[-] include/: strip platform specific loader apis

This commit is contained in:
Reece Wilson 2023-11-04 01:21:02 +00:00
parent 4027d03c60
commit 8fec93a0ce

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@ -123,38 +123,6 @@ extern "C" {
#include <wayland-client.h>
/* WGL is declared by windows.h */
/* NSGL is declared by Cocoa.h */
/* This is a workaround for the fact that glfw3.h defines GLAPIENTRY because by
* default it also acts as an OpenGL header
* However, glx.h will include gl.h, which will define it unconditionally
#include <GL/glx.h>
#include <EGL/egl.h>
/* This is a workaround for the fact that glfw3.h defines GLAPIENTRY because by
* default it also acts as an OpenGL header
* However, osmesa.h will include gl.h, which will define it unconditionally
#include <GL/osmesa.h>
@ -222,33 +190,6 @@ GLFWAPI const char* glfwGetWin32Monitor(GLFWmonitor* monitor);
GLFWAPI HWND glfwGetWin32Window(GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @brief Returns the `HGLRC` of the specified window.
* @return The `HGLRC` of the specified window, or `NULL` if an
* [error](@ref error_handling) occurred.
* @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT and @ref
* @remark The `HDC` associated with the window can be queried with the
* [GetDC](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getdc)
* function.
* @code
* HDC dc = GetDC(glfwGetWin32Window(window));
* @endcode
* This DC is private and does not need to be released.
* @thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not
* synchronized.
* @since Added in version 3.0.
* @ingroup native
GLFWAPI HGLRC glfwGetWGLContext(GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @brief Returns the `CGDirectDisplayID` of the specified monitor.
@ -418,42 +359,6 @@ GLFWAPI void glfwSetX11SelectionString(const char* string);
GLFWAPI const char* glfwGetX11SelectionString(void);
/*! @brief Returns the `GLXContext` of the specified window.
* @return The `GLXContext` of the specified window, or `NULL` if an
* [error](@ref error_handling) occurred.
* @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT and @ref
* @thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not
* synchronized.
* @since Added in version 3.0.
* @ingroup native
GLFWAPI GLXContext glfwGetGLXContext(GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @brief Returns the `GLXWindow` of the specified window.
* @return The `GLXWindow` of the specified window, or `None` if an
* [error](@ref error_handling) occurred.
* @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT and @ref
* @thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not
* synchronized.
* @since Added in version 3.2.
* @ingroup native
GLFWAPI GLXWindow glfwGetGLXWindow(GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @brief Returns the `struct wl_display*` used by GLFW.
@ -504,128 +409,6 @@ GLFWAPI struct wl_output* glfwGetWaylandMonitor(GLFWmonitor* monitor);
GLFWAPI struct wl_surface* glfwGetWaylandWindow(GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @brief Returns the `EGLDisplay` used by GLFW.
* @return The `EGLDisplay` used by GLFW, or `EGL_NO_DISPLAY` if an
* [error](@ref error_handling) occurred.
* @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.
* @remark Because EGL is initialized on demand, this function will return
* `EGL_NO_DISPLAY` until the first context has been created via EGL.
* @thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not
* synchronized.
* @since Added in version 3.0.
* @ingroup native
GLFWAPI EGLDisplay glfwGetEGLDisplay(void);
/*! @brief Returns the `EGLContext` of the specified window.
* @return The `EGLContext` of the specified window, or `EGL_NO_CONTEXT` if an
* [error](@ref error_handling) occurred.
* @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT and @ref
* @thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not
* synchronized.
* @since Added in version 3.0.
* @ingroup native
GLFWAPI EGLContext glfwGetEGLContext(GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @brief Returns the `EGLSurface` of the specified window.
* @return The `EGLSurface` of the specified window, or `EGL_NO_SURFACE` if an
* [error](@ref error_handling) occurred.
* @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT and @ref
* @thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not
* synchronized.
* @since Added in version 3.0.
* @ingroup native
GLFWAPI EGLSurface glfwGetEGLSurface(GLFWwindow* window);
/*! @brief Retrieves the color buffer associated with the specified window.
* @param[in] window The window whose color buffer to retrieve.
* @param[out] width Where to store the width of the color buffer, or `NULL`.
* @param[out] height Where to store the height of the color buffer, or `NULL`.
* @param[out] format Where to store the OSMesa pixel format of the color
* buffer, or `NULL`.
* @param[out] buffer Where to store the address of the color buffer, or
* `NULL`.
* @return `GLFW_TRUE` if successful, or `GLFW_FALSE` if an
* [error](@ref error_handling) occurred.
* @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT and @ref
* @thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not
* synchronized.
* @since Added in version 3.3.
* @ingroup native
GLFWAPI int glfwGetOSMesaColorBuffer(GLFWwindow* window, int* width, int* height, int* format, void** buffer);
/*! @brief Retrieves the depth buffer associated with the specified window.
* @param[in] window The window whose depth buffer to retrieve.
* @param[out] width Where to store the width of the depth buffer, or `NULL`.
* @param[out] height Where to store the height of the depth buffer, or `NULL`.
* @param[out] bytesPerValue Where to store the number of bytes per depth
* buffer element, or `NULL`.
* @param[out] buffer Where to store the address of the depth buffer, or
* `NULL`.
* @return `GLFW_TRUE` if successful, or `GLFW_FALSE` if an
* [error](@ref error_handling) occurred.
* @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT and @ref
* @thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not
* synchronized.
* @since Added in version 3.3.
* @ingroup native
GLFWAPI int glfwGetOSMesaDepthBuffer(GLFWwindow* window, int* width, int* height, int* bytesPerValue, void** buffer);
/*! @brief Returns the `OSMesaContext` of the specified window.
* @return The `OSMesaContext` of the specified window, or `NULL` if an
* [error](@ref error_handling) occurred.
* @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NO_WINDOW_CONTEXT and @ref
* @thread_safety This function may be called from any thread. Access is not
* synchronized.
* @since Added in version 3.3.
* @ingroup native
GLFWAPI OSMesaContext glfwGetOSMesaContext(GLFWwindow* window);
#ifdef __cplusplus