steve-lunarg 4f2da27aec HLSL: phase 3a: Add sub-vec4 rwtexture formats (qualifier.layoutFormat)
This PR sets the TQualifier layoutFormat according to the HLSL image type.
For instance:

  RWTexture1D <float2> g_tTex1df2;

becomes ElfRg32f.  Similar on Buffers, e.g, Buffer<float4> mybuffer;

The return type for image and buffer loads is now taken from the storage format.
Also, the qualifier for the return type is now (properly) a temp, not a global.
2016-10-14 18:44:32 -06:00

141 lines
2.8 KiB

SamplerState g_sSamp : register(s0);
RWTexture1D <float> g_tTex1df1;
RWTexture1D <int> g_tTex1di1;
RWTexture1D <uint> g_tTex1du1;
RWTexture2D <float> g_tTex2df1;
RWTexture2D <int> g_tTex2di1;
RWTexture2D <uint> g_tTex2du1;
RWTexture3D <float> g_tTex3df1;
RWTexture3D <int> g_tTex3di1;
RWTexture3D <uint> g_tTex3du1;
RWTexture1DArray <float> g_tTex1df1a;
RWTexture1DArray <int> g_tTex1di1a;
RWTexture1DArray <uint> g_tTex1du1a;
RWTexture2DArray <float> g_tTex2df1a;
RWTexture2DArray <int> g_tTex2di1a;
RWTexture2DArray <uint> g_tTex2du1a;
struct PS_OUTPUT
float4 Color : SV_Target0;
uniform int c1;
uniform int2 c2;
uniform int3 c3;
uniform int4 c4;
uniform int o1;
uniform int2 o2;
uniform int3 o3;
uniform int4 o4;
uniform float uf1;
uniform int ui1;
uniform uint uu1;
int Fn1(in int x) { return x; }
uint Fn1(in uint x) { return x; }
float Fn1(in float x) { return x; }
void Fn2(out int x) { x = int(0); }
void Fn2(out uint x) { x = uint(0); }
void Fn2(out float x) { x = float(0); }
float SomeValue() { return c1; }
PS_OUTPUT main()
PS_OUTPUT psout;
// 1D
float r00 = g_tTex1df1[c1];
int r01 = g_tTex1di1[c1];
uint r02 = g_tTex1du1[c1];
// 2D
float r10 = g_tTex2df1[c2];
int r11 = g_tTex2di1[c2];
uint r12 = g_tTex2du1[c2];
// 3D
float r20 = g_tTex3df1[c3];
int r21 = g_tTex3di1[c3];
uint r22 = g_tTex3du1[c3];
float lf1 = uf1;
// Test as L-values
// 1D
g_tTex1df1[c1] = SomeValue(); // complex R-value
g_tTex1df1[c1] = lf1;
g_tTex1di1[c1] = int(2);
g_tTex1du1[c1] = uint(3);
// Test some operator= things, which need to do both a load and a store.
float val1 = (g_tTex1df1[c1] *= 2.0);
g_tTex1df1[c1] -= 3.0;
g_tTex1df1[c1] += 4.0;
g_tTex1di1[c1] /= 2;
g_tTex1di1[c1] %= 2;
g_tTex1di1[c1] &= 0xffff;
g_tTex1di1[c1] |= 0xf0f0;
g_tTex1di1[c1] <<= 2;
g_tTex1di1[c1] >>= 2;
// 2D
g_tTex2df1[c2] = SomeValue(); // complex L-value
g_tTex2df1[c2] = lf1;
g_tTex2di1[c2] = int(5);
g_tTex2du1[c2] = uint(6);
// 3D
g_tTex3df1[c3] = SomeValue(); // complex L-value
g_tTex3df1[c3] = lf1;
g_tTex3di1[c3] = int(8);
g_tTex3du1[c3] = uint(9);
// Test function calling
Fn1(g_tTex1df1[c1]); // in
Fn1(g_tTex1di1[c1]); // in
Fn1(g_tTex1du1[c1]); // in
Fn2(g_tTex1df1[c1]); // out
Fn2(g_tTex1di1[c1]); // out
Fn2(g_tTex1du1[c1]); // out
// Test increment operators
// pre-ops
// post-ops
// read and write
g_tTex1df1[1] = g_tTex2df1[int2(2, 3)];
psout.Color = 1.0;
return psout;