BIG5 2 1 % / % % Chinese charmap for BIG5 (CP950) % version: 0.91 % Contact: Tung-Han Hsieh % Yuan-Chung Cheng % Distribution and use is free, even for comercial purpose. % % This charmap is converted from: % % and also merged several characters (/xc6/xa1-/xc7/xfc) from: % Aprhic Tech. CO., LTD. Big5 <==> Unicode mapping table. % % Irrevsible mapping Big5 characters (using %IRREVERSIBLE% notation): % /xa2/xcc, /xa2/xce, /xf9/xe9, /xf9/xea, /xf9/xeb, % /xf9/xf9, /xf9/xfa, /xf9/xfb, /xf9/xfc, /xf9/xfd % % The mapping /xa3/xe1 <==> is removed because only CP950.TXT contains % this mapping, but not found in elsewhere. It might be a mistake. % % alias BIG5-CP950 CHARMAP /x00 NULL (NUL) /x01 START OF HEADING (SOH) /x02 START OF TEXT (STX) /x03 END OF TEXT (ETX) /x04 END OF TRANSMISSION (EOT) /x05 ENQUIRY (ENQ) /x06 ACKNOWLEDGE (ACK) /x07 BELL (BEL) /x08 BACKSPACE (BS) /x09 CHARACTER TABULATION (HT) /x0a LINE FEED (LF) /x0b LINE TABULATION (VT) /x0c FORM FEED (FF) /x0d CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) /x0e SHIFT OUT (SO) /x0f SHIFT IN (SI) /x10 DATALINK ESCAPE (DLE) /x11 DEVICE CONTROL ONE (DC1) /x12 DEVICE CONTROL TWO (DC2) /x13 DEVICE CONTROL THREE (DC3) /x14 DEVICE CONTROL FOUR (DC4) /x15 NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE (NAK) /x16 SYNCHRONOUS IDLE (SYN) /x17 END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK (ETB) /x18 CANCEL (CAN) /x19 END OF MEDIUM (EM) /x1a SUBSTITUTE (SUB) /x1b ESCAPE (ESC) /x1c FILE SEPARATOR (IS4) /x1d GROUP SEPARATOR (IS3) /x1e RECORD SEPARATOR (IS2) /x1f UNIT SEPARATOR (IS1) /x20 SPACE /x21 EXCLAMATION MARK /x22 QUOTATION MARK /x23 NUMBER SIGN /x24 DOLLAR SIGN /x25 PERCENT SIGN /x26 AMPERSAND /x27 APOSTROPHE /x28 LEFT PARENTHESIS /x29 RIGHT PARENTHESIS /x2a ASTERISK /x2b PLUS SIGN /x2c COMMA /x2d HYPHEN-MINUS /x2e FULL STOP /x2f SOLIDUS /x30 DIGIT ZERO /x31 DIGIT ONE /x32 DIGIT TWO /x33 DIGIT THREE /x34 DIGIT FOUR /x35 DIGIT FIVE /x36 DIGIT SIX /x37 DIGIT SEVEN /x38 DIGIT EIGHT /x39 DIGIT NINE /x3a COLON /x3b SEMICOLON /x3c LESS-THAN SIGN /x3d EQUALS SIGN /x3e GREATER-THAN SIGN /x3f QUESTION MARK /x40 COMMERCIAL AT /x41 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A /x42 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B /x43 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C /x44 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D /x45 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E /x46 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F /x47 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G /x48 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H /x49 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I /x4a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J /x4b LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K /x4c LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L /x4d LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M /x4e LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N /x4f LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O /x50 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P /x51 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q /x52 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R /x53 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S /x54 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T /x55 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U /x56 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V /x57 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W /x58 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X /x59 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y /x5a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z /x5b LEFT SQUARE BRACKET /x5c REVERSE SOLIDUS /x5d RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET /x5e CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT /x5f LOW LINE /x60 GRAVE ACCENT /x61 LATIN SMALL LETTER A /x62 LATIN SMALL LETTER B /x63 LATIN SMALL LETTER C /x64 LATIN SMALL LETTER D /x65 LATIN SMALL LETTER E /x66 LATIN SMALL LETTER F /x67 LATIN SMALL LETTER G /x68 LATIN SMALL LETTER H /x69 LATIN SMALL LETTER I /x6a LATIN SMALL LETTER J /x6b LATIN SMALL LETTER K /x6c LATIN SMALL LETTER L /x6d LATIN SMALL LETTER M /x6e LATIN SMALL LETTER N /x6f LATIN SMALL LETTER O /x70 LATIN SMALL LETTER P /x71 LATIN SMALL LETTER Q /x72 LATIN SMALL LETTER R /x73 LATIN SMALL LETTER S /x74 LATIN SMALL LETTER T /x75 LATIN SMALL LETTER U /x76 LATIN SMALL LETTER V /x77 LATIN SMALL LETTER W /x78 LATIN SMALL LETTER X /x79 LATIN SMALL LETTER Y /x7a LATIN SMALL LETTER Z /x7b LEFT CURLY BRACKET /x7c VERTICAL LINE /x7d RIGHT CURLY BRACKET /x7e TILDE /x7f DELETE (DEL) /x80 PADDING CHARACTER (PAD) % % Now begin the Big5 (CP950) encoding specific. % /xa1/x40 IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE /xa1/x41 FULLWIDTH COMMA /xa1/x42 IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA /xa1/x43 IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP /xa1/x44 FULLWIDTH FULL STOP /xa1/x45 HYPHENATION POINT /xa1/x46 FULLWIDTH SEMICOLON /xa1/x47 FULLWIDTH COLON /xa1/x48 FULLWIDTH QUESTION MARK /xa1/x49 FULLWIDTH EXCLAMATION MARK /xa1/x4a PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL TWO DOT LEADER /xa1/x4b HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS /xa1/x4c TWO DOT LEADER /xa1/x4d SMALL COMMA /xa1/x4e SMALL IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA /xa1/x4f SMALL FULL STOP /xa1/x50 MIDDLE DOT /xa1/x51 SMALL SEMICOLON /xa1/x52 SMALL COLON /xa1/x53 SMALL QUESTION MARK /xa1/x54 SMALL EXCLAMATION MARK /xa1/x55 FULLWIDTH VERTICAL LINE /xa1/x56 EN DASH /xa1/x57 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL EM DASH /xa1/x58 EM DASH /xa1/x59 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LOW LINE /xa1/x5a BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT LEFT /xa1/x5b PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL WAVY LOW LINE /xa1/x5c WAVY LOW LINE /xa1/x5d FULLWIDTH LEFT PARENTHESIS /xa1/x5e FULLWIDTH RIGHT PARENTHESIS /xa1/x5f PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT PARENTHESIS /xa1/x60 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT PARENTHESIS /xa1/x61 FULLWIDTH LEFT CURLY BRACKET /xa1/x62 FULLWIDTH RIGHT CURLY BRACKET /xa1/x63 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT CURLY BRACKET /xa1/x64 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CURLY BRACKET /xa1/x65 LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET /xa1/x66 RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET /xa1/x67 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET /xa1/x68 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET /xa1/x69 LEFT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET /xa1/x6a RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET /xa1/x6b PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET /xa1/x6c PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET /xa1/x6d LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET /xa1/x6e RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET /xa1/x6f PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET /xa1/x70 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET /xa1/x71 LEFT ANGLE BRACKET /xa1/x72 RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET /xa1/x73 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET /xa1/x74 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET /xa1/x75 LEFT CORNER BRACKET /xa1/x76 RIGHT CORNER BRACKET /xa1/x77 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT CORNER BRACKET /xa1/x78 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CORNER BRACKET /xa1/x79 LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET /xa1/x7a RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET /xa1/x7b PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL LEFT WHITE CORNER BRACKET /xa1/x7c PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET /xa1/x7d SMALL LEFT PARENTHESIS /xa1/x7e SMALL RIGHT PARENTHESIS /xa1/xa1 SMALL LEFT CURLY BRACKET /xa1/xa2 SMALL RIGHT CURLY BRACKET /xa1/xa3 SMALL LEFT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET /xa1/xa4 SMALL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET /xa1/xa5 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK /xa1/xa6 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK /xa1/xa7 LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK /xa1/xa8 RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK /xa1/xa9 REVERSED DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK /xa1/xaa DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK /xa1/xab REVERSED PRIME /xa1/xac PRIME /xa1/xad FULLWIDTH NUMBER SIGN /xa1/xae FULLWIDTH AMPERSAND /xa1/xaf FULLWIDTH ASTERISK /xa1/xb0 REFERENCE MARK /xa1/xb1 SECTION SIGN /xa1/xb2 DITTO MARK /xa1/xb3 WHITE CIRCLE /xa1/xb4 BLACK CIRCLE /xa1/xb5 WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE /xa1/xb6 BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE /xa1/xb7 BULLSEYE /xa1/xb8 WHITE STAR /xa1/xb9 BLACK STAR /xa1/xba WHITE DIAMOND /xa1/xbb BLACK DIAMOND /xa1/xbc WHITE SQUARE /xa1/xbd BLACK SQUARE /xa1/xbe WHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE /xa1/xbf BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE /xa1/xc0 CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH CORRECT /xa1/xc1 CARE OF /xa1/xc2 MACRON /xa1/xc3 FULLWIDTH MACRON /xa1/xc4 FULLWIDTH LOW LINE /xa1/xc5 MODIFIER LETTER LOW MACRON /xa1/xc6 DASHED OVERLINE /xa1/xc7 CENTRELINE OVERLINE /xa1/xc8 DASHED LOW LINE /xa1/xc9 CENTRELINE LOW LINE /xa1/xca WAVY OVERLINE /xa1/xcb DOUBLE WAVY OVERLINE /xa1/xcc SMALL NUMBER SIGN /xa1/xcd SMALL AMPERSAND /xa1/xce SMALL ASTERISK /xa1/xcf FULLWIDTH PLUS SIGN /xa1/xd0 FULLWIDTH HYPHEN-MINUS /xa1/xd1 MULTIPLICATION SIGN /xa1/xd2 DIVISION SIGN /xa1/xd3 PLUS-MINUS SIGN /xa1/xd4 SQUARE ROOT /xa1/xd5 FULLWIDTH LESS-THAN SIGN /xa1/xd6 FULLWIDTH GREATER-THAN SIGN /xa1/xd7 FULLWIDTH EQUALS SIGN /xa1/xd8 LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO /xa1/xd9 GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO /xa1/xda NOT EQUAL TO /xa1/xdb INFINITY /xa1/xdc APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO OR THE IMAGE OF /xa1/xdd IDENTICAL TO /xa1/xde SMALL PLUS SIGN /xa1/xdf SMALL HYPHEN-MINUS /xa1/xe0 SMALL LESS-THAN SIGN /xa1/xe1 SMALL GREATER-THAN SIGN /xa1/xe2 SMALL EQUALS SIGN /xa1/xe3 FULLWIDTH TILDE /xa1/xe4 INTERSECTION /xa1/xe5 UNION /xa1/xe6 UP TACK /xa1/xe7 ANGLE /xa1/xe8 RIGHT ANGLE /xa1/xe9 RIGHT TRIANGLE /xa1/xea SQUARE LOG /xa1/xeb SQUARE LN /xa1/xec INTEGRAL /xa1/xed CONTOUR INTEGRAL /xa1/xee BECAUSE /xa1/xef THEREFORE /xa1/xf0 FEMALE SIGN /xa1/xf1 MALE SIGN /xa1/xf2 CIRCLED PLUS /xa1/xf3 CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR /xa1/xf4 UPWARDS ARROW /xa1/xf5 DOWNWARDS ARROW /xa1/xf6 LEFTWARDS ARROW /xa1/xf7 RIGHTWARDS ARROW /xa1/xf8 NORTH WEST ARROW /xa1/xf9 NORTH EAST ARROW /xa1/xfa SOUTH WEST ARROW /xa1/xfb SOUTH EAST ARROW /xa1/xfc PARALLEL TO /xa1/xfd DIVIDES /xa1/xfe FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS /xa2/x40 FULLWIDTH REVERSE SOLIDUS /xa2/x41 DIVISION SLASH /xa2/x42 SMALL REVERSE SOLIDUS /xa2/x43 FULLWIDTH DOLLAR SIGN /xa2/x44 FULLWIDTH YEN SIGN /xa2/x45 POSTAL MARK /xa2/x46 FULLWIDTH CENT SIGN /xa2/x47 FULLWIDTH POUND SIGN /xa2/x48 FULLWIDTH PERCENT SIGN /xa2/x49 FULLWIDTH COMMERCIAL AT /xa2/x4a DEGREE CELSIUS /xa2/x4b DEGREE FAHRENHEIT /xa2/x4c SMALL DOLLAR SIGN /xa2/x4d SMALL PERCENT SIGN /xa2/x4e SMALL COMMERCIAL AT /xa2/x4f SQUARE MIL /xa2/x50 SQUARE MM /xa2/x51 SQUARE CM /xa2/x52 SQUARE KM /xa2/x53 SQUARE KM CAPITAL /xa2/x54 SQUARE M SQUARED /xa2/x55 SQUARE MG /xa2/x56 SQUARE KG /xa2/x57 SQUARE CC /xa2/x58 DEGREE SIGN /xa2/x59 /xa2/x5a /xa2/x5b /xa2/x5c /xa2/x5d /xa2/x5e /xa2/x5f /xa2/x60 /xa2/x61 /xa2/x62 LOWER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK /xa2/x63 LOWER ONE QUARTER BLOCK /xa2/x64 LOWER THREE EIGHTHS BLOCK /xa2/x65 LOWER HALF BLOCK /xa2/x66 LOWER FIVE EIGHTHS BLOCK /xa2/x67 LOWER THREE QUARTERS BLOCK /xa2/x68 LOWER SEVEN EIGHTHS BLOCK /xa2/x69 FULL BLOCK /xa2/x6a LEFT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK /xa2/x6b LEFT ONE QUARTER BLOCK /xa2/x6c LEFT THREE EIGHTHS BLOCK /xa2/x6d LEFT HALF BLOCK /xa2/x6e LEFT FIVE EIGHTHS BLOCK /xa2/x6f LEFT THREE QUARTERS BLOCK /xa2/x70 LEFT SEVEN EIGHTHS BLOCK /xa2/x71 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL /xa2/x72 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL /xa2/x73 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL /xa2/x74 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT /xa2/x75 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT /xa2/x76 UPPER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK /xa2/x77 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL /xa2/x78 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL /xa2/x79 RIGHT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK /xa2/x7a BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT /xa2/x7b BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT /xa2/x7c BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT /xa2/x7d BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT /xa2/x7e BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC DOWN AND RIGHT /xa2/xa1 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC DOWN AND LEFT /xa2/xa2 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND RIGHT /xa2/xa3 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND LEFT /xa2/xa4 BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL /xa2/xa5 BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE /xa2/xa6 BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE /xa2/xa7 BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE /xa2/xa8 BLACK LOWER RIGHT TRIANGLE /xa2/xa9 BLACK LOWER LEFT TRIANGLE /xa2/xaa BLACK UPPER RIGHT TRIANGLE /xa2/xab BLACK UPPER LEFT TRIANGLE /xa2/xac BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER RIGHT TO LOWER LEFT /xa2/xad BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT /xa2/xae BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL CROSS /xa2/xaf FULLWIDTH DIGIT ZERO /xa2/xb0 FULLWIDTH DIGIT ONE /xa2/xb1 FULLWIDTH DIGIT TWO /xa2/xb2 FULLWIDTH DIGIT THREE /xa2/xb3 FULLWIDTH DIGIT FOUR /xa2/xb4 FULLWIDTH DIGIT FIVE /xa2/xb5 FULLWIDTH DIGIT SIX /xa2/xb6 FULLWIDTH DIGIT SEVEN /xa2/xb7 FULLWIDTH DIGIT EIGHT /xa2/xb8 FULLWIDTH DIGIT NINE /xa2/xb9 ROMAN NUMERAL ONE /xa2/xba ROMAN NUMERAL TWO /xa2/xbb ROMAN NUMERAL THREE /xa2/xbc ROMAN NUMERAL FOUR /xa2/xbd ROMAN NUMERAL FIVE /xa2/xbe ROMAN NUMERAL SIX /xa2/xbf ROMAN NUMERAL SEVEN /xa2/xc0 ROMAN NUMERAL EIGHT /xa2/xc1 ROMAN NUMERAL NINE /xa2/xc2 ROMAN NUMERAL TEN /xa2/xc3 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE /xa2/xc4 HANGZHOU NUMERAL TWO /xa2/xc5 HANGZHOU NUMERAL THREE /xa2/xc6 HANGZHOU NUMERAL FOUR /xa2/xc7 HANGZHOU NUMERAL FIVE /xa2/xc8 HANGZHOU NUMERAL SIX /xa2/xc9 HANGZHOU NUMERAL SEVEN /xa2/xca HANGZHOU NUMERAL EIGHT /xa2/xcb HANGZHOU NUMERAL NINE %IRREVERSIBLE% /xa2/xcc /xa2/xcd %IRREVERSIBLE% /xa2/xce /xa2/xcf FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A /xa2/xd0 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B /xa2/xd1 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C /xa2/xd2 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D /xa2/xd3 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E /xa2/xd4 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F /xa2/xd5 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G /xa2/xd6 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H /xa2/xd7 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I /xa2/xd8 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J /xa2/xd9 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K /xa2/xda FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L /xa2/xdb FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M /xa2/xdc FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N /xa2/xdd FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O /xa2/xde FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P /xa2/xdf FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q /xa2/xe0 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R /xa2/xe1 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S /xa2/xe2 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T /xa2/xe3 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U /xa2/xe4 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V /xa2/xe5 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W /xa2/xe6 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X /xa2/xe7 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y /xa2/xe8 FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z /xa2/xe9 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER A /xa2/xea FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER B /xa2/xeb FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER C /xa2/xec FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER D /xa2/xed FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER E /xa2/xee FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER F /xa2/xef FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER G /xa2/xf0 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER H /xa2/xf1 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER I /xa2/xf2 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER J /xa2/xf3 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER K /xa2/xf4 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER L /xa2/xf5 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER M /xa2/xf6 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER N /xa2/xf7 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER O /xa2/xf8 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER P /xa2/xf9 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER Q /xa2/xfa FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER R /xa2/xfb FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER S /xa2/xfc FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER T /xa2/xfd FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER U /xa2/xfe FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER V /xa3/x40 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER W /xa3/x41 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER X /xa3/x42 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER Y /xa3/x43 FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER Z /xa3/x44 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA /xa3/x45 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA /xa3/x46 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA /xa3/x47 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA /xa3/x48 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON /xa3/x49 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA /xa3/x4a GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA /xa3/x4b GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA /xa3/x4c GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA /xa3/x4d GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA /xa3/x4e GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA /xa3/x4f GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU /xa3/x50 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU /xa3/x51 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI /xa3/x52 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON /xa3/x53 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI /xa3/x54 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO /xa3/x55 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA /xa3/x56 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU /xa3/x57 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON /xa3/x58 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI /xa3/x59 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI /xa3/x5a GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI /xa3/x5b GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA /xa3/x5c GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA /xa3/x5d GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA /xa3/x5e GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA /xa3/x5f GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA /xa3/x60 GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON /xa3/x61 GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA /xa3/x62 GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA /xa3/x63 GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA /xa3/x64 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA /xa3/x65 GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA /xa3/x66 GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA /xa3/x67 GREEK SMALL LETTER MU /xa3/x68 GREEK SMALL LETTER NU /xa3/x69 GREEK SMALL LETTER XI /xa3/x6a GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON /xa3/x6b GREEK SMALL LETTER PI /xa3/x6c GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO /xa3/x6d GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA /xa3/x6e GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU /xa3/x6f GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON /xa3/x70 GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI /xa3/x71 GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI /xa3/x72 GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI /xa3/x73 GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA /xa3/x74 BOPOMOFO LETTER B /xa3/x75 BOPOMOFO LETTER P /xa3/x76 BOPOMOFO LETTER M /xa3/x77 BOPOMOFO LETTER F /xa3/x78 BOPOMOFO LETTER D /xa3/x79 BOPOMOFO LETTER T /xa3/x7a BOPOMOFO LETTER N /xa3/x7b BOPOMOFO LETTER L /xa3/x7c BOPOMOFO LETTER G /xa3/x7d BOPOMOFO LETTER K /xa3/x7e BOPOMOFO LETTER H /xa3/xa1 BOPOMOFO LETTER J /xa3/xa2 BOPOMOFO LETTER Q /xa3/xa3 BOPOMOFO LETTER X /xa3/xa4 BOPOMOFO LETTER ZH /xa3/xa5 BOPOMOFO LETTER CH /xa3/xa6 BOPOMOFO LETTER SH /xa3/xa7 BOPOMOFO LETTER R /xa3/xa8 BOPOMOFO LETTER Z /xa3/xa9 BOPOMOFO LETTER C /xa3/xaa BOPOMOFO LETTER S /xa3/xab BOPOMOFO LETTER A /xa3/xac BOPOMOFO LETTER O /xa3/xad BOPOMOFO LETTER E /xa3/xae BOPOMOFO LETTER EH /xa3/xaf BOPOMOFO LETTER AI /xa3/xb0 BOPOMOFO LETTER EI /xa3/xb1 BOPOMOFO LETTER AU /xa3/xb2 BOPOMOFO LETTER OU /xa3/xb3 BOPOMOFO LETTER AN /xa3/xb4 BOPOMOFO LETTER EN /xa3/xb5 BOPOMOFO LETTER ANG /xa3/xb6 BOPOMOFO LETTER ENG /xa3/xb7 BOPOMOFO LETTER ER /xa3/xb8 BOPOMOFO LETTER I /xa3/xb9 BOPOMOFO LETTER U /xa3/xba BOPOMOFO LETTER IU /xa3/xbb DOT ABOVE /xa3/xbc MODIFIER LETTER MACRON /xa3/xbd MODIFIER LETTER ACUTE ACCENT /xa3/xbe CARON /xa3/xbf MODIFIER LETTER GRAVE ACCENT /xa4/x40 /xa4/x41 /xa4/x42 /xa4/x43 /xa4/x44 /xa4/x45 /xa4/x46 /xa4/x47 /xa4/x48 /xa4/x49 /xa4/x4a /xa4/x4b /xa4/x4c /xa4/x4d /xa4/x4e /xa4/x4f /xa4/x50 /xa4/x51 /xa4/x52 /xa4/x53 /xa4/x54 /xa4/x55 /xa4/x56 /xa4/x57 /xa4/x58 /xa4/x59 /xa4/x5a /xa4/x5b /xa4/x5c /xa4/x5d /xa4/x5e /xa4/x5f /xa4/x60 /xa4/x61 /xa4/x62 /xa4/x63 /xa4/x64 /xa4/x65 /xa4/x66 /xa4/x67 /xa4/x68 /xa4/x69 /xa4/x6a /xa4/x6b /xa4/x6c /xa4/x6d /xa4/x6e /xa4/x6f /xa4/x70 /xa4/x71 /xa4/x72 /xa4/x73 /xa4/x74 /xa4/x75 /xa4/x76 /xa4/x77 /xa4/x78 /xa4/x79 /xa4/x7a /xa4/x7b /xa4/x7c /xa4/x7d /xa4/x7e /xa4/xa1 /xa4/xa2 /xa4/xa3 /xa4/xa4 /xa4/xa5 /xa4/xa6 /xa4/xa7 /xa4/xa8 /xa4/xa9 /xa4/xaa /xa4/xab /xa4/xac /xa4/xad /xa4/xae /xa4/xaf /xa4/xb0 /xa4/xb1 /xa4/xb2 /xa4/xb3 /xa4/xb4 /xa4/xb5 /xa4/xb6 /xa4/xb7 /xa4/xb8 /xa4/xb9 /xa4/xba /xa4/xbb /xa4/xbc /xa4/xbd /xa4/xbe /xa4/xbf /xa4/xc0 /xa4/xc1 /xa4/xc2 /xa4/xc3 /xa4/xc4 /xa4/xc5 /xa4/xc6 /xa4/xc7 /xa4/xc8 /xa4/xc9 /xa4/xca /xa4/xcb /xa4/xcc /xa4/xcd /xa4/xce /xa4/xcf /xa4/xd0 /xa4/xd1 /xa4/xd2 /xa4/xd3 /xa4/xd4 /xa4/xd5 /xa4/xd6 /xa4/xd7 /xa4/xd8 /xa4/xd9 /xa4/xda /xa4/xdb /xa4/xdc /xa4/xdd /xa4/xde /xa4/xdf /xa4/xe0 /xa4/xe1 /xa4/xe2 /xa4/xe3 /xa4/xe4 /xa4/xe5 /xa4/xe6 /xa4/xe7 /xa4/xe8 /xa4/xe9 /xa4/xea /xa4/xeb /xa4/xec /xa4/xed /xa4/xee /xa4/xef /xa4/xf0 /xa4/xf1 /xa4/xf2 /xa4/xf3 /xa4/xf4 /xa4/xf5 /xa4/xf6 /xa4/xf7 /xa4/xf8 /xa4/xf9 /xa4/xfa /xa4/xfb /xa4/xfc /xa4/xfd /xa4/xfe /xa5/x40 /xa5/x41 /xa5/x42 /xa5/x43 /xa5/x44 /xa5/x45 /xa5/x46 /xa5/x47 /xa5/x48 /xa5/x49 /xa5/x4a /xa5/x4b /xa5/x4c /xa5/x4d /xa5/x4e /xa5/x4f /xa5/x50 /xa5/x51 /xa5/x52 /xa5/x53 /xa5/x54 /xa5/x55 /xa5/x56 /xa5/x57 /xa5/x58 /xa5/x59 /xa5/x5a /xa5/x5b /xa5/x5c /xa5/x5d /xa5/x5e /xa5/x5f /xa5/x60 /xa5/x61 /xa5/x62 /xa5/x63 /xa5/x64 /xa5/x65 /xa5/x66 /xa5/x67 /xa5/x68 /xa5/x69 /xa5/x6a /xa5/x6b /xa5/x6c /xa5/x6d /xa5/x6e /xa5/x6f /xa5/x70 /xa5/x71 /xa5/x72 /xa5/x73 /xa5/x74 /xa5/x75 /xa5/x76 /xa5/x77 /xa5/x78 /xa5/x79 /xa5/x7a /xa5/x7b /xa5/x7c /xa5/x7d /xa5/x7e /xa5/xa1 /xa5/xa2 /xa5/xa3 /xa5/xa4 /xa5/xa5 /xa5/xa6 /xa5/xa7 /xa5/xa8 /xa5/xa9 /xa5/xaa /xa5/xab /xa5/xac /xa5/xad /xa5/xae /xa5/xaf /xa5/xb0 /xa5/xb1 /xa5/xb2 /xa5/xb3 /xa5/xb4 /xa5/xb5 /xa5/xb6 /xa5/xb7 /xa5/xb8 /xa5/xb9 /xa5/xba /xa5/xbb /xa5/xbc /xa5/xbd /xa5/xbe /xa5/xbf /xa5/xc0 /xa5/xc1 /xa5/xc2 /xa5/xc3 /xa5/xc4 /xa5/xc5 /xa5/xc6 /xa5/xc7 /xa5/xc8 /xa5/xc9 /xa5/xca /xa5/xcb /xa5/xcc /xa5/xcd /xa5/xce /xa5/xcf /xa5/xd0 /xa5/xd1 /xa5/xd2 /xa5/xd3 /xa5/xd4 /xa5/xd5 /xa5/xd6 /xa5/xd7 /xa5/xd8 /xa5/xd9 /xa5/xda /xa5/xdb /xa5/xdc /xa5/xdd /xa5/xde /xa5/xdf /xa5/xe0 /xa5/xe1 /xa5/xe2 /xa5/xe3 /xa5/xe4 /xa5/xe5 /xa5/xe6 /xa5/xe7 /xa5/xe8 /xa5/xe9 /xa5/xea /xa5/xeb /xa5/xec /xa5/xed /xa5/xee /xa5/xef /xa5/xf0 /xa5/xf1 /xa5/xf2 /xa5/xf3 /xa5/xf4 /xa5/xf5 /xa5/xf6 /xa5/xf7 /xa5/xf8 /xa5/xf9 /xa5/xfa /xa5/xfb /xa5/xfc /xa5/xfd /xa5/xfe /xa6/x40 /xa6/x41 /xa6/x42 /xa6/x43 /xa6/x44 /xa6/x45 /xa6/x46 /xa6/x47 /xa6/x48 /xa6/x49 /xa6/x4a /xa6/x4b /xa6/x4c /xa6/x4d /xa6/x4e /xa6/x4f /xa6/x50 /xa6/x51 /xa6/x52 /xa6/x53 /xa6/x54 /xa6/x55 /xa6/x56 /xa6/x57 /xa6/x58 /xa6/x59 /xa6/x5a /xa6/x5b /xa6/x5c /xa6/x5d /xa6/x5e /xa6/x5f /xa6/x60 /xa6/x61 /xa6/x62 /xa6/x63 /xa6/x64 /xa6/x65 /xa6/x66 /xa6/x67 /xa6/x68 /xa6/x69 /xa6/x6a /xa6/x6b /xa6/x6c /xa6/x6d /xa6/x6e /xa6/x6f /xa6/x70 /xa6/x71 /xa6/x72 /xa6/x73 /xa6/x74 /xa6/x75 /xa6/x76 /xa6/x77 /xa6/x78 /xa6/x79 /xa6/x7a /xa6/x7b /xa6/x7c /xa6/x7d /xa6/x7e /xa6/xa1 /xa6/xa2 /xa6/xa3 /xa6/xa4 /xa6/xa5 /xa6/xa6 /xa6/xa7 /xa6/xa8 /xa6/xa9 /xa6/xaa /xa6/xab /xa6/xac /xa6/xad /xa6/xae /xa6/xaf /xa6/xb0 /xa6/xb1 /xa6/xb2 /xa6/xb3 /xa6/xb4 /xa6/xb5 /xa6/xb6 /xa6/xb7 /xa6/xb8 /xa6/xb9 /xa6/xba /xa6/xbb /xa6/xbc /xa6/xbd /xa6/xbe /xa6/xbf /xa6/xc0 /xa6/xc1 /xa6/xc2 /xa6/xc3 /xa6/xc4 /xa6/xc5 /xa6/xc6 /xa6/xc7 /xa6/xc8 /xa6/xc9 /xa6/xca /xa6/xcb /xa6/xcc /xa6/xcd /xa6/xce /xa6/xcf /xa6/xd0 /xa6/xd1 /xa6/xd2 /xa6/xd3 /xa6/xd4 /xa6/xd5 /xa6/xd6 /xa6/xd7 /xa6/xd8 /xa6/xd9 /xa6/xda /xa6/xdb /xa6/xdc /xa6/xdd /xa6/xde /xa6/xdf /xa6/xe0 /xa6/xe1 /xa6/xe2 /xa6/xe3 /xa6/xe4 /xa6/xe5 /xa6/xe6 /xa6/xe7 /xa6/xe8 /xa6/xe9 /xa6/xea /xa6/xeb /xa6/xec /xa6/xed /xa6/xee /xa6/xef /xa6/xf0 /xa6/xf1 /xa6/xf2 /xa6/xf3 /xa6/xf4 /xa6/xf5 /xa6/xf6 /xa6/xf7 /xa6/xf8 /xa6/xf9 /xa6/xfa /xa6/xfb /xa6/xfc /xa6/xfd /xa6/xfe /xa7/x40 /xa7/x41 /xa7/x42 /xa7/x43 /xa7/x44 /xa7/x45 /xa7/x46 /xa7/x47 /xa7/x48 /xa7/x49 /xa7/x4a /xa7/x4b /xa7/x4c /xa7/x4d /xa7/x4e /xa7/x4f /xa7/x50 /xa7/x51 /xa7/x52 /xa7/x53 /xa7/x54 /xa7/x55 /xa7/x56 /xa7/x57 /xa7/x58 /xa7/x59 /xa7/x5a /xa7/x5b /xa7/x5c /xa7/x5d /xa7/x5e /xa7/x5f /xa7/x60 /xa7/x61 /xa7/x62 /xa7/x63 /xa7/x64 /xa7/x65 /xa7/x66 /xa7/x67 /xa7/x68 /xa7/x69 /xa7/x6a /xa7/x6b /xa7/x6c /xa7/x6d /xa7/x6e /xa7/x6f /xa7/x70 /xa7/x71 /xa7/x72 /xa7/x73 /xa7/x74 /xa7/x75 /xa7/x76 /xa7/x77 /xa7/x78 /xa7/x79 /xa7/x7a /xa7/x7b /xa7/x7c /xa7/x7d /xa7/x7e /xa7/xa1 /xa7/xa2 /xa7/xa3 /xa7/xa4 /xa7/xa5 /xa7/xa6 /xa7/xa7 /xa7/xa8 /xa7/xa9 /xa7/xaa /xa7/xab /xa7/xac /xa7/xad /xa7/xae /xa7/xaf /xa7/xb0 /xa7/xb1 /xa7/xb2 /xa7/xb3 /xa7/xb4 /xa7/xb5 /xa7/xb6 /xa7/xb7 /xa7/xb8 /xa7/xb9 /xa7/xba /xa7/xbb /xa7/xbc /xa7/xbd /xa7/xbe /xa7/xbf /xa7/xc0 /xa7/xc1 /xa7/xc2 /xa7/xc3 /xa7/xc4 /xa7/xc5 /xa7/xc6 /xa7/xc7 /xa7/xc8 /xa7/xc9 /xa7/xca /xa7/xcb /xa7/xcc /xa7/xcd /xa7/xce /xa7/xcf /xa7/xd0 /xa7/xd1 /xa7/xd2 /xa7/xd3 /xa7/xd4 /xa7/xd5 /xa7/xd6 /xa7/xd7 /xa7/xd8 /xa7/xd9 /xa7/xda /xa7/xdb /xa7/xdc /xa7/xdd /xa7/xde /xa7/xdf /xa7/xe0 /xa7/xe1 /xa7/xe2 /xa7/xe3 /xa7/xe4 /xa7/xe5 /xa7/xe6 /xa7/xe7 /xa7/xe8 /xa7/xe9 /xa7/xea /xa7/xeb /xa7/xec /xa7/xed /xa7/xee /xa7/xef /xa7/xf0 /xa7/xf1 /xa7/xf2 /xa7/xf3 /xa7/xf4 /xa7/xf5 /xa7/xf6 /xa7/xf7 /xa7/xf8 /xa7/xf9 /xa7/xfa /xa7/xfb /xa7/xfc /xa7/xfd /xa7/xfe /xa8/x40 /xa8/x41 /xa8/x42 /xa8/x43 /xa8/x44 /xa8/x45 /xa8/x46 /xa8/x47 /xa8/x48 /xa8/x49 /xa8/x4a /xa8/x4b /xa8/x4c /xa8/x4d /xa8/x4e /xa8/x4f /xa8/x50 /xa8/x51 /xa8/x52 /xa8/x53 /xa8/x54 /xa8/x55 /xa8/x56 /xa8/x57 /xa8/x58 /xa8/x59 /xa8/x5a /xa8/x5b /xa8/x5c /xa8/x5d /xa8/x5e /xa8/x5f /xa8/x60 /xa8/x61 /xa8/x62 /xa8/x63 /xa8/x64 /xa8/x65 /xa8/x66 /xa8/x67 /xa8/x68 /xa8/x69 /xa8/x6a /xa8/x6b /xa8/x6c /xa8/x6d /xa8/x6e /xa8/x6f /xa8/x70 /xa8/x71 /xa8/x72 /xa8/x73 /xa8/x74 /xa8/x75 /xa8/x76 /xa8/x77 /xa8/x78 /xa8/x79 /xa8/x7a /xa8/x7b /xa8/x7c /xa8/x7d /xa8/x7e /xa8/xa1 /xa8/xa2 /xa8/xa3 /xa8/xa4 /xa8/xa5 /xa8/xa6 /xa8/xa7 /xa8/xa8 /xa8/xa9 /xa8/xaa /xa8/xab /xa8/xac /xa8/xad /xa8/xae /xa8/xaf /xa8/xb0 /xa8/xb1 /xa8/xb2 /xa8/xb3 /xa8/xb4 /xa8/xb5 /xa8/xb6 /xa8/xb7 /xa8/xb8 /xa8/xb9 /xa8/xba /xa8/xbb /xa8/xbc /xa8/xbd /xa8/xbe /xa8/xbf /xa8/xc0 /xa8/xc1 /xa8/xc2 /xa8/xc3 /xa8/xc4 /xa8/xc5 /xa8/xc6 /xa8/xc7 /xa8/xc8 /xa8/xc9 /xa8/xca /xa8/xcb /xa8/xcc /xa8/xcd /xa8/xce /xa8/xcf /xa8/xd0 /xa8/xd1 /xa8/xd2 /xa8/xd3 /xa8/xd4 /xa8/xd5 /xa8/xd6 /xa8/xd7 /xa8/xd8 /xa8/xd9 /xa8/xda /xa8/xdb /xa8/xdc /xa8/xdd /xa8/xde /xa8/xdf /xa8/xe0 /xa8/xe1 /xa8/xe2 /xa8/xe3 /xa8/xe4 /xa8/xe5 /xa8/xe6 /xa8/xe7 /xa8/xe8 /xa8/xe9 /xa8/xea /xa8/xeb /xa8/xec /xa8/xed /xa8/xee /xa8/xef /xa8/xf0 /xa8/xf1 /xa8/xf2 /xa8/xf3 /xa8/xf4 /xa8/xf5 /xa8/xf6 /xa8/xf7 /xa8/xf8 /xa8/xf9 /xa8/xfa /xa8/xfb /xa8/xfc /xa8/xfd /xa8/xfe /xa9/x40 /xa9/x41 /xa9/x42 /xa9/x43 /xa9/x44 /xa9/x45 /xa9/x46 /xa9/x47 /xa9/x48 /xa9/x49 /xa9/x4a /xa9/x4b /xa9/x4c /xa9/x4d /xa9/x4e /xa9/x4f /xa9/x50 /xa9/x51 /xa9/x52 /xa9/x53 /xa9/x54 /xa9/x55 /xa9/x56 /xa9/x57 /xa9/x58 /xa9/x59 /xa9/x5a /xa9/x5b /xa9/x5c /xa9/x5d /xa9/x5e /xa9/x5f /xa9/x60 /xa9/x61 /xa9/x62 /xa9/x63 /xa9/x64 /xa9/x65 /xa9/x66 /xa9/x67 /xa9/x68 /xa9/x69 /xa9/x6a /xa9/x6b /xa9/x6c /xa9/x6d /xa9/x6e /xa9/x6f /xa9/x70 /xa9/x71 /xa9/x72 /xa9/x73 /xa9/x74 /xa9/x75 /xa9/x76 /xa9/x77 /xa9/x78 /xa9/x79 /xa9/x7a /xa9/x7b /xa9/x7c /xa9/x7d /xa9/x7e /xa9/xa1 /xa9/xa2 /xa9/xa3 /xa9/xa4 /xa9/xa5 /xa9/xa6 /xa9/xa7 /xa9/xa8 /xa9/xa9 /xa9/xaa /xa9/xab /xa9/xac /xa9/xad /xa9/xae /xa9/xaf /xa9/xb0 /xa9/xb1 /xa9/xb2 /xa9/xb3 /xa9/xb4 /xa9/xb5 /xa9/xb6 /xa9/xb7 /xa9/xb8 /xa9/xb9 /xa9/xba /xa9/xbb /xa9/xbc /xa9/xbd /xa9/xbe /xa9/xbf /xa9/xc0 /xa9/xc1 /xa9/xc2 /xa9/xc3 /xa9/xc4 /xa9/xc5 /xa9/xc6 /xa9/xc7 /xa9/xc8 /xa9/xc9 /xa9/xca /xa9/xcb /xa9/xcc /xa9/xcd /xa9/xce /xa9/xcf /xa9/xd0 /xa9/xd1 /xa9/xd2 /xa9/xd3 /xa9/xd4 /xa9/xd5 /xa9/xd6 /xa9/xd7 /xa9/xd8 /xa9/xd9 /xa9/xda /xa9/xdb /xa9/xdc /xa9/xdd /xa9/xde /xa9/xdf /xa9/xe0 /xa9/xe1 /xa9/xe2 /xa9/xe3 /xa9/xe4 /xa9/xe5 /xa9/xe6 /xa9/xe7 /xa9/xe8 /xa9/xe9 /xa9/xea /xa9/xeb /xa9/xec /xa9/xed /xa9/xee /xa9/xef /xa9/xf0 /xa9/xf1 /xa9/xf2 /xa9/xf3 /xa9/xf4 /xa9/xf5 /xa9/xf6 /xa9/xf7 /xa9/xf8 /xa9/xf9 /xa9/xfa /xa9/xfb /xa9/xfc /xa9/xfd /xa9/xfe /xaa/x40 /xaa/x41 /xaa/x42 /xaa/x43 /xaa/x44 /xaa/x45 /xaa/x46 /xaa/x47 /xaa/x48 /xaa/x49 /xaa/x4a /xaa/x4b /xaa/x4c /xaa/x4d /xaa/x4e /xaa/x4f /xaa/x50 /xaa/x51 /xaa/x52 /xaa/x53 /xaa/x54 /xaa/x55 /xaa/x56 /xaa/x57 /xaa/x58 /xaa/x59 /xaa/x5a /xaa/x5b /xaa/x5c /xaa/x5d /xaa/x5e /xaa/x5f /xaa/x60 /xaa/x61 /xaa/x62 /xaa/x63 /xaa/x64 /xaa/x65 /xaa/x66 /xaa/x67 /xaa/x68 /xaa/x69 /xaa/x6a /xaa/x6b /xaa/x6c /xaa/x6d /xaa/x6e /xaa/x6f /xaa/x70 /xaa/x71 /xaa/x72 /xaa/x73 /xaa/x74 /xaa/x75 /xaa/x76 /xaa/x77 /xaa/x78 /xaa/x79 /xaa/x7a /xaa/x7b /xaa/x7c /xaa/x7d /xaa/x7e /xaa/xa1 /xaa/xa2 /xaa/xa3 /xaa/xa4 /xaa/xa5 /xaa/xa6 /xaa/xa7 /xaa/xa8 /xaa/xa9 /xaa/xaa /xaa/xab /xaa/xac /xaa/xad /xaa/xae /xaa/xaf /xaa/xb0 /xaa/xb1 /xaa/xb2 /xaa/xb3 /xaa/xb4 /xaa/xb5 /xaa/xb6 /xaa/xb7 /xaa/xb8 /xaa/xb9 /xaa/xba /xaa/xbb /xaa/xbc /xaa/xbd /xaa/xbe /xaa/xbf /xaa/xc0 /xaa/xc1 /xaa/xc2 /xaa/xc3 /xaa/xc4 /xaa/xc5 /xaa/xc6 /xaa/xc7 /xaa/xc8 /xaa/xc9 /xaa/xca /xaa/xcb /xaa/xcc /xaa/xcd /xaa/xce /xaa/xcf /xaa/xd0 /xaa/xd1 /xaa/xd2 /xaa/xd3 /xaa/xd4 /xaa/xd5 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/xc4/x5e /xc4/x5f /xc4/x60 /xc4/x61 /xc4/x62 /xc4/x63 /xc4/x64 /xc4/x65 /xc4/x66 /xc4/x67 /xc4/x68 /xc4/x69 /xc4/x6a /xc4/x6b /xc4/x6c /xc4/x6d /xc4/x6e /xc4/x6f /xc4/x70 /xc4/x71 /xc4/x72 /xc4/x73 /xc4/x74 /xc4/x75 /xc4/x76 /xc4/x77 /xc4/x78 /xc4/x79 /xc4/x7a /xc4/x7b /xc4/x7c /xc4/x7d /xc4/x7e /xc4/xa1 /xc4/xa2 /xc4/xa3 /xc4/xa4 /xc4/xa5 /xc4/xa6 /xc4/xa7 /xc4/xa8 /xc4/xa9 /xc4/xaa /xc4/xab /xc4/xac /xc4/xad /xc4/xae /xc4/xaf /xc4/xb0 /xc4/xb1 /xc4/xb2 /xc4/xb3 /xc4/xb4 /xc4/xb5 /xc4/xb6 /xc4/xb7 /xc4/xb8 /xc4/xb9 /xc4/xba /xc4/xbb /xc4/xbc /xc4/xbd /xc4/xbe /xc4/xbf /xc4/xc0 /xc4/xc1 /xc4/xc2 /xc4/xc3 /xc4/xc4 /xc4/xc5 /xc4/xc6 /xc4/xc7 /xc4/xc8 /xc4/xc9 /xc4/xca /xc4/xcb /xc4/xcc /xc4/xcd /xc4/xce /xc4/xcf /xc4/xd0 /xc4/xd1 /xc4/xd2 /xc4/xd3 /xc4/xd4 /xc4/xd5 /xc4/xd6 /xc4/xd7 /xc4/xd8 /xc4/xd9 /xc4/xda /xc4/xdb /xc4/xdc /xc4/xdd /xc4/xde /xc4/xdf /xc4/xe0 /xc4/xe1 /xc4/xe2 /xc4/xe3 /xc4/xe4 /xc4/xe5 /xc4/xe6 /xc4/xe7 /xc4/xe8 /xc4/xe9 /xc4/xea /xc4/xeb /xc4/xec /xc4/xed /xc4/xee /xc4/xef /xc4/xf0 /xc4/xf1 /xc4/xf2 /xc4/xf3 /xc4/xf4 /xc4/xf5 /xc4/xf6 /xc4/xf7 /xc4/xf8 /xc4/xf9 /xc4/xfa /xc4/xfb /xc4/xfc /xc4/xfd /xc4/xfe /xc5/x40 /xc5/x41 /xc5/x42 /xc5/x43 /xc5/x44 /xc5/x45 /xc5/x46 /xc5/x47 /xc5/x48 /xc5/x49 /xc5/x4a /xc5/x4b /xc5/x4c /xc5/x4d /xc5/x4e /xc5/x4f /xc5/x50 /xc5/x51 /xc5/x52 /xc5/x53 /xc5/x54 /xc5/x55 /xc5/x56 /xc5/x57 /xc5/x58 /xc5/x59 /xc5/x5a /xc5/x5b /xc5/x5c /xc5/x5d /xc5/x5e /xc5/x5f /xc5/x60 /xc5/x61 /xc5/x62 /xc5/x63 /xc5/x64 /xc5/x65 /xc5/x66 /xc5/x67 /xc5/x68 /xc5/x69 /xc5/x6a /xc5/x6b /xc5/x6c /xc5/x6d /xc5/x6e /xc5/x6f /xc5/x70 /xc5/x71 /xc5/x72 /xc5/x73 /xc5/x74 /xc5/x75 /xc5/x76 /xc5/x77 /xc5/x78 /xc5/x79 /xc5/x7a /xc5/x7b /xc5/x7c /xc5/x7d /xc5/x7e /xc5/xa1 /xc5/xa2 /xc5/xa3 /xc5/xa4 /xc5/xa5 /xc5/xa6 /xc5/xa7 /xc5/xa8 /xc5/xa9 /xc5/xaa /xc5/xab /xc5/xac /xc5/xad /xc5/xae /xc5/xaf /xc5/xb0 /xc5/xb1 /xc5/xb2 /xc5/xb3 /xc5/xb4 /xc5/xb5 /xc5/xb6 /xc5/xb7 /xc5/xb8 /xc5/xb9 /xc5/xba /xc5/xbb /xc5/xbc /xc5/xbd /xc5/xbe /xc5/xbf /xc5/xc0 /xc5/xc1 /xc5/xc2 /xc5/xc3 /xc5/xc4 /xc5/xc5 /xc5/xc6 /xc5/xc7 /xc5/xc8 /xc5/xc9 /xc5/xca /xc5/xcb /xc5/xcc /xc5/xcd /xc5/xce /xc5/xcf /xc5/xd0 /xc5/xd1 /xc5/xd2 /xc5/xd3 /xc5/xd4 /xc5/xd5 /xc5/xd6 /xc5/xd7 /xc5/xd8 /xc5/xd9 /xc5/xda /xc5/xdb /xc5/xdc /xc5/xdd /xc5/xde /xc5/xdf /xc5/xe0 /xc5/xe1 /xc5/xe2 /xc5/xe3 /xc5/xe4 /xc5/xe5 /xc5/xe6 /xc5/xe7 /xc5/xe8 /xc5/xe9 /xc5/xea /xc5/xeb /xc5/xec /xc5/xed /xc5/xee /xc5/xef /xc5/xf0 /xc5/xf1 /xc5/xf2 /xc5/xf3 /xc5/xf4 /xc5/xf5 /xc5/xf6 /xc5/xf7 /xc5/xf8 /xc5/xf9 /xc5/xfa /xc5/xfb /xc5/xfc /xc5/xfd /xc5/xfe /xc6/x40 /xc6/x41 /xc6/x42 /xc6/x43 /xc6/x44 /xc6/x45 /xc6/x46 /xc6/x47 /xc6/x48 /xc6/x49 /xc6/x4a /xc6/x4b /xc6/x4c /xc6/x4d /xc6/x4e /xc6/x4f /xc6/x50 /xc6/x51 /xc6/x52 /xc6/x53 /xc6/x54 /xc6/x55 /xc6/x56 /xc6/x57 /xc6/x58 /xc6/x59 /xc6/x5a /xc6/x5b /xc6/x5c /xc6/x5d /xc6/x5e /xc6/x5f /xc6/x60 /xc6/x61 /xc6/x62 /xc6/x63 /xc6/x64 /xc6/x65 /xc6/x66 /xc6/x67 /xc6/x68 /xc6/x69 /xc6/x6a /xc6/x6b /xc6/x6c /xc6/x6d /xc6/x6e /xc6/x6f /xc6/x70 /xc6/x71 /xc6/x72 /xc6/x73 /xc6/x74 /xc6/x75 /xc6/x76 /xc6/x77 /xc6/x78 /xc6/x79 /xc6/x7a /xc6/x7b /xc6/x7c /xc6/x7d /xc6/x7e % % Begin of Eten extended charset. Mapping to "Private Use" segment. % (Thanks to Aprhic Tech. CO., LTD.) % /xc6/xa1 /xc6/xa2 /xc6/xa3 /xc6/xa4 /xc6/xa5 /xc6/xa6 /xc6/xa7 /xc6/xa8 /xc6/xa9 /xc6/xaa /xc6/xab /xc6/xac /xc6/xad /xc6/xae /xc6/xaf /xc6/xb0 /xc6/xb1 /xc6/xb2 /xc6/xb3 /xc6/xb4 /xc6/xb5 /xc6/xb6 /xc6/xb7 /xc6/xb8 /xc6/xb9 /xc6/xba /xc6/xbb /xc6/xbc /xc6/xbd /xc6/xbe /xc6/xbf /xc6/xc0 /xc6/xc1 /xc6/xc2 /xc6/xc3 /xc6/xc4 /xc6/xc5 /xc6/xc6 /xc6/xc7 /xc6/xc8 /xc6/xc9 /xc6/xca /xc6/xcb /xc6/xcc /xc6/xcd /xc6/xce /xc6/xcf /xc6/xd0 /xc6/xd1 /xc6/xd2 /xc6/xd3 /xc6/xd4 /xc6/xd5 /xc6/xd6 /xc6/xd7 /xc6/xd8 /xc6/xd9 /xc6/xda /xc6/xdb /xc6/xdc /xc6/xdd /xc6/xde /xc6/xdf /xc6/xe0 /xc6/xe1 /xc6/xe2 /xc6/xe3 /xc6/xe4 /xc6/xe5 /xc6/xe6 /xc6/xe7 /xc6/xe8 /xc6/xe9 /xc6/xea /xc6/xeb /xc6/xec /xc6/xed /xc6/xee /xc6/xef /xc6/xf0 /xc6/xf1 /xc6/xf2 /xc6/xf3 /xc6/xf4 /xc6/xf5 /xc6/xf6 /xc6/xf7 /xc6/xf8 /xc6/xf9 /xc6/xfa /xc6/xfb /xc6/xfc /xc6/xfd /xc6/xfe /xc7/x40 /xc7/x41 /xc7/x42 /xc7/x43 /xc7/x44 /xc7/x45 /xc7/x46 /xc7/x47 /xc7/x48 /xc7/x49 /xc7/x4a /xc7/x4b /xc7/x4c /xc7/x4d /xc7/x4e /xc7/x4f /xc7/x50 /xc7/x51 /xc7/x52 /xc7/x53 /xc7/x54 /xc7/x55 /xc7/x56 /xc7/x57 /xc7/x58 /xc7/x59 /xc7/x5a /xc7/x5b /xc7/x5c /xc7/x5d /xc7/x5e /xc7/x5f /xc7/x60 /xc7/x61 /xc7/x62 /xc7/x63 /xc7/x64 /xc7/x65 /xc7/x66 /xc7/x67 /xc7/x68 /xc7/x69 /xc7/x6a /xc7/x6b /xc7/x6c /xc7/x6d /xc7/x6e /xc7/x6f /xc7/x70 /xc7/x71 /xc7/x72 /xc7/x73 /xc7/x74 /xc7/x75 /xc7/x76 /xc7/x77 /xc7/x78 /xc7/x79 /xc7/x7a /xc7/x7b /xc7/x7c /xc7/x7d /xc7/x7e /xc7/xa1 /xc7/xa2 /xc7/xa3 /xc7/xa4 /xc7/xa5 /xc7/xa6 /xc7/xa7 /xc7/xa8 /xc7/xa9 /xc7/xaa /xc7/xab /xc7/xac /xc7/xad /xc7/xae /xc7/xaf /xc7/xb0 /xc7/xb1 /xc7/xb2 /xc7/xb3 /xc7/xb4 /xc7/xb5 /xc7/xb6 /xc7/xb7 /xc7/xb8 /xc7/xb9 /xc7/xba /xc7/xbb /xc7/xbc /xc7/xbd /xc7/xbe /xc7/xbf /xc7/xc0 /xc7/xc1 /xc7/xc2 /xc7/xc3 /xc7/xc4 /xc7/xc5 /xc7/xc6 /xc7/xc7 /xc7/xc8 /xc7/xc9 /xc7/xca /xc7/xcb /xc7/xcc /xc7/xcd /xc7/xce /xc7/xcf /xc7/xd0 /xc7/xd1 /xc7/xd2 /xc7/xd3 /xc7/xd4 /xc7/xd5 /xc7/xd6 /xc7/xd7 /xc7/xd8 /xc7/xd9 /xc7/xda /xc7/xdb /xc7/xdc /xc7/xdd /xc7/xde /xc7/xdf /xc7/xe0 /xc7/xe1 /xc7/xe2 /xc7/xe3 /xc7/xe4 /xc7/xe5 /xc7/xe6 /xc7/xe7 /xc7/xe8 /xc7/xe9 /xc7/xea /xc7/xeb /xc7/xec /xc7/xed /xc7/xee /xc7/xef /xc7/xf0 /xc7/xf1 /xc7/xf2 /xc7/xf3 /xc7/xf4 /xc7/xf5 /xc7/xf6 /xc7/xf7 /xc7/xf8 /xc7/xf9 /xc7/xfa /xc7/xfb /xc7/xfc /xc7/xfd /xc7/xfe /xc8/x40 /xc8/x41 /xc8/x42 /xc8/x43 /xc8/x44 /xc8/x45 /xc8/x46 /xc8/x47 /xc8/x48 /xc8/x49 /xc8/x4a /xc8/x4b /xc8/x4c /xc8/x4d /xc8/x4e /xc8/x4f /xc8/x50 /xc8/x51 /xc8/x52 /xc8/x53 /xc8/x54 /xc8/x55 /xc8/x56 /xc8/x57 /xc8/x58 /xc8/x59 /xc8/x5a /xc8/x5b /xc8/x5c /xc8/x5d /xc8/x5e /xc8/x5f /xc8/x60 /xc8/x61 /xc8/x62 /xc8/x63 /xc8/x64 /xc8/x65 /xc8/x66 /xc8/x67 /xc8/x68 /xc8/x69 /xc8/x6a /xc8/x6b /xc8/x6c /xc8/x6d /xc8/x6e /xc8/x6f /xc8/x70 /xc8/x71 /xc8/x72 /xc8/x73 /xc8/x74 /xc8/x75 /xc8/x76 /xc8/x77 /xc8/x78 /xc8/x79 /xc8/x7a /xc8/x7b /xc8/x7c /xc8/x7d /xc8/x7e /xc8/xa1 /xc8/xa2 /xc8/xa3 /xc8/xa4 /xc8/xa5 /xc8/xa6 /xc8/xa7 /xc8/xa8 /xc8/xa9 /xc8/xaa /xc8/xab /xc8/xac /xc8/xad /xc8/xae /xc8/xaf /xc8/xb0 /xc8/xb1 /xc8/xb2 /xc8/xb3 /xc8/xb4 /xc8/xb5 /xc8/xb6 /xc8/xb7 /xc8/xb8 /xc8/xb9 /xc8/xba /xc8/xbb /xc8/xbc /xc8/xbd /xc8/xbe /xc8/xbf /xc8/xc0 /xc8/xc1 /xc8/xc2 /xc8/xc3 /xc8/xc4 /xc8/xc5 /xc8/xc6 /xc8/xc7 /xc8/xc8 /xc8/xc9 /xc8/xca /xc8/xcb /xc8/xcc /xc8/xcd /xc8/xce /xc8/xcf /xc8/xd0 /xc8/xd1 /xc8/xd2 /xc8/xd3 /xc8/xd4 /xc8/xd5 /xc8/xd6 /xc8/xd7 /xc8/xd8 /xc8/xd9 /xc8/xda /xc8/xdb /xc8/xdc /xc8/xdd /xc8/xde /xc8/xdf /xc8/xe0 /xc8/xe1 /xc8/xe2 /xc8/xe3 /xc8/xe4 /xc8/xe5 /xc8/xe6 /xc8/xe7 /xc8/xe8 /xc8/xe9 /xc8/xea /xc8/xeb /xc8/xec /xc8/xed /xc8/xee /xc8/xef /xc8/xf0 /xc8/xf1 /xc8/xf2 /xc8/xf3 /xc8/xf4 /xc8/xf5 /xc8/xf6 /xc8/xf7 /xc8/xf8 /xc8/xf9 /xc8/xfa /xc8/xfb /xc8/xfc /xc8/xfd /xc8/xfe % % End of Eten extended charset. % /xc9/x40 /xc9/x41 /xc9/x42 /xc9/x43 /xc9/x44 /xc9/x45 /xc9/x46 /xc9/x47 /xc9/x48 /xc9/x49 /xc9/x4a CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH /xc9/x4b /xc9/x4c /xc9/x4d /xc9/x4e /xc9/x4f /xc9/x50 /xc9/x51 /xc9/x52 /xc9/x53 /xc9/x54 /xc9/x55 /xc9/x56 /xc9/x57 /xc9/x58 /xc9/x59 /xc9/x5a 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/xc9/xec /xc9/xed /xc9/xee /xc9/xef /xc9/xf0 /xc9/xf1 /xc9/xf2 /xc9/xf3 /xc9/xf4 /xc9/xf5 /xc9/xf6 /xc9/xf7 /xc9/xf8 /xc9/xf9 /xc9/xfa /xc9/xfb /xc9/xfc /xc9/xfd /xc9/xfe /xca/x40 /xca/x41 /xca/x42 /xca/x43 /xca/x44 /xca/x45 /xca/x46 /xca/x47 /xca/x48 /xca/x49 /xca/x4a /xca/x4b /xca/x4c /xca/x4d /xca/x4e /xca/x4f /xca/x50 /xca/x51 /xca/x52 /xca/x53 /xca/x54 /xca/x55 /xca/x56 /xca/x57 /xca/x58 /xca/x59 /xca/x5a /xca/x5b /xca/x5c /xca/x5d /xca/x5e /xca/x5f /xca/x60 /xca/x61 /xca/x62 /xca/x63 /xca/x64 /xca/x65 /xca/x66 /xca/x67 /xca/x68 /xca/x69 /xca/x6a /xca/x6b /xca/x6c /xca/x6d /xca/x6e /xca/x6f /xca/x70 /xca/x71 /xca/x72 /xca/x73 /xca/x74 /xca/x75 /xca/x76 /xca/x77 /xca/x78 /xca/x79 /xca/x7a /xca/x7b /xca/x7c /xca/x7d /xca/x7e /xca/xa1 /xca/xa2 /xca/xa3 /xca/xa4 /xca/xa5 /xca/xa6 /xca/xa7 /xca/xa8 /xca/xa9 /xca/xaa /xca/xab /xca/xac /xca/xad /xca/xae /xca/xaf /xca/xb0 /xca/xb1 /xca/xb2 /xca/xb3 /xca/xb4 /xca/xb5 /xca/xb6 /xca/xb7 /xca/xb8 /xca/xb9 /xca/xba /xca/xbb /xca/xbc /xca/xbd /xca/xbe /xca/xbf /xca/xc0 /xca/xc1 /xca/xc2 /xca/xc3 /xca/xc4 /xca/xc5 /xca/xc6 /xca/xc7 /xca/xc8 /xca/xc9 /xca/xca /xca/xcb /xca/xcc /xca/xcd /xca/xce /xca/xcf /xca/xd0 /xca/xd1 /xca/xd2 /xca/xd3 /xca/xd4 /xca/xd5 /xca/xd6 /xca/xd7 /xca/xd8 /xca/xd9 /xca/xda /xca/xdb /xca/xdc /xca/xdd /xca/xde /xca/xdf /xca/xe0 /xca/xe1 /xca/xe2 /xca/xe3 /xca/xe4 /xca/xe5 /xca/xe6 /xca/xe7 /xca/xe8 /xca/xe9 /xca/xea /xca/xeb /xca/xec /xca/xed /xca/xee /xca/xef /xca/xf0 /xca/xf1 /xca/xf2 /xca/xf3 /xca/xf4 /xca/xf5 /xca/xf6 /xca/xf7 /xca/xf8 /xca/xf9 /xca/xfa /xca/xfb /xca/xfc /xca/xfd /xca/xfe /xcb/x40 /xcb/x41 /xcb/x42 /xcb/x43 /xcb/x44 /xcb/x45 /xcb/x46 /xcb/x47 /xcb/x48 /xcb/x49 /xcb/x4a /xcb/x4b /xcb/x4c /xcb/x4d /xcb/x4e /xcb/x4f /xcb/x50 /xcb/x51 /xcb/x52 /xcb/x53 /xcb/x54 /xcb/x55 /xcb/x56 /xcb/x57 /xcb/x58 /xcb/x59 /xcb/x5a /xcb/x5b /xcb/x5c /xcb/x5d /xcb/x5e /xcb/x5f /xcb/x60 /xcb/x61 /xcb/x62 /xcb/x63 /xcb/x64 /xcb/x65 /xcb/x66 /xcb/x67 /xcb/x68 /xcb/x69 /xcb/x6a /xcb/x6b /xcb/x6c /xcb/x6d 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VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL /xf9/xe2 BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND LEFT /xf9/xe3 BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT /xf9/xe4 BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL /xf9/xe5 BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT /xf9/xe6 BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE /xf9/xe7 BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE /xf9/xe8 BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE %IRREVERSIBLE% /xf9/xe9 BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE %IRREVERSIBLE% /xf9/xea BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE %IRREVERSIBLE% /xf9/xeb BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE /xf9/xec BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE /xf9/xed BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE /xf9/xee BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND LEFT DOUBLE /xf9/xef BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE /xf9/xf0 BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE /xf9/xf1 BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE /xf9/xf2 BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE /xf9/xf3 BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE /xf9/xf4 BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE /xf9/xf5 BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE /xf9/xf6 BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND HORIZONTAL SINGLE /xf9/xf7 BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND LEFT SINGLE /xf9/xf8 BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL %IRREVERSIBLE% /xf9/xf9 BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL %IRREVERSIBLE% /xf9/xfa BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC DOWN AND RIGHT %IRREVERSIBLE% /xf9/xfb BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC DOWN AND LEFT %IRREVERSIBLE% /xf9/xfc BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND RIGHT %IRREVERSIBLE% /xf9/xfd BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND LEFT /xf9/xfe DARK SHADE END CHARMAP WIDTH ... 2 END WIDTH