Daniel Koch 83170e3f7a Enable GL_KHR_shader_subgroup properly
(and GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned) based on GL/ES version
instead of predicating it on vulkan SPV generation

Also add AST testing.
The glsl.450.subgroup* files are largely the same as the spv.subgroup*
The glsl.es320.subgroup* files are the same as the 450 versions, but modified to be ES compatible.
2019-03-26 13:45:33 -04:00

8 lines
193 B

#version 320 es
#extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic: enable
layout(location = 0) out uvec4 data;
void main (void)
data = uvec4(gl_SubgroupSize, gl_SubgroupInvocationID, 0, 0);