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synced 2025-01-05 15:21:06 +00:00
Implement StablePD in C++ through setJointMotorControlMultiDofArray method for pybullet_envs.deep_mimic, see testHumanoid.py and examples/pybullet/examples/humanoidMotionCapture.py Minor fix in ChromeTraceUtil in case startTime>endTime (why would it happen?)
238 lines
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238 lines
7.6 KiB
import numpy as np
class PDControllerStableMultiDof(object):
def __init__(self, pb):
self._pb = pb
def computeAngVel(self, ornStart, ornEnd, deltaTime, bullet_client):
dorn = bullet_client.getDifferenceQuaternion(ornStart, ornEnd)
axis, angle = bullet_client.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(dorn)
angVel = [(axis[0] * angle) / deltaTime, (axis[1] * angle) / deltaTime,
(axis[2] * angle) / deltaTime]
return angVel
def quatMul(self, q1, q2):
return [
q1[3] * q2[0] + q1[0] * q2[3] + q1[1] * q2[2] - q1[2] * q2[1],
q1[3] * q2[1] + q1[1] * q2[3] + q1[2] * q2[0] - q1[0] * q2[2],
q1[3] * q2[2] + q1[2] * q2[3] + q1[0] * q2[1] - q1[1] * q2[0],
q1[3] * q2[3] - q1[0] * q2[0] - q1[1] * q2[1] - q1[2] * q2[2]
def computeAngVelRel(self, ornStart, ornEnd, deltaTime, bullet_client):
ornStartConjugate = [-ornStart[0], -ornStart[1], -ornStart[2], ornStart[3]]
q_diff = self.quatMul(
ornEnd) #bullet_client.multiplyTransforms([0,0,0], ornStartConjugate, [0,0,0], ornEnd)
axis, angle = bullet_client.getAxisAngleFromQuaternion(q_diff)
angVel = [(axis[0] * angle) / deltaTime, (axis[1] * angle) / deltaTime,
(axis[2] * angle) / deltaTime]
return angVel
def computePD(self, bodyUniqueId, jointIndices, desiredPositions, desiredVelocities, kps, kds,
maxForces, timeStep):
numJoints = len(jointIndices) #self._pb.getNumJoints(bodyUniqueId)
curPos, curOrn = self._pb.getBasePositionAndOrientation(bodyUniqueId)
q1 = [curPos[0], curPos[1], curPos[2], curOrn[0], curOrn[1], curOrn[2], curOrn[3]]
#qdot1 = [0,0,0, 0,0,0,0]
baseLinVel, baseAngVel = self._pb.getBaseVelocity(bodyUniqueId)
qdot1 = [
baseLinVel[0], baseLinVel[1], baseLinVel[2], baseAngVel[0], baseAngVel[1], baseAngVel[2], 0
#qError = [0,0,0, 0,0,0,0]
desiredOrn = [
desiredPositions[3], desiredPositions[4], desiredPositions[5], desiredPositions[6]
axis1 = self._pb.getAxisDifferenceQuaternion(desiredOrn, curOrn)
angDiff = [0, 0, 0] #self.computeAngVel(curOrn, desiredOrn, 1, self._pb)
qError = [
desiredPositions[0] - curPos[0], desiredPositions[1] - curPos[1],
desiredPositions[2] - curPos[2], angDiff[0], angDiff[1], angDiff[2], 0
target_pos = np.array(desiredPositions)
#np.savetxt("pb_target_pos.csv", target_pos, delimiter=",")
qIndex = 7
qdotIndex = 7
zeroAccelerations = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
useArray = True
if useArray:
jointStates = self._pb.getJointStatesMultiDof(bodyUniqueId,jointIndices)
for i in range(numJoints):
if useArray:
js = jointStates[i]
js = self._pb.getJointStateMultiDof(bodyUniqueId, jointIndices[i])
jointPos = js[0]
jointVel = js[1]
q1 += jointPos
if len(js[0]) == 1:
desiredPos = desiredPositions[qIndex]
qdiff = desiredPos - jointPos[0]
qdot1 += jointVel
qIndex += 1
qdotIndex += 1
if len(js[0]) == 4:
desiredPos = [
desiredPositions[qIndex], desiredPositions[qIndex + 1], desiredPositions[qIndex + 2],
desiredPositions[qIndex + 3]
#axis = self._pb.getAxisDifferenceQuaternion(desiredPos,jointPos)
angDiff = self.computeAngVelRel(jointPos, desiredPos, 1, self._pb)
#angDiff = self._pb.computeAngVelRel(jointPos, desiredPos, 1)
jointVelNew = [jointVel[0], jointVel[1], jointVel[2], 0]
qdot1 += jointVelNew
desiredVel = [
desiredVelocities[qdotIndex], desiredVelocities[qdotIndex + 1],
desiredVelocities[qdotIndex + 2]
zeroAccelerations += [0., 0., 0., 0.]
qIndex += 4
qdotIndex += 4
q = np.array(q1)
qerr = np.array(qError)
#np.savetxt("pb_q.csv", q, delimiter=",")
qdot = np.array(qdot1)
#np.savetxt("qdot.csv", qdot, delimiter=",")
qdotdesired = np.array(desiredVelocities)
qdoterr = qdotdesired - qdot
Kp = np.diagflat(kps)
Kd = np.diagflat(kds)
p = Kp.dot(qError)
#np.savetxt("pb_qError.csv", qError, delimiter=",")
#np.savetxt("pb_p.csv", p, delimiter=",")
d = Kd.dot(qdoterr)
#np.savetxt("pb_d.csv", d, delimiter=",")
#np.savetxt("pbqdoterr.csv", qdoterr, delimiter=",")
M1 = self._pb.calculateMassMatrix(bodyUniqueId, q1, flags=1)
M2 = np.array(M1)
#np.savetxt("M2.csv", M2, delimiter=",")
M = (M2 + Kd * timeStep)
#np.savetxt("pbM_tKd.csv",M, delimiter=",")
c1 = self._pb.calculateInverseDynamics(bodyUniqueId, q1, qdot1, zeroAccelerations, flags=1)
c = np.array(c1)
#np.savetxt("pb_C.csv",c, delimiter=",")
A = M
#p = [0]*43
#np.savetxt("pb_kp_dot_qError.csv", p)
#np.savetxt("pb_kd_dot_vError.csv", d)
b = p + d - c
#np.savetxt("pb_b_acc.csv",b, delimiter=",")
useNumpySolver = True
if useNumpySolver:
qddot = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
qddot = self._pb.ldltSolve(bodyUniqueId, jointPositions=q1, b=b.tolist(), kd=kds, t=timeStep)
tau = p + d - Kd.dot(qddot) * timeStep
#np.savetxt("pb_tau_not_clamped.csv", tau, delimiter=",")
maxF = np.array(maxForces)
forces = np.clip(tau, -maxF, maxF)
#np.savetxt("pb_tau_clamped.csv", tau, delimiter=",")
return forces
class PDControllerStable(object):
def __init__(self, pb):
self._pb = pb
def computePD(self, bodyUniqueId, jointIndices, desiredPositions, desiredVelocities, kps, kds,
maxForces, timeStep):
numBaseDofs = 0
numPosBaseDofs = 0
baseMass = self._pb.getDynamicsInfo(bodyUniqueId, -1)[0]
curPos, curOrn = self._pb.getBasePositionAndOrientation(bodyUniqueId)
q1 = []
qdot1 = []
zeroAccelerations = []
qError = []
if (baseMass > 0):
numBaseDofs = 6
numPosBaseDofs = 7
q1 = [curPos[0], curPos[1], curPos[2], curOrn[0], curOrn[1], curOrn[2], curOrn[3]]
qdot1 = [0] * numBaseDofs
zeroAccelerations = [0] * numBaseDofs
angDiff = [0, 0, 0]
qError = [
desiredPositions[0] - curPos[0], desiredPositions[1] - curPos[1],
desiredPositions[2] - curPos[2], angDiff[0], angDiff[1], angDiff[2]
numJoints = self._pb.getNumJoints(bodyUniqueId)
jointStates = self._pb.getJointStates(bodyUniqueId, jointIndices)
for i in range(numJoints):
q = np.array(q1)
qdot = np.array(qdot1)
qdes = np.array(desiredPositions)
qdotdes = np.array(desiredVelocities)
#qError = qdes - q
for j in range(numJoints):
qError.append(desiredPositions[j + numPosBaseDofs] - q1[j + numPosBaseDofs])
qdotError = qdotdes - qdot
Kp = np.diagflat(kps)
Kd = np.diagflat(kds)
p = Kp.dot(qError)
d = Kd.dot(qdotError)
forces = p + d
M1 = self._pb.calculateMassMatrix(bodyUniqueId, q1)
M2 = np.array(M1)
M = (M2 + Kd * timeStep)
c1 = self._pb.calculateInverseDynamics(bodyUniqueId, q1, qdot1, zeroAccelerations)
c = np.array(c1)
A = M
b = -c + p + d
qddot = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
tau = p + d - Kd.dot(qddot) * timeStep
maxF = np.array(maxForces)
tau = np.clip(tau, -maxF, maxF)
return tau