jimihem 44fcbccd06
location aliasing (#3438)
* location aliasing
    when location aliasing, the aliases sharing the location must have the same underlying numerical type
    (floating-point or integer) and the same auxiliary storage and interpolation qualification.
    The following case, glslang need report error.

    layout(vertices = 1) out;

    layout (location = 1, component = 0)  in  double gohan[];
    layout (location = 1, component = 2)  in  float goten[];

    in  vec4 vs_tcs[];
    out vec4 tcs_tes[];

    void main()

* Need consider the following case: location aliasing with different interpolation qualifier.
2024-04-26 12:05:08 -04:00

15 lines
277 B

#version 430 core
#extension GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts : require
layout(vertices = 1) out;
layout (location = 1, component = 0) in double gohan[];
layout (location = 1, component = 2) in float goten[];
in vec4 vs_tcs[];
out vec4 tcs_tes[];
void main()