Mike Frysinger 00277a3f81 localedata: CLDRv29: update LC_MESSAGES yes/no strings [BZ #15264] [BZ #16975]
The yes/no strings should be based on the dictionary words.  That means
they are capitalized based on the dictionary rather than position in the
sentence (e.g. the first word).
  bo_CN: nostr: changing མེན to མིན།
  bo_CN: yesstr: changing ཨིན to ཡིན།
  dz_BT: nostr: changing མེན to མེན་
  dz_BT: yesstr: changing ཨིན to ཨིན་
  en_CA: yesstr: changing Yes to yes
  en_CA: nostr: changing No to no
  en_US: yesstr: changing Yes to yes
  en_US: nostr: changing No to no
  es_ES: nostr: changing No to no
  es_ES: yesstr: changing Si to sí
  fi_FI: nostr: changing Ei to ei
  fi_FI: yesstr: changing Kyllä to kyllä
  ig_NG: yesstr: changing Ee to Eye
  ko_KR: nostr: changing 아니오 to 아니요
  ky_KG: nostr: changing Жок to жок
  ky_KG: yesstr: changing Ооба to ооба
  ms_MY: nostr: changing Tidak to tidak
  ms_MY: yesstr: changing Ya to ya
  te_IN: nostr: changing కాదు to వద్దు
  te_IN: yesstr: changing అవను to అవును
  ur_PK: nostr: changing نهيں to نہیں
  ur_PK: yesstr: changing بلكل to ہاں
  uz_UZ: nostr: changing Yo'q to yo‘q
  uz_UZ: yesstr: changing Ha to ha
  uz_UZ@cyrillic: nostr: changing Йўқ to йўқ
  uz_UZ@cyrillic: yesstr: changing Ҳа to ҳа
  wae_CH: nostr: changing Nei to nei
  wae_CH: yesstr: changing Ja to ja
  yo_NG: nostr: changing Bẹ́ẹ̀ kọ́ to Bẹ́ẹ̀kọ́
  yo_NG: yesstr: changing Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni to Bẹ́ẹ̀ni

Some of the translations were just wrong.
  el_GR: nostr: changing no to όχι
  el_GR: yesstr: changing yes to ναι
  km_KH: nostr: changing no:NO:n:N to ទេ​៖ n
  km_KH: yesstr: changing yes:YES:y:Y to បាទ/ចាស​៖ y
  ug_CN: nostr: changing No to ياق
  ug_CN: yesstr: changing Yes to ھەئە

Add missing translations for a number of locales:
  af_ZA: nostr: setting to nee
  af_ZA: yesstr: setting to ja
  am_ET: nostr: setting to አይ
  am_ET: yesstr: setting to አዎን
  ast_ES: nostr: setting to non
  ast_ES: yesstr: setting to sí
  be_BY: nostr: setting to не
  be_BY: yesstr: setting to так
  bem_ZM: nostr: setting to Awe
  bem_ZM: yesstr: setting to Ee
  bg_BG: nostr: setting to не
  bg_BG: yesstr: setting to да
  brx_IN: nostr: setting to नहीं
  brx_IN: yesstr: setting to हाँ
  bs_BA: nostr: setting to ne
  bs_BA: yesstr: setting to da
  ca_ES: nostr: setting to no
  ca_ES: yesstr: setting to sí
  da_DK: nostr: setting to nej
  da_DK: yesstr: setting to ja
  de_DE: nostr: setting to nein
  de_DE: yesstr: setting to ja
  en_DK: nostr: setting to yes
  en_DK: yesstr: setting to no
  et_EE: nostr: setting to ei
  et_EE: yesstr: setting to jah
  eu_ES: nostr: setting to ez
  eu_ES: yesstr: setting to bai
  fa_IR: nostr: setting to نه
  fa_IR: yesstr: setting to بله
  ff_SN: nostr: setting to Alaa
  ff_SN: yesstr: setting to Eey
  fo_FO: nostr: setting to nei
  fo_FO: yesstr: setting to já
  fr_BE: nostr: setting to non
  fr_BE: yesstr: setting to oui
  fr_CH: nostr: setting to non
  fr_CH: yesstr: setting to oui
  fr_FR: nostr: setting to non
  fr_FR: yesstr: setting to oui
  fr_LU: nostr: setting to non
  fr_LU: yesstr: setting to oui
  fur_IT: nostr: setting to no
  fur_IT: yesstr: setting to sì
  fy_DE: nostr: setting to nee
  fy_DE: yesstr: setting to ja
  ga_IE: nostr: setting to níl
  ga_IE: yesstr: setting to tá
  gd_GB: nostr: setting to chan eil
  gd_GB: yesstr: setting to tha
  gl_ES: nostr: setting to non
  gl_ES: yesstr: setting to si
  gu_IN: nostr: setting to નહીં
  gu_IN: yesstr: setting to હા
  he_IL: nostr: setting to לא
  he_IL: yesstr: setting to כן
  hi_IN: nostr: setting to नहीं
  hi_IN: yesstr: setting to हाँ
  hr_HR: nostr: setting to ne
  hr_HR: yesstr: setting to da
  hu_HU: nostr: setting to nem
  hu_HU: yesstr: setting to igen
  id_ID: nostr: setting to tidak
  id_ID: yesstr: setting to ya
  is_IS: nostr: setting to nei
  is_IS: yesstr: setting to já
  it_CH: nostr: setting to no
  it_CH: yesstr: setting to sì
  it_IT: nostr: setting to no
  it_IT: yesstr: setting to sì
  ka_GE: nostr: setting to არა
  ka_GE: yesstr: setting to კი
  kk_KZ: nostr: setting to жоқ
  kk_KZ: yesstr: setting to иә
  kl_GL: nostr: setting to naagga
  kl_GL: yesstr: setting to aap
  kn_IN: nostr: setting to ಇಲ್ಲ
  kn_IN: yesstr: setting to ಹೌದು
  ko_KR: yesstr: setting to 예
  lb_LU: nostr: setting to nee
  lb_LU: yesstr: setting to jo
  lg_UG: nostr: setting to Nedda
  lg_UG: yesstr: setting to Ye
  lt_LT: nostr: setting to ne
  lt_LT: yesstr: setting to taip
  lv_LV: nostr: setting to nē
  lv_LV: yesstr: setting to jā
  mg_MG: nostr: setting to Tsia
  mg_MG: yesstr: setting to Eny
  mn_MN: nostr: setting to үгүй
  mn_MN: yesstr: setting to тийм
  mr_IN: nostr: setting to नाहीःना
  mr_IN: yesstr: setting to होयःहो
  mt_MT: nostr: setting to le
  mt_MT: yesstr: setting to iva
  nb_NO: nostr: setting to nei
  nb_NO: yesstr: setting to ja
  ne_NP: nostr: setting to होइन
  ne_NP: yesstr: setting to हो
  nl_NL: nostr: setting to nee
  nl_NL: yesstr: setting to ja
  nn_NO: nostr: setting to nei
  nn_NO: yesstr: setting to ja
  or_IN: nostr: setting to ନା
  or_IN: yesstr: setting to ହଁ
  os_RU: nostr: setting to нӕйы
  os_RU: yesstr: setting to уойы
  pa_IN: nostr: setting to ਨਹੀਂ
  pa_IN: yesstr: setting to ਹਾਂ
  pl_PL: nostr: setting to nie
  pl_PL: yesstr: setting to tak
  pt_BR: nostr: setting to não
  pt_BR: yesstr: setting to sim
  pt_PT: nostr: setting to não
  pt_PT: yesstr: setting to sim
  ro_RO: nostr: setting to nu
  ro_RO: yesstr: setting to da
  ru_RU: nostr: setting to нет
  ru_RU: yesstr: setting to да
  ru_UA: nostr: setting to нет
  ru_UA: yesstr: setting to да
  se_NO: nostr: setting to ii
  se_NO: yesstr: setting to jo
  sl_SI: nostr: setting to ne
  sl_SI: yesstr: setting to da
  so_DJ: nostr: setting to maya
  so_DJ: yesstr: setting to haa
  so_SO: nostr: setting to maya
  so_SO: yesstr: setting to haa
  sq_AL: nostr: setting to jo
  sq_AL: yesstr: setting to po
  sr_RS@latin: nostr: setting to ne
  sr_RS@latin: yesstr: setting to da
  sr_RS: nostr: setting to не
  sr_RS: yesstr: setting to да
  sv_SE: nostr: setting to nej
  sv_SE: yesstr: setting to ja
  sw_KE: nostr: setting to Hapana
  sw_KE: yesstr: setting to Ndiyo
  yue_HK: nostr: setting to 唔係
  yue_HK: yesstr: setting to 係
  zu_ZA: nostr: setting to cha
  zu_ZA: yesstr: setting to yebo
2016-04-23 03:59:08 -04:00

166 lines
6.0 KiB

comment_char %
escape_char /
% This file is part of the GNU C Library and contains locale data.
% The Free Software Foundation does not claim any copyright interest
% in the locale data contained in this file. The foregoing does not
% affect the license of the GNU C Library as a whole. It does not
% exempt you from the conditions of the license if your use would
% otherwise be governed by that license.
% Charset: UTF-8
% Revision 1.1 created by Alastair McKinstry <>, 2000-06-12
% Revision 1.2 created by Michael Bauer <>, 2013-04-25
title "Scots Gaelic language locale for Great Britain"
source "Akerbeltz"
address "1/2, 47 Wilton Street, Glasgow G20 6RT, UK"
contact "Michael Bauer"
email ""
tel ""
language "Scottish Gaelic"
territory "United Kingdom"
revision "1.2"
date "2013-04-25"
category "i18n:2012";LC_IDENTIFICATION
category "i18n:2012";LC_CTYPE
category "i18n:2012";LC_COLLATE
category "i18n:2012";LC_TIME
category "i18n:2012";LC_NUMERIC
category "i18n:2012";LC_MONETARY
category "i18n:2012";LC_PAPER
category "i18n:2012";LC_MEASUREMENT
category "i18n:2012";LC_MESSAGES
category "i18n:2012";LC_NAME
category "i18n:2012";LC_ADDRESS
category "i18n:2012";LC_TELEPHONE
copy "i18n"
include "translit_combining";""
copy "iso14651_t1"
% Am Faoilleach, An Gearran, Am Màrt, An Giblean, An Cèitean, An t-Ògmhios, An t-Iuchar, An Lùnastal, An t-Sultain, An Dàmhair, An t-Samhain, An Dùbhlachd
mon "<U0041><U006D><U0020><U0046><U0061><U006F><U0069><U006C><U006C><U0065><U0061><U0063><U0068>";/
% Faoi, Gearr, Màrt, Gibl, Mhàrt, Ògmh, Iuch, Lùna, Sult, Dàmh, Samh, Dùbh
abmon "<U0046><U0061><U006F><U0069>";/
% DiDòmhnaich, DiLuain, DiMàirt, DiCiadain, DiarDaoin, DihAoine, DiSathairne
day "<U0044><U0069><U0044><U00F2><U006D><U0068><U006E><U0061><U0069><U0063><U0068>";/
% DiD, DiL, DiM, DiC, Dia, Dih, DiS
abday "<U0044><U0069><U0044>";/
% %a %d %b %Y %T %Z
d_t_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0064><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0059><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0020><U0025><U005A>"
% %d/%m/%y
d_fmt "<U0025><U0064><U002F><U0025><U006D><U002F><U0025><U0079>"
% %r
t_fmt "<U0025><U0072>"
% m, f
am_pm "<U006D>";/
t_fmt_ampm ""
week 7;19971130;4
first_weekday 2
copy "en_GB"
copy "en_GB"
copy "en_GB"
copy "en_GB"
yesexpr "<U005E><U005B><U002B><U0031><U0074><U0054><U0079><U0059><U005D>"
noexpr "<U005E><U005B><U002D><U0030><U0063><U0043><U006E><U004E><U005D>"
yesstr "<U0074><U0068><U0061>"
nostr "<U0063><U0068><U0061><U006E><U0020><U0065><U0069><U006C>"
copy "en_GB"
% %f%N%a%N%d%N%b%N%s %h %e %r%N%z %T%N%S%N%c%N
postal_fmt "<U0025><U0066><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0064><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0062><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0073><U0020><U0025><U0068><U0020><U0025><U0065><U0020><U0025><U0072><U0025><U004E><U0025><U007A><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0053><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0063><U0025><U004E>"
country_name "<U0041><U006E><U0020><U0052><U00EC><U006F><U0067><U0068><U0061><U0063><U0068><U0064><U0020><U0041><U006F><U006E><U0061><U0069><U0063><U0068><U0074><U0065>"
% GB
country_ab2 "<U0047><U0042>"
country_ab3 "<U0047><U0042><U0052>"
country_num 826
% GB
country_car "<U0047><U0042>"
country_isbn 0
% Gàidhlig
lang_name "<U0047><U00E0><U0069><U0064><U0068><U006C><U0069><U0067>"
% gd
lang_ab "<U0067><U0064>"
% gla
lang_term "<U0067><U006C><U0061>"
% gla
lang_lib "<U0067><U006C><U0061>"
copy "en_GB"