface.h"
struct SharedMemLines
btVector3 m_from;
btVector3 m_to;
btVector3 m_color;
///todo: naming. Perhaps PhysicsSdkCommandprocessor?
class PhysicsServerCommandProcessor : public PhysicsCommandProcessorInterface
struct PhysicsServerCommandProcessorInternalData* m_data;
//todo: move this to physics client side / Python
void createDefaultRobotAssets();
void resetSimulation();
bool loadSdf(const char* fileName, char* bufferServerToClient, int bufferSizeInBytes, bool useMultiBody);
bool loadUrdf(const char* fileName, const class btVector3& pos, const class btQuaternion& orn,
bool useMultiBody, bool useFixedBase, int* bodyUniqueIdPtr, char* bufferServerToClient, int bufferSizeInBytes);
bool supportsJointMotor(class btMultiBody* body, int linkIndex);
int createBodyInfoStream(int bodyUniqueId, char* bufferServerToClient, int bufferSizeInBytes);
void deleteCachedInverseDynamicsBodies();
void deleteCachedInverseKinematicsBodies();
virtual ~PhysicsServerCommandProcessor();
void createJointMotors(class btMultiBody* body);
virtual void createEmptyDynamicsWorld();
virtual void deleteDynamicsWorld();
virtual bool connect()
return true;
virtual void disconnect() {}
virtual bool isConnected() const
return true;
virtual bool processCommand(const struct SharedMemoryCommand& clientCmd, struct SharedMemoryStatus& serverStatusOut, char* bufferServerToClient, int bufferSizeInBytes);
virtual bool receiveStatus(struct SharedMemoryStatus& serverStatusOut, char* bufferServerToClient, int bufferSizeInBytes)
return false;
virtual void renderScene();
virtual void physicsDebugDraw(int debugDrawFlags);
virtual void setGuiHelper(struct GUIHelperInterface* guiHelper);
//@todo(erwincoumans) Should we have shared memory commands for picking objects?
///The pickBody method will try to pick the first body along a ray, return true if succeeds, false otherwise
virtual bool pickBody(const btVector3& rayFromWorld, const btVector3& rayToWorld);
virtual bool movePickedBody(const btVector3& rayFromWorld, const btVector3& rayToWorld);
virtual void removePickingConstraint();
void enableCommandLogging(bool enable, const char* fileName);
void replayFromLogFile(const char* fileName);
void replayLogCommand(char* bufferServerToClient, int bufferSizeInBytes );
void stepSimulationRealTime(double dtInSec, const struct b3VRControllerEvent* vrEvents, int numVREvents);
void enableRealTimeSimulation(bool enableRealTimeSim);
void applyJointDamping(int bodyUniqueId);