Purpose :
According to GLSL SPEC 4.6 ( Compute Shader Inputs), for compute shader input qualifiers, we should declare such qualifiers with same values in the same shader (local_size_x, y and z).
"If such a layout qualifier is declared more than once in the same shader, all those declarations must set the same set of local work-group sizes and set them to the same values; otherwise a compile-time error results."
Why this fix:
If we manually set "local_size_x = 1" and directly following a declaration like "local_size_x = 2", this would not be detected. That is because currently we treat all the '1' as default value and could not restrictly detect whether those are default values.
Test case:
layout(local_size_x=1) in;
layout(local_size_x=2) in;
So I add test cases for this fix:
1. set local_size_y = 1 => success
2. set local_size_y = 2 => error
3. set local_size_y = 1 => success
Added the built-in functions EmitVertex(), EndPrimitive(), barrier(), memoryBarrier(), memoryBarrierAtomicCounter(), memoryBarrierBuffer(), memoryBarrierImage(), memoryBarrierShared(), and groupMemoryBarrier().
Have not added any new built-in variables.
Also changed the linear performance relateToOperator() to a high-performance version.
git-svn-id: https://cvs.khronos.org/svn/repos/ogl/trunk/ecosystem/public/sdk/tools/glslang@22659 e7fa87d3-cd2b-0410-9028-fcbf551c1848