mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 04:20:06 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://cvs.khronos.org/svn/repos/ogl/trunk/ecosystem/public/sdk/tools/glslang@31180 e7fa87d3-cd2b-0410-9028-fcbf551c1848
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282 lines
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#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace spv {
// MSVC defines __cplusplus as an older value, even when it supports almost all of 11.
// We handle that here by making our own symbol.
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L || _MSC_VER >= 1800
# define use_cpp11 1
class spirvbin_base_t
enum Options {
NONE = 0,
STRIP = (1<<0),
MAP_TYPES = (1<<1),
MAP_NAMES = (1<<2),
MAP_FUNCS = (1<<3),
DCE_FUNCS = (1<<4),
DCE_VARS = (1<<5),
DCE_TYPES = (1<<6),
// OS dependent path separator (avoiding boost::filesystem dependency)
#if defined(_WIN32)
static const char path_sep_char() { return '\\'; }
static const char path_sep_char() { return '/'; }
// Poor man's basename, to avoid external dependencies
static const std::string basename(const std::string& filename);
} // namespace SPV
#if !defined (use_cpp11)
#include <stdio.h>
namespace spv {
class spirvbin_t : public spirvbin_base_t
spirvbin_t(int verbose = 0) { }
void remap(std::vector<unsigned int>& spv, unsigned int opts = 0)
printf("Tool not compiled for C++11, which is required for SPIR-V remapping.\n");
void remap(const std::string& filename, const std::string& outputDir, unsigned int opts = 0)
printf("Tool not compiled for C++11, which is required for SPIR-V remapping.\n");
} // namespace SPV
#else // defined (use_cpp11)
#include <functional>
#include <cstdint>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <cassert>
#include "../../glslang/SPIRV/spirv.h"
#include "../../glslang/SPIRV/spvIR.h"
namespace spv {
// class to hold SPIRV binary data for remapping, DCE, and debug stripping
class spirvbin_t : public spirvbin_base_t
spirvbin_t(int verbose = 0) : entryPoint(spv::NoResult), largestNewId(0), verbose(verbose) { }
// remap on an existing binary in memory
void remap(std::vector<std::uint32_t>& spv, std::uint32_t opts = Options::DO_EVERYTHING);
// load binary from disk file, and remap that.
void remap(const std::string& filename, const std::string& outputDir,
std::uint32_t opts = Options::DO_EVERYTHING);
// Type for error/log handler functions
typedef std::function<void(const std::string&)> errorfn_t;
typedef std::function<void(const std::string&)> logfn_t;
// Register error/log handling functions (can be lambda fn / functor / etc)
static void registerErrorHandler(errorfn_t handler) { errorHandler = handler; }
static void registerLogHandler(logfn_t handler) { logHandler = handler; }
// This can be overridden to provide other message behavior if needed
virtual void msg(int minVerbosity, int indent, const std::string& txt) const;
// write SPV to given directory using filename passed to remap(filename...)
void write(const std::string& outputDir) const;
// Local to global, or global to local ID map
typedef std::unordered_map<spv::Id, spv::Id> idmap_t;
typedef std::unordered_set<spv::Id> idset_t;
void read(const std::string& filename); // read SPV from disk file
void remap(std::uint32_t opts = Options::DO_EVERYTHING);
// Map of names to IDs
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, spv::Id> namemap_t;
typedef std::uint32_t spirword_t;
typedef std::pair<int, int> range_t;
typedef std::function<void(spv::Id&)> idfn_t;
typedef std::function<bool(spv::Op, int start)> instfn_t;
// Special Values for ID map:
static const spv::Id unmapped; // unchanged from default value
static const spv::Id unused; // unused ID
static const int header_size; // SPIR header = 5 words
class id_iterator_t;
// For mapping type entries between different shaders
typedef std::vector<spirword_t> typeentry_t;
typedef std::map<spv::Id, typeentry_t> globaltypes_t;
// A set that preserves position order, and a reverse map
typedef std::set<int> posmap_t;
typedef std::unordered_map<spv::Id, int> posmap_rev_t;
// handle error
void error(const std::string& txt) const { errorHandler(txt); }
// handle error with our filename appended to the string
void ferror(const std::string& txt) const {
error(std::string("\nERROR processing file ") + filename + ":\n" + txt);
bool isConstOp(spv::Op opCode) const;
bool isTypeOp(spv::Op opCode) const;
bool isStripOp(spv::Op opCode) const;
bool isFlowCtrlOpen(spv::Op opCode) const;
bool isFlowCtrlClose(spv::Op opCode) const;
range_t literalRange(spv::Op opCode) const;
range_t typeRange(spv::Op opCode) const;
range_t constRange(spv::Op opCode) const;
spv::Id& asId(int word) { return spv[word]; }
const spv::Id& asId(int word) const { return spv[word]; }
spv::Op asOpCode(int word) const { return opOpCode(spv[word]); }
std::uint32_t asOpCodeHash(int word);
spv::Decoration asDecoration(int word) const { return spv::Decoration(spv[word]); }
unsigned asWordCount(int word) const { return opWordCount(spv[word]); }
spv::Id asTypeConstId(int word) const { return asId(word + (isTypeOp(asOpCode(word)) ? 1 : 2)); }
int typePos(spv::Id id) const;
static unsigned opWordCount(spirword_t data) { return data >> spv::WordCountShift; }
static spv::Op opOpCode(spirword_t data) { return spv::Op(data & spv::OpCodeMask); }
// Header access & set methods
spirword_t magic() const { return spv[0]; } // return magic number
spirword_t bound() const { return spv[3]; } // return Id bound from header
spirword_t bound(spirword_t b) { return spv[3] = b; };
spirword_t genmagic() const { return spv[2]; } // generator magic
spirword_t genmagic(spirword_t m) { return spv[2] = m; }
spirword_t schemaNum() const { return spv[4]; } // schema number from header
// Mapping fns: get
spv::Id localId(spv::Id id) const { return idMapL[id]; }
// Mapping fns: set
inline spv::Id localId(spv::Id id, spv::Id newId);
void countIds(spv::Id id);
// Return next unused new local ID.
// NOTE: boost::dynamic_bitset would be more efficient due to find_next(),
// which std::vector<bool> doens't have.
inline spv::Id nextUnusedId(spv::Id id);
void buildLocalMaps();
std::string literalString(int word) const; // Return literal as a std::string
int literalStringWords(const std::string& str) const { return (int(str.size())+4)/4; }
bool isNewIdMapped(spv::Id newId) const { return isMapped(newId); }
bool isOldIdUnmapped(spv::Id oldId) const { return localId(oldId) == unmapped; }
bool isOldIdUnused(spv::Id oldId) const { return localId(oldId) == unused; }
bool isOldIdMapped(spv::Id oldId) const { return !isOldIdUnused(oldId) && !isOldIdUnmapped(oldId); }
bool isFunction(spv::Id oldId) const { return fnPos.find(oldId) != fnPos.end(); }
// bool matchType(const globaltypes_t& globalTypes, spv::Id lt, spv::Id gt) const;
// spv::Id findType(const globaltypes_t& globalTypes, spv::Id lt) const;
std::uint32_t hashType(int typeStart) const;
spirvbin_t& process(instfn_t, idfn_t, int begin = 0, int end = 0);
int processInstruction(int word, instfn_t, idfn_t);
void validate() const;
void mapTypeConst();
void mapFnBodies();
void optLoadStore();
void dceFuncs();
void dceVars();
void dceTypes();
void mapNames();
void foldIds(); // fold IDs to smallest space
void forwardLoadStores(); // load store forwarding (EXPERIMENTAL)
void offsetIds(); // create relative offset IDs
void applyMap(); // remap per local name map
void mapRemainder(); // map any IDs we haven't touched yet
void stripDebug(); // strip debug info
void strip(); // remove debug symbols
std::vector<spirword_t> spv; // SPIR words
std::string filename; // the file this came from
namemap_t nameMap; // ID names from OpName
// Since we want to also do binary ops, we can't use std::vector<bool>. we could use
// boost::dynamic_bitset, but we're trying to avoid a boost dependency.
typedef std::uint64_t bits_t;
std::vector<bits_t> mapped; // which new IDs have been mapped
static const int mBits = sizeof(bits_t) * 4;
bool isMapped(spv::Id id) const { return id < maxMappedId() && ((mapped[id/mBits] & (1LL<<(id%mBits))) != 0); }
void setMapped(spv::Id id) { resizeMapped(id); mapped[id/mBits] |= (1LL<<(id%mBits)); }
void resizeMapped(spv::Id id) { if (id >= maxMappedId()) mapped.resize(id/mBits+1, 0); }
size_t maxMappedId() const { return mapped.size() * mBits; }
// Add a strip range for a given instruction starting at 'start'
// Note: avoiding brace initializers to please older versions os MSVC.
void stripInst(int start) { stripRange.push_back(std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(start, start + asWordCount(start))); }
// Function start and end. use unordered_map because we'll have
// many fewer functions than IDs.
std::unordered_map<spv::Id, std::pair<int, int>> fnPos;
std::unordered_map<spv::Id, std::pair<int, int>> fnPosDCE; // deleted functions
// Which functions are called, anywhere in the module, with a call count
std::unordered_map<spv::Id, int> fnCalls;
posmap_t typeConstPos; // word positions that define types & consts (ordered)
posmap_rev_t typeConstPosR; // reverse map from IDs to positions
std::vector<spv::Id> idMapL; // ID {M}ap from {L}ocal to {G}lobal IDs
spv::Id entryPoint; // module entry point
spv::Id largestNewId; // biggest new ID we have mapped anything to
// Sections of the binary to strip, given as [begin,end)
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> stripRange;
// processing options:
std::uint32_t options;
int verbose; // verbosity level
static errorfn_t errorHandler;
static logfn_t logHandler;
} // namespace SPV
#endif // defined (use_cpp11)