Migrate docs

This commit is contained in:
Victor Zverovich 2024-06-02 14:20:41 -07:00
parent ab29ef37d9
commit 9b12491c19
4 changed files with 125 additions and 176 deletions

View File

@ -67,14 +67,10 @@ class dynamic_arg_list {
} // namespace detail
A dynamic version of `fmt::format_arg_store`.
It's equipped with a storage to potentially temporary objects which lifetimes
could be shorter than the format arguments object.
It can be implicitly converted into `~fmt::basic_format_args` for passing
into type-erased formatting functions such as `~fmt::vformat`.
* A dynamic list of formatting arguments with storage.
* It can be implicitly converted into `fmt::basic_format_args` for passing
* into type-erased formatting functions such as `fmt::vformat`.
template <typename Context>
class dynamic_format_arg_store
@ -152,22 +148,20 @@ class dynamic_format_arg_store
constexpr dynamic_format_arg_store() = default;
Adds an argument into the dynamic store for later passing to a formatting
Note that custom types and string types (but not string views) are copied
into the store dynamically allocating memory if necessary.
fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> store;
std::string result = fmt::vformat("{} and {} and {}", store);
* Adds an argument into the dynamic store for later passing to a formatting
* function.
* Note that custom types and string types (but not string views) are copied
* into the store dynamically allocating memory if necessary.
* **Example**:
* fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> store;
* store.push_back(42);
* store.push_back("abc");
* store.push_back(1.5f);
* std::string result = fmt::vformat("{} and {} and {}", store);
template <typename T> void push_back(const T& arg) {
if (detail::const_check(need_copy<T>::value))
@ -176,20 +170,18 @@ class dynamic_format_arg_store
Adds a reference to the argument into the dynamic store for later passing to
a formatting function.
fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> store;
char band[] = "Rolling Stones";
band[9] = 'c'; // Changing str affects the output.
std::string result = fmt::vformat("{}", store);
// result == "Rolling Scones"
* Adds a reference to the argument into the dynamic store for later passing
* to a formatting function.
* **Example**:
* fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> store;
* char band[] = "Rolling Stones";
* store.push_back(std::cref(band));
* band[9] = 'c'; // Changing str affects the output.
* std::string result = fmt::vformat("{}", store);
* // result == "Rolling Scones"
template <typename T> void push_back(std::reference_wrapper<T> arg) {
@ -198,10 +190,10 @@ class dynamic_format_arg_store
Adds named argument into the dynamic store for later passing to a formatting
function. ``std::reference_wrapper`` is supported to avoid copying of the
argument. The name is always copied into the store.
* Adds named argument into the dynamic store for later passing to a
* formatting function. `std::reference_wrapper` is supported to avoid
* copying of the argument. The name is always copied into the store.
template <typename T>
void push_back(const detail::named_arg<char_type, T>& arg) {
const char_type* arg_name =
@ -214,19 +206,15 @@ class dynamic_format_arg_store
/** Erase all elements from the store */
/// Erase all elements from the store.
void clear() {
dynamic_args_ = detail::dynamic_arg_list();
Reserves space to store at least `new_cap` arguments including
`new_cap_named` named arguments.
/// Reserves space to store at least `new_cap` arguments including
/// `new_cap_named` named arguments.
void reserve(size_t new_cap, size_t new_cap_named) {
FMT_ASSERT(new_cap >= new_cap_named,
"Set of arguments includes set of named arguments");

View File

@ -79,46 +79,33 @@ FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
A reference to a null-terminated string. It can be constructed from a C
string or ``std::string``.
You can use one of the following type aliases for common character types:
| Type | Definition |
| cstring_view | basic_cstring_view<char> |
| wcstring_view | basic_cstring_view<wchar_t> |
This class is most useful as a parameter type to allow passing
different types of strings to a function, for example::
template <typename... Args>
std::string format(cstring_view format_str, const Args & ... args);
format("{}", 42);
format(std::string("{}"), 42);
* A reference to a null-terminated string. It can be constructed from a C
* string or `std::string`.
* You can use one of the following type aliases for common character types:
* +---------------+-----------------------------+
* | Type | Definition |
* +===============+=============================+
* | cstring_view | basic_cstring_view<char> |
* +---------------+-----------------------------+
* | wcstring_view | basic_cstring_view<wchar_t> |
* +---------------+-----------------------------+
* This class is most useful as a parameter type for functions that wrap C APIs.
template <typename Char> class basic_cstring_view {
const Char* data_;
/** Constructs a string reference object from a C string. */
/// Constructs a string reference object from a C string.
basic_cstring_view(const Char* s) : data_(s) {}
Constructs a string reference from an ``std::string`` object.
/// Constructs a string reference from an `std::string` object.
basic_cstring_view(const std::basic_string<Char>& s) : data_(s.c_str()) {}
/** Returns the pointer to a C string. */
/// Returns the pointer to a C string.
auto c_str() const -> const Char* { return data_; }
@ -137,33 +124,30 @@ FMT_API std::system_error vwindows_error(int error_code, string_view format_str,
format_args args);
Constructs a :class:`std::system_error` object with the description
of the form
.. parsed-literal::
*<message>*: *<system-message>*
where *<message>* is the formatted message and *<system-message>* is the
system message corresponding to the error code.
`error_code` is a Windows error code as given by ``GetLastError``.
If `error_code` is not a valid error code such as -1, the system message
will look like "error -1".
// This throws a system_error with the description
// cannot open file 'madeup': The system cannot find the file specified.
// or similar (system message may vary).
const char *filename = "madeup";
HFILE file = OpenFile(filename, &of, OF_READ);
if (file == HFILE_ERROR) {
throw fmt::windows_error(GetLastError(),
"cannot open file '{}'", filename);
* Constructs a `std::system_error` object with the description of the form
* <message>: <system-message>
* where `<message>` is the formatted message and `<system-message>` is the
* system message corresponding to the error code.
* `error_code` is a Windows error code as given by `GetLastError`.
* If `error_code` is not a valid error code such as -1, the system message
* will look like "error -1".
* **Example**:
* // This throws a system_error with the description
* // cannot open file 'madeup': The system cannot find the file
* specified.
* // or similar (system message may vary).
* const char *filename = "madeup";
* HFILE file = OpenFile(filename, &of, OF_READ);
* if (file == HFILE_ERROR) {
* throw fmt::windows_error(GetLastError(),
* "cannot open file '{}'", filename);
* }
template <typename... Args>
std::system_error windows_error(int error_code, string_view message,
const Args&... args) {
@ -401,9 +385,7 @@ class file_buffer final : public buffer<char> {
} // namespace detail
// Added {} below to work around default constructor error known to
// occur in Xcode versions 7.2.1 and 8.2.1.
constexpr detail::buffer_size buffer_size{};
constexpr auto buffer_size = detail::buffer_size();
/// A fast output stream for writing from a single thread. Writing from
/// multiple threads without external synchronization may result in a data race.
@ -435,19 +417,17 @@ class FMT_API ostream {
Opens a file for writing. Supported parameters passed in `params`:
* ``<integer>``: Flags passed to `open
(``file::WRONLY | file::CREATE | file::TRUNC`` by default)
* ``buffer_size=<integer>``: Output buffer size
auto out = fmt::output_file("guide.txt");
out.print("Don't {}", "Panic");
* Opens a file for writing. Supported parameters passed in `params`:
* - `<integer>`: Flags passed to [open](
* https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/007904875/functions/open.html)
* (`file::WRONLY | file::CREATE | file::TRUNC` by default)
* - `buffer_size=<integer>`: Output buffer size
* **Example**:
* auto out = fmt::output_file("guide.txt");
* out.print("Don't {}", "Panic");
template <typename... T>
inline auto output_file(cstring_view path, T... params) -> ostream {

View File

@ -136,14 +136,12 @@ struct formatter<detail::streamed_view<T>, Char>
Returns a view that formats `value` via an ostream ``operator<<``.
fmt::print("Current thread id: {}\n",
* Returns a view that formats `value` via an ostream `operator<<`.
* **Example**:
* fmt::print("Current thread id: {}\n",
* fmt::streamed(std::this_thread::get_id()));
template <typename T>
constexpr auto streamed(const T& value) -> detail::streamed_view<T> {
@ -172,13 +170,11 @@ void vprint(std::basic_ostream<Char>& os,
Prints formatted data to the stream `os`.
fmt::print(cerr, "Don't {}!", "panic");
* Prints formatted data to the stream `os`.
* **Example**:
* fmt::print(cerr, "Don't {}!", "panic");
FMT_EXPORT template <typename... T>
void print(std::ostream& os, format_string<T...> fmt, T&&... args) {

View File

@ -36,12 +36,8 @@ template <typename Char> class basic_printf_context {
using parse_context_type = basic_format_parse_context<Char>;
template <typename T> using formatter_type = printf_formatter<T>;
Constructs a ``printf_context`` object. References to the arguments are
stored in the context object so make sure they have appropriate lifetimes.
/// Constructs a `printf_context` object. References to the arguments are
/// stored in the context object so make sure they have appropriate lifetimes.
basic_printf_context(basic_appender<Char> out,
basic_format_args<basic_printf_context> args)
: out_(out), args_(args) {}
@ -227,7 +223,7 @@ auto make_arg_formatter(basic_appender<Char> iter, format_specs& s)
return {iter, s, locale_ref()};
// The ``printf`` argument formatter.
// The `printf` argument formatter.
template <typename Char>
class printf_arg_formatter : public arg_formatter<Char> {
@ -276,7 +272,6 @@ class printf_arg_formatter : public arg_formatter<Char> {
/** Formats a null-terminated C string. */
void operator()(const char* value) {
if (value)
@ -284,7 +279,6 @@ class printf_arg_formatter : public arg_formatter<Char> {
write_null_pointer(this->specs.type != presentation_type::pointer);
/** Formats a null-terminated wide C string. */
void operator()(const wchar_t* value) {
if (value)
@ -294,7 +288,6 @@ class printf_arg_formatter : public arg_formatter<Char> {
void operator()(basic_string_view<Char> value) { base::operator()(value); }
/** Formats a pointer. */
void operator()(const void* value) {
if (value)
@ -302,7 +295,6 @@ class printf_arg_formatter : public arg_formatter<Char> {
/** Formats an argument of a custom (user-defined) type. */
void operator()(typename basic_format_arg<context_type>::handle handle) {
auto parse_ctx = basic_format_parse_context<Char>({});
handle.format(parse_ctx, context_);
@ -573,12 +565,8 @@ using wprintf_context = basic_printf_context<wchar_t>;
using printf_args = basic_format_args<printf_context>;
using wprintf_args = basic_format_args<wprintf_context>;
Constructs an `~fmt::format_arg_store` object that contains references to
arguments and can be implicitly converted to `~fmt::printf_args`.
/// Constructs an `format_arg_store` object that contains references to
/// arguments and can be implicitly converted to `printf_args`.
template <typename Char = char, typename... T>
inline auto make_printf_args(T&... args)
-> decltype(make_format_args<basic_printf_context<Char>>(args...)) {
@ -599,14 +587,13 @@ inline auto vsprintf(basic_string_view<Char> fmt,
Formats arguments and returns the result as a string.
std::string message = fmt::sprintf("The answer is %d", 42);
* Formats `args` according to specifications in `fmt` and returns the result
* as as string.
* **Example**:
* std::string message = fmt::sprintf("The answer is %d", 42);
template <typename S, typename... T, typename Char = char_t<S>>
inline auto sprintf(const S& fmt, const T&... args) -> std::basic_string<Char> {
return vsprintf(detail::to_string_view(fmt),
@ -625,13 +612,12 @@ inline auto vfprintf(std::FILE* f, basic_string_view<Char> fmt,
Prints formatted data to the file `f`.
fmt::fprintf(stderr, "Don't %s!", "panic");
* Formats `args` according to specifications in `fmt` and writes the output
* to `f`.
* **Example**:
* fmt::fprintf(stderr, "Don't %s!", "panic");
template <typename S, typename... T, typename Char = char_t<S>>
inline auto fprintf(std::FILE* f, const S& fmt, const T&... args) -> int {
@ -647,13 +633,12 @@ FMT_DEPRECATED inline auto vprintf(basic_string_view<Char> fmt,
Prints formatted data to ``stdout``.
fmt::printf("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds", 1.23);
* Formats `args` according to specifications in `fmt` and writes the output
* to `stdout`.
* **Example**:
* fmt::printf("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds", 1.23);
template <typename... T>
inline auto printf(string_view fmt, const T&... args) -> int {