John Kessenich 630dd7da43 HLSL: Flesh out misc. declaration grammar: semantics/registers/annotations/precise/etc.
Details within these bear even more fleshing out, but would like to have
that driven by actual need.
2016-06-12 23:54:31 -06:00

12 lines
324 B

float4 AmbientColor = float4(1, 0.5, 0, 1);
bool ff1 : SV_IsFrontFace;
float4 ff2 : packoffset(c0.y);
float4 ff3 : packoffset(c0.y) : register(ps_5_0, s[0]) ;
float4 ff4 : VPOS : packoffset(c0.y) : register(ps_5_0, s[0]) <int bambam=30;> ;
float4 ShaderFunction(float4 input) : COLOR0
return input * AmbientColor;