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STATUE : Resolved, 2005-02-15</div></div><br /><div class="issue-title">2) 'not' is a GCC keyword<br /></div><div><div class="issue-content">DISCUTION: GCC supports all C++ keywords that includes 'not', which is equivalent to '!' operator. So there is a problem with GLM because GLSL defines the 'not' function.</div><div class="issue-content">PROPOSITION: Overloading the '!' operator or the 'not' keyword we can partly resolve the problem but leaving as ignored the GLM namespace concept. If the source code contains 'glm:not' string, then GCC gives an error.</div><div class="issue-content">PROPOSITION: 'not' is a C++ keyword so GLM mustn't define a 'not' function. However, all the compilers don't support this keyword (VC7.1). Does this name has to be changed ? For now, it is recommended to avoid using 'not'.</div><br /><div class="issue-content">
STATUE : Partly resolved, 2005-03-03</div></div><br /><div class="issue-title">1) *vec* doesn't allow multiple components selection.<br /></div><div><div class="issue-content">DISCUTION: The GLSL specifications grant access to multiple components for vector types. i.e. with GLSL the following lines are correct : vec3 MyVector = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0).xyz.</div><div class="issue-content">DISCUTION: It seems difficult to create an equal feature in C++ because 'x', 'y', and 'z' according to the previous example can be sorted in any order and be repeated from zero to four to a max of four components.</div><br /><div class="issue-content">
STATUE : Unresolved, 2005-01-30</div></div><br /></div></td></tr></table><div class="title3">Copyright <20> 2005-2008 <a href="http://www.g-truc.net">G-Truc Creation</a></div></body></html> |