erwincoumans 994a797af7 Update AUTHORS.txt
add Yunfei Bai (contributions in various areas, including btMultiBody constraints, inverse kinematics and other areas)
2016-09-25 18:30:54 -07:00

41 lines
737 B

Bullet Physics is created by Erwin Coumans with contributions from the following authors / copyright holders:
Steve Baker
Gino van den Bergen
Nicola Candussi
Erin Catto
Lawrence Chai
Erwin Coumans
Christer Ericson
Disney Animation
Dirk Gregorius
Marcus Hennix
MBSim Development Team
Takahiro Harada
Simon Hobbs
John Hsu
Ole Kniemeyer
Jay Lee
Francisco Leon
Vsevolod Klementjev
Phil Knight
John McCutchan
Steven Peters
Roman Ponomarev
Nathanael Presson
Gabor PUHR
Arthur Shek
Russel Smith
Jakub Stephien
Marten Svanfeldt
Pierre Terdiman
Steven Thompson
Tamas Umenhoffer
Yunfei Bai
If your name is missing, please send an email to erwin.coumans@gmail.com or file an issue at http://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3