# Bazel support To get [Bazel](https://bazel.build/) working with {fmt} you can copy the files `BUILD.bazel`, `MODULE.bazel`, `WORKSPACE.bazel`, and `.bazelversion` from this folder (`support/bazel`) to the root folder of this project. This way {fmt} gets bazelized and can be used with Bazel (e.g. doing a `bazel build //...` on {fmt}). ## Using {fmt} as a dependency ### Using Bzlmod The [Bazel Central Registry](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-central-registry/tree/main/modules/fmt) provides support for {fmt}. For instance, to use {fmt} add to your `MODULE.bazel` file: ``` bazel_dep(name = "fmt", version = "10.2.1") ``` ### Live at head For a live-at-head approach, you can copy the contents of this repository and move the Bazel-related build files to the root folder of this project as described above and make use of `local_path_override`, e.g.: ``` local_path_override( module_name = "fmt", path = "../third_party/fmt", ) ```