steve-lunarg 4f2da27aec HLSL: phase 3a: Add sub-vec4 rwtexture formats (qualifier.layoutFormat)
This PR sets the TQualifier layoutFormat according to the HLSL image type.
For instance:

  RWTexture1D <float2> g_tTex1df2;

becomes ElfRg32f.  Similar on Buffers, e.g, Buffer<float4> mybuffer;

The return type for image and buffer loads is now taken from the storage format.
Also, the qualifier for the return type is now (properly) a temp, not a global.
2016-10-14 18:44:32 -06:00

39 lines
674 B

uniform Buffer <float> g_tTexbfs_test : register(t0);
Buffer <float> g_tTexbfs;
Buffer <int> g_tTexbis;
Buffer <uint> g_tTexbus;
struct PS_OUTPUT
float4 Color : SV_Target0;
float Depth : SV_Depth;
uniform int c1;
uniform int2 c2;
uniform int3 c3;
uniform int4 c4;
uniform int o1;
uniform int2 o2;
uniform int3 o3;
uniform int4 o4;
PS_OUTPUT main()
PS_OUTPUT psout;
// Buffer
float r00 = g_tTexbfs.Load(c1);
int r01 = g_tTexbis.Load(c1);
uint r02 = g_tTexbus.Load(c1);
// TODO: other types that can be put in sampler buffers, like float2x2, and float3.
psout.Color = 1.0;
psout.Depth = 1.0;
return psout;