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The purpose of the comparison page is not only to show how compression ratios and encoding times using the flac reference encoder compare to other lossless encoders, but also to compare features (for example, some coders archive only and files must be uncompressed completely before playback can start). Keep a few things in mind:

  • As far as I know, only three of the lossless encoders out there (Bonk, flac and Kexis) are truly free (source code for Shorten is available but the license is more restrictive). Most others give out free binaries, but without access to the source, you are leaving your data to the whim of the maintainer for eternity; you have no way to port the program to another OS or fix it if it breaks. This can be a serious drawback unless the format has world-class clout (like MP3).
  • The compression ratios and times are representative only of the reference encoder. They are not indicative of the limits of all FLAC encoders or the FLAC format itself since the format is open and extensible, and anyone is free to write a better FLAC encoder. And it is almost certain that the reference encoder itself will improve.
  • Since FLAC supports streaming, it is at a slight disadvantage to the formats that don't because they don't have the extra overhead of all those frame headers.

I make an effort to keep this information as accurate as possible, but if any of the data is wrong, let me know and I'll correct it.

Reviewed encoders:

  • flac of course.
  • Bonk - An open-source source codec. No player or library support yet.
  • Kexis - An open-source source codec. Still in the alpha stage. No player or library support yet.
  • LPAC - A closed source codec. At least it's available for more than just Windows, but there's only a Winamp plugin.
  • Monkey's Audio - A symmetric adaptive codec with good compression. Source is available under a non-OSI license. There are two versions available now, one by the original author Matt Ashland and one by Frank Klemm. The one tested here is from the original author.
  • Ogg Squish - An open source source codec that is no longer maintained. The version I tested, 0.98, was the latest I could find. I don't have Windows timing results but it is among the 'fast' coders, based on UNIX tests.
  • optimFROG - A closed source, Windows/Linux codec, with Winamp and XMMS plugins. Slow but best compression ratios.
  • Pegasus-SPS - A closed source, Windows-only codec.
  • RKAU - A closed source, Windows-only codec.
  • Shorten - A.J. Robinson's well-known codec; source is available here.
  • WaveZIP - A closed source, Windows-only archiver. Uses the MUSICompress[tm] engine which supposedly has a patent. I used to have a link to the company that makes WaveZIP (GadgetLabs) but apparently they have gone out of business (maybe for trying to sell something that should cost nothing).
  • WavPack - A closed source, Windows-only archiver.

Encoders I couldn't get a copy of:

  • AudioPak
  • WavARC

If you take maximum compression ratio and speed out of the picture (as you will see later, most coders exhibit similar performance), here is a subjective sort based on overall "usefulness". As far as features go, having source code gives you the most freedom since you can add anything you need that is missing; besides, open source projects tend to get better faster than closed source ones. A close second (depending on the user) would be OS support or plugin support.

Codec Source Available? Plugins Available? Hardware Support? Streamable? Seekable? Cost OS support
flac v1.0.2 YES (OSI approved license) YES (Winamp, XMMS, Apollo, dBpowerAMP, AlsaPlayer) YES (PhatBox, Kenwood MusicKeg) YES YES FREE ANY (source)
Shorten v3.2 YES (non-OSI license) YES (Winamp, XMMS) no no YES (v3 only) FREE ANY (source)
Monkey's Audio v3.96 YES (non-OSI license) YES (Winamp, MediaJukebox, dBpowerAMP) no no YES FREE Windows/Linux console source
Ogg Squish 0.98 YES (OSI approved license) no (?) no YES YES FREE ANY (source)
Bonk 0.5 YES (OSI approved license) no no no no FREE ANY (source)
Kexis 0.2.2 YES (OSI approved license) no no no no FREE ANY (source)
LPAC v1.31 (codec 3.0) no YES (Winamp only) no no? YES FREE Windows/Linux/Solaris console
WavPack v3.91 no YES (Winamp only) no no YES FREE Windows only
optimFROG 4.21 no YES (Winamp, XMMS) no no YES FREE Windows/Linux
RKAU v1.07 no YES (Winamp only) no no YES FREE Windows only
WaveZIP v2 no no no no no FREE (24-bit costs $) Windows only
Pegasus-SPS no no no no no $39 (free trial) Windows only

The machine I used for encoding the test files is a PII-333 with 256 megs of RAM, running Windows NT 4.0 SP5. Unfortunately, Windows is the lowest-common-denominator platform for all the encoders.

The input corpus currently consists entirely of CD music tracks. In the future it may include more kinds of input (like speech, other sample rates/resolutions, etc). There are 14 tracks whose genres range from rock to pop to death metal to classical to chant.

The first table is a summary of results on all input tracks. The remaining tables show the results of the encoders on each track. The summary table has more modes, whereas the individual tables have just the interesting ones.

In the summary table, entries are sorted by weighted compression ratio, which is the average of the ratios for each track; this keeps long tracks from having more influence than short ones. In the individual tables, this is the same as the straight compression ratio, which is compressed size / uncompressed size.

Some interesting things to note:

  • flac -5 is right in the middle with respect to compression, relatively fast on the encoding range, and one of the fastest decoding. This is about what you would expect; FLAC is designed to put most of the processing on the encoding side, which is only done once, whereas the adaptive codecs take as long to decode as encode. FLAC is more suited in this way for playback on low-power devices and is one of the reasons it is the only lossless codec with any kind of hardware support.
  • Uniformity between unweighted and weighted ratio means the codec performs the same across genres.
  • LPAC quality settings are not too stable with -r (which allows seeking during playback) turned on.
  • RKAU also has a tendency to get bigger in the 'high' mode.
  • Another ironic fact is that the encoders that are patented or cost money turn out to be the worst by most measures. SPS is so archane and crippled that I gave up trying to put together results for it after one track.

This is a summary table with just the most 'economic' modes (the ones that give the most compression for the least amount of encode/decode time) for each codec.

Codec Encode time Decode time Compressed
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)26:52.0728:44.55386.96 MB0.49580.5119
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)24:19.5825:37.44389.04 MB0.49840.5151
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)13:59.0715:30.69391.76 MB0.50190.5179
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)16:34.9617:57.28394.69 MB0.50560.5223
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)11:42.3413:11.29395.04 MB0.50610.5223
RKAU 1.07 (normal)53:46.7423:31.10395.71 MB0.50700.5229
RKAU 1.07 (fast)26:35.3420:13.22399.25 MB0.51150.5262
LPAC 1.40 (-r, medium)18:52.7910:43.32403.52 MB0.51700.5319
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)9:05.5910:51.09401.63 MB0.51450.5327
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)13:26.747:19.04413.43 MB0.52970.5458
flac 1.0.3 (-3)10:07.347:14.68419.26 MB0.53710.5543
Bonk 0.536:56.3627:09.35418.65 MB0.53640.5543
WavPack 3.91 (high)7:15.37?418.09 MB0.53560.5556
Ogg Squish 0.98??431.08 MB0.55220.5714
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)9:44.486:31.74433.56 MB0.55550.5729
Kexis 0.2.217:49.0614:53.90434.33 MB0.55640.5750
WaveZIP8:41.72?452.95 MB0.58020.5986
RIFF WAVE  780.56 MB1.00001.0000

Here are the summary results for all codecs and all modes:

Codec Encode time Decode time Compressed
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 2x)183:05.29184:13.42386.13 MB0.49470.5105
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)338:34.96339:23.24386.22 MB0.49480.5105
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 4x)105:15.85106:36.23386.21 MB0.49480.5107
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 3 @ 2x)92:48.7993:49.75386.52 MB0.49520.5110
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 3 @ 1x)161:51.00162:10.62386.55 MB0.49520.5110
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 3 @ 4x)58:18.4059:30.51386.71 MB0.49540.5114
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)26:52.0728:44.55386.96 MB0.49580.5119
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 2 @ 1x)68:22.5869:29.50387.71 MB0.49670.5128
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 2 @ 2x)44:17.5545:31.33387.72 MB0.49670.5129
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 2 @ 4x)32:16.8533:30.92387.93 MB0.49700.5133
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 1x)43:00.9144:13.07388.71 MB0.49800.5146
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 2x)30:35.0031:50.50388.81 MB0.49810.5147
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)24:19.5825:37.44389.04 MB0.49840.5151
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)13:59.0715:30.69391.76 MB0.50190.5179
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 1x)20:51.2122:08.44394.35 MB0.50520.5218
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 2x)17:59.8619:20.53394.48 MB0.50540.5220
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)16:34.9617:57.28394.69 MB0.50560.5223
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)11:42.3413:11.29395.04 MB0.50610.5223
RKAU 1.07 (normal)53:46.7423:31.10395.71 MB0.50700.5229
RKAU 1.07 (high)136:56.6227:55.98395.89 MB0.50720.5235
RKAU 1.07 (fast)26:35.3420:13.22399.25 MB0.51150.5262
LPAC 1.40 (-r, medium)18:52.7910:43.32403.52 MB0.51700.5319
LPAC 1.40 (-r, extra high)30:30.9312:20.26404.08 MB0.51770.5322
LPAC 1.40 (-r, high)24:56.5611:51.64404.03 MB0.51760.5323
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)9:05.5910:51.09401.63 MB0.51450.5327
flac 1.0.3 (-8)55:49.517:25.36411.85 MB0.52760.5436
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)13:26.747:19.04413.43 MB0.52970.5458
flac 1.0.3 (-3)10:07.347:14.68419.26 MB0.53710.5543
Bonk 0.536:56.3627:09.35418.65 MB0.53640.5543
WavPack 3.91 (high)7:15.37?418.09 MB0.53560.5556
flac 1.0.3 (-1)8:55.947:22.51432.29 MB0.55380.5704
Ogg Squish 0.98??431.08 MB0.55220.5714
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)9:44.486:31.74433.56 MB0.55550.5729
Kexis 0.2.217:49.0614:53.90434.33 MB0.55640.5750
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)12:00.047:25.12438.86 MB0.56220.5810
WaveZIP8:41.72?452.95 MB0.58020.5986
RIFF WAVE  780.56 MB1.00001.0000

Here are the results for each individual track.

Track Codec Encode
Dream Theater
58.47 MB
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)2:05.362:13.4443.24 MB0.7395
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)1:53.282:00.4543.26 MB0.7398
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)25:32.4125:38.1543.26 MB0.7398
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)1:07.921:13.2043.39 MB0.7421
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)1:17.951:25.6743.42 MB0.7426
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:57.041:03.3743.48 MB0.7436
RKAU 1.07 (normal)1:57.681:33.3843.81 MB0.7493
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:44.330:51.2243.97 MB0.7520
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)1:27.610:56.1844.12 MB0.7545
flac 1.0.3 (-8)4:20.410:37.8644.33 MB0.7581
Bonk 0.52:56.032:11.5844.35 MB0.7585
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)1:03.870:37.5544.40 MB0.7594
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:58.810:37.6344.75 MB0.7654
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:48.520:37.2244.78 MB0.7658
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:35.86?45.14 MB0.7720
Ogg Squish 0.98??45.17 MB0.7725
Pegasus-SPS4:45.00?45.40 MB0.7765
Kexis 0.2.21:24.831:10.9346.52 MB0.7956
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:44.070:37.7746.64 MB0.7977
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:47.750:32.5646.68 MB0.7984
WaveZIP0:38.99?47.22 MB0.8077
Eddie Warner
27.87 MB
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)0:40.760:21.2114.77 MB0.5298
flac 1.0.3 (-8)1:58.900:17.3315.01 MB0.5384
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)0:53.390:55.5215.01 MB0.5385
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)12:02.5412:03.7615.02 MB0.5390
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:29.560:15.5715.11 MB0.5423
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)0:36.810:39.1915.13 MB0.5429
RKAU 1.07 (normal)0:54.820:42.7115.15 MB0.5435
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)0:58.521:01.8115.25 MB0.5471
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:30.880:33.5515.34 MB0.5505
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:25.450:28.3715.35 MB0.5509
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:22.290:15.2915.43 MB0.5537
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:19.850:22.9015.58 MB0.5592
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:21.160:13.5515.78 MB0.5662
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:26.820:16.7516.21 MB0.5818
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:19.920:15.6716.38 MB0.5879
Bonk 0.51:22.011:00.1216.73 MB0.6003
Ogg Squish 0.98??17.03 MB0.6112
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:10.55?17.13 MB0.6148
Kexis 0.2.20:38.720:32.2517.40 MB0.6242
WaveZIP0:17.55?17.89 MB0.6420
Forty-six & 2
64.25 MB
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)27:58.2828:01.8737.96 MB0.5907
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)2:03.432:09.2738.15 MB0.5937
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)2:14.702:24.3038.23 MB0.5950
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)1:09.821:18.0938.42 MB0.5979
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:58.691:07.0238.59 MB0.6005
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)1:24.441:30.9738.68 MB0.6020
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:46.500:55.4139.18 MB0.6098
RKAU 1.07 (normal)2:16.001:41.8439.42 MB0.6135
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)1:38.010:57.5640.25 MB0.6263
flac 1.0.3 (-8)4:39.650:38.2540.88 MB0.6363
Bonk 0.53:07.202:21.2840.98 MB0.6378
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)1:08.270:38.8141.04 MB0.6387
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:37.51?41.51 MB0.6461
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:51.780:38.5441.74 MB0.6496
Ogg Squish 0.98??42.27 MB0.6578
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:46.190:41.1842.70 MB0.6646
Kexis 0.2.21:30.091:16.2942.75 MB0.6652
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)1:02.420:37.8443.06 MB0.6701
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:51.290:34.5943.18 MB0.6721
WaveZIP0:42.84?44.52 MB0.6930
Cannibal Corpse
Mummified In Barbed Wire
33.37 MB
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)1:10.941:15.9222.95 MB0.6876
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)14:34.2814:37.6922.95 MB0.6877
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:37.630:41.3423.19 MB0.6948
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:31.710:34.8723.26 MB0.6968
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)1:03.961:08.8523.31 MB0.6984
RKAU 1.07 (normal)1:09.710:56.6623.34 MB0.6993
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)1:05.380:36.2023.53 MB0.7050
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)0:44.140:48.7123.95 MB0.7176
flac 1.0.3 (-8)2:27.820:22.1524.18 MB0.7244
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:25.050:28.9924.20 MB0.7250
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:36.190:21.0024.30 MB0.7281
Bonk 0.51:40.381:14.5824.36 MB0.7297
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:33.740:22.4725.12 MB0.7526
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:28.290:20.8225.16 MB0.7539
Ogg Squish 0.98??25.23 MB0.7558
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:20.50?25.33 MB0.7589
Kexis 0.2.20:47.130:40.6726.03 MB0.7799
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:24.950:22.7026.09 MB0.7818
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:28.200:20.4626.61 MB0.7972
WaveZIP0:22.25?26.89 MB0.8058
Alanis Morisette
Hand In My Pocket
39.09 MB
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)16:51.8216:54.3421.24 MB0.5433
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)1:14.291:18.0621.36 MB0.5464
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)1:21.381:27.2821.54 MB0.5509
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:42.540:47.4121.75 MB0.5563
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:35.450:39.6521.84 MB0.5586
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)0:51.390:54.9721.89 MB0.5598
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:28.230:33.2122.16 MB0.5668
RKAU 1.07 (normal)1:21.181:01.6022.80 MB0.5833
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)1:01.110:33.7923.25 MB0.5948
Bonk 0.51:53.411:23.5223.35 MB0.5972
flac 1.0.3 (-8)2:48.450:23.4723.45 MB0.5997
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:41.000:23.5923.55 MB0.6025
Ogg Squish 0.98??24.11 MB0.6167
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:22.50?24.22 MB0.6196
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:31.650:22.2724.32 MB0.6220
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:37.490:22.9324.72 MB0.6323
Kexis 0.2.20:54.260:45.6424.80 MB0.6345
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:27.510:22.7224.81 MB0.6347
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:29.710:18.9225.34 MB0.6481
WaveZIP0:28.05?25.95 MB0.6638
Gloria Estefan
45.15 MB
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)19:40.5319:44.4729.43 MB0.6517
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)1:26.641:32.2329.58 MB0.6550
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)1:35.651:42.1129.65 MB0.6567
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)0:59.591:05.2929.78 MB0.6595
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:50.170:56.4029.85 MB0.6610
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:42.270:47.7429.97 MB0.6637
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:33.460:39.2230.30 MB0.6710
RKAU 1.07 (normal)1:37.851:12.1530.34 MB0.6719
Bonk 0.52:13.341:39.4430.64 MB0.6785
flac 1.0.3 (-8)3:18.770:28.5730.75 MB0.6811
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)1:14.080:44.6430.81 MB0.6823
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:48.110:27.8430.85 MB0.6833
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:26.73?30.91 MB0.6845
Ogg Squish 0.98??31.06 MB0.6879
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:37.460:27.8031.63 MB0.7005
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:32.550:27.4231.99 MB0.7085
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:44.760:27.4831.76 MB0.7034
Kexis 0.2.21:03.910:53.5431.86 MB0.7056
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:35.740:23.6432.47 MB0.7191
WaveZIP0:29.42?33.02 MB0.7313
White Room
53.01 MB
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)22:59.0523:02.9833.93 MB0.6399
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)1:42.281:47.5533.96 MB0.6405
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)1:51.772:00.3734.14 MB0.6441
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:58.451:04.5934.29 MB0.6468
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)1:10.301:15.9934.29 MB0.6468
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:49.320:56.8934.42 MB0.6493
RKAU 1.07 (normal)1:50.801:24.9834.60 MB0.6527
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)1:25.160:48.6734.84 MB0.6572
Bonk 0.52:35.361:56.2034.96 MB0.6595
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:38.750:46.8034.99 MB0.6601
flac 1.0.3 (-8)3:53.210:32.0835.00 MB0.6602
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:57.280:32.2735.17 MB0.6634
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:42.710:32.5635.37 MB0.6672
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:51.440:33.0235.40 MB0.6677
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:31.05?35.60 MB0.6715
Ogg Squish 0.98??35.74 MB0.6742
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:41.140:28.9136.42 MB0.6870
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:38.470:30.6636.56 MB0.6896
Kexis 0.2.21:13.871:02.9036.64 MB0.6911
WaveZIP0:35.77?37.13 MB0.7004
Maurice Ravel
Fanfare from "L'eventail de Jeanne"
20.82 MB
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)8:22.428:23.326.82 MB0.3274
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)0:39.930:41.696.85 MB0.3289
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)0:36.570:38.267.09 MB0.3406
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:21.220:23.047.16 MB0.3437
RKAU 1.07 (normal)0:40.670:28.527.18 MB0.3451
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)0:24.980:26.377.21 MB0.3462
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)0:29.010:15.117.33 MB0.3520
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:18.190:19.547.44 MB0.3575
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:13.700:15.727.64 MB0.3671
flac 1.0.3 (-8)1:21.110:09.727.68 MB0.3691
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:19.970:09.777.71 MB0.3702
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:15.090:10.097.77 MB0.3733
Bonk 0.50:55.920:40.237.83 MB0.3762
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:11.42?7.89 MB0.3791
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:13.180:09.788.12 MB0.3901
Ogg Squish 0.98??8.15 MB0.3914
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:13.810:08.888.19 MB0.3932
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:17.450:10.308.29 MB0.3983
Kexis 0.2.20:26.780:21.908.52 MB0.4091
WaveZIP0:13.11?8.72 MB0.4193
Maurice Ravel
String Quartet (4th movement)
56.18 MB
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)1:54.092:01.7220.47 MB0.3642
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)24:26.9924:29.3620.62 MB0.3671
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:58.141:06.4520.80 MB0.3702
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)1:42.571:47.4820.93 MB0.3725
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:48.610:54.7321.14 MB0.3763
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)1:09.171:13.1421.23 MB0.3779
RKAU 1.07 (normal)1:52.651:25.3921.30 MB0.3791
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:37.300:44.7921.54 MB0.3835
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)1:20.840:42.7321.96 MB0.3909
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:30.03?22.30 MB0.3969
flac 1.0.3 (-8)3:57.240:28.2622.61 MB0.4024
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:56.470:28.3122.67 MB0.4036
Bonk 0.52:33.531:51.9423.18 MB0.4125
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:41.660:27.6323.21 MB0.4131
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:36.760:29.5423.36 MB0.4158
Kexis 0.2.21:15.051:03.8623.42 MB0.4168
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:39.960:27.3623.71 MB0.4221
Ogg Squish 0.98??24.12 MB0.4293
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:49.060:29.9425.59 MB0.4554
WaveZIP0:36.60?25.84 MB0.4600
Sergei Prokofiev
Piano Concerto No.3 (3rd movement)
100.68 MB
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)43:21.8843:26.1833.58 MB0.3335
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)3:21.333:35.9133.72 MB0.3349
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)3:00.573:08.1933.83 MB0.3360
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)2:00.852:09.5234.14 MB0.3390
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)1:43.171:55.3134.23 MB0.3400
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)1:26.191:35.9034.66 MB0.3442
RKAU 1.07 (normal)3:08.702:26.1735.21 MB0.3496
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)2:06.211:11.9235.27 MB0.3502
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)1:06.281:18.5635.43 MB0.3518
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:53.49?37.44 MB0.3718
flac 1.0.3 (-8)6:57.760:51.4538.07 MB0.3781
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)1:39.780:49.4738.17 MB0.3791
flac 1.0.3 (-3)1:13.490:49.5138.50 MB0.3824
flac 1.0.3 (-1)1:04.890:53.2539.30 MB0.3903
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)1:10.570:50.0039.49 MB0.3921
Kexis 0.2.22:12.391:49.0039.89 MB0.3962
Bonk 0.54:33.713:19.3840.31 MB0.4003
Ogg Squish 0.98??41.86 MB0.4157
WaveZIP1:05.60?43.67 MB0.4337
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)1:26.840:53.1945.34 MB0.4502
Frederic Chopin
Prelude No.24 in d minor
27.46 MB
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)0:55.830:59.5210.25 MB0.3734
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)11:56.2411:58.7710.34 MB0.3764
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)0:50.070:53.4910.41 MB0.3790
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:28.520:31.3210.47 MB0.3812
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)0:34.060:38.7010.53 MB0.3833
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:23.700:27.6110.59 MB0.3854
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)0:34.910:20.0110.74 MB0.3911
RKAU 1.07 (normal)0:54.460:41.5410.88 MB0.3963
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:18.530:21.8010.94 MB0.3982
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:14.46?11.38 MB0.4145
flac 1.0.3 (-8)1:54.970:13.6811.69 MB0.4255
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:27.350:14.0611.71 MB0.4264
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:20.430:14.5911.73 MB0.4273
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:17.240:14.1711.86 MB0.4318
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:19.200:11.8912.05 MB0.4386
Kexis 0.2.20:36.700:30.2612.14 MB0.4419
Bonk 0.51:15.450:55.0712.86 MB0.4684
WaveZIP0:18.75?13.08 MB0.4765
Ogg Squish 0.98??13.31 MB0.4845
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:24.430:14.3214.40 MB0.5242
Domenico Scarlatti
Sonata K.42 (arr.Yepes for guitar)
16.39 MB
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)0:33.990:35.536.80 MB0.4145
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)7:08.777:09.526.87 MB0.4190
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:17.470:19.116.94 MB0.4230
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)0:30.470:31.956.98 MB0.4255
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:14.840:16.177.02 MB0.4284
RKAU 1.07 (normal)0:37.090:26.567.05 MB0.4297
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)0:20.680:22.067.07 MB0.4310
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:11.390:12.957.19 MB0.4384
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)0:29.990:14.337.21 MB0.4397
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:09.23?7.35 MB0.4481
flac 1.0.3 (-8)1:09.870:08.227.37 MB0.4497
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:16.580:08.137.40 MB0.4512
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:12.150:08.477.43 MB0.4529
Bonk 0.50:45.590:32.637.46 MB0.4548
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:11.670:07.177.48 MB0.4564
Kexis 0.2.20:22.060:18.627.50 MB0.4572
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:10.740:08.207.52 MB0.4590
Ogg Squish 0.98??7.74 MB0.4723
WaveZIP0:10.56?7.83 MB0.4781
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:14.290:09.078.20 MB0.5004
The Benedictine Monks of
Santo Domingo de Silos
Laetatus sum
24.26 MB
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)0:50.720:54.2012.15 MB0.5006
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)10:34.7510:36.8312.17 MB0.5015
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)0:26.360:28.5212.25 MB0.5048
RKAU 1.07 (normal)0:57.640:41.3912.25 MB0.5049
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)0:45.200:48.4512.43 MB0.5121
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)0:21.810:24.3312.47 MB0.5139
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)0:45.660:23.2912.62 MB0.5200
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)0:31.030:33.6912.63 MB0.5207
Bonk 0.51:08.180:49.7012.71 MB0.5237
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)0:16.910:20.6012.80 MB0.5277
flac 1.0.3 (-8)1:45.270:14.2212.82 MB0.5285
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)0:24.980:13.9412.92 MB0.5324
flac 1.0.3 (-3)0:19.000:13.1612.98 MB0.5348
WavPack 3.91 (high)0:13.72?13.06 MB0.5384
Kexis 0.2.20:33.430:28.1113.30 MB0.5481
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)0:17.800:11.4613.32 MB0.5489
flac 1.0.3 (-1)0:17.290:14.5313.34 MB0.5499
Ogg Squish 0.98??13.41 MB0.5528
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)0:22.300:13.8713.42 MB0.5531
WaveZIP0:16.37?13.72 MB0.5655
L. Subramaniam
Raga Sivapriya
213.56 MB
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (extra high)7:17.867:50.7591.73 MB0.4295
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 4 @ 1x)93:05.0093:16.0092.05 MB0.4310
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 1 @ 4x)6:36.866:57.6992.76 MB0.4343
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (high)3:46.784:12.3693.69 MB0.4387
optimFROG 4.21 (mode 0 @ 4x)4:29.574:53.0194.74 MB0.4436
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (normal)3:09.073:35.1094.81 MB0.4439
Monkey's Audio 3.96 (fast)2:25.312:58.9295.70 MB0.4481
RKAU 1.07 (normal)7:16.095:30.3395.91 MB0.4490
LPAC 1.40 (-r, normal)4:34.062:37.6896.84 MB0.4534
flac 1.0.3 (-8)15:16.082:00.1098.01 MB0.4589
flac 1.0.3 (-5, default)3:37.331:58.7398.41 MB0.4608
WavPack 3.91 (high)1:58.32?98.82 MB0.4627
Bonk 0.59:56.257:13.6898.94 MB0.4633
flac 1.0.3 (-3)2:42.821:56.7399.21 MB0.4645
Ogg Squish 0.98??101.88 MB0.4770
Shorten 3.2a (-p8 -b2048)3:10.191:56.31102.60 MB0.4804
Shorten 3.2a (-p0 -b256, default)2:36.481:42.35102.84 MB0.4815
Kexis 0.2.24:49.843:59.93103.57 MB0.4849
flac 1.0.3 (-1)2:22.181:54.92103.59 MB0.4850
WaveZIP2:25.86?107.47 MB0.5032

 Copyright (c) 2000,2001,2002 Josh Coalson