SPV: RelaxedPrecision: use the result precision for texture sampling.

Fix #2298.

The AST has two precisions, an operation precision and a result precision.
Actual use of GLSL with mediump samplers wants the result precision, so
pick that up instead of the operation precision.
This commit is contained in:
John Kessenich 2020-06-30 07:52:05 -06:00
parent 90f1d6ab58
commit 12c155f303
5 changed files with 147 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -4730,7 +4730,7 @@ spv::Id TGlslangToSpvTraverser::createImageTextureFunctionCall(glslang::TIntermO
translateArguments(*node->getAsAggregate(), arguments, lvalueCoherentFlags);
translateArguments(*node->getAsUnaryNode(), arguments);
spv::Decoration precision = TranslatePrecisionDecoration(node->getOperationPrecision());
spv::Decoration precision = TranslatePrecisionDecoration(node->getType());
spv::Builder::TextureParameters params = { };
params.sampler = arguments[0];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// Module Version 10000
// Generated by (magic number): 8000a
// Id's are bound by 66
Capability Shader
1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
EntryPoint Fragment 4 "main" 16 57 65
ExecutionMode 4 OriginUpperLeft
Source ESSL 310
Name 4 "main"
Name 9 "v"
Name 13 "texM"
Name 16 "vertex"
Name 21 "texH"
Name 52 "imageM"
Name 57 "coord"
Name 60 "imageH"
Name 65 "fragColor"
Decorate 9(v) RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 13(texM) RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 13(texM) DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 13(texM) Binding 0
Decorate 14 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 16(vertex) Location 0
Decorate 20 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 21(texH) DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 21(texH) Binding 1
Decorate 26 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 34 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 41 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 45 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 52(imageM) RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 52(imageM) DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 52(imageM) Binding 0
Decorate 52(imageM) NonWritable
Decorate 53 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 57(coord) Flat
Decorate 57(coord) Location 1
Decorate 59 RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 60(imageH) DescriptorSet 0
Decorate 60(imageH) Binding 1
Decorate 60(imageH) NonWritable
Decorate 65(fragColor) RelaxedPrecision
Decorate 65(fragColor) Location 0
2: TypeVoid
3: TypeFunction 2
6: TypeFloat 32
7: TypeVector 6(float) 4
8: TypePointer Function 7(fvec4)
10: TypeImage 6(float) 2D sampled format:Unknown
11: TypeSampledImage 10
12: TypePointer UniformConstant 11
13(texM): 12(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
15: TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
16(vertex): 15(ptr) Variable Input
17: TypeVector 6(float) 2
21(texH): 12(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
29: TypeInt 32 0
30: 29(int) Constant 2
31: TypePointer Input 6(float)
42: TypeVector 6(float) 3
50: TypeImage 6(float) 2D nonsampled format:Rgba32f
51: TypePointer UniformConstant 50
52(imageM): 51(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
54: TypeInt 32 1
55: TypeVector 54(int) 2
56: TypePointer Input 55(ivec2)
57(coord): 56(ptr) Variable Input
60(imageH): 51(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
64: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
65(fragColor): 64(ptr) Variable Output
4(main): 2 Function None 3
5: Label
9(v): 8(ptr) Variable Function
14: 11 Load 13(texM)
18: 7(fvec4) Load 16(vertex)
19: 17(fvec2) VectorShuffle 18 18 0 1
20: 7(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 14 19
Store 9(v) 20
22: 11 Load 21(texH)
23: 7(fvec4) Load 16(vertex)
24: 17(fvec2) VectorShuffle 23 23 0 1
25: 7(fvec4) ImageSampleImplicitLod 22 24
Store 9(v) 25
26: 11 Load 13(texM)
27: 7(fvec4) Load 16(vertex)
28: 17(fvec2) VectorShuffle 27 27 0 1
32: 31(ptr) AccessChain 16(vertex) 30
33: 6(float) Load 32
34: 7(fvec4) ImageSampleExplicitLod 26 28 Lod 33
Store 9(v) 34
35: 11 Load 21(texH)
36: 7(fvec4) Load 16(vertex)
37: 17(fvec2) VectorShuffle 36 36 0 1
38: 31(ptr) AccessChain 16(vertex) 30
39: 6(float) Load 38
40: 7(fvec4) ImageSampleExplicitLod 35 37 Lod 39
Store 9(v) 40
41: 11 Load 13(texM)
43: 7(fvec4) Load 16(vertex)
44: 42(fvec3) VectorShuffle 43 43 0 1 2
45: 7(fvec4) ImageSampleProjImplicitLod 41 44
Store 9(v) 45
46: 11 Load 21(texH)
47: 7(fvec4) Load 16(vertex)
48: 42(fvec3) VectorShuffle 47 47 0 1 2
49: 7(fvec4) ImageSampleProjImplicitLod 46 48
Store 9(v) 49
53: 50 Load 52(imageM)
58: 55(ivec2) Load 57(coord)
59: 7(fvec4) ImageRead 53 58
Store 9(v) 59
61: 50 Load 60(imageH)
62: 55(ivec2) Load 57(coord)
63: 7(fvec4) ImageRead 61 62
Store 9(v) 63

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#version 310 es
precision mediump float;
precision mediump int;
layout(binding = 0) uniform mediump sampler2D texM;
layout(binding = 1) uniform highp sampler2D texH;
layout(binding = 0, rgba32f) uniform readonly mediump image2D imageM;
layout(binding = 1, rgba32f) uniform readonly highp image2D imageH;
layout(location = 0) in highp vec4 vertex;
layout(location = 1) flat in highp ivec2 coord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
void main()
vec4 v;
v = texture(texM, vertex.xy);
v = texture(texH, vertex.xy);
v = textureLod(texM, vertex.xy, vertex.z);
v = textureLod(texH, vertex.xy, vertex.z);
v = textureProj(texM, vertex.xyz);
v = textureProj(texH, vertex.xyz);
v = imageLoad(imageM, coord);
v = imageLoad(imageH, coord);

View File

@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@ TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleBuiltInFunctionCall(TSourceLoc loc, TIntermNo
TIntermTyped *result = intermediate.addBuiltInFunctionCall(loc, function.getBuiltInOp(),
function.getParamCount() == 1,
arguments, function.getType());
if (obeyPrecisionQualifiers())
if (result != nullptr && obeyPrecisionQualifiers())
computeBuiltinPrecisions(*result, function);
if (result == nullptr) {

View File

@ -377,6 +377,7 @@ INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(