Add script to crank test shaders through spirv-val
This script will crank a supplied set of glslang test shaders through the
spirv-val tool, reporting on the results.
There are some important things to note:
* Like 'runtests', this must be invoked from the 'Test' subdirectory.
* This is mostly useful on the hlsl.* tests, although it is not strictly
limited to those. The reason is that most of the glsl tests either contain
validation error cases, and so fail to compile, or are not using a #version
compatible with producing SPIR-V modules.
* Some tests, such as negative tests, or most of the glsl tests, have
intentional compilation errors. This script treats that as OK. Failures
are successfully compiling shaders which proceed to fail spirv-val.
* spirv-val is looked for in either the External directory, or if not
found there, in a sibling directory of glslang, and if not found there
either, in /usr/local/bin.
* There are a bunch of command line options. ./ --help
will describe them.
Some examples to try:
./ hlsl.* # exercise all hlsl.* tests.
./ --terse hlsl.* # same, but tersely.
# dump validator results for problems in something.frag:
./ --quiet --dump-val something.frag
2017-10-19 18:09:56 +00:00
# This script validates shaders (if successfully compiled) using spirv-val.
# It is not meant to preclude the possible addition of the validator to
# glslang.
declare -r EXE='../build/install/bin/glslangValidator'
# search common locations for spirv-tools: keep first one
2018-04-23 21:17:21 +00:00
for toolsdir in '../External/spirv-tools/build/tools' '../../SPIRV-Tools/build/tools/bin' '/usr/local/bin'; do
Add script to crank test shaders through spirv-val
This script will crank a supplied set of glslang test shaders through the
spirv-val tool, reporting on the results.
There are some important things to note:
* Like 'runtests', this must be invoked from the 'Test' subdirectory.
* This is mostly useful on the hlsl.* tests, although it is not strictly
limited to those. The reason is that most of the glsl tests either contain
validation error cases, and so fail to compile, or are not using a #version
compatible with producing SPIR-V modules.
* Some tests, such as negative tests, or most of the glsl tests, have
intentional compilation errors. This script treats that as OK. Failures
are successfully compiling shaders which proceed to fail spirv-val.
* spirv-val is looked for in either the External directory, or if not
found there, in a sibling directory of glslang, and if not found there
either, in /usr/local/bin.
* There are a bunch of command line options. ./ --help
will describe them.
Some examples to try:
./ hlsl.* # exercise all hlsl.* tests.
./ --terse hlsl.* # same, but tersely.
# dump validator results for problems in something.frag:
./ --quiet --dump-val something.frag
2017-10-19 18:09:56 +00:00
[[ -z "$VAL" && -x "${toolsdir}/spirv-val" ]] && declare -r VAL="${toolsdir}/spirv-val"
[[ -z "$DIS" && -x "${toolsdir}/spirv-dis" ]] && declare -r DIS="${toolsdir}/spirv-dis"
declare -r gtests='../gtests/Hlsl.FromFile.cpp ../gtests/Spv.FromFile.cpp'
declare -r targetenv='vulkan1.0'
function fatal() { echo "ERROR: $@"; exit 5; }
function usage
echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [options...] shaders..."
echo " Validates shaders (if successfully compiled) through spirv-val."
echo "General options:"
echo " --help prints this text"
echo " --no-color disables output colorization"
echo " --dump-asm dumps all successfully compiled shader assemblies"
echo " --dump-val dumps all validation results"
echo " --dump-comp dumps all compilation logs"
echo "Spam reduction options:"
echo " --no-summary disables result summaries"
echo " --skip-ok do not print successful validations"
echo " --skip-comperr do not print compilation errors"
echo " --skip-valerr do not print validation errors"
echo " --quiet synonym for --skip-ok --skip-comperr --skip-valerr --no-summary"
echo " --terse print terse single line progress summary"
echo "Disassembly options:"
echo " --raw-id uses raw ids for disassembly"
echo "Usage examples. Note most non-hlsl tests fail to compile for expected reasons."
echo " Exercise all hlsl.* files:"
echo " $(basename $0) hlsl.*"
echo " Exercise all hlsl.* files, tersely:"
echo " $(basename $0) --terse hlsl.*"
echo " Print validator output for myfile.frag:"
echo " $(basename $0) --quiet --dump-val myfile.frag"
echo " Exercise hlsl.* files, only printing validation errors:"
echo " $(basename $0) --skip-ok --skip-comperr hlsl.*"
exit 5
function status()
printf "%-40s: %b\n" "$1" "$2"
# make sure we can find glslang
[[ -x "$EXE" ]] || fatal "Unable to locate $(basename "$EXE") executable"
[[ -x "$VAL" ]] || fatal "Unable to locate spirv-val executable"
[[ -x "$DIS" ]] || fatal "Unable to locate spirv-dis executable"
for gtest in $gtests; do
[[ -r "$gtest" ]] || fatal "Unable to locate source file: $(basename $gtest)"
# temp files
declare -r spvfile='out.spv' \
complog='comp.out' \
vallog='val.out' \
dislog='dis.out' \
# options
declare opt_vallog=false \
opt_complog=false \
opt_dislog=false \
opt_summary=true \
opt_stat_comperr=true \
opt_stat_ok=true \
opt_stat_valerr=true \
opt_color=true \
opt_raw_id=false \
opt_quiet=false \
# clean up on exit
trap "rm -f ${spvfile} ${complog} ${vallog} ${dislog}" EXIT
# Language guesser: there is no fixed mapping from filenames to language,
# so this examines the file and return one of:
# hlsl
# glsl
# bin
# unknown
# This is easier WRT future expansion than a big explicit list.
function FindLanguage()
local test="$1"
# If it starts with hlsl, assume it's hlsl.
if [[ "$test" == *hlsl.* ]]; then
echo hlsl
if [[ "$test" == *.spv ]]; then
echo bin
# If it doesn't start with spv., assume it's GLSL.
if [[ ! "$test" == spv.* && ! "$test" == remap.* ]]; then
echo glsl
# Otherwise, attempt to guess from shader contents, since there's no
# fixed mapping of filenames to languages.
local contents="$(cat "$test")"
if [[ "$contents" == *#version* ]]; then
echo glsl
if [[ "$contents" == *SamplerState* ||
"$contents" == *cbuffer* ||
"$contents" == *SV_* ]]; then
echo hlsl
echo unknown
# Attempt to discover entry point
function FindEntryPoint()
local test="$1"
# if it's not hlsl, always use main
if [[ "$language" != 'hlsl' ]]; then
echo 'main'
# Try to find it in test sources
awk -F '[ (){",]+' -e "\$2 == \"${test}\" { print \$3; found=1; } END { if (found==0) print \"main\"; } " $gtests
# command line options
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
case "$1" in
# -c) glslang="$2"; shift 2;;
--help|-?) usage;;
--no-color) opt_color=false; shift;;
--no-summary) opt_summary=false; shift;;
--skip-ok) opt_stat_ok=false; shift;;
--skip-comperr) opt_stat_comperr=false; shift;;
--skip-valerr) opt_stat_valerr=false; shift;;
--dump-asm) opt_dislog=true; shift;;
--dump-val) opt_vallog=true; shift;;
--dump-comp) opt_complog=true; shift;;
--raw-id) opt_raw_id=true; shift;;
--quiet) opt_quiet=true; shift;;
--terse) opt_quiet=true
--*) fatal "Unknown command line option: $1";;
*) break;;
# this is what quiet means
if $opt_quiet; then
$opt_terse || opt_summary=false
if $opt_color; then
declare -r white="\e[1;37m" cyan="\e[1;36m" red="\e[0;31m" no_color="\e[0m"
declare -r white="" cyan="" red="" no_color=""
# stats
declare -i count_ok=0 count_err=0 count_nocomp=0 count_total=0
declare -r dashsep='------------------------------------------------------------------------'
# if no shaders given, look for everything in current directory
[[ ${#testfiles[*]} == 0 ]] && testfiles=(*.frag *.vert *.tesc *.tese *.geom *.comp)
$opt_summary && printf "\nValidating: ${#testfiles[*]} shaders\n\n"
# Loop through the shaders we were given, compiling them if we can.
for test in ${testfiles[*]}
if [[ ! -r "$test" ]]; then
$opt_quiet || status "$test" "${red}FILE NOT FOUND${no_color}"
$opt_terse && printf "\r[%-3d/%-3d : ${white}comperr=%-3d ${red}valerr=%-3d ${cyan}ok=%-3d${no_color}]" \
${count_total} ${#testfiles[*]} ${count_nocomp} ${count_err} ${count_ok}
language="$(FindLanguage $test)"
entry="$(FindEntryPoint $test)"
case "$language" in
hlsl) langops='-D --hlsl-iomap --hlsl-offsets';;
glsl) ;;
bin) continue;; # skip binaries
*) $opt_quiet || status "$test" "${red}UNKNOWN LANGUAGE${no_color}"; continue;;
# compile the test file
if compout=$("$EXE" -e "$entry" $langops -V -o "$spvfile" "$test" 2>&1)
# successful compilation: validate
if valout=$("$VAL" --target-env ${targetenv} "$spvfile" 2>&1)
# validated OK
$opt_stat_ok && status "$test" "${cyan}OK${no_color}"
# validation failure
$opt_stat_valerr && status "$test" "${red}VAL ERROR${no_color}"
printf "%s\n%s:\n%s\n" "$dashsep" "$test" "$valout" >> "$vallog"
if $opt_dislog; then
printf "%s\n%s:\n" "$dashsep" "$test" >> "$dislog"
$opt_raw_id && id_opt=--raw-id
"$DIS" ${id_opt} "$spvfile" >> "$dislog"
# compile failure
$opt_stat_comperr && status "$test" "${white}COMP ERROR${no_color}"
printf "%s\n%s\n" "$dashsep" "$compout" >> "$complog"
$opt_terse && echo
# summarize
$opt_summary && printf "\nSummary: ${white}${count_nocomp} compile errors${no_color}, ${red}${count_err} validation errors${no_color}, ${cyan}${count_ok} successes${no_color}\n"
# dump logs
$opt_vallog && [[ -r $vallog ]] && cat "$vallog"
$opt_complog && [[ -r $complog ]] && cat "$complog"
$opt_dislog && [[ -r $dislog ]] && cat "$dislog"
# exit code
[[ ${count_err} -gt 0 ]] && exit 1
exit 0