David Turner e231a65882 update to support chapters and section block ordering
updated public header files, as well as "ftchapters.h" which only
contains comment that hold the list of section chapters..
2001-02-13 17:42:49 +00:00

1488 lines
42 KiB
Raw Blame History

#!/usr/bin/env python
# DocMaker is a very simple program used to generate HTML documentation
# from the source files of the FreeType packages.
# I should really be using regular expressions to do this, but hey,
# i'm too lazy right now, and the damn thing seems to work :-)
# - David
import fileinput, sys, string, glob
html_header = """\
<title>FreeType 2 API Reference</title>
<basefont face="Georgia, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva">
<style content="text/css">
P { text-align=justify }
H1 { text-align=center }
LI { text-align=justify }
<body text=#000000
<center><h1>FreeType 2 API Reference</h1></center>
html_footer = """\
section_title_header = "<center><h1>"
section_title_footer = "</h1></center>"
code_header = "<font color=blue><pre>"
code_footer = "</pre></font>"
para_header = "<p>"
para_footer = "</p>"
block_header = "<center><table width=75%><tr><td>"
block_footer = "</td></tr></table><hr width=75%></center>"
description_header = "<center><table width=87%><tr><td>"
description_footer = "</td></tr></table></center><br>"
marker_header = "<center><table width=87% cellpadding=5><tr bgcolor=#EEEEFF><td><em><b>"
marker_inter = "</b></em></td></tr><tr><td>"
marker_footer = "</td></tr></table></center>"
source_header = "<center><table width=87%><tr bgcolor=#D6E8FF width=100%><td><pre>"
source_footer = "</pre></table></center><br>"
chapter_header = "<center><table width=75%><tr><td><h2>"
chapter_inter = "</h2><ul>"
chapter_footer = "</ul></td></tr></table></center>"
current_section = None
# This function is used to sort the index. It's a simple lexicographical
# sort, except that it places capital letters before small ones.
def index_sort( s1, s2 ):
if not s1:
return -1
if not s2:
return 1
l1 = len( s1 )
l2 = len( s2 )
m1 = string.lower( s1 )
m2 = string.lower( s2 )
for i in range( l1 ):
if i >= l2 or m1[i] > m2[i]:
return 1
if m1[i] < m2[i]:
return -1
if s1[i] < s2[i]:
return -1
if s1[i] > s2[i]:
return 1
if l2 > l1:
return -1
return 0
# sort input_list, placing the elements of order_list in front
def sort_order_list( input_list, order_list ):
new_list = order_list[:]
for id in input_list:
if not id in order_list:
return new_list
# The FreeType 2 reference is extracted from the source files. These contain
# various comment blocks that follow one of the following formats:
# /**************************
# *
# *
# *
# *
# *
# *************************/
# /**************************/
# /* */
# /* FORMAT2 */
# /* */
# /* */
# /* */
# /* */
# /**************************/
# /* */
# /* FORMAT3 */
# /* */
# /* */
# /* */
# /* */
# /**************************/
# Each block contains a list of markers; each one can be followed by
# some arbitrary text or a list of fields. Here's an example:
# <Struct>
# MyStruct
# <Description>
# this structure holds some data
# <Fields>
# x :: horizontal coordinate
# y :: vertical coordinate
# This example defines three markers: 'Struct', 'Description' & 'Fields'.
# The first two markers contain arbitrary text, while the last one contains
# a list of fields.
# Each field is simple of the format: WORD :: TEXT...
# Note that typically each comment block is followed by some source
# code declaration that may need to be kept in the reference.
# Note that markers can alternatively be written as "@MARKER:"
# instead of "<MARKER>". All marker identifiers are converted to
# lower case during parsing in order to simply sorting.
# We associate with each block the following source lines that do not
# begin with a comment. For example, the following:
# /**********************************
# *
# * <mytag> blabla
# *
# */
# bla_bla_bla
# bilip_bilip
# /* - this comment acts as a separator - */
# blo_blo_blo
# will only keep the first two lines of sources with
# the "blabla" block.
# However, the comment will be kept, with following source lines
# if it contains a starting '#' or '@' as in:
# /*@.....*/
# /*#.....*/
# /* @.....*/
# /* #.....*/
# The DocCode class is used to store source code lines
# 'self.lines' contains a set of source code lines that will
# be dumped as HTML in a <PRE> tag.
# The object is filled line by line by the parser; it strips the
# leading "margin" space from each input line before storing it
# in 'self.lines'.
class DocCode:
def __init__( self, margin = 0 ):
self.lines = []
self.margin = margin
def add( self, line ):
# remove margin whitespace
if string.strip( line[: self.margin] ) == "":
line = line[self.margin :]
self.lines.append( line )
def dump( self ):
for line in self.lines:
print "--" + line
print ""
def get_identifier( self ):
# this function should never be called
def dump_html( self, identifiers = None ):
# clean the last empty lines
l = len( self.lines ) - 1
while l > 0 and string.strip( self.lines[l - 1] ) == "":
l = l - 1
# the code footer should be directly appended to the last code
# line to avoid an additional blank line
sys.stdout.write( code_header )
for line in self.lines[0 : l+1]:
sys.stdout.write( '\n' + line )
sys.stdout.write( code_footer )
# The DocParagraph is used to store text paragraphs.
# 'self.words' is simply a list of words for the paragraph.
# The paragraph is filled line by line by the parser.
class DocParagraph:
def __init__( self ):
self.words = []
def add( self, line ):
# Get rid of unwanted spaces in the paragraph.
# The following two lines are the same as
# self.words.extend( string.split( line ) )
# but older Python versions don't have the `extend' attribute.
last = len( self.words )
self.words[last:last] = string.split( line )
# This function is used to retrieve the first word of a given
# paragraph.
def get_identifier( self ):
if self.words:
return self.words[0]
# should never happen
def get_words( self ):
return self.words[:]
def dump( self, identifiers = None ):
max_width = 50
cursor = 0
line = ""
extra = None
alphanum = string.lowercase + string.uppercase + string.digits + '_'
for word in self.words:
# process cross references if needed
if identifiers and word and word[0] == '@':
word = word[1:]
# we need to find non-alphanumeric characters
i = len( word )
while i > 0 and not word[i - 1] in alphanum:
i = i - 1
if i > 0:
extra = word[i:]
word = word[0:i]
block = identifiers.get( word )
if block:
word = '<a href="' + block.html_address() + '">' + word + '</a>'
word = '?' + word
if cursor + len( word ) + 1 > max_width:
print line
cursor = 0
line = ""
line = line + word
if not extra:
line = line + " "
cursor = cursor + len( word ) + 1
# handle trailing periods, commas, etc. at the end of
# cross references.
if extra:
if cursor + len( extra ) + 1 > max_width:
print line
cursor = 0
line = ""
line = line + extra + " "
cursor = cursor + len( extra ) + 1
extra = None
if cursor > 0:
print line
# print "<22>" # for debugging only
def dump_string( self ):
s = ""
space = ""
for word in self.words:
s = s + space + word
space = " "
return s
def dump_html( self, identifiers = None ):
print para_header
self.dump( identifiers )
print para_footer
# DocContent is used to store the content of a given marker.
# The "self.items" list contains (field,elements) records, where
# "field" corresponds to a given structure fields or function
# parameter (indicated by a "::"), or NULL for a normal section
# of text/code.
# Hence, the following example:
# <MyMarker>
# This is an example of what can be put in a content section,
# A second line of example text.
# x :: A simple test field, with some contents.
# y :: Even before, this field has some code contents.
# {
# y = x+2;
# }
# should be stored as
# [ ( None, [ DocParagraph, DocParagraph] ),
# ( "x", [ DocParagraph ] ),
# ( "y", [ DocParagraph, DocCode ] ) ]
# in 'self.items'.
# The DocContent object is entirely built at creation time; you must
# pass a list of input text lines in the "lines_list" parameter.
class DocContent:
def __init__( self, lines_list ):
self.items = []
code_mode = 0
code_margin = 0
text = []
paragraph = None # represents the current DocParagraph
code = None # represents the current DocCode
elements = [] # the list of elements for the current field,
# contains DocParagraph or DocCode objects
field = None # the current field
for aline in lines_list:
if code_mode == 0:
line = string.lstrip( aline )
l = len( line )
margin = len( aline ) - l
# if the line is empty, this is the end of the current
# paragraph
if l == 0 or line == '{':
if paragraph:
elements.append( paragraph )
paragraph = None
if line == "":
code_mode = 1
code_margin = margin
code = None
words = string.split( line )
# test for a field delimiter on the start of the line, i.e.
# the token `::'
if len( words ) >= 2 and words[1] == "::":
# start a new field - complete current paragraph if any
if paragraph:
elements.append( paragraph )
paragraph = None
# append previous "field" to self.items
self.items.append( ( field, elements ) )
# start new field and elements list
field = words[0]
elements = []
words = words[2 :]
# append remaining words to current paragraph
if len( words ) > 0:
line = string.join( words )
if not paragraph:
paragraph = DocParagraph()
paragraph.add( line )
# we are in code mode...
line = aline
# the code block ends with a line that has a single '}' on
# it that is located at the same column that the opening
# accolade...
if line == " " * code_margin + '}':
if code:
elements.append( code )
code = None
code_mode = 0
code_margin = 0
# otherwise, add the line to the current paragraph
if not code:
code = DocCode()
code.add( line )
if paragraph:
elements.append( paragraph )
if code:
elements.append( code )
self.items.append( ( field, elements ) )
def get_identifier( self ):
if self.items:
item = self.items[0]
for element in item[1]:
return element.get_identifier()
# should never happen
def get_title( self ):
if self.items:
item = self.items[0]
for element in item[1]:
return element.dump_string()
# should never happen
def dump( self ):
for item in self.items:
field = item[0]
if field:
print "<field " + field + ">"
for element in item[1]:
if field:
print "</field>"
def dump_html( self, identifiers = None ):
n = len( self.items )
in_table = 0
for i in range( n ):
item = self.items[i]
field = item[0]
if not field:
if in_table:
print "</td></tr></table>"
in_table = 0
for element in item[1]:
element.dump_html( identifiers )
if not in_table:
print "<table cellpadding=4><tr valign=top><td>"
in_table = 1
print "</td></tr><tr valign=top><td>"
print "<b>" + field + "</b></td><td>"
for element in item[1]:
element.dump_html( identifiers )
if in_table:
print "</td></tr></table>"
def dump_html_in_table( self, identifiers = None ):
n = len( self.items )
in_table = 0
for i in range( n ):
item = self.items[i]
field = item[0]
if not field:
if item[1]:
print "<tr><td colspan=2>"
for element in item[1]:
element.dump_html( identifiers )
print "</td></tr>"
print "<tr><td><b>" + field + "</b></td><td>"
for element in item[1]:
element.dump_html( identifiers )
print "</td></tr>"
# The DocBlock class is used to store a given comment block. It contains
# a list of markers, as well as a list of contents for each marker.
# "self.items" is a list of (marker, contents) elements, where
# 'marker' is a lowercase marker string, and 'contents' is a DocContent
# object.
# "self.source" is simply a list of text lines taken from the
# uncommented source itself.
# Finally, "" is a simple identifier used to uniquely identify
# the block. It is taken from the first word of the first
# paragraph of the first marker of a given block, i.e:
# <Type> Goo
# <Description> Bla bla bla
# will have a name of "Goo"
class DocBlock:
def __init__( self, block_line_list = [], source_line_list = [] ):
self.items = [] # current ( marker, contents ) list
self.section = None # section this block belongs to
self.filename = "unknown" # filename defining this block
self.lineno = 0 # line number in filename
marker = None # current marker
content = [] # current content lines list
alphanum = string.letters + string.digits + "_" = None
for line in block_line_list:
line2 = string.lstrip( line )
l = len( line2 )
margin = len( line ) - l
if l > 3:
ender = None
if line2[0] == '<':
ender = '>'
elif line2[0] == '@':
ender = ':'
if ender:
i = 1
while i < l and line2[i] in alphanum:
i = i + 1
if i < l and line2[i] == ender:
if marker and content:
self.add( marker, content )
marker = line2[1 : i]
content = []
line2 = string.lstrip( line2[i + 1 :] )
l = len( line2 )
line = " " * margin + line2
content.append( line )
if marker and content:
self.add( marker, content )
self.source = []
if self.items:
self.source = source_line_list
# now retrieve block name when possible
if self.items:
first = self.items[0] = first[1].get_identifier()
# This function adds a new element to 'self.items'.
# 'marker' is a marker string, or None.
# 'lines' is a list of text lines used to compute a list of
# DocContent objects.
def add( self, marker, lines ):
# remove the first and last empty lines from the content list
l = len( lines )
if l > 0:
i = 0
while l > 0 and string.strip( lines[l - 1] ) == "":
l = l - 1
while i < l and string.strip( lines[i] ) == "":
i = i + 1
lines = lines[i : l]
l = len( lines )
# add a new marker only if its marker and its content list
# aren't empty
if l > 0 and marker:
content = DocContent( lines )
self.items.append( ( string.lower( marker ), content ) )
def find_content( self, marker ):
for item in self.items:
if ( item[0] == marker ):
return item[1]
return None
def html_address( self ):
section = self.section
if section and section.filename:
return section.filename + '#' +
return "" # this block is not in a section?
def location( self ):
return self.filename + ':' + str( self.lineno )
def print_warning( self, message ):
sys.stderr.write( "WARNING:"+self.location()+": "+message+'\n')
def print_error( self, message ):
sys.stderr.write( "ERROR:"+self.location()+": "+message+'\n')
def dump( self ):
for i in range( len( self.items ) ):
print "[" + self.items[i][0] + "]"
content = self.items[i][1]
def dump_html( self, identifiers = None ):
types = [ 'type', 'struct', 'functype', 'function',
'constant', 'enum', 'macro', 'structure', 'also' ]
parameters = [ 'input', 'inout', 'output', 'return' ]
if not self.items:
# start of a block
print block_header
# place html anchor if needed
print '<a name="' + + '">'
print "<h4>" + + "</h4>"
print "</a>"
# print source code
if not self.source:
print block_footer
lines = self.source
l = len( lines ) - 1
while l >= 0 and string.strip( lines[l] ) == "":
l = l - 1
print source_header
print ""
for line in lines[0 : l + 1]:
print line
print source_footer
in_table = 0
# dump each (marker,content) element
for element in self.items:
marker = element[0]
content = element[1]
if marker == "description":
print description_header
content.dump_html( identifiers )
print description_footer
elif not ( marker in types ):
sys.stdout.write( marker_header )
sys.stdout.write( marker )
sys.stdout.write( marker_inter + '\n' )
content.dump_html( identifiers )
print marker_footer
print ""
print block_footer
# The DocSection class is used to store a given documentation section.
# Each section is made of an identifier, an abstract and a description.
# For example, look at:
# <Section> Basic_Data_Types
# <Title> FreeType 2 Basic Data Types
# <Abstract>
# Definitions of basic FreeType data types
# <Description>
# FreeType defines several basic data types for all its
# operations...
class DocSection:
def __init__( self, block ):
self.block = block = string.lower( )
self.abstract = block.find_content( "abstract" )
self.description = block.find_content( "description" )
self.elements = {}
self.list = []
self.filename = + ".html"
self.chapter = None
# sys.stderr.write( "new section '" + + "'" )
def add_element( self, block ):
# check that we don't have a duplicate element in this
# section
if self.elements.has_key( ):
print_error( "duplicate element definition for " +
"'" + + "' in section '" + + "'\n" +
"previous definition in '" + self.elements[].location() + "'" )
self.elements[ ] = block
self.list.append( block )
def print_warning( self, message ):
self.block.print_warning( message )
def print_error( self, message ):
self.block.print_error( message )
def dump_html( self, identifiers = None ):
"""make an HTML page from a given DocSection"""
# print HTML header
print html_header
# print title
print section_title_header
print self.title
print section_title_footer
# print description
print block_header
self.description.dump_html( identifiers )
print block_footer
# print elements
for element in self.list:
element.dump_html( identifiers )
print html_footer
class DocSectionList:
def __init__( self ):
self.sections = {} # map section names to section objects
self.list = [] # list of sections (in creation order)
self.current_section = None # current section
self.identifiers = {} # map identifiers to blocks
def append_section( self, block ):
name = string.lower( )
abstract = block.find_content( "abstract" )
if self.sections.has_key( name ):
# There is already a section with this name in our
# list. We will try to complete it.
section = self.sections[name]
if section.abstract:
# This section already has an abstract defined;
# simply check that the new section doesn't
# provide a new one.
if abstract:
print_error( "duplicate section definition" +
" for '" + name + "'\n" +
"previous definition in" +
" '" + section.block.location() + "'\n" +
"second definition in" +
" '" + block.location() + "'" )
# The old section didn't contain an abstract; we are
# now going to replace it.
section.abstract = abstract
section.description = block.find_content( "description" )
section.block = block
# a new section
section = DocSection( block )
self.sections[name] = section
self.list.append( section )
self.current_section = section
def append_block( self, block ):
section = block.find_content( "section" )
if section:
self.append_section( block )
elif self.current_section:
self.current_section.add_element( block )
block.section = self.current_section
self.identifiers[] = block
def prepare_files( self, file_prefix = None ):
# prepare the section list, by computing section filenames
# and the index
if file_prefix:
prefix = file_prefix + "-"
prefix = ""
# compute section names
for section in self.sections.values():
title_content = section.block.find_content( "title" )
if title_content:
section.title = title_content.get_title()
section.title = "UNKNOWN_SECTION_TITLE!"
# sort section elements according to the <order> marker if
# available
for section in self.sections.values():
order = section.block.find_content( "order" )
if order:
# sys.stderr.write( "<order> found at "
# + section.block.location() + '\n' )
order_list = []
for item in order.items:
for element in item[1]:
words = None
words = element.get_words()
section.block.print_warning( "invalid content in <order> marker\n" )
if words:
for word in words:
block = self.identifiers.get( word )
if block:
if block.section == section:
order_list.append( block )
section.block.print_warning( "invalid reference to '" +
word + "' defined in other section" )
section.block.print_warning( "invalid reference to '" + word + "'" )
# now sort the list of blocks according to the order list
new_list = order_list[:]
for block in section.list:
if not block in order_list:
section.list = new_list
# compute section filenames
for section in self.sections.values():
section.filename = prefix + + ".html"
self.toc_filename = prefix + "toc.html"
self.index_filename = prefix + "index.html"
# compute the sorted list of identifiers for the index
self.index = self.identifiers.keys()
self.index.sort( index_sort )
def dump_html_sections( self ):
old_stdout = sys.stdout
for section in self.sections.values():
if section.filename:
new_file = open( section.filename, "w" )
sys.stdout = new_file
section.dump_html( self.identifiers )
sys.stdout = old_stdout
def dump_html_index( self ):
old_stdout = sys.stdout
new_file = open( self.index_filename, "w" )
sys.stdout = new_file
num_columns = 3
total = len( self.index )
line = 0
print html_header
print "<center><h1>General Index</h1></center>"
print "<center><table cellpadding=5><tr valign=top><td>"
for ident in self.index:
block = self.identifiers[ident]
if block:
sys.stdout.write( '<a href="' + block.html_address() + '">' )
sys.stdout.write( )
sys.stdout.write( '</a><br>' + '\n' )
if line * num_columns >= total:
print "</td><td>"
line = 0
line = line + 1
sys.stderr.write( "identifier '" + ident +
"' has no definition" + '\n' )
print "</tr></table></center>"
print html_footer
sys.stdout = old_stdout
# Filter a given list of DocBlocks. Returns a new list
# of DocBlock objects that only contains element whose
# "type" (i.e. first marker) is in the "types" parameter.
class DocChapter:
def __init__(self,block):
self.sections_names = [] # ordered list of section names
self.sections = [] # ordered list of DocSection objects for this chapter
self.block = block
# look for chapter title
content = block.find_content( "title" )
if content:
self.title = content.get_title()
# look for section list
content = block.find_content( "sections" )
if not content:
block.print_error( "chapter has no <sections> content" )
# compute list of section names
slist = []
for item in content.items:
for element in item[1]:
words = element.get_words()
l = len(slist)
slist[l:l] = words
block.print_warning( "invalid content in <sections> marker" )
self.section_names = slist
class DocDocument:
def __init__( self ):
self.section_list = DocSectionList() # section list object
self.chapters = [] # list of chapters
self.lost_sections = [] # list of sections with no chapter
def append_block( self, block ):
content = block.find_content( "chapter" )
if content:
# it's a chapter definition - add it to our list
chapter = DocChapter( block )
self.chapters.append( chapter )
self.section_list.append_block( block )
def prepare_chapters( self ):
# check section names
for chapter in self.chapters:
slist = []
for name in chapter.section_names:
section = self.section_list.sections.get(name)
if not section:
chapter.block.print_warning( "invalid reference to unknown section '"+name+"'" )
section.chapter = chapter
slist.append( section )
chapter.sections = slist
for section in self.section_list.list:
if not section.chapter:
section.block.print_warning( "section '""' is not in any chapter" )
self.lost_sections.append( section )
def prepare_files( self, file_prefix = None ):
self.section_list.prepare_files( file_prefix )
def dump_toc_html( self ):
# dump an html table of contents
old_stdout = sys.stdout
new_file = open( self.section_list.toc_filename, "w" )
sys.stdout = new_file
print html_header
print "<center><h1>Table of Contents</h1></center>"
for chapter in self.chapters:
print chapter_header + chapter.title + chapter_inter
print "<table cellpadding=5>"
for section in chapter.sections:
if section.abstract:
print "<tr valign=top><td>"
sys.stdout.write( '<a href="' + section.filename + '">' )
sys.stdout.write( section.title )
sys.stdout.write( "</a></td><td>" + '\n' )
section.abstract.dump_html( self.section_list.identifiers )
print "</td></tr>"
print "</table>"
print chapter_footer
# list lost sections
if self.lost_sections:
print chapter_header + "OTHER SECTIONS:" + chapter_inter
print "<table cellpadding=5>"
for section in self.lost_sections:
if section.abstract:
print "<tr valign=top><td>"
sys.stdout.write( '<a href="' + section.filename + '">' )
sys.stdout.write( section.title )
sys.stdout.write( "</a></td><td>" + '\n' )
section.abstract.dump_html( self.section_list.identifiers )
print "</td></tr>"
print "</table>"
print chapter_footer
print html_footer
sys.stdout = old_stdout
def dump_index_html( self ):
def dump_sections_html( self ):
def filter_blocks_by_type( block_list, types ):
new_list = []
for block in block_list:
if block.items:
element = block.items[0]
marker = element[0]
if marker in types:
new_list.append( block )
return new_list
def filter_section_blocks( block ):
return block.section != None
# Perform a lexicographical comparison of two DocBlock
# objects. Returns -1, 0 or 1.
def block_lexicographical_compare( b1, b2 ):
if not
return -1
if not
return 1
id1 = string.lower( )
id2 = string.lower( )
if id1 < id2:
return -1
elif id1 == id2:
return 0
return 1
# dump a list block as a single HTML page
def dump_html_1( block_list ):
print html_header
for block in block_list:
print html_footer
def file_exists( pathname ):
result = 1
file = open( pathname, "r" )
result = None
return result
def add_new_block( list, filename, lineno, block_lines, source_lines ):
"""add a new block to the list"""
block = DocBlock( block_lines, source_lines )
block.filename = filename
block.lineno = lineno
list.append( block )
def make_block_list():
"""parse a file and extract comments blocks from it"""
file_list = []
# sys.stderr.write( repr( sys.argv[1:] ) + '\n' )
for pathname in sys.argv[1:]:
if string.find( pathname, '*' ) >= 0:
newpath = glob.glob( pathname )
newpath.sort() # sort files -- this is important because
# of the order of files
newpath = [pathname]
last = len( file_list )
file_list[last:last] = newpath
if len( file_list ) == 0:
file_list = None
# now filter the file list to remove non-existing ones
file_list = filter( file_exists, file_list )
list = []
block = []
format = 0
lineno = 0
# We use "format" to store the state of our parser:
# 0 - wait for beginning of comment
# 1 - parse comment format 1
# 2 - parse comment format 2
# 4 - wait for beginning of source (or comment ??)
# 5 - process source
comment = []
source = []
state = 0
for line in fileinput.input( file_list ):
l = len( line )
if l > 0 and line[l - 1] == '\012':
line = line[0 : l - 1]
# stripped version of the line
line2 = string.strip( line )
l = len( line2 )
# if this line begins with a comment and we are processing some
# source, exit to state 0
# unless we encounter something like:
# /*@.....
# /*#.....
# /* @.....
# /* #.....
if format >= 4 and l > 2 and line2[0 : 2] == '/*':
if l < 4 or ( line2[2] != '@' and line2[2:4] != ' @' and
line2[2] != '#' and line2[2:4] != ' #'):
add_new_block( list, fileinput.filename(),
lineno, block, source )
format = 0
if format == 0: #### wait for beginning of comment ####
if l > 3 and line2[0 : 3] == '/**':
i = 3
while i < l and line2[i] == '*':
i = i + 1
if i == l:
# this is '/**' followed by any number of '*', the
# beginning of a Format 1 block
block = []
source = []
format = 1
lineno = fileinput.lineno()
elif i == l - 1 and line2[i] == '/':
# this is '/**' followed by any number of '*', followed
# by a '/', i.e. the beginning of a Format 2 or 3 block
block = []
source = []
format = 2
lineno = fileinput.lineno()
elif format == 1:
# If the line doesn't begin with a "*", something went
# wrong, and we must exit, and forget the current block.
if l == 0 or line2[0] != '*':
block = []
format = 0
# Otherwise, we test for an end of block, which is an
# arbitrary number of '*', followed by '/'.
i = 1
while i < l and line2[i] == '*':
i = i + 1
# test for the end of the block
if i < l and line2[i] == '/':
if block != []:
format = 4
format = 0
# otherwise simply append line to current block
block.append( line2[i:] )
elif format == 2:
# If the line doesn't begin with '/*' and end with '*/',
# this is the end of the format 2 format.
if l < 4 or line2[: 2] != '/*' or line2[-2 :] != '*/':
if block != []:
format = 4
format = 0
# remove the start and end comment delimiters, then
# right-strip the line
line2 = string.rstrip( line2[2 : -2] )
# check for end of a format2 block, i.e. a run of '*'
if string.count( line2, '*' ) == l - 4:
if block != []:
format = 4
format = 0
# otherwise, add the line to the current block
block.append( line2 )
if format >= 4: #### source processing ####
if l > 0:
format = 5
if format == 5:
source.append( line )
if format >= 4:
add_new_block( list, fileinput.filename(), lineno, block, source )
return list
# This function is only used for debugging
def dump_block_list( list ):
"""dump a comment block list"""
for block in list:
print "----------------------------------------"
for line in block[0]:
print line
for line in block[1]:
print line
print "---------the end-----------------------"
def main( argv ):
"""main program loop"""
# we begin by simply building a list of DocBlock elements
sys.stderr.write( "extracting comment blocks from sources...\n" )
list = make_block_list()
# now, sort the blocks into sections
document = DocDocument()
for block in list:
document.append_block( block )
document.prepare_files( "ft2" )
## section_list = DocSectionList()
## for block in list:
## section_list.append_block( block )
## section_list.prepare_files( "ft2" )
## # dump the section list TOC and sections
## #
## section_list.dump_html_toc()
## section_list.dump_html_sections()
## section_list.dump_html_index()
# If called from the command line
if __name__ == '__main__':
main( sys.argv )
# eof