Merge pull request #220 from Qining/fix-built-in-spec-constants

Handle built-in constants redeclared with a specialization constant id.
This commit is contained in:
John Kessenich 2016-04-04 15:43:58 -06:00
commit aa0298bfde
4 changed files with 140 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -3744,6 +3744,7 @@ spv::Id TGlslangToSpvTraverser::createSpvConstant(const glslang::TIntermTyped& n
// Handle front-end constants first (non-specialization constants).
if (! node.getQualifier().specConstant) {
// hand off to the non-spec-constant path
assert(node.getAsConstantUnion() != nullptr || node.getAsSymbolNode() != nullptr);
@ -3754,31 +3755,35 @@ spv::Id TGlslangToSpvTraverser::createSpvConstant(const glslang::TIntermTyped& n
// We now know we have a specialization constant to build
if (node.getAsSymbolNode() && node.getQualifier().hasSpecConstantId()) {
// this is a direct literal assigned to a layout(constant_id=) declaration
int nextConst = 0;
return createSpvConstantFromConstUnionArray(node.getType(), node.getAsConstantUnion() ? node.getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray() : node.getAsSymbolNode()->getConstArray(),
nextConst, true);
} else {
// gl_WorkgroupSize is a special case until the front-end handles hierarchical specialization constants,
// even then, it's specialization ids are handled by special case syntax in GLSL: layout(local_size_x = ...
if (node.getType().getQualifier().builtIn == glslang::EbvWorkGroupSize) {
std::vector<spv::Id> dimConstId;
for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim) {
bool specConst = (glslangIntermediate->getLocalSizeSpecId(dim) != glslang::TQualifier::layoutNotSet);
dimConstId.push_back(builder.makeUintConstant(glslangIntermediate->getLocalSize(dim), specConst));
if (specConst)
addDecoration(dimConstId.back(), spv::DecorationSpecId, glslangIntermediate->getLocalSizeSpecId(dim));
return builder.makeCompositeConstant(builder.makeVectorType(builder.makeUintType(32), 3), dimConstId, true);
} else if (auto* sn = node.getAsSymbolNode()){
return createSpvConstantFromConstSubTree(sn->getConstSubtree());
} else {
spv::MissingFunctionality("Neither a front-end constant nor a spec constant.");
return spv::NoResult;
// gl_WorkgroupSize is a special case until the front-end handles hierarchical specialization constants,
// even then, it's specialization ids are handled by special case syntax in GLSL: layout(local_size_x = ...
if (node.getType().getQualifier().builtIn == glslang::EbvWorkGroupSize) {
std::vector<spv::Id> dimConstId;
for (int dim = 0; dim < 3; ++dim) {
bool specConst = (glslangIntermediate->getLocalSizeSpecId(dim) != glslang::TQualifier::layoutNotSet);
dimConstId.push_back(builder.makeUintConstant(glslangIntermediate->getLocalSize(dim), specConst));
if (specConst)
addDecoration(dimConstId.back(), spv::DecorationSpecId, glslangIntermediate->getLocalSizeSpecId(dim));
return builder.makeCompositeConstant(builder.makeVectorType(builder.makeUintType(32), 3), dimConstId, true);
// An AST node labelled as specialization constant should be a symbol node.
// Its initializer should either be a sub tree with constant nodes, or a constant union array.
if (auto* sn = node.getAsSymbolNode()) {
if (auto* sub_tree = sn->getConstSubtree()) {
return createSpvConstantFromConstSubTree(sub_tree);
} else if (auto* const_union_array = &sn->getConstArray()){
int nextConst = 0;
return createSpvConstantFromConstUnionArray(sn->getType(), *const_union_array, nextConst, true);
// Neither a front-end constant node, nor a specialization constant node with constant union array or
// constant sub tree as initializer.
spv::MissingFunctionality("Neither a front-end constant nor a spec constant.");
return spv::NoResult;
// Use 'consts' as the flattened glslang source of scalar constants to recursively

View File

@ -7,32 +7,35 @@ Linked vertex stage:
// Module Version 10000
// Generated by (magic number): 80001
// Id's are bound by 72
// Id's are bound by 81
Capability Shader
Capability Float64
1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
EntryPoint Vertex 4 "main" 17 19 25 50
EntryPoint Vertex 4 "main" 20 22 28 53
Source GLSL 400
Name 4 "main"
Name 14 "foo(vf4[s1498];"
Name 13 "p"
Name 17 "color"
Name 19 "ucol"
Name 25 "size"
Name 44 "param"
Name 50 "dupUcol"
Name 17 "builtin_spec_constant("
Name 20 "color"
Name 22 "ucol"
Name 28 "size"
Name 47 "param"
Name 53 "dupUcol"
Name 76 "result"
Decorate 9 SpecId 16
Decorate 27 SpecId 17
Decorate 31 SpecId 22
Decorate 36 SpecId 19
Decorate 37 SpecId 18
Decorate 47 SpecId 116
Decorate 57 SpecId 117
Decorate 60 SpecId 122
Decorate 64 SpecId 119
Decorate 65 SpecId 118
Decorate 30 SpecId 17
Decorate 34 SpecId 22
Decorate 39 SpecId 19
Decorate 40 SpecId 18
Decorate 50 SpecId 116
Decorate 60 SpecId 117
Decorate 63 SpecId 122
Decorate 67 SpecId 119
Decorate 68 SpecId 118
Decorate 77 SpecId 24
2: TypeVoid
3: TypeFunction 2
6: TypeFloat 32
@ -42,83 +45,93 @@ Linked vertex stage:
10: TypeArray 7(fvec4) 9
11: TypePointer Function 10
12: TypeFunction 2 11(ptr)
16: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
17(color): 16(ptr) Variable Output
18: TypePointer Input 10
19(ucol): 18(ptr) Variable Input
20: 8(int) Constant 2
21: TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
24: TypePointer Output 8(int)
25(size): 24(ptr) Variable Output
26: TypeBool
27: 26(bool) SpecConstantTrue
30: TypeInt 32 0
31: 30(int) SpecConstant 2
35: TypeFloat 64
36: 35(float) SpecConstant 1413754136 1074340347
37: 6(float) SpecConstant 1078523331
47: 8(int) SpecConstant 12
48: TypeArray 7(fvec4) 47
49: TypePointer Input 48
50(dupUcol): 49(ptr) Variable Input
57: 26(bool) SpecConstantTrue
60: 30(int) SpecConstant 2
64: 35(float) SpecConstant 1413754136 1074340347
65: 6(float) SpecConstant 1078523331
16: TypeFunction 8(int)
19: TypePointer Output 7(fvec4)
20(color): 19(ptr) Variable Output
21: TypePointer Input 10
22(ucol): 21(ptr) Variable Input
23: 8(int) Constant 2
24: TypePointer Input 7(fvec4)
27: TypePointer Output 8(int)
28(size): 27(ptr) Variable Output
29: TypeBool
30: 29(bool) SpecConstantTrue
33: TypeInt 32 0
34: 33(int) SpecConstant 2
38: TypeFloat 64
39: 38(float) SpecConstant 1413754136 1074340347
40: 6(float) SpecConstant 1078523331
50: 8(int) SpecConstant 12
51: TypeArray 7(fvec4) 50
52: TypePointer Input 51
53(dupUcol): 52(ptr) Variable Input
60: 29(bool) SpecConstantTrue
63: 33(int) SpecConstant 2
67: 38(float) SpecConstant 1413754136 1074340347
68: 6(float) SpecConstant 1078523331
75: TypePointer Function 8(int)
77: 8(int) SpecConstant 8
4(main): 2 Function None 3
5: Label
44(param): 11(ptr) Variable Function
22: 21(ptr) AccessChain 19(ucol) 20
23: 7(fvec4) Load 22
Store 17(color) 23
Store 25(size) 9
SelectionMerge 29 None
BranchConditional 27 28 29
28: Label
32: 6(float) ConvertUToF 31
33: 7(fvec4) Load 17(color)
34: 7(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 33 32
Store 17(color) 34
Branch 29
29: Label
38: 35(float) FConvert 37
39: 35(float) FDiv 36 38
40: 6(float) FConvert 39
41: 7(fvec4) Load 17(color)
42: 7(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 40 40 40 40
43: 7(fvec4) FAdd 41 42
Store 17(color) 43
45: 10 Load 19(ucol)
Store 44(param) 45
46: 2 FunctionCall 14(foo(vf4[s1498];) 44(param)
47(param): 11(ptr) Variable Function
25: 24(ptr) AccessChain 22(ucol) 23
26: 7(fvec4) Load 25
Store 20(color) 26
Store 28(size) 9
SelectionMerge 32 None
BranchConditional 30 31 32
31: Label
35: 6(float) ConvertUToF 34
36: 7(fvec4) Load 20(color)
37: 7(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 36 35
Store 20(color) 37
Branch 32
32: Label
41: 38(float) FConvert 40
42: 38(float) FDiv 39 41
43: 6(float) FConvert 42
44: 7(fvec4) Load 20(color)
45: 7(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 43 43 43 43
46: 7(fvec4) FAdd 44 45
Store 20(color) 46
48: 10 Load 22(ucol)
Store 47(param) 48
49: 2 FunctionCall 14(foo(vf4[s1498];) 47(param)
14(foo(vf4[s1498];): 2 Function None 12
13(p): 11(ptr) FunctionParameter
15: Label
51: 21(ptr) AccessChain 50(dupUcol) 20
52: 7(fvec4) Load 51
53: 7(fvec4) Load 17(color)
54: 7(fvec4) FAdd 53 52
Store 17(color) 54
55: 8(int) Load 25(size)
56: 8(int) IAdd 55 47
Store 25(size) 56
SelectionMerge 59 None
BranchConditional 57 58 59
58: Label
61: 6(float) ConvertUToF 60
62: 7(fvec4) Load 17(color)
63: 7(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 62 61
Store 17(color) 63
Branch 59
59: Label
66: 35(float) FConvert 65
67: 35(float) FDiv 64 66
68: 6(float) FConvert 67
69: 7(fvec4) Load 17(color)
70: 7(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 68 68 68 68
71: 7(fvec4) FAdd 69 70
Store 17(color) 71
54: 24(ptr) AccessChain 53(dupUcol) 23
55: 7(fvec4) Load 54
56: 7(fvec4) Load 20(color)
57: 7(fvec4) FAdd 56 55
Store 20(color) 57
58: 8(int) Load 28(size)
59: 8(int) IAdd 58 50
Store 28(size) 59
SelectionMerge 62 None
BranchConditional 60 61 62
61: Label
64: 6(float) ConvertUToF 63
65: 7(fvec4) Load 20(color)
66: 7(fvec4) VectorTimesScalar 65 64
Store 20(color) 66
Branch 62
62: Label
69: 38(float) FConvert 68
70: 38(float) FDiv 67 69
71: 6(float) FConvert 70
72: 7(fvec4) Load 20(color)
73: 7(fvec4) CompositeConstruct 71 71 71 71
74: 7(fvec4) FAdd 72 73
Store 20(color) 74
17(builtin_spec_constant(): 8(int) Function None 16
18: Label
76(result): 75(ptr) Variable Function
Store 76(result) 77
78: 8(int) Load 76(result)
ReturnValue 78

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ layout(constant_id = 18) const float spFloat = 3.14;
layout(constant_id = 19) const double spDouble = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
layout(constant_id = 22) const uint scale = 2;
layout(constant_id = 24) gl_MaxImageUnits;
out vec4 color;
out int size;
@ -41,3 +43,9 @@ void foo(vec4 p[arraySize])
color *= dupScale;
color += float(spDupDouble / spDupFloat);
int builtin_spec_constant()
int result = gl_MaxImageUnits;
return result;

View File

@ -5714,6 +5714,10 @@ void TParseContext::addQualifierToExisting(const TSourceLoc& loc, TQualifier qua
error(loc, "cannot change qualification after use", "invariant", "");
symbol->getWritableType().getQualifier().invariant = true;
invariantCheck(loc, symbol->getType().getQualifier());
} else if (qualifier.specConstant) {
if (qualifier.hasSpecConstantId())
symbol->getWritableType().getQualifier().layoutSpecConstantId = qualifier.layoutSpecConstantId;
} else
warn(loc, "unknown requalification", "", "");