According to glibc strcpy and stpcpy microbenchmark test results(changed
to use generic_strcpy and generic_stpcpy instead of strlen + memcpy),
comparing with the generic version, this implementation could reduce the
runtime as following:
Name Percent of rutime reduced
strcpy-aligned 8%-45%
strcpy-unaligned 8%-48%, comparing with the aligned version, unaligned
version takes less instructions to copy the tail of data
which length is less than 8. it also has better performance
in case src and dest cannot be both aligned with 8bytes
strcpy-lsx 20%-80%
strcpy-lasx 15%-86%
stpcpy-aligned 6%-43%
stpcpy-unaligned 8%-48%
stpcpy-lsx 10%-80%
stpcpy-lasx 10%-87%
According to glibc memcmp microbenchmark test results(Add generic
memcmp), this implementation have performance improvement
except the length is less than 3, details as below:
Name Percent of time reduced
memcmp-lasx 16%-74%
memcmp-lsx 20%-50%
memcmp-aligned 5%-20%
According to glibc memset microbenchmark test results, for LSX and LASX
versions, A few cases with length less than 8 experience performace
degradation, overall, the LASX version could reduce the runtime about
15% - 75%, LSX version could reduce the runtime about 15%-50%.
The unaligned version uses unaligned memmory access to set data which
length is less than 64 and make address aligned with 8. For this part,
the performace is better than aligned version. Comparing with the generic
version, the performance is close when the length is larger than 128. When
the length is 8-128, the unaligned version could reduce the runtime about
30%-70%, the aligned version could reduce the runtime about 20%-50%.
According to glibc memrchr microbenchmark, this implementation could reduce
the runtime as following:
Name Percent of rutime reduced
memrchr-lasx 20%-83%
memrchr-lsx 20%-64%
According to glibc memchr microbenchmark, this implementation could reduce
the runtime as following:
Name Percent of runtime reduced
memchr-lasx 37%-83%
memchr-lsx 30%-66%
memchr-aligned 0%-15%
According to glibc rawmemchr microbenchmark, A few cases tested with
char '\0' experience performance degradation due to the lasx and lsx
versions don't handle the '\0' separately. Overall, rawmemchr-lasx
implementation could reduce the runtime about 40%-80%, rawmemchr-lsx
implementation could reduce the runtime about 40%-66%, rawmemchr-aligned
implementation could reduce the runtime about 20%-40%.
Based on the glibc microbenchmark, only a few short inputs with this
strncmp-aligned and strncmp-lsx implementation experience performance
degradation, overall, strncmp-aligned could reduce the runtime 0%-10%
for aligned comparision, 10%-25% for unaligend comparision, strncmp-lsx
could reduce the runtime about 0%-60%.
Based on the glibc microbenchmark, strcmp-aligned implementation could
reduce the runtime 0%-10% for aligned comparison, 10%-20% for unaligned
comparison, strcmp-lsx implemenation could reduce the runtime 0%-50%.
Based on the glibc microbenchmark, strnlen-aligned implementation could
reduce the runtime more than 10%, strnlen-lsx implementation could reduce
the runtime about 50%-78%, strnlen-lasx implementation could reduce the
runtime about 50%-88%.
These implementations improve the time to copy data in the glibc
microbenchmark as below:
memcpy-lasx reduces the runtime about 8%-76%
memcpy-lsx reduces the runtime about 8%-72%
memcpy-unaligned reduces the runtime of unaligned data copying up to 40%
memcpy-aligned reduece the runtime of unaligned data copying up to 25%
memmove-lasx reduces the runtime about 20%-73%
memmove-lsx reduces the runtime about 50%
memmove-unaligned reduces the runtime of unaligned data moving up to 40%
memmove-aligned reduces the runtime of unaligned data moving up to 25%
These implementations improve the time to run strchr{nul}
microbenchmark in glibc as below:
strchr-lasx reduces the runtime about 50%-83%
strchr-lsx reduces the runtime about 30%-67%
strchr-aligned reduces the runtime about 10%-20%
strchrnul-lasx reduces the runtime about 50%-83%
strchrnul-lsx reduces the runtime about 36%-65%
strchrnul-aligned reduces the runtime about 6%-10%
strlen-lasx is implemeted by LASX simd instructions(256bit)
strlen-lsx is implemeted by LSX simd instructions(128bit)
strlen-align is implemented by LA basic instructions and never use unaligned memory acess