Arseny Kapoulkine 34d4f78f03
Fix interaction between GL_EXT_mesh_shader and GL_EXT_fragment_shading_rate
Before this change, using gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT in mesh shader would
unconditionally create gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT.gl_PrimitiveShadingRateEXT
field and add PrimitiveShadingRateKHR capability to the output SPIRV
file, which would subsequently trigger validation errors when creating
the shader module unless the application requested primitive shading
rate feature.

What should happen instead is that unless GL_EXT_fragment_shading_rate
extension is enabled, we should not allow using
gl_PrimitiveShadingRateEXT and should not emit the associated fields
into the output.

This change fixes this by using existing filterMember mechanism that is
already used in a few other cases like this, and adjusting the required
extension on the field member which will generate an error when
gl_PrimitiveShadingRateEXT is used without enabling the extension.
2023-08-07 11:38:17 -06:00

77 lines
2.6 KiB

#version 460
#define MAX_VER 81
#define MAX_PRIM 32
#define BARRIER() \
memoryBarrierShared(); \
#extension GL_EXT_mesh_shader : enable
#extension GL_EXT_fragment_shading_rate : enable
layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y=1, local_size_z=1) in;
layout(max_vertices=MAX_VER) out;
layout(max_primitives=MAX_PRIM) out;
layout(triangles) out;
// test use of builtins in mesh shaders:
void main()
uint iid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x;
uint gid = gl_WorkGroupID.x;
uvec3 numWorkGrous = gl_NumWorkGroups;
uint vertexCount = MAX_VER; // vertexCount <= max_vertices
uint primitiveCount = MAX_PRIM; // primitiveCount <= max_primtives
SetMeshOutputsEXT(vertexCount, primitiveCount);
gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid].gl_Position = vec4(1.0);
gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid].gl_PointSize = 2.0;
gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid].gl_ClipDistance[3] = 3.0;
gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid].gl_CullDistance[2] = 4.0;
gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid+1].gl_Position = gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid].gl_Position;
gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid+1].gl_PointSize = gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid].gl_PointSize;
gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid+1].gl_ClipDistance[3] = gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid].gl_ClipDistance[3];
gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid+1].gl_CullDistance[2] = gl_MeshVerticesEXT[iid].gl_CullDistance[2];
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid].gl_PrimitiveID = 6;
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid].gl_Layer = 7;
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid].gl_ViewportIndex = 8;
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid].gl_CullPrimitiveEXT = false;
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid].gl_PrimitiveShadingRateEXT = 0;
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid+1].gl_PrimitiveID = gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid].gl_PrimitiveID;
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid+1].gl_Layer = gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid].gl_Layer;
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid+1].gl_ViewportIndex = gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid].gl_ViewportIndex;
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid+1].gl_CullPrimitiveEXT = gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid].gl_CullPrimitiveEXT;
gl_MeshPrimitivesEXT[iid+1].gl_PrimitiveShadingRateEXT = 0;
// check bound limits
gl_PrimitiveTriangleIndicesEXT[0] = uvec3(257); // should truncate 257 -> 1, range is between [0, vertexCount-1]
gl_PrimitiveTriangleIndicesEXT[primitiveCount - 1] = uvec3(2); // array size is primitiveCount*3 for triangle
gl_PrimitiveTriangleIndicesEXT[gid] = gl_PrimitiveTriangleIndicesEXT[gid-1];
// test use of builtins enabled by other extensions
#extension GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters : enable
#extension GL_EXT_multiview : enable
void testAdditionalBuiltins()
int id = gl_DrawIDARB; // GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters
int viewIdx = gl_ViewIndex; // GL_EXT_multiview