Miscellaneous ES 3.1 semantics, and identification of all missing features.

git-svn-id: https://cvs.khronos.org/svn/repos/ogl/trunk/ecosystem/public/sdk/tools/glslang@27732 e7fa87d3-cd2b-0410-9028-fcbf551c1848
This commit is contained in:
John Kessenich 2014-08-14 07:07:21 +00:00
parent f014740066
commit b3007519fc
11 changed files with 210 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -147,5 +147,8 @@ void foo324(void)
uniform mediump; // ERROR
layout(early_fragment_tests) in; // ERROR
float imageBuffer; // ERROR, reserved
float uimage2DRect; // ERROR, reserved

View File

@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ void main()
q[1] = pos;
layout(location = 40) out float ca[4];
layout(location = 41) out float cb[2]; // ERROR, overlap
layout(location = 39) out float cc[6]; // ERROR, overlap
layout(location = 40) out float ca[4]; // ERROR, overlap, ERROR too big
layout(location = 41) out float cb[2]; // ERROR, overlap, ERROR too big
layout(location = 39) out float cc[6]; // ERROR, overlap, ERROR too big

View File

@ -161,3 +161,14 @@ void atoms()
origi = atomicExchange(atomi, 4);
origu = atomicCompSwap(atomu, 10u, 8u);
precision highp atomic_uint;
precision lowp atomic_uint; // ERROR
precise int pfoo; // ERROR, reserved
dmat2x4 dm; // ERROR
uniform samplerCubeArray sca; // ERROR
uniform iimage2DRect i2dr; // ERROR
uniform image2DMS i2dms; // ERROR
uniform uimage2DMSArray u2dmsa; // ERROR

View File

@ -68,3 +68,38 @@ layout(binding = 1) uniform bb {
int foo;
layout(binding = 2) float f; // ERROR
} bbi;
in centroid vec4 centroidIn;
layout(location = 200000) uniform vec4 bigl; // ERROR, location too big
layout(early_fragment_tests) in;
layout(location = 40) out vec4 bigout1; // ERROR, too big
layout(location = 40) out vec4 bigout2; // ERROR, overlap
layout(location = -2) out vec4 neg; // ERROR, negative
layout(std430) uniform b430 {
int i;
} b430i;
layout(shared) uniform bshar {
int i;
} bshari;
in smooth vec4 smoothIn;
in flat int flatIn;
uniform sampler2DMS s2dms;
void foots()
highp ivec2 v2 = textureSize(s1, 2);
highp ivec3 v3 = textureSize(isamp2DA, 3);
v2 = textureSize(s2dms);
v2 = imageSize(i2D);
out bool bout; // ERROR
out image2D imageOut; // ERROR
out mat2x3 mout; // ERROR

View File

@ -34,12 +34,14 @@ ERROR: 0:123: '==' : can't use with samplers or structs containing samplers
ERROR: 0:129: 'texel offset' : value is out of range: [gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]
ERROR: 0:129: 'texel offset' : value is out of range: [gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]
ERROR: 0:148: 'qualifier' : cannot use auxiliary, memory, interpolation, or precision qualifier in a default qualifier declaration (declaration with no type)
ERROR: 0:150: 'imageBuffer' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:150: '' : syntax error
ERROR: 37 compilation errors. No code generated.
ERROR: 0:150: 'early_fragment_tests' : not supported for this version or the enabled extensions
ERROR: 0:152: 'imageBuffer' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:152: '' : syntax error
ERROR: 38 compilation errors. No code generated.
Shader version: 300
using early_fragment_tests
ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:53 Function Definition: main( (void)
0:53 Function Parameters:
@ -394,6 +396,7 @@ Linked fragment stage:
ERROR: Linking fragment stage: when more than one fragment shader output, all must have location qualifiers
Shader version: 300
using early_fragment_tests
ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:53 Function Definition: main( (void)
0:53 Function Parameters:

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
ERROR: 0:4: 'location qualifier on input' : not supported in this stage: fragment
ERROR: 0:4: 'location qualifier on input' : not supported for this version or the enabled extensions
ERROR: 0:17: 'location' : too large for fragment output
ERROR: 0:18: 'location' : too large for fragment output
ERROR: 0:18: 'location' : overlapping use of location 41
ERROR: 0:19: 'location' : too large for fragment output
ERROR: 0:19: 'location' : overlapping use of location 40
ERROR: 4 compilation errors. No code generated.
ERROR: 7 compilation errors. No code generated.
Shader version: 300

View File

@ -42,7 +42,21 @@ ERROR: 0:141: 'atomic_uint' : atomic counters can only be highp
ERROR: 0:141: 'binding' : cannot be greater-than-or-equal to gl_MaxAtomicCounterBindings
ERROR: 0:143: 'binding' : cannot be greater-than-or-equal to gl_MaxAtomicCounterBindings
ERROR: 0:149: '[]' : scalar integer expression required
ERROR: 42 compilation errors. No code generated.
ERROR: 0:166: 'precision' : can only apply highp to atomic_uint
ERROR: 0:168: 'precise' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:170: 'dmat2x4' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:170: 'double matrix' : not supported with this profile: es
ERROR: 0:171: 'samplerCubeArray' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:171: 'sampler/image' : type requires declaration of default precision qualifier
ERROR: 0:172: 'iimage2DRect' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:172: 'sampler/image' : type requires declaration of default precision qualifier
ERROR: 0:172: '' : image variables not declared 'writeonly' must have a format layout qualifier
ERROR: 0:173: 'image2DMS' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:173: '' : image variables not declared 'writeonly' must have a format layout qualifier
ERROR: 0:174: 'uimage2DMSArray' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:174: 'sampler/image' : type requires declaration of default precision qualifier
ERROR: 0:174: '' : image variables not declared 'writeonly' must have a format layout qualifier
ERROR: 56 compilation errors. No code generated.
Shader version: 310
@ -262,6 +276,12 @@ ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:? 'i' (uniform highp int)
0:? 'atomi' (shared highp int)
0:? 'atomu' (shared highp uint)
0:? 'pfoo' (highp int)
0:? 'dm' (2X4 matrix of double)
0:? 'sca' (uniform mediump samplerCubeArray)
0:? 'i2dr' (uniform mediump iimage2DRect)
0:? 'i2dms' (uniform lowp image2DMS)
0:? 'u2dmsa' (uniform mediump uimage2DMSArray)
Linked compute stage:
@ -484,4 +504,10 @@ ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:? 'i' (uniform highp int)
0:? 'atomi' (shared highp int)
0:? 'atomu' (shared highp uint)
0:? 'pfoo' (highp int)
0:? 'dm' (2X4 matrix of double)
0:? 'sca' (uniform mediump samplerCubeArray)
0:? 'i2dr' (uniform mediump iimage2DRect)
0:? 'i2dms' (uniform lowp image2DMS)
0:? 'u2dmsa' (uniform mediump uimage2DMSArray)

View File

@ -17,10 +17,25 @@ ERROR: 0:44: 'texel offset' : value is out of range: [gl_MinProgramTexelOffset,
ERROR: 0:45: 'texel offset' : value is out of range: [gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]
ERROR: 0:45: 'texel offset' : value is out of range: [gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]
ERROR: 0:69: 'binding' : requires block, or sampler/image, or atomic-counter type
ERROR: 17 compilation errors. No code generated.
ERROR: 0:73: 'location' : location is too large
ERROR: 0:77: 'location' : too large for fragment output
ERROR: 0:78: 'location' : too large for fragment output
ERROR: 0:78: 'location' : overlapping use of location 40
ERROR: 0:79: 'non-literal layout-id value' : not supported with this profile: es
ERROR: 0:79: 'layout-id value' : cannot be negative
ERROR: 0:92: 'sampler2DMS' : Reserved word.
ERROR: 0:98: 'textureSize' : no matching overloaded function found
ERROR: 0:98: 'assign' : cannot convert from 'const float' to 'highp 2-component vector of int'
ERROR: 0:99: 'writeonly' : argument cannot drop memory qualifier when passed to formal parameter
ERROR: 0:102: 'out' : cannot be bool
ERROR: 0:103: 'image2D' : sampler/image types can only be used in uniform variables or function parameters: imageOut
ERROR: 0:103: '' : image variables not declared 'writeonly' must have a format layout qualifier
ERROR: 0:104: 'out' : cannot be a matrix
ERROR: 31 compilation errors. No code generated.
Shader version: 310
using early_fragment_tests
ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:21 Function Definition: main( (void)
0:21 Function Parameters:
@ -193,6 +208,28 @@ ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:60 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:60 Construct bvec4 (4-component vector of bool)
0:60 'b' (bool)
0:94 Function Definition: foots( (void)
0:94 Function Parameters:
0:96 Sequence
0:96 Sequence
0:96 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 Function Call: textureSize(s21;i1; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 's1' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:96 Constant:
0:96 2 (const int)
0:97 Sequence
0:97 move second child to first child (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 'v3' (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 Function Call: textureSize(isA21;i1; (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:97 Constant:
0:97 3 (const int)
0:98 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 Function Call: imageSize(I21; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 'i2D' (layout(binding=2 ) writeonly uniform highp image2D)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'gl_FragCoord' (smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'v3' (layout(location=2 ) smooth in mediump 3-component vector of float)
@ -208,12 +245,27 @@ ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:? 's2' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:? 'i2D' (layout(binding=2 ) writeonly uniform highp image2D)
0:? 'bbi' (layout(binding=1 column_major shared ) uniform block{layout(column_major shared ) uniform mediump int foo, layout(binding=2 column_major shared ) uniform mediump float f})
0:? 'centroidIn' (centroid smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigl' (uniform mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigout1' (layout(location=40 ) out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigout2' (layout(location=40 ) out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'neg' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'b430i' (layout(column_major std430 ) uniform block{layout(column_major std430 offset=0 ) uniform mediump int i})
0:? 'bshari' (layout(column_major shared ) uniform block{layout(column_major shared ) uniform mediump int i})
0:? 'smoothIn' (smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'flatIn' (flat in mediump int)
0:? 's2dms' (uniform highp sampler2DMS)
0:? 'bout' (out bool)
0:? 'imageOut' (out highp image2D)
0:? 'mout' (out mediump 2X3 matrix of float)
Linked fragment stage:
ERROR: Linking fragment stage: when more than one fragment shader output, all must have location qualifiers
Shader version: 310
using early_fragment_tests
ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:21 Function Definition: main( (void)
0:21 Function Parameters:
@ -386,6 +438,28 @@ ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:60 'i' (uniform mediump int)
0:60 Construct bvec4 (4-component vector of bool)
0:60 'b' (bool)
0:94 Function Definition: foots( (void)
0:94 Function Parameters:
0:96 Sequence
0:96 Sequence
0:96 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 Function Call: textureSize(s21;i1; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:96 's1' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:96 Constant:
0:96 2 (const int)
0:97 Sequence
0:97 move second child to first child (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 'v3' (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 Function Call: textureSize(isA21;i1; (highp 3-component vector of int)
0:97 'isamp2DA' (uniform highp isampler2DArray)
0:97 Constant:
0:97 3 (const int)
0:98 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 move second child to first child (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 'v2' (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 Function Call: imageSize(I21; (highp 2-component vector of int)
0:99 'i2D' (layout(binding=2 ) writeonly uniform highp image2D)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'gl_FragCoord' (smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'v3' (layout(location=2 ) smooth in mediump 3-component vector of float)
@ -401,4 +475,17 @@ ERROR: node is still EOpNull!
0:? 's2' (layout(binding=3 ) uniform highp sampler2D)
0:? 'i2D' (layout(binding=2 ) writeonly uniform highp image2D)
0:? 'bbi' (layout(binding=1 column_major shared ) uniform block{layout(column_major shared ) uniform mediump int foo, layout(binding=2 column_major shared ) uniform mediump float f})
0:? 'centroidIn' (centroid smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigl' (uniform mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigout1' (layout(location=40 ) out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'bigout2' (layout(location=40 ) out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'neg' (out mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'b430i' (layout(column_major std430 ) uniform block{layout(column_major std430 offset=0 ) uniform mediump int i})
0:? 'bshari' (layout(column_major shared ) uniform block{layout(column_major shared ) uniform mediump int i})
0:? 'smoothIn' (smooth in mediump 4-component vector of float)
0:? 'flatIn' (flat in mediump int)
0:? 's2dms' (uniform highp sampler2DMS)
0:? 'bout' (out bool)
0:? 'imageOut' (out highp image2D)
0:? 'mout' (out mediump 2X3 matrix of float)

View File

@ -80,6 +80,13 @@ Shader Functionality to Implement/Finish
+ Texture gather
+ Bitfield operations
+ Integer mix function
- overlapping bindings
- offset post incrementing
- overlapping offsets
- frexp/ldexp
- packUnorm4x8(),packSnorm4x8(), unpackUnorm4x8(), unpackSnorm4x8()
- 2DMS samplers and images
- inheritance of memory qualifiers in block members
GLSL 1.2
+ Handle multiple compilation units per stage
+ Allow initializers on uniform declarations
@ -227,7 +234,7 @@ Shader Functionality to Implement/Finish
elements of the array.
- Arrays of arrays are now supported, as per the GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays extension.
+ Compute shaders are now supported, as per the GL_ARB_compute_shader extension.
- Added imageSize() built-ins to query the dimensions of an image.
+ Added imageSize() built-ins to query the dimensions of an image.
- All choice of depth or stencil texturing, for a packed depth-stencil texture, as per the
GL_ARB_stencil_texturing extension.
- Allow explicit locations/indexes to be assigned to uniform variables and subroutines, as per the

View File

@ -1960,7 +1960,6 @@ void TParseContext::globalQualifierCheck(TSourceLoc loc, const TQualifier& quali
if (publicType.basicType == EbtBool) {
error(loc, "cannot be bool", GetStorageQualifierString(qualifier.storage), "");
@ -2043,7 +2042,10 @@ void TParseContext::globalQualifierCheck(TSourceLoc loc, const TQualifier& quali
profileRequires(loc, EEsProfile, 300, 0, "fragment shader output");
if (publicType.basicType == EbtStruct) {
error(loc, "cannot be a structure", GetStorageQualifierString(qualifier.storage), "");
if (publicType.matrixRows > 0) {
error(loc, "cannot be a matrix", GetStorageQualifierString(qualifier.storage), "");
@ -2157,6 +2159,13 @@ void TParseContext::setDefaultPrecision(TSourceLoc loc, TPublicType& publicType,
if (basicType == EbtAtomicUint) {
if (qualifier != EpqHigh)
error(loc, "can only apply highp to atomic_uint", "precision", "");
error(loc, "cannot apply precision statement to this type; use 'float', 'int' or a sampler type", TType::getBasicString(basicType), "");
@ -3091,8 +3100,8 @@ void TParseContext::setLayoutQualifier(TSourceLoc loc, TPublicType& publicType,
if (id == "early_fragment_tests") {
requireProfile(loc, ENoProfile | ECoreProfile | ECompatibilityProfile, "early_fragment_tests");
profileRequires(loc, ENoProfile | ECoreProfile | ECompatibilityProfile, 420, GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store, "early_fragment_tests");
profileRequires(loc, EEsProfile, 310, 0, "early_fragment_tests");
publicType.shaderQualifiers.earlyFragmentTests = true;
@ -3393,6 +3402,11 @@ void TParseContext::layoutTypeCheck(TSourceLoc loc, const TType& type)
error(loc, "cannot apply to a matrix, structure, or block", "component", "");
if (qualifier.storage == EvqVaryingOut && language == EShLangFragment) {
if (qualifier.layoutLocation >= (unsigned int)resources.maxDrawBuffers)
error(loc, "too large for fragment output", "location", "");
switch (qualifier.storage) {
case EvqVaryingIn:
case EvqVaryingOut:

View File

@ -919,7 +919,9 @@ int TScanContext::tokenizeIdentifier()
return keyword;
if (parseContext.profile == EEsProfile ||
if (parseContext.profile == EEsProfile && parseContext.version >= 310)
else if (parseContext.profile == EEsProfile ||
(parseContext.profile != EEsProfile && parseContext.version < 400))
return identifierOrType();
return keyword;
@ -1104,6 +1106,11 @@ int TScanContext::secondGenerationImage()
afterType = true;
if (parseContext.profile == EEsProfile && parseContext.version >= 310) {
return keyword;
if (parseContext.symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel() || parseContext.profile != EEsProfile && (parseContext.version >= 420 || parseContext.extensionsTurnedOn(1, &GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store)))
return keyword;